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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Right. Even so, I still think it could go either way with this show. lol And so it did. Oy. The Tomorrow People: Taking the Science Out of Science Fiction One Episode at a Time.
  2. Generally in crime shows it's done with a more mature adult, but it's usually part of a plea deal: Go undercover and you won't rot in jail. I'm guessing they deliberately wrote it as a his young daughter, rather than, say, his 30ish younger brother or cousin, because they wanted to show that the law enforcement powers are growing ruthless.
  3. I considered that for a moment, but decided it would be too hard to explain--unless there was another landing party that we don't know about. Plus, he's not quite father age for her. That's why I suggested above that they are cousins who share the same female ancestor, who looks a lot like her, and whose picture he has seen.
  4. It was definitely a pickup. I actually went back to watch it because I thought it was the truck Sarah & Co. ditched before they went to Cal's, but it was a different color. I thought it might be Cal, but I could see it being Mrs. S too. I'm not sure it would be Art because he's busy with the Creepy-Ass Big Love Ranch . . . .unless it turns out CABLR is in the same area.Does Art have a truck? I was thinking it was Art To The Rescue *cue Lone Ranger or other appropriate music.*Probably overthinking here: Maybe Helena got a jealous vibe from Grace, and that's why she offered her the drumstick.
  5. About the episode title: Shouldn't it have been "My Fair Grimm"? Or are Grimms wessen? And is it Grimms for the plural or just Grimm, like deer? And should wessen be capitalized when not part of a title? Okay. I'll stop now, and go back to work, where I'm checking title pages of theses today.
  6. Right. I thought the electron microscope (or whatever they use these days) view of the TP DNA with the tracker bonded to it simply revealed to Jedekiah which chromosomes made the TP different from humans, which enabled Jedekiah to alter his own DNA, and he merely knocked out Irene so she wouldn't bug him about other stuff, like, ya know, stopping Flounder's kill switch in the TPs who were stupid enough to get the trackers in the first place.DNA is in every cell of a person, so I don't see how Jedekiah could take away Irene's powers even if he did use some of her DNA to alter his own.
  7. That crossed my mind too. I rolled my eyes at another example of how out of touch with reality most concepts of money are on TV. 10 grand and a car would pretty much wipe out my retirement savings, and for the 30-somethings I work with, it would mean huge credit card debt to pay the rent, and we all have masters degrees. Why did they make it a ridiculously huge amount? I guess to show he's a Daddy Warbucks. And now he's a Daddy Warbucks with chickens that need looking after and a dead cop in his front yard, and, according to his last convo with his cop buddy, he's growing pot in the backyard.
  8. As much as I love this show and believe it could do no wrong, Felix having never heard of Cal before feels a tad shark jumpy. And I agree, Sarah, an experienced con artist, should not have used Kira's real name, or even her known nickname (Monkey) in the store. Kira should have had a baseball cap covering her hair and been called Davy or something. But they were all tired, hungry, and desperate, so I can forgive this. I really hope it's not the case but I thought they were making it pretty clear that it was. If they go there, the follow-up should be Helena going Lorena Bobbitt on him. They keep showing the younger guy even more creepily eyeing her, so hopefully she ends him and his genetic line too. I'm really not a violent person, and would probably cover my eyes if these scenes occur, but after everything Helena's been through, and given how inhuman the cult is, it seems like an appropriate end for them. Pretty ironic that Grace referred to Helena as "barely human."
  9. For me, this show gets better and better. I'm hoping that opportunity is just around the corner. Nothing was "consumated" yet, right? Meh. He missed a chance at a head shot to the cylon when Sarah got in the car and he was outside it. Plus, did y'all catch what line of work he was in previously? Not just drone tech, but if I heard correctly, the tech was for artificial bee genetics or pollinating or something. Thuganomics, I'd say Tatiana's Matt Frewer impersonation was spot on.
  10. Thank you. Not as good as a TWoP-length recap, but I'll take it.
  11. Finally got to watch. About the silly rise of Queen stock: Don'cha all know? The rich always get richer. It was a little eye rolly that Thea says she's a penniless, homeless orphan, and then is able to stylishly dress the part. No heels for her, but no doubt leaving town in several hundred dollar booties, leggings, and tunic-y top by Famous Designer. Sorry. That's what it looked like to me. Other shows, alphabet agencies, and evil doers everywhere, take note of the only torture that really works: Siphon the bank accounts of the greedy into charity organizations. Seriously. I believe it. I am so tired of the torture porn as depicted on shows like The 100, Revolution, and the like, because it's not just a fictional technique like flying with a cape, and featuring it on shows as a means of extracting information is a toxic waste washing over humanity's conscience. Writers everywhere, take note of the Felicity way of interrogation: Bitch with WiFi. Yes. Question: If John Barrowman wasn't busy with the ABC Sing Your Face Off (http://www.playbill.com/news/article/189674-ABCs-Sing-Your-Face-Off-Hosted-by-John-Barrowman-Sets-May-Premiere-Date-Celebrity-Contestants-Announced), which, I get it, is totally in his wheelhouse, wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to have every one of Laurel's actions performed by Malcom Merlyn, showing up to save his biological daughter? : Hah. Okay, wasn't this the name of a band back in the day?
  12. Sam Anderson was also the hopeful-but-despondent Bernard on Lost: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Bernard_Nadler
  13. Big Bang Theory Sheldon: "Sarcasm?"
  14. Eveytime I see something about this show I get a flashback to the final scene in the movie, Supernova, in which James Spader's and Angela Bassett's characters had to share the only available escape pod, and, when they landed, their DNA had intermingled such that they each had one blue eye and one brown eye, and she, who had previously been unable to conceive, was now pregnant. I keep wondering if the creators of this show were consciously or subconsciously or by the collective consciousness influenced by that scene.
  15. Maybe Grounder and Octavia share a great great grandmother, whose picture she looks like.
  16. Argh. I desperately need a TWoP-level recap. So confused. Maybe I'm too old for time travel. :( I did love Travis' line to the red haired talk show host about her being a puppet of...what was it? And Kellogg's remark about seeing double. I probably just need to rewatch.
  17. Is Nick saying to Juliette (about Trubel), "She's going to get herself killed," supposed to be foreshadowing?
  18. I really liked that for once in 40 years of female crime fighters, finally one took off her noisy heels while stalking killers. Okay, so she said it was because of how ridiculously high the heels were. And likely it was really because she didn't want to ruin her ridiculously high-priced designer shoes. Still, I was fanwanking that Jo was in her socks too.
  19. If/when we could Like parts of posts (like separate footnotes), I would have liked this part. Just a few bars of Paint it Black for us oldsters would have been nice.
  20. If they cut Grounder with the poisoned knife, he might have chosen to die with his secret. Torture is so stupid. Everyone knows it doesn't work. The only reason it persists is because of sickos who enjoy doing it and/or watching it. If this show is going to continue to feature stupid torture scenes, I'm done. That's why I quit Revolution too. </end rant>
  21. Seriously? *Looks it up* Wow he does. But whoever is Dorothy looks more like him than his fraternal twin sister, who it seems does not act.
  22. Love your screen name, Ghost of TWOP Past! I agree that the show is floundering plot-wise, but no sharks have been jumped yet. Did you not include Lost in your post above because mentioning it has become a kind of Godwin's law in television discussion?
  23. This may be my favorite BBT episode ever, and I've watched almost every one live and many in reruns. Maybe it's because I watch relatively little comedy and so don't need to laugh too much (or at all) if the show has other redeeming qualities. I loved Bob Newhart in this episode. He's a lot like my elderly father. Both will no doubt not live very many more years. I thought it was very bold for everyone involved to do this plot given that reality. Both Bob Newhart and my over-90 father still love a good joke too, so I appreciate why he would do it. Lots of other bits in the episode were great too: The first spherical cake rolling on the floor and Amy's reaction line. The resolution of the marriage proposal discussion. I suspect the cast and writers knew this could be Bob Newhart's last gig, and they wanted to do their best to honor a comedian who had inspired them growing up, just as Professor Proton inspired Sheldon and Leonard and others to be scientists.
  24. Ditto on both. The following orders line has potential for being a classic clip, but I'm not sure it can stand alone without backstory on Deathlok. I was slightly tensing up, expecting the requisite torture bit, but was pleasantly surprised they didn't go there with Skye, although giving Ward a heart attack actually was torture, so: fail.
  25. If they wrote it that they played strip Scrabble, it would at least be plausible, and it would perhaps fix the boring couple a bit, but I'd rather have boring couple than a triangle any day.
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