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Everything posted by ElectricBoogaloo

  1. I have to be honest - i'm not a fan of "People" but my god, it was so nice to have an episode end with Lea Michele singing a song beautifully instead of watching the newbies run around in a circle on the stage at McKinley. I enjoyed the retro songs of this episode. I don't mind when the show uses current songs but I think they started losing the balance between using Broadway songs, older/classic songs, and too many pop songs. If they never use a Katy Perry or Bruno Mars song again, I won't complain! And the old songs they used this week suited the episode. Downtown was a great choice to show all the characters in New York. You Make Me Feel So Young was a cute way to show the Kurt/Blaine honeymoon period. I'm glad that Blaine told Kurt that living separately wasn't a step backward as Kurt thought it was. There's nothing wrong with loving your fiancee and not living together, especially since they are in the same program at the same school. They already see each other almost 24/7 so having their own space is a good thing. Kurt's frustration is understandable. It's not that he dislikes Blaine. He just needs some time and space each day that doesn't include Blaine. I was annoyed with Rachel for most of the episode. Having a car service doesn't mean you are isolated from the world like Rapunzel in a tower. You can still go to museums and whatever else she was talking about but she has been choosing not to. She shouldn't be blaming that on having a driver. But talking down to Artie about how being mugged makes him a real New Yorker, ugh. Same with talking to Blaine like he's a waiter. And how much crap was she leaving in the town car if the trunk and the front seat were full? Good lord, woman, it's a car, not your own personal trailer. Best thing that Blaine did this week was convince Sam to cut his hair. Second best thing he did was sniff the bubble butt underwear that Sam gave him. Everything else? FAIL. His obnoxious jealous fit was so out of line. If someone barged into my house and accused me of trying to steal their boyfriend or girlfriend, I would not have taken it as calmly as Elliott did. Then again, he was probably so relieved that Blaine wasn't moving in that he didn't care about being yelled at. I'm really sad that Adam Lambert is leaving the show. I liked him on American Idol but I have really loved him on Glee. He brings a definite spark and energy. I'd gladly lose Blaine and Sam to keep Elliott. Are you listening, RIB? So I guess we aren't going to see how Santana dumped Demi Lovato and told her she was going to Lesbos with Brittany. Can we at least get a web series of Adam, Demi, and Kurt singing in tuxedos? Because that was one of the best New York songs this season! Partway through the credits, I started noticing some of the newbies' names and I thought nooooooo, I thought I was done with them! Don't tell me that they're going to show up in New York too! Thankfully that didn't happen.
  2. I have said, "I was bald!" (complete with the circling finger) more often than I should (despite the fact that I was not wearing a toupee any of the times I said it). I use "I'm not sure how official these rankings are" a lot too. Heh and "GEORGE IS GETTING ANGRY!"
  3. And I loved that when Henri started telling her how nice it was to be in cahoots again instead of fighting each other and then tried to make a move, Catherine told him not to ruin the moment. Ha! She was right though. Nothing brings together a sparring couple like covering up his side piece's death!
  4. Isn't Greer lucky that her betrothed wasn't ugly? He seemed nice but we'll see how he ends up treating Lola. I don't know how this works (now or then) but what happens when a lady in waiting gets married? Does she get to stay at court? Or is she supposed to go wherever her husband lives? And if she leaves, does she get replaced by a new lady in waiting? Obviously Kenna still be sticking around now, but will Lola be leaving? That huge bean cake was lovely. I'm assuming that Leith made it, which is why Greer lamented everyone tearing it up to search for the queen bean. Heh, I loved Dominatrix Penelope ordering King Henri around. I'm curious as to whether there's something in nature that could make Nostradamus's potion Windex blue. I've been getting tired of Francis and Bash fighting every time they're near each other so it was nice to see them finally united while searching for the Boogie Man. It seemed like Francis was under the water way too long to survive but, hey, tv magic! I'm glad they finally made up but I'm sure they'll be back to bickering now that Bash is stuck living in the castle.
  5. So am I supposed to believe that Henri's new interest in kink is because he has some kind of disease (why else mention his black pee?) or because he has suddenly become a power hungry misogynist (see: his weird speech near the end of the episode)? Either way, no thanks. I have no interest in watching him terrorize Kenna or Catherine with violence. I don't care about the Boogie Monster who chained up Olivia or who killed Bash's latest girlfriend. I do kind of love that Olivia refuses to give up the Crazy Hair even though she's back in the castle hiding out in Nostradamus' lair. If Mary and Lola want to keep that baby a secret, then maybe they shouldn't keep YELLING about it constantly. It's bad enough that they do it inside their bedrooms (because, let's be honest, anyone like Francis or Catherine could be coming to see Mary and hear them clear as day), but it's even worse that they're talking about it loudly as they walk down the hallways passing servants and guards. I know nobles were brought up to act like the servants are furniture, but they are capable of both listening and talking. The girls aren't even smart enough to use code or discuss it discreetly in vague terms. Nope, they're just yelling, "IF FRANCIS FINDS OUT THAT YOU ARE PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD, HE WILL BE VERY UPSET!" For some reason, Greer suddenly started resembling Cersei Lannister in this episode. I've never seen it before but between the color of her hair and the shape of her eyes, she now reminds me so much of her!
  6. Death by window fucking has got to be one of the funniest most whacked out things I've seen this season! I laughed and laughed. Then I laughed some more when Catherine was telling the archduke the tale of his sister's woe. Megan Follows is HILARIOUS.
  7. I couldn't remember a funny enough quote to use as the thread title, so if you have suggestions then post them here and we can have the mods change the title later! I was cracking up at Henri and Catherine's conversation while cleaning up the Bohemian lady's blood. Catherine: It's leaving a stain. Henri: Why is this so difficult? Our clothes go away dirty and they come back clean. How do they do it? Catherine: I don't know. They take them to the laundry and they dip them in something. And later her whole spiel to the Bohemian archduke was hilarious. Catherine: As my husband will attest, I am not a judgmental person.
  8. ITA - evil Conrad is fun. Evil Victoria is fun. Evil Daniel. is just as boring and useless as puppy dog Daniel was.
  9. My friend and I have a theory that there's a Seinfeld quote for every situation. I'm still waiting to use, "It's 3:30am. I'm at a cockfight. What am I clinging to?"
  10. I liked that when each team sent one person slip sliding down the steep embankment to get their clue, you could see one of the cowboys (I think it was Jet) and Dave helping each other try not to fall. I think John was in the mix too. But then on their way back up, they went their separate ways.
  11. A place to discuss costumes, makeup, and the tangled weaves they've been putting on Belle's head! I really need to know how/why the same people who created Emma's lovely ball gown last week put Belle in the Enchanted Forest wearing leather hot pants.
  12. Even though it isn't 8:15 in Storybrooke anymore, you know the creators will keep the Lost references coming!
  13. A place to talk about all the magical stuff in the Enchanted Forest, Storybrooke, and everywhere else! We have heard from Regina and Gold that there's always a price for magic but it seems like we only see any consequences if it's something big (like Bae resurrecting Rumpelstiltskin or Regina undoing the curse). I'm not saying I need to see the price every time they do even the smallest spell but three seasons in, it's starting to feel like the show conveniently has no consequences for magic unless they want to create a dramatic moment or plot twist. In contrast, there were visible consequences every time the teen witches on The Secret Circle did magic, no matter how big or small the spell. Yes, I just cited a crappy CW teen drama for doing something better.
  14. And making demands about how fancy her burial will be! Just one more reason I hope they never kill off Catherine. Despite Diana and Kenna's magical vaginas, Catherine is really the HBIC.
  15. Yes, Conrad got the deed from Stevie. Then he gave it to Pascal. Pascal then gave it to Victoria. Conrad promised Pascal that he would help Pascal win Victoria over and he knew the house was the way to go. Last week she told Nolan she leaked the info because she needed a way to publicly break from the Graysons. Emily knew that Pascal was playing her once she realized he was recording their conversation so she knows that he is a dead end now. She told Nolan as much right before Aidan reappeared.
  16. "Excellent. Now do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?" Awwww, that Hook/Neal hug was all kinds of sweet. And I'm doubly glad that it happened (along with the accompanying conversation) before Neal died. Looking at it from Neal's point of view, at least the upside of not remembering the last year is that he didn't remember dying the first time. And this time he got to die with the two people who loved him most: his father and Emma. But why, when Gold was trying to save Neal in the Fairy Tale Land flashback, didn't he throw the blade to Belle instead of right in front of Zelena? Isn't the rule that whoever has the blade controls the Dark One? That would have taken away Zelena's control of Gold completely. On a related note, I know that Emma and Charming had to rush back to Storybrooke to make sure Zelena wasn't making a skin suit out of Mary Margaret, but they thought it was a good idea to just leave Gold out in the woods by himself? And I realize he was grieving and in shock from Neal's death, but he couldn't have mentioned that Zelena is totally controlling him? What's to stop her from commanding him to kill any of them? Is Belle still going to love all of him, even the dark parts, if he kills Mary Margaret? I loved that Emma told Hook to stay with Belle just by raising her eyebrows. And I loved Hook's stilted offer to stay with Belle. Ha! That moment made me think that maybe he hasn't been lying this whole time because it was so awkward. When Zelena touched Mary Margaret's belly with her black gloved hand, I thought aaaack, A from Pretty Little Liars is here!
  17. If anyone has suggestions for a better subtitle, post them here and we can have the mod change it later. Quotes from S03.E15: Quiet Minds: Hook: I will stay here with you. I'm surprisingly good at research. Belle: You...wil stay with...me? Emma: He'll protect you if the witch comes. Belle: You do know he tried to kill me. Hook: Well, there were extenuating circumstances. Belle: Twice? Hook: ...Sorry? Emma: You really know how to charm a girl, don't you? Neal: You think there's magic in here? Belle: No, something better than magic - books! Zelena: That son of his? Dumber than a box of hair. Hook: Thought you could use some sustenance. Neal: Nothing like a green blob to get the appetite going. Hook: Well, I gather it has great medicinal properties. Robin: Is this magical? Regina: Not exactly, but it is a liquid that can conjure courage, give strength, or even act as a love potion of sorts. It's called whiskey and no, it's not magical - especially the next day. Neal: Was it serious? Emma: He proposed. And then he turned into a flying monkey. Neal: Sounds intense. Emma: Go ahead and laugh. I almost married a monster from Oz. It's hilarious. Neal: I almost married a minion of my evil grandfather Peter Pan so I know what you're saying.
  18. As horrified as I was by seeing gasoline spraying onto people, I couldn't help but laugh because I immediately thought, "Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident." It made me want an orange mocha frappuccino! I, too, was disappointed that this was another NEL. Didn't we just have one the week before last? Having the elephants this week reminded me of a team a few seasons ago whose road bump was to give the elephants a bath. They knew they were going to be eliminated so they just took their time with the elephants and really enjoyed it, which I loved seeing. Was it the twinnies? I just remember whoever it was talking about how much they loved elephants. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. Have you still not learned that the most important thing on TAR is to READ THE FREAKING CLUE?!
  19. I didn't realize until after I created character threads for Lydia and Fauxmanda that the quotes I used for them were both kind of misogynistic. Combined with all the recent talk in the media about how anti-feminist the females roles on True Detective were, it made me wonder - are the women on this show written as strong feminists? Or are they written as bitchy stereotypes? I know there can be a fine line between a strong independent woman and a shrill harridan, so what do you think? I know that people define feminism differently which can be in itself another source of dissent/disagreement in these kinds of discussions so for the record, my blanket definition of feminism is believing that men and women are equal. In that sense, I believe that Emily and Victoria have been shown to be just as smart, determined, and capable as Conrad and the other male characters on Revenge. But as far as being depicted as positive female role models, ehhhh. Both Victoria and Emily have overcome adversity in their youth and both have achieved some of their goals, which is good in itself, but they have both been shown to be ruthless and cruel, willing to crush those that stand in their way. I hate the double standard that when a man acts that way to achieve his goals, it's seen as a positive thing but when a woman acts that way, it's criticized. So from that point of view, good for them! But as human beings, everyone on this show is pretty terrible. Sammy and Carl are the only ones who haven't done anything terrible!
  20. I knew it was Morgan Fairchild as soon as I heard her voice! She and Gail O'Grady look pretty damn good (especially compared to Victoria's overly botoxed face). Daniel is such a shit stirrer. He keeps insisting on making his problems into Charlotte's problems. First he has her spy on Conrad and now he's telling her that Emily did this not to him, but "to us." Ugh. He is like the kid with no friends trying to draw other people into his drama. At least Charlotte had enough of a conscience to tell Daniel to leave Jack alone. I wish she had ripped into him after seeing him deliberately sabotage Jack's relationship with Margaux. As soon as Stevie told Jack, "You've never seen me drunk and thank God, you never will," I was waiting for Victoria to spike her drink. Emily looked gorgeous tonight. Between the red dress, the shorter curly hair, and the fascinator, she looked really beautiful. I'm glad some of the costumes are getting back to the level of S1. So did Stevie give Conrad the deed to the house? Or did he steal it from her?
  21. Although she has gone to the big strip club in the sky, we can still talk about Fauxmanda, aka the original Emily Thorne. I will miss her giant hair (full of secrets) and her fierce loyalty to Emanda. I will not miss her obsessive love of Jack which was understandable but still creeped me out a little.
  22. Although she's gone for now, Lydia is like herpes - she'll be back!
  23. If anyone has better suggestions for a subtitle for this thread post them here and we can let the mods know once we choose a new one! Quotes from S04.E17: Addiction: Nolan: Javier, my wannabe bestie, this is Emily, my actual bestie. Stevie: Another ex-Mrs. Grayson. I'd say welcome to the club, but I don't care much for the other member. Aiden: I'm not Nolan. You can't just give me the cold shoulder and expect me to come running to save you the next day.
  24. Mr. EB said, "Elephant sanctuary? That's a work camp for elephants!"
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