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Everything posted by QuantumMechanic

  1. Given who the Final Five (we should have heard some "All Along the Watchtower") were I'm OK with the final four. HOWEVER... Hester and Tessa never should have been in the final five in the first place and should have been eliminated well before this.
  2. While this leg was gorgeous, it was also very boring. None of the tasks had any real potential to reorder people. Really, the only opportunity for reordering was the decision on which detour to take. But each detour (especially "Water Down") had low to no chance of reordering the teams that went to it.
  3. JHFC. Every time I had to hear those horrible Reilly sisters gibbering away like idiots I found myself yelling STAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHP!! at the screen.
  4. Yeah really. I went right to b + (b + 1) = 1.10 🙂
  5. My first comment to people after that episode ended was that Cersei was incredibly stupid for not killing Drogon, Dany, Tyrion, and anyone else she could kill after them, and that Dany & her group were even more incredibly stupid for putting themselves in a position where they would have been easily killed if Cersei wasn't being stupid.
  6. Also, with respect to the other 7 kingdoms, there was no help from the other 7 kingdoms except for Theon and what, 15 other Ironborn? So yes, the North was helped by foreigners, but they weren't helped by the other six kingdoms.
  7. I like what someone else said (not that we'll ever know) -- that Jon went to Davos and confessed, and Jon was held behind the northern lines for a day or so while things were negotiated with Greyworm at which point he was transferred to the Red Keep prison until a king was chosen.
  8. And we all know how well the Articles of Confederation worked!
  9. 1) Who knows what might happen some day? The evil north of the Wall has been beaten in the past and yet returned. 2) Viseron only blew a hole in it near Eastport. The vast majority of the wall is fine. 3) The NW will be (as, let's face it -- it pretty much was a lot of the time) a penal colony and a place to ship off troublesome members of the family.
  10. Looking at the past and present of our world, that actually seems pretty realistic.
  11. Not quite true. Sure, they don't need the NW to protect against the Night's King and the AOTD, but Tyrion was 100% right -- Westeros needs its Botany Bay. And lets face it -- for ages and ages that's what the Night's Watch had been anyways.
  12. That made me think of England in 1688 when Parliament chose who the monarch would be (William & Mary of Orange) and set down some conditions they would have to accept.
  13. Nope. He has the right to the throne because he is the only surviving child of the firstborn child of the king. If he were a woman he'd still have a right to the throne over Dany, even if Dany was a man.
  14. As is Jon, since Rheagar and Lyanna got married before Jon was born.
  15. Rheagar was older than Dany so Rheagar and his children would always be ahead of Dany in the line of succession regardless of their gender.
  16. I don't know. Looked like Jamall was worried (perhaps too worried -- may have affected his concentration/confidence) about hurting his team. He certainly didn't seem to be acting as if he had no incentive to give a damn.
  17. You're not. Also, I was happy Rachellie (or as my 12yo calls them, "Team Cringe" because that's what they make people do) did not finish last, because I would have been royally POd that they were saved by a NEL.
  18. I think Jamall is the youngest. He's 23 and graduated from RISD in 2017.
  19. The bigger problem are the team challenges. Immunity can only screw the 2nd worst designer that day. But a team challenge can screw someone who is well off the bottom. And can also screw someone who should have won. But of course Production loves them because they cause DRAMA.
  20. See, I'm a bitter-hearted cynic. I think production told them to go outside in the snow.
  21. I hope to god so! This is why I hate team challenges. Sebastian should have won. Then again, the judges are so far up Hester's ass they probably would have given her the win anyways.
  22. I don't follow the show in the media so I'd not heard about this. What's the backstory on it?
  23. Something that occurred to me today. They were given $400 to spend. All the designers totally blew it. Nothing that anyone made took advantage of the money they had to spend.
  24. I still think any given week should either be all curvy or not at all. Yes, I know that in real life you're making clothes for all body types. However, this isn't real life -- it's a timed competition. And designing for a curvy woman means you have to do more work (for example, having to do support work that designers with "traditional" models don't have to do). So the designers with a curvy woman literally are suffering a time penalty that the other designers don't have. And I don't think that's fair.
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