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Everything posted by watchingtvaddict

  1. Pedro is into weightlifting and at different times during filming through the years he has been really big. But, I think he is just bulking before slimming down again and building muscle. A personal trainer at my gym goes through similar bulking/cutting cycles.
  2. How many episodes is this supposed to be? Has anyone watched it yet? I'd like to read a recap from one of the fine members of Primetimer as I believe you guys bring the good snark.
  3. Amber being offended about Matt wanting to have his own bathroom is mind boggling to me. Tall people and short people sharing a bathroom is a pain you are always adjusting things because the shower needs to be at a different angle for both people and I'm sure other things will be placed in inconvenient spots for one of the partners. Matt might be pulling away and an asshole but his desire for separate bathrooms is 100% logical.
  4. I like that she decided to do something tangible with fitness. She wasn't just shilling weight loss products online she showed us she did something with her online fame. People might not like the final product but if she stays in bikini fitness she'll probably maintain a feminine appearance and not become too ripped. Although I do like the female physique when women body build.
  5. This story has to be fabricated then because it was my understanding permanent residents aren't allowed to leave the States for more than 6 months without permission and after a year the clock for citizenship resets and getting back into the country can be tricky. Unless she is planning on moving to Canada with Aladin?
  6. Matt was super happy his wife enjoyed making out with him all the time when they first met. I don't think she forced him to do anything when it came to sex/being intimate. If he respected her and wasn't 100% attracted to her he could have stopped sex from happening but instead he probably saw her as an easy lay AND thinks its okay to have sex with his wife even if he doesn't plan on staying with her because she is his wife.
  7. I think they might be following the Australian MAFS as the couples live in an apartment complex during shooting. I only watched one episode but the drama was crazy. And a few people were accused of cheating/flirting with husbands/wives so they're probably doing to up drama see if another couple has better chemistry AND to save on filming cost and time.
  8. Wouldn't surprise me though if Sumit had to quit his job so he could film the show. I wouldn't be surprised if this storyline is manufactured for drama and he told Jenny beforehand if he wouldn't be working.
  9. No quarantine. Bringing a cat or dog to the States is pretty easy. I think the UK is more difficult because it is an island, but I know a few people will bring their cat/dog in through France and then take the ferry to the UK to get around the quarantine issue.
  10. In Korean culture its the norm to bedshare and I think it happens until 10/12 but also some families will sleep in the same room so grandmother, grandfather, mom, dad and kids will sleep in the bedroom as there is only one room to sleep in.
  11. You need to have a college degree to teach English in Korea... Jihoon still has heart eyes and a fairy tale understanding of American culture and a relationship with Deavan. He is doing the right thing by standing with Deavan through this pregnancy but I have little faith he has any understanding of what its going to take to raise a kid with Deavan... I feel for both of Deavan's kids.
  12. I'm convinced now with the theory Iris is thinking of starting a self-help youtube type channel for relationships. She is giving the other wives advice about things if they like it or not and telling them how to "enhance" the experience. I think what Iris and Keith do is set aside time once every second day to talk about things that annoy them. Deonna didn't like the idea because you're sitting on information/gathering information for a while and she believes you should talk about it in the moment. I'm not sure if Greg agrees with her completely because she didn't really ask for his opinion.
  13. I hate this ad with a burning fire I feel like he is giving himself an easy out with Amber. He says "If my new venture doesn't do that great, I might be gone for 6-10 months". She says it's a deal breaker and now it isn't his fault the marriage failed. And even if his new venture isn't a complete failure he can find some excuse to go overseas to get away from his new bride.
  14. I don't think the foreigner gets paid because they're still working for a US company and I think all the laws that apply in the States still apply in another country. They're making a product for a US market and I don't think they production company is going to the trouble of setting up or contracting out the work to a foreign production company so the foreigner will be able to pay taxes on the income. Azan didn't receive his paycheck but had to wait for Nicole to give him his half, so I don't think the production company would operate differently for The Other Way...But, I could be wrong.
  15. Ashley taught Jay that it was okay for him to cheat on her... She knew he was cheating in Jamaica and still visited him/gave him gifts/married him. He is a kid of 20 years old and after he cheated she controlled him with his immigration status and threats of deportation. This is/was a highly abusive relationship and I fully blame Ashley for the situation as she knew who she was marrying. I think she should have paid Jay's plane ticket so he could move back to Jamaica with the 90 Day Fiance funds. If Jay didn't want to move back to Jamaica he should have tried to find an immigration lawyer to help him out with his immigration status because Ashley refused to adjust his status... I'm sure immigration lawyers are well versed in helping out immigrants who are being held hostage by their American citizen spouses in this way.
  16. The mom probably did expect a Korean breakfast. Koreans are known worldwide in the tourist industry for only wanting to eat Korean food. A friend of mine went on a tour with a Korean company to Thailand with her Korean husband. 5 days in Thailand they only ate Thai food once. Every other meal was Korean food. Then again when I travel in SE Asia I'm always looking for a good English breakfast. I find comfort food to be very enjoyable in a foreign country especially if my stomach is feeling a big funky... so, I think a Korean style breakfast would have made the family feel a little better especially after seeing a feral child eat their scrambled eggs with her dirty hands.
  17. JiHoon's English isn't that good so he might struggle to get work in the States. I don't think Deavan works? So, maybe she doesn't have the funds to sponsor JiHoon. She's probably moving to Korea because cost of living will be cheaper and they'll get support from the government for being a multicultural family. Childcare is free for the first couple of years for Korean kids so Deavan and JiHoon won't have to worry about the cost of sending the new baby to day care. Flying a dog to the States is pretty cheap. IIt only costs $200 to add the animal to your ticket and you just have to show the dog has been vaccinated. A friend of mine took their dog to the States from Korea when they visited family because it was cheaper than getting a dog sitter/boarding the animal.
  18. JiHoon's mom didn't seem too impressed with the American breakfast Deavan was cooking. The mom even tried to get her to stop by mentioning they had left overs and kimchi in the fridge. Deavan should have realised at that moment that maybe she should have changed course and just given them a Korean style breakfast of leftovers. She also had a great excuse for changing her plan when her child was eating the communal eggs with her bare hands! I'm worried about the little kid. If she isn't really verbal right now, she is going to struggle in school when she moves to Korea. She won't be able to speak the language of instruction and Korean teachers are known to just ignore students who struggle.
  19. I have no faith in the foreigners in this situation. Maybe Sumit thinks this would be a wake up for Jenny and she will decide its better for them to move to the States. I really think "the other way" is a long con for foreigners to move to the States without it seeming like a relationship scam... "look we tried to make it work in my country but the States was a better bet for us to stay together..."
  20. Oh wow. Sounds like he made the right decision. It seems shady and he is a pretty quiet guy especially in comparison to Amber but the drama of inviting only one parent would have probably caused a lot more drama.
  21. I'm really starting to warm to Deonna. The previews made her complaint about compliments seem OTT but she was asking Greg to not give her rapid fire 3 compliments in a row... And only for a week. I think she has a great dry humor and Greg gets her so, I think production will try to make their issues seems bigger than they are. Iris is forever talking with her hands. I feel like she is setting herself up to be a relationship expert in the future. She was giving advice to the other wives on what they should be doing in their relationships "asking about their husband's intentions etc". I don't understand the argument between the Elizabeth and Jamie. She really dropped the ball and should have told the other women she was headed up to the shower and Jamie should follow her. If my stranger husband disappeared after a long morning of filming I would assume he needed some alone time ESPECIALLY if he didn't ask the other stranger husbands to pass a long a message. I am glad they sorted it out after Jamie explained he also felt abandoned.
  22. Milla on the family date with her new beau was a little strange. But, I am happy she is out dating again.
  23. I think you guys are right. Corey is talking about applying for citizenship after the 90 days in Ecuador and a quick google shows you need to be married for 3 years to a citizen of Ecuador/or a resident of Ecuador for 3 years. My guess is they've been married for 3 years and are using this show to advertise their business venture.
  24. I thought it was hilarious when Ronald's mom was talking to Daniel in Afrikaans. And he responded in Spanish. Poor kid arrives in a foreign country after a day of flying and listening to a language he doesn't understand.
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