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  1. Agreed. This was really meh for me, neither that interesting nor exiting. For a master (I mean occasional dabbler) of the dark arts, I was disappointed that he didn’t try to use any means other than the conventional to get out of the car. Fail to break the window via physical strength = death? How's that different from the standard "carchase ends with one car in a canal/lake" trope? The final confrontation in particular was a major letdown. It was simply a case who’s demon can get whom faster. John had no incantation to try to wrest control of the whatchamacallits nor one to stop them choking him, and the Romany didn’t even attempt to close the Lenny portal that John had opened or used her Gypsy magic to collapse the roof on it, or something, or anything. When both sides are equally defenseless against the other’s offence, it is really not much different from who is better at the quick draw in a gunfight. Frankly, I’d rather have seen what happened after John lit his hands on fire in the ending montage of the pilot. That seemed much more interesting than what we got in this episode. I am in for a couple more episodes at least, but I am not optimistic about the series appeal to people like myself who have never read the comics.
  2. Ok, the person that's going to come out of the bushes behind Daryl is.....William Shatner as William Shatner! J/K of course, but on TD Andrew Lincoln was onced asked "if you could choose one guest star to appear on TWD playing as themselves akin to Bill Murray in Zombieland, who would you choose?" I thought his pick of William Shatner was so perfect that I'm rooting for it to happen one day.
  3. You have touched on something that I had been mulling over since s05e01 aired. Even if real, the thing could not possibly have been field tested yet. I am not talking about proper tests with proper sample sizes and control groups here, I am thinking that given how useless he is in front of walkers, I bet he has never even, say, put the formula into some spray cans or made some homemade pathogen water balloons and then gone out and tossed a few of them at real walkers to see what happens. In fact, other than theoritically, he would have no clue whether it worked at all, let alone what the dispersal patterns are, how long it would stay airborne, side-effects to other creatures etc. For all we know, it could render walkers unconscious for an hour and give them new super-speed when they woke. (Hey! In a reality where walkers exists, super-speed can also exist!) Or it could kill all the plant-life along with walkers and wipe out life on the planet. The disaster scenarios are endless with a completely untested bioweapon. ... ... ... With regards to the church congregation: The presence of the church-lady with glasses (along with many of her friends) at the food bank suggests the possibility that the congregation may have been starving at the time and came to the Church looking for food they knew was there, rather than shelter. Their enfeebled state plus the knowledge that there was an alternative repository of food (namely the aforementioned food bank) may have contributed to much shouting of abuse and graffiti insults but only half-hearted attempts at actually breaking in before some bright fellow shouted “Yo!, Forget this shit, let's head to the food bank y’all.” This would mean that a walker attack was not even imminent at the time but was an embellishment to make him appear, however marginally, slightly less of a selfish coward than he actually was (and that he didn’t actually go out and bury anyone later), but otherwise the testimony was somewhat true. Just another scenario that fits (kinda - with some stretching) the physical evidence, the one witness testimony we have, and the location of where some of the congregation’s (un)dead bodies were found.
  4. I don’t how it was in the comics so I could be completely wrong, but if this was a standalone show I would have strongly suspected that the regression in Glenn’s character in S2 was done in service of establishing Maggie’s character and the foundation of the romance (rather the romance itself per se.) The subservient errand boy was such a far cry from S01 Glenn that I got a strong impression he was written that way so that Maggie could deliver that specific line or to fit into an already preconceived scene such as where Maggie would throw Lori’s morning after pills at her while Glenn stood apologetically by, or how him freezing in the bar fight would (in their minds) be a good tweak for the “all I thought about was you” scene that they had already written. In other words, they had already roughly storyboarded what the new Maggie character’s course for S02 would be, including all the above set-piece scenes with Glenn in it, and then went back and retrofitted Glenn’s characteristics so that it would fit into those scenes when they occurred in the script. If we examine S01, this quirky risk taker was actually often deferred to. Rick deferred to him completely for the gun bag retrieval plan; from who was going to stand where and who was going to do what. A better example was the morning after the camp attack when Morales and Daryl, still in his bitchy phase, start dragging a body over to a pyre. Glenn confronts them (paraphrasing): “What are you guys doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there.” Daryl, “what’s the difference, they are infected.” Glenn, “Our people go in that row over there. [shouting] We bury them! We don’t burn them, understand?” Daryl backs down and complies, still grumbling, shouting things like “y’all had this coming for leaving my brother” etc. to the camp in general, but complies he does. What I found funny was sometime after that Daryl goes to Rick and Shane and like a little girl (or boy) looking for allies, complains: “We all already agreed to burn them, Chinaman gets emotional and tells us it’s not the thing to do and we all follow him along? Who’s in charge here?” The joke being that Rick and Shane were digging graves at the time so they were obviously complying with “the Chinaman’s” wishes. Anyway, the point is Glenn didn’t voice his opinion much but when he did, it carried some real clout on how things were done at camp 1.0 right up to its demise. Not exactly a guy that’s going to be called “peach boy” and go “ok coming” at camp 2.0. Come to think of it, I kind of enjoy watching the more bitchy complaining version of Daryl than the “too KoolForSkool” character he is today, but that’s for another thread. It’s hard to come back from being “peach boy” so the writers had better pen him as a co-leader of Team DC. There are as many people loyal to him (Maggie/Tara) as there are to Abe (Rosita/Eugene), so why not.
  5. Is anyone else getting the vibe that she has feelings for Glenn beyond just loyalty and gratitude? If you have the show recorded go watch that scene when Glenn comes out of the gun store with the silencers. The look Tara gave him was positively doting and then fell abrubtly when Glenn paid her little heed and walked off with Maggie. Normally, I'd say this made a crush supposition pretty much nailed on, but... ...as the show has already well established that she only likes girls, I'm wondering; what's up with that?
  6. Kikismom, Jbody and other posters on the CDC/Eugene issue: When Abe/Eugene say they have “the cure,” it is actually meant as a macro statement ala “a cure to the world’s ailment” as opposed to a medical cure of the type that Herschel had been waiting for when he kept his relatives and neighbors in the barn. Eugene does NOT want to go to the CDC nor any type of research lab. He wants to go a Biochemical Weapons command center. Technically what Eugen claims to have is a formula to a bioweapon that once/if deployed will kill off all the walkers and thus allow whomever is still living to reclaim the world. It will not actually cure anyone. For example, if Eugene is for real and had gotten to DC in season 2 unbeknownst to the Rickets, one morning our merry cast would have woken up to find all the walkers in the barn in a rotting pile. Herschel would not have gotten his wife and son back, no tearful joyous reunion between Carol and Sophia. Dead is dead(er). What Eugene exactly said was this: “I am keenly aware of all the details behind failsafe delivery systems to kill every living person on this planet. I believe that with a little tweaking at the terminals in DC we can flip the script – take out every last one of them. Fire with fire.” Now whilst I personally think that the chances of finding something like that still functioning and staffed even more absurd, that’s another discussion. (Made a post about it way back in the thread somewhere - they’d need several specific generals who would have what would be a multi-part security code for the launch protocols and still need a small army of people to go out to every silo scattered all over the country to power up the generators and replace the assorted Anthrax, Smallpox, or whatever payloads with “Eugene formula” payloads etc.) It still remains that whether the CDC still exists or not is irrelevant to Eugene/Abe as far as this specific plan is concerned. Eugene wants access to a weapons delivery system and launch trigger which, according to him, exists in DC. I also wouldn't count Abe possibly being ex-military to mean that he should know what (still) exists, what doesn't and what never even was. If he was at least a Brigadier (1 star general) or higher then maybe. He stikes me more as Sargent-type and at that paygrade, he'd know about as much as a deputy-sheriff. That is; not much at all. ITA. In fact, I found what he said “[you wouldn’t understand it] even if I wrote step by step instructions complete with illustrations and an FAQ” so condescending that if I’d been there I’d have slapped him upside the head for it. However, if we take off our rational viewers’ hat and put on Eugene’s, there is a good reason for not telling irrespective of whether the formula is real or just BS. Doing so would turn him from being the “Pvt. Ryan” of the group that everyone wants to keep alive at all costs into “Cpl. Upham” carrier mule who the squad will still try to protect but a non-essential everyone knows is completely useless in a fight. Very self-serving and non-altruistic to be sure, but still rational from Eugene’s PoV. As to why Abe beleives so much in Eugene - that I am afriad I can't theorize on without it being complete wild guesses. Yet. (Depending on what other exposition we get when they get closer and closer to DC). Maybe in his hearts of hearts he has doubts and it's a matter or wanting to believe so much that he does. There was an incident in the train car when Eugene was getting grilled where Abe seemed to get a little nervous and started to tell people to back off that I made a mentel note of at the time as, "hmm, that's interesting." Considering the source and all the excitement immediately following; Rick had to murder the guy literally 2 mins after that conversation, then got engaged in a long drawn out gunfight, made a skin-of-your-teeth type escape from a walker horde only to find more Lori/Shane drama via car crash on arrival; in this instance I’ll give the writers a pass for assuming that that specific line in a very awkard, manacing conversation may have been discarded as a lie by Rick and Glenn (the only two currently still alive who heard it) or that it has completely slipped their mind by now due to all the other things that they are going to remember from that day.
  7. I dropped this show after season 1 and never came back despite still retaining some interest for the premise simply because I really can’t stand the lead actor. This is the first time I’ve seen him as I didn’t watch House so maybe he is good in a comedic role or as a comedic foil or something, but as far as Resurrection is concerned he is simply terrible IMHO. His constant all weather, all situation, all occasion “duh” kind of expression lacking any sense of depth or force of emotion had me grinding my teeth just to (barely) make it to see what would happen at the end of the season. Ejiofor would have been perfect for this role but he’s probably too big for it now after 12 Years a Slave, but I could come up with any number of names who’d be a huge upgrade and kept me still watching; Terrence Howard, Lennie James, Roger Cross, Seth Gilliam etc., even Harold Perrineau would at least bring some intensity into the role. Oh well.
  8. Apart from who stayed/who left being part of a specific deal that was struck because of an immediate issue at the time (which is another discusssion that has beaten around quite a bit), I’ll take my viewers hat off and try to get into the character mindset of Abe on a more general macro level on this issue: Abe’s overriding objective is to get Eugene to DC safely. There are more considerations here than just more warriors = more protection=better. First there is the time perspective, more people equals more delays and detours. Second, depending on the type of warrior it could mean more risks and ergo less safety as well (but I’ll get to this in point 2). 1. From Abe’s PoV, it is easy to get the impression that Rick’s group has a propensity to meander and not stay on mission. His train of thought would be along the lines of; “Even if the termites are eliminated what then? How long was he supposed to wait for the two MIAs? Two days? Five? Two weeks? If they don’t show, am I going to have to go on a search and rescue for these guys too? Would we have to fight someone? What if after this someone else like Tyrese goes missing or something? Someone always seems to go missing with this group. Am I ever going to GTF out of here with these guys???” In his mind he is saving the world here. The longer it takes to get Eugene to DC the more people are dying all over the world. This mindset is even made explicit when he counters Rick’s “Carol saved your life,” with “and I am trying to save yours.” For him, getting to DC is also saving the lives of Rick’s group, including Carol, whilst failure means Carol and Rick et al all die anyway in the long run. 2. More protection is not the same as more safety. I.e. having a bodyguard provides more protection than none, but having no bodyguards and not getting into any fights is safer still (Pretty much same equation as condoms & one night stands). Abe wants to start nothing and get into nothing with anyone, he just wants to get to DC. If on the way to DC some Voodoo practicing, Satan worshiping, nudist head-hunting cult shoots at their bus and kills someone, Abe’s instinct would be to put his foot on the gas and drive right through. Chances are Rick’s crew would debark and get into another war. This is not conducive to the safety of Eugene. On balance, “all-for-one” still edges it, but is far from being the straight more=more equation than we may think. And Abe would be right on both counts. Abe doesn’t know this, but we as viewers do, that if he’d stayed, chances are at least 50:50 that this group is about to get into another war with some crazy doctor/mad scientist group and he (and more importantly Eugene) would have gotten dragged along into it. As it turned out Abe probably got the best of both worlds. He got to leave for DC at last and he got the part of Rick’s group which was probably the least prone to wander off and waste time (now that they were together that is) and also probably the least antsy to get into a fight that can be avoided. In Glenn, he also gets the best scavenger and improviser of the lot and one he knows and trusts from their time together on the road pre-Terminus. I beleive this train of thought is supported by the fact that he asked for Glenn and Maggie specifically by name from the beginning - he got exactly the people he wanted the most. It wasn’t like “Ok, I want Michonne, Glenn and Carl”, “My son’s not going anywhere,” “Fine, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie,” “No, you can have Tyrese and Father Gabriel.” “The f..k I will! Glenn, Michonne and I’ll give Tara back.” “Ok how about Glenn and Maggie and you can take the bus too if you keep Tara”, “Ok, whatever, Deal.”
  9. Seeing as how the PTV posting community have probably better plans than Eugene’s on getting humanity through the ZA, I would like to perhaps recommend some back to basics (staying alive for the first few days) before we all go off to build communities and grow veggies. Apart from the obvious – weapons, food and the like – here are two defensive suggestions before you leave your home. 1. Forearm guards/bracers. Make ‘em, wear ‘em. At all times when outside (in addition to gloves). I am amazed that in virtually all walker/zombie shows people insist on wandering around in tank tops or open sleeve shirts. (Tip: In a real ZA don’t do what they do - the zombies in those shows are only extras.) I don’t care how hot it is, protect your forearms. Depriving yourself the use of your forearms as an emergency shield and weapon will seriously gimp your walker fighting prowess. Regardless of whether you have had any form of martial arts/defensive training “wax on, wax off!” or not, your forearm by pure instinct alone is still going to be your first and most likely only line of defense. Under normal circumstances this works fine; if a guard dog leaps up to bite you, you will instinctively throw your forearm up in defense; better they get a chunk of your arm than your face or torso. When it comes to walkers however, this gut instinct (which you probably cannot prevent even if you tried) is going to get you killed as a bite on your arm is as fatal as anywhere else, so protect it. How to: The movie World War Z was the first and only time I ever saw anyone take this precaution when Brad Pitt rolled up and duct taped a table magazine around his forearm before going outside (the movie was terrible compared to the book btw). That’ll work as a stop gap, but we can do better. For those of you who are neither DIY freaks with welding tools and a lot of spare tin cans nor fetish enthusiasts with plenty of studded leather lying around the house, I suggest you rummage in your closet for a pair of jeans and cut off the ends. Glue/tape coins, house keys etc. densely to a square of cardboard and slide it inside the cutoff jeans, wrap it around your forearm and tie/duct tape it in place. For most of us, this will mean we have two layers of jeans with a tube of coins in between per arm as protection. For those of you old enough to have a pair of jeans from the 70s however, I congratulate you on achieving eight layers from a single jean bottom. Coins are teeth-breakers, any walker(s) that get a solid bite of your arm are going to become one of those Michonne-style toothless wonders in short order. Additionally, how many times have we seen shoving matches at doors that can only be resolved when some intrepid soul reaches his/her arm out through the crack to push away walkers who have so inconsiderately stuck appendages inside preventing the door from closing? You never know when just such a situation will arise I say, and wearing bracers will make that endeavor a significantly less dangerous task. Besides, IRL the sudden relief of force from one side is more than likely going to result in your erstwhile comrades slamming the door on your arm (leaving it dangling out there for a few seconds as a tasty morsel for the horde to focus on before you can pull it back). Hopefully the protection will do double duty as enough of a pain cushion from the slamming door that you will not feel obliged to hop around in pain cussing them all out. 2. Noisemakers. I actually picked this up from a video game called State of Decay (really good game btw). Now I appreciate that few of us are going to have firecrackers conveniently lying around in our houses, but anything that can make noise on demand will do; alarm clocks, kitchen/egg timers, wind-up or pull toys “Hello, my name is Barbie!” [loud] musical greeting cards etc. Have a couple on your person at all times for emergencies. How to: In a field with walkers to left of you, walkers to the right of you and walkers in front and behind? Don’t charge to your death like the light brigade at Balaclava, throw a noise maker at a tangent to where you want to head and run! Trapped in a house/building surrounded by walkers? Head up to a second story window (prefer not to open a ground floor window if we can help it), push Barney’s belly and hurl him out. Now while all the walkers are gathering around a purple dinosaur gustily singing “Walking in the rain with my mouth open wide, a-a-ah-a-a- a-ah” figuring out whether it is edible or not, just high-tail it out the back. Thus hopefully better equipped to survive the trip, feel free to head out to take over your island/mall/Disneyland/gas fracking station as is your want. See you there!
  10. I'm with you there. And I'm thinking even placards won't accomplish anything. Wasn't there an episode where the Governor's new crew where approaching some cabin and there were these bodies strung with placards saying "Lair," "Cheater", "Killer" or some such? It obviously didn't deter the Governor since he proceeded to do all those things immediatly upon getting back (I consider beating someone on the head with a club while they are about tee off cheating at golf, so he "lied" to Martinez, "cheated" at the game and also "killed" him). So I'm thinking that when it comes to the ZA, some bodies strung with placards might scare some people (coff*Father Gabriel*coff), it's not going to deter anyone that you actually want to deter.
  11. I am with you on this 100%. For those that believe Tommy was weighing up whether Nucky was a good guy or not and only decided at that moment that he was being treated like an ass and needed to die; Nucky has actually been kinder to a random boy he doesn’t know from Adam and owes nothing to far above what anyone could expect. After the $1000 bucks, he evens comes to pick him up from jail and give him some more money. Even today, no regular boss would do this for a low level ex-employee that had only worked for them for a couple of months to begin with anyway. Would one of the Waltons do this for an ex-shelf stacker who worked at Walmart for a couple of months? I think not. OTOH, for those that believe that Tommy came back to AC for the specific purpose of killing Nucky to avenge his dad, his grandma or Richard or all of them (at the behest of Gillian or otherwise) then his actions make no sense whatsoever. Firstly, if that was the plan, why hang out with the hobos? (Instead of trying to get a job as a sweeper or janitor at the club, for example.) He’d have no clue that a war with Luciano was about to get underway and Dolye would have come around looking for extra people to move stuff at that exact spot and time. 99.9% of the time this “great plan” to get to Nucky would result in him just standing around hobo junction in perpetuity. Secondly, after getting an “in,” he has had plenty of opportunity to off Nucky prior to this. He was alone with Nucky at least twice that we know of. Once when he got the $1000 (and the bodyguard was already deceased), and another time when he found Nucky in an alley with no witnesses present after he’d been knocked out by the two barflies. Rather than taking that opportunity, he concocts a plan to shoot him in front of hundreds of people instead? Remember, he was just in jail where he would have been relieved of his gun if he had it on him. So he must have pre-meditated it by stashing his gun beforehand close enough that he could retrieve it easily and catch up to Nucky before he disappeared again to who-knows-where, then purposely got himself arrested, then hope that they don't press charges so he doesn't go to jail for a few years for real before he got his revenge, then relied 100% on Nucky caring enough to come to his cell to pick him up. Uh, really? Either way, planned or spur of the moment assasination, the writers did a terrible job of inserting Tommy into the story to accomplish the symbolic ending they desired. Not saying I don’t like this show, it’ll still remain among the top 10 shows that I’ve watched in recent memory but the Tommy arc was terribly done.
  12. Over the course of the season Sig and Dina have been the most consistent in producing really good work. IIRC, neither were ever bottom looks (while Drew has been there a few) so I was ok with either of them winning. That said, Sig’s Light Knight wasn’t that good IMO, and Dina’s light-sider could have looked a little tougher IMO. (I mean come on, if I was, say, an Uruk-Hai Captain and a guy in pastel and pink with a delicate coral collar and a starfish on his chest came charging at me, I couldn’t help but share a little snigger with my squad “Look’s like meat’s back on the menu boys!”) So I was a bit worried that Drew might take it – especially since his Dark Knight sculpt and paint job which earned, rightly, a lot of praise was mostly Rayce. Was a bit awkward when Drew thought it was too dark and told Rayce to lighten up the colors and Rayce basically said “No.” heh. That Dina is a protégé of Season 4 champion Anthony (my favorite contestant out of all the seasons) was an added bonus. Totally agree and her sometimes use of British slang e.g. "It's all a bit mimsy" is often hilraious.
  13. That's actually exactly the conundrum of a show like this, where the overall arch is one specific Armageddon revolving around the 4 horsemen. (Unlike, say, a Buffy where they can have new Armageddon threats every season). They can’t really attack and win because then the show is over. So the writers have two choices, either (a) the good guys are on the defensive and get to foil the bad guy’s plans/monster of the week episode to episode and generate a series of minor/half victories building up to a big battle at season finale, or (b) have the good guys attacking but never quite succeeding and so have a series of defeats throughout the season. Sleepy Hollow has gone for (a) while a show like, say, The Strain has gone for (b) where the good guys are hatching new plans to attack “the Master” all the time and always failing. The pitfall of the latter route is that the catalogue of fails eventually make the good guys look like complete nincompoops. A case in point this season would be when they squandered the Kindred. That “guy” was actually beating Headless until mind control suit of armor showed up and even then was still holding his own 2v1. Forget the long plan, after exiting the cabin and seeing the situation, here was a great opportunity to just pile in. Ichabod alone is close to on par with the horseman sword v axe 1 on 1. The last time they really went at it, they exchanged “mortal” blows and “killed” each other after all, so that can be considered a draw. And then we have Abbie with a shotgun. In this 3v2 with the third being the Kindred rather than Hawley, the odds are definitely stacked in the heroes favor. Perhaps they can’t be killed outright in melee anymore but hey why not take this opportunity to pulverize War’s armor to scrap metal and do a Monty Python (King Arthur v the Black Knight) on Headless. Chop off both arms and a leg in addition to the long removed head and see how dangerous “stumpy” is then. Can’t happen on a meta basis, so the Witnesses slink away with only a marginal success, but the Kindred just takes off and is lost as a weapon and villains remain unscathed. Fustrating but, marginally, I still prefer this route to (b).
  14. As many have been referring to the truthfulness/merits (or lack thereof) of pursuing Eugene’s “cure,” it may be useful to clarify what that plan actually is. As he stated in the train car, he actually does not have a cure – not in the medical sense anyway. What he claims to have is a weapon; the formula to a biochemical pathogen that will wipe out all the zombies. As such, he does not need some medical lab or CDC type research facility, intact or otherwise. What he needs is access to a weapons delivery system. (Presumably, the pathogen will linger in the environment after all the initial walkers are killed off so anyone who dies later from natural causes will immediately croak – again – before they can get up or something, but it isn’t actually going to cure anyone). According to what he told Sasha in the train car, the trigger to exactly such a delivery system exists in DC. Having said that, even if true, this makes his story even more ridiculous. Getting to the launch trigger facility in DC is going to do precisely nothing even if it is still staffed (somehow I doubt that keeping anthrax missiles trained on N. Korea and the like is going to remain a high priority task for the military post ZA) with generals that have the necessary codes, programmers who can re-program the targeting system and some techies to mass manufacture the pathogen. Someone has still got to go round replacing all the payloads with “Eugene formula”’ payload, getting the electricity generators back on etc. at every.single.individual.silo located across the entire country before the trigger is going to do any good at all. Who the heck is going to do that?
  15. Glenn has always been a “saver” (of people) and never much of a “killer” of people (but he is as good as anyone when it comes to walkers – iirc only person shown to be able to kill a walker when tied to a freaking chair!) In that regard, his character has been pretty consistent throughout the show. The very first time we see him, he’s the guy that saves Rick’s life when Rick was a total stranger (or rather the “hey you, yeah you, the dumbass in the tank”) to him. He turns back to save Tara in the prison despite knowing she was from the attackers’ crew. He insists on trying to help others trapped at Terminus out, not just their own skins etc. He will also take great personal risks when the objectives is constructive e.g. He takes point going into a sewer, goes down a well to take out bloated zombie so others can get clean water etc. At the same time, he’s never been much of killer of people – froze at the bar fight, was sick during the Governor’s attack etc. So I don’t think he is turning to Dale and unlike Tyreese, he will fight (people) but he’s never going to enjoy it or want it to be any more brutal than it needs to be. I think he’s been pretty much always like that. Now it depends on one’s point of view if such a person is valuable in the ZA but Rick himself would not be alive otherwise. We know for example that if the shoe was on the other foot Rick would have abandoned a stranger in a tank in a heartbeat – on more than one occasion we’ve seen him abandon strangers needing help while they were under attack from far fewer walkers that those surrounding the tank - and remember that backpacker he let die and then take the pack out from the blood smears on the way back. As others have mentioned, Abe was on the road with Glenn for some time and knows his walker killing skills and probably his scavenger skills as well (which is the best of the bunch bar none) while all he has seen of the others is them shooting up other people, so wanting him (and he and Maggie aren't going anywhere without the other while Tara already volunteered) is not that surprising. Besides, if it were me in the ZA, having a “saver” in your crew watching your back is no bad thing at all. Shane is perhaps the ultimate pragmatic “killer” type, but I bet that dude that went to get medical supplies for Carl with Shane wished he had gone with a “saver” type instead. And heck, Carol might kill Eugene if he develops a cough or something (not that Abe would know that - which is the point, he knows Glenn and Tara reasonably well but not the others).
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