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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. From TV Guide: Not entering an air date because there are 2 of them. So meta.
  2. All of this. Also, is it possible she killed herself because Tom would never get a pastorate in their small hick town if he had a pregnant girlfriend? The timing seems about right for him to have been planning his life's work/calling. I'm guessing that since Elaine gave up the money and said she doesn't want it, Caleb will be a serial returner and bank robber. The second chance does not seem to come with free will. I don't know what's missing from this show (besides a better time slot) but it's too bad, because they do seem to have the germ of an original and intriguing premise.
  3. Although they had me at the H!ITG!, even if he hadn't been a famous villain actor, it seemed a little too obvious to the viewer before either Sherlock or Joan figured it out, and, on this show, that seems wrong. This plot was surprisingly good. It was more than just a ripped from the headlines or tribute story. I thought they did a beautiful job of showing what happened and its effect on real people. Is this show too fluffy for JLM to get at least an Emmy nod?
  4. So they play house two episodes in a row? I see where this is going...
  5. That's what I saw too. And I knew Clarke's mom wasn't going crash the teens only party. Unless they lighten up a bit, I'm done. Production values and scifi are not enough to make me watch if it's just a mirror for the grimmest aspects of my own life. That's why I quit Revolution. Isn't banishment in that environment just a crueler way to die than hanging? Sheesh. Where's Rodney "Can't we all just get along?" King when you need him? ETA: It's up on the CW now.
  6. Thanks maraleia. So. *shapeshifter consults TitanTV app that doesn't allow grid by channel* It's the same time as new episodes of The Good Wife, Believe, and Resurrection. Hrmph. And I can only record one other show while I watch, and The Mentalist is on at 9, and I have to get up early Monday. I'll either wait till it goes online at the CW, or, you know.... Oh. Also on at 8 on Sunday in Chicago on WGN DT3: Stargate SG1 "Fair Game": Likely better than all of the above, IIRC.
  7. Wow. They could get the Emmy for Show Bible Consistency. But was it just a happy accident in the writing room? Because this is like the mother of Not!PlotHoles. And you guys are way better at remembering this show than I am. My mind went to: Does this mean he is her father?
  8. It's being preempted in Chicagoland by sports, and zap2it.com's tv listings imploded this week, so I can't tell when it will air. Anyone else know? Or, I can just get it from CW.com.
  9. Replying in the Adalind Schade thread.
  10. It's a shame they initially made her an evil caricature, because Claire Coffee has so much range. Too bad they didn't give her amnesia and reboot her into a friend of the Scooby gang. They could be making wise cracks about stuff she did when she used to be evil. The could still redeem her, but she would almost have to simultaneously save the lives of Bud, Rosalee, and Juliette.
  11. Many moons ago on the TWoP thread, I wanted to see Monroe and Rosalee to take in the baby. Hijinks would happen a la Bewitched with baby Tabitha. Even though that wasn't mentioned in this episode, I think they made a case for none of the other situations working, so it could still happen.
  12. So this episode gives an entirely different meaning to the phrase "Over my dead body!" Just because Keira got the tattoo dots doesn't mean she drank the Koolaid, right? Who else had the dots last season? Didn't Escher?
  13. As someone with constant chronic pain that not even prescription opiates helps, I so wish low THC marijuana was available for that purpose. Anyway, the coincidence of Wendel's first case back being about medicinal marijuana while he was using it for medicinal purposes was pretty silly--but not out of the norm for the show.
  14. Emily killing Escher seems a little less evil than killing Keira. Escher was forcing her to lie to Alec. Keira, OTH, bonded with her at the end of season 2. But I'm not sure if the murder of Keira 1 occured before or after she gained Emily's trust.
  15. Is April 14 still the return date?
  16. That scene pretty muched summed it up. Whoa. I guess I need to rewatch that bit. I thought she found herself already dead, no?
  17. I had the same reaction, but without the stringing up part. LOL. Your cute icon belies your dark side, stinger97, as much as the show's sweet little girl. In hind sight, the actor who gave her the knife seemed to really hate where the story was going and his role in it. Kind of like Big Bang Theory's Penny this week donning the gorilla suit.
  18. The only thing that would make sense to me at this point is if the resurrected are versions of their former selves that are obsessively driven and that are each able to bond with one person from their past and exert influence over that person.
  19. Regarding the lack of the Elementary Element of "Sherlock pulls an impossibly specific piece of trivia out of his ass to help solve a crime," he solved the first murder so quickly that I'm sure there was some trivia knowledge involved, like what the ME/mortician was high on.
  20. It's been a long time since season 2 ended, and the time travel concepts on this show have always been challenging (in a good way) to follow, so the Syfy has a wiki, even with a lot of typos and poor organization, has some useful information, especially the character pages: continuum.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Characters --although I had to use the site's search box to find Escher's page.When the episode ended, it seemed only 20 minutes had passed instead of over 40. Heh.
  21. I am totally geeking out about tonight's reveal that my first season theory that the wessen can see themselves woge in the reflection of Nick's eyes was correct and/or used. www.freezepage.com/1396661233SZRSOGLOAD I wonder if he'll get some colored contacs in time for the wedding.
  22. Ha! I was right! Or even better, they liked my idea. Now: forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/topic/3205259-grimm-its-loaded-with-wesenality/?p=14673016 Saved: www.freezepage.com/1396661233SZRSOGLOAD Sorry. I couldn't wait. This is the highlight of my little life of quiet desperation.
  23. Both of these. *eye roll* Plus, the spear had to have either gone through his esophagus, stomach, lung, spinal cord, or heart. My tweet on the episode with a link to a frozen (hopefully) TWoP forum page: http://twitter.com/scifi_reviews/status/452156389738037248 Basically, lot of discussion about the horror movie trope in which the black kid dies--again.
  24. Is there any chance this episode was written in part to express feelings about and illustrate reactions to Tony Scott's death? I know they dedicated an episode to him, but this one was about the sudden loss of an important colleague and friend. When Kalinda and Jenna went to see Will's body, the ME at first objected because he was expecting the family to arrive any minute to identify the body, so that means Will's name would not yet have been officially released, hence fanwankability that those attending Peter's event might not know who died.
  25. In my many years on this planet, I have observed that the delusional are often the quickest to anger when their delusions are challanged. To me, the bigger mystery is that Martin is still there. When was the last time we saw him even phone home?Like others said on the TWoP (RIP) thread, most of the world is going to assume any tweets or videos about the event are hoaxes. OT: I like the quote features on this board--very much like the SyFy boards.
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