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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Noah Wyle nterviewed by Tavis Smiley day before yesterday: pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/interviews/noah-wyle More about him than the show.
  2. Lovely. An excellent close to a strong season opener. It actually brought a tear to my eye.I agree with @indeed that the Kate/Daniel destiny is still hovering on the distant horizon.
  3. That's what I thought too. Maybe because the judge seemed to be such a dick they figured that bruises would make it seem Henry had been picking fights?
  4. Very good point.Yes, there was plenty of blame to go around, including Bill, Pepper & Budge, and most of all, Lester.
  5. Has this ever been done before? A first season delayed and renewed? I wonder if Bob Odenkirk's work on Fargo had anything to do with the delay.
  6. You're welcome. The next episode is easier to follow.
  7. I thought that for most of the episode too, but no... Nope, not him either. He was just a guy who fell asleep babysitting his kid when his kid had a freak and unfortunately lethal accident. The kid also had a few bruises from learning to ride his bike. He was one of a number of men about whom the ME gave false testimony against so they would be convicted of murder after the ME's daughter's death was ruled accidental and he went crazy without anyone noticing.
  8. Ooo!! Good point! Which reminds me: I wanted Gus to call in the red BMW, but that didn't last very long either.So the Sudanese guy in the earlier episode was just a red herring? Or was it to show more about Bill's life and character? I know, right? But maybe he just said that because he knew it would make her not go, and his real motive was just to protect her. And although the citation for bravery might not have happened in a less Keystone Cops-ish environment, to be fair, he really did have to brave to lay in wait for the likes of Malvo, the embodiment of evil and the killer of husbands of pregnant women.
  9. Too bad the daughter didn't kill the father. Was it just me, or did Vega get a few more degrees hotter when Angie said he was smart and not stupid--or however she put it?
  10. This morning I heard a weather person saying it was currently 80F (27C) and on its way to 90F (32 C), but that was in the city, 30 miles (48km) south. At my place it was 58F (14C), which is okay, because I went for a walk before work. Yay, no snow!But it did snow here in May, and when I lived in the mountains, there were garden killing freezes most summers. :( Cover those tomatoes!
  11. I already did cry rivers knowing and seeing very real reactions, not just acting. Agreed. I was thinking: This is how to do a pregnancy story! On my screen the sister's hair was kind of red. For a moment at the end when Jane asked to hold the baby again, I thought maybe she was going to ask some pointed questions and there would be a last minute twist that the sister was the killer (and that the future stepmother making the CD was just a case of overzealousness).
  12. So this is sort of a Morton's Fork, right? If Gus had refused to let Malvo go at that first traffic stop, Gus would have been dead, and Gus was ultimately the one to kill Malvo when nobody else could or would. I assumed he made the entire trip by snowmobile, which is wonderfully funny justice (in addition to him being swallowed whole by the earth).
  13. ...or even that Henry wouldn't be in solitary for his own protection by now. Buy it seemed like the judge was in somebody's pocket too, which implies that the inmates get their power from higher up. Still, I have a feeling that if I ask my daughter, who works at a county jail's re-entry program (re-entry into life outside of jail), that she would agree with you that it is pretty improbable that the inmates would be running the show--at least not on their own. From what I hear from her, most of the abuses of rights and privileges come from the wardens or from badly managed procedures.
  14. Was the redder orange jacket from Chazz's hunting gear?
  15. I'm guessing Bill had some sort of authority regarding charges and citations for bravery, and that his last official acts as Chief were to clear Gus and reward him. Was it implied that the massacre from the '70s that Lou experienced was also Malvo?
  16. The pageant was gorgeous and a wonderful example of how young women can celebrate their coming of age without either flaunting their developing bodies or hiding them. As usual in shows of this nature these days, there was a parallel between the COTW and the hero's story arc. Both had loved ones murdered because the murderer wants to punish the survivor with that loss. Is that the extent of the analogy, or has Walt maybe helped convict someone who was given the death penalty? At Henry's hearing we learn that the death penalty is an option there. Is there any chance that Walt is part Cheyenne?
  17. Well, since she also penned a review titled, "THE DISAPPOINTING FINALE OF “TRUE DETECTIVE," I guess it should be no surprise that she doesn't think as highly of this show as I do. She is a masterful writer herself, so it's understandable that she would have a pretty high bar to clear. She used the word "Mephistophelian" to describe Malvo, which I looked up and found: n. The devil in the Faust legend to whom Faust sold his soul. IMO, this makes Mephistophelian the perfect descriptor for the character of Malvo.
  18. Whether or not Hawley (writer) wanted to allow for the story to continue will effect this episode--perhaps in terms of not killing off certain characters. And then there's Chekhov's/Malvo's tape recordings.
  19. Hmmm...so maybe Kiera will have to kill Brad?
  20. Yes. --Although we were so sure it was Curtis. Are/were Brad and Curtis Freelancers? And I don't recall what the original thread title was.
  21. ...when you walk down a hallway at work where discarded tech is stored before being recycled, and, as you read the signs designating where to put which equipment, "Printers, Media (DVRs, Video, etc,), Cables, Monitors..." you double back, re-read "Monitors," and then try to exit the building without anyone noticing the foolish grin on your face.
  22. Yes. And/or, if you want to hide super secret instructions to your sestra clones that no one will read, just put them in the middle of a really long paragraph. ;-)Like @Sarah-phile above, I too still have faith in this show to pull all the threads together into a coherent whole. Tony seemed like a bit of a distraction, but look at how well they've re-integrated Vick the Dick.
  23. As soon as someone finds a YouTube clip of the opening scene when Vincent hops over the wall and back again, please post it. Lots of LOL for that one. Heather's not!wedding dress actually was beautiful on her. So is Gabe re-beasting now?
  24. The title of this episode, "Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done," keeps bringing me back to the image of Henrik in stirrups right before...you know. Here it is in its original context, which Google is having a hard time locating after this episode: http://waysofknowing.info/textsite/Bacon_idols.html (See VI)
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