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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. So, finally an episode worthy of watching other than Friday zone out. Putting the team together in a relaxed fun space actually worked. Unfortunately, the moral of the story is: You can never really cross over to the other side of the tracks. And the perp couldn't have been more obviously guilty the first time he was on screen. Director, do not allow that sort of thing in the future.
  2. So I guess for purposes of Grimm opening quotes, gospel hymns are considered fairy tales? When Trouble was alone in the back seat and trailer with Nick, don't tell me she didn't at least once think about how hot he is. About half way through I fanwanked that since we have never seen the equivalent of the Las Vegas CSI team on this show, all the evidence was all washed down the drain and/or lost/destroyed by Nick.
  3. Christine Baranski was interviewed this morning on Live! With Kelly and Michael. She was wonderful. It will probably be online soon somewhere.
  4. Yes, lowered expectations. I was pleasantly surprised that Bernadette and Amy being busy was more than just an excuse for why they would be off camera for the next 20 minutes of hijinks. So clever of the writers. </lowered expectations>
  5. Hrmph. Without Cindy's awesomely snarky recaps, there's nothing to talk about. My summation of the episode: Thank you for killing Hillary. She outlived her usefullness.
  6. I think he meant an equal, intellectually. And I think it fits with the matter of fact arrogance we've seen from him when he easily solves a cold opening case before they get the real COTW. What really bugged me was that I doubted a lot of those at the meeting understood what he meant. I mean, it's such an academic term (peer reviewed articles) or else used in the phrase "peer pressure," in which it is a more general term than what he meant. I'm guessing they may be hinting at an end game/series finale in which Watson has achieved peer status in his eyes--which would be a refreshing change from the usual finally falling in love romantically.
  7. I'd love to see John Barrowman in mortal combat with Slade. To me, they have a more matched physicality than Kevin Alejandro (Blood) would, but I was thinking that it would make Blood's story more complicated in an interesting way, plus, he does still have a mirakuru stash, right?But now that I think of it, Roy is probably the likeliest one to take down Slade. I'm guessing they brought the love child reveal in at this point because Moira's death might free the baby mamma to resurface. It might be interesting if she had managed to parlay her 2 mil into more wealth rather than have exhausted it, and she is now going to help the Queen family in a sort of pay it forward/backward gesture of good will. So I'm gathering from posts above and elsewhere that the child is known as "Conner?" Wasn't that Angel's son's name too? I wish it was King, as in King Queen. Heh.
  8. jhlipton, while I agree that there was nothing about Helen's persona that conveyed manipulative bully, there are people who do have that talent. However, usually they are in positions of authority (not to say all, or even many bosses are like that) and as far as we know, Helen doesn't have any supervisory credentials beyond de facto ruling the church board. Hmmm...maybe that explains why she doesn't have a more credible power monger persona: She is only a full time church meddler and has no paying job.
  9. Yeah, which is why I quit The Following after a few episodes, and which makes me question continuing with this show. But, oddly, I chose to watch it before Arrow (I had to work Wednesday night so couldn't watch either live). The difference here is that there is a plot that does not necessarily hinge on people being airlocked or impaled, although it seems to be a prerequisite for each episode just as hand-to-hand combat is in Arrow and many other shows. And that plot could be really interesting. I wonder if the writers just aren't sure where to go with the plot or if they're just inching towards it between the required mayhem. I agree with general comments about the series title and think a second season should be titled The 100 Minus 25. So did Clarke's mom really get her dad airlocked because she thought it was for the good of the many, or is that another red herring? I was watching it on a tiny screen, but up close, and I didn't think the grounder was dark skinned, just unwashed. Also, the girl has olive complexion, almost black hair, and dark brown eyes, right?
  10. So, anyone else burst out laughing when Ollie planted multiple arrows in Roy, and Roy's expression was all WTF? No? Probably just because I watched this after my boss tore me a new one yet again for something that I did not do, so, I'm entitled to a little entertainment. Thank you, Arrow. Whew! I was so afraid you were going to say the Laurel thread. I think it would be cool if Mayor Blood killed Slade. I don't know exactly why, but it probably has to do with what I mentioned above. Yeah, I enjoyed all the violence in this episode a little too much.
  11. Wouldn't Will have made notes somewhere of having offered to get Jeffery into solitary to protect the firm and himself since Jeffery was getting beat up and had wealthy parents who would like sue?Seems like this shouldn't be the last we hear of it. I also wondered if Canning would motivate Kalinda to leave, but then we saw her teaming up with Diane.
  12. I'm 99% sure we saw the "newest intern" in Peter's office post the car ad--the same one whose cell phone Peter used to call the senator with the NSA clout.When Finn was first getting blamed for Jeffrey getting put in the general population and thereby causing the courthouse shooting, I was bristling over lots of reasons this was wrong, but none of those reasons came up. The main one was that Will had tried to get Jeffrey to go into solitary and he refused because he didn't want to be alone. Right? Or am I imagining a plot point? Also, it is a very big leap to being beaten up in prison as the cause of the shooting--which was never proven, right too? And, ultimately, the guy who let his gun get used seems like the more obvious scapegoat.
  13. So it seems like these remaining episodes are going to be channelling the writers' stages of grief. If so, this one was anger--meaning they would likely be angry about having to finish up plots that were supposed to go on for a full season, and perhaps stretch others that were filling up gaps of plots they axed. Poor viewers. Poor writers. Poor actors. Poor characters. Poor story.
  14. Oops. Right. Anyone? I have a terrible memory. Well, Sarah doesn't seem to have the lung disease problem of Cosima and Katja. Maybe it's not that simple. Maybe Sarah was just able to pass on the healing thing to Kira but doesn't have it herself. The main thing about Sarah is that she's not sterile, unlike Dolly the lamb or clones in general. So, for purposes of plot, I suppose any one of the clones could pretend to be Sarah and threaten to off herself to manipulate DYAD.
  15. Yeah, that was a much better premise/excuse for the period theme. The idea of having to go retro for a PTSD Mafioso is original, but it really didn't work so well. A dream or being unconsious would be more believable. And more physical comedy like the car slide fail would've helped.
  16. I thought the monster was the sedative, but the "degradation" works too.
  17. I know, but sheesh, now Patton Oswalt can't come back. Unless maybe he has an evil twin?And yes, thuganomics, I loved Simmons' choice of a TARDIS--both because of the Who reference and because, seriously, is that the best answer or what?--and I loved that Skye's given name was Mary Sue Poots. Does anyone know if Chloe Bennett knows the Mary Sue reference?
  18. I just had to bring this over from TWoP. Too funny but so likely: No one - he was hotwiring a Miata.In a society with equal rights for women, Cora and Ava might have been buddies because neither one would've wanted to marry old Leopold. They could've set up their own magic shop.And I'm a tiny bit glad that Zelena didn't succumb to Rumple's sexy moves to the point of his getting the dagger. I want someone to get it from her, but necessarily him, and not in that way. I don't have a problem with them making out--it was way hotter than anything he's had with Belle--I'm just relieved that she didn't lose the dagger because she was thinking with her lady parts. Editing spelling
  19. LOL. Is this the first time this line has been typed? Just in case, I will tweet it with proper attributions since Twitter, unlike TWoP forums, is being archived by the Library of Congress.
  20. I'm guessing Mrs. S. was an original member of the clone project, but then decided it was immoral and tried to save Helena and Sarah from becoming property or lab rats. Perhaps she figured they were most vulnerable to DYADs evil machinations because of their healing abilities. Maybe she didn't expect the others to survive. I'm even wondering if one of her own eggs was used. Okay. Editing to add I like this from TWoP better than my theory: And I'm okay with the return of Helena because it seems like part of the long arc that she and Sarah have a special bond because they are twins, and both of them and Kira have healing abilities. I'm actually less okay with Kira's face not being healed more quickly--I want an explanation for that.
  21. I'm pretty sure that in real life, most murderers aren't very good at covering their tracks, but on TV, it seems most murderers start out as chess-champion-worthy planners and then start acting stupid when it's time for the stars of the show to catch them.
  22. What a missed opportunity for comic gold! When Snow was still only half conscious, she should've mumbled something like, "Zelena is my half sister, and Regina is my...? Mph. Ungh...," followed by, "No. Wait. The butler did it! I mean the gardener!" Would've been so much better than yet another line of how sorry she is for preventing the slaughter of her family and others by killing the would-be killer.
  23. Awesome. Too bad they couldn't have had a quick cameo of Silas Weir Mitchell from Grimm breaking the fourth wall to tell us. So is he the source of Zelena's green magic? Or did Cora's envy of Ava infect Zelena in the womb and the magic tornado was just some cosmic fairy event to protect an abandoned babe by imbuing her with special powers? A brief apologetic for Jonathan the Dick: As someone who has been pregnant and had the child's father skip town, I feel free to defend him a little bit. He saw Cora in the bar teasing the men. Cora was only interested in him because she thought he was a prince. When she found out he was a gardener, she demanded money. Neither the night they met nor 2 months later did she ever express any affection for him. In the bar she didn't say: Even if you weren't a prince, you would still be a prince to me. And when she knew she was pregnant and found out he was a gardener, she didn't ask if he cared for her, she just asked for money. I thought it odd that Hook was included in the seance. Was this because he is now the acknowledged front runner for Emma's affections, or is it just because he is a main cast member? If the former, they missed an opportunity to clarify exactly what his intentions are regarding courting a princess. Oh well, there will always be flash backs, previouslies, and fairy backs.
  24. Since Hook has been playing the part of Mopey, the Eighth and Taller Dwarf this season, it's kind of hard to tell, but I'm guessing he was bummed out at the diner because of the kiss curse, right? And as long as they brought up time travel, I'm going to assume that any retcons or plot holes regarding Cora and Leopold knowing each other (or anything else) are due to previous time travel spells having created alternate realities, because even if Zelena, Rumple, et al. claim there's never been a successful time travel spell before, they could all be living in an alternate timeline and never know. Editing to correct sleep typing
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