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Everything posted by MuuMuuChainsmoker

  1. That extra does look like Luke Kirby! #SarahIsNotACrackpot. #AlsoNotWrongAboutRaisins
  2. (Not intentional, but I will happily pay for your therapy if you feel rejected. :P Please send the bill to "Cyril Figgis".)
  3. Spoiler archive moved to archive thread. Please @ me if you need anything added to that thread in the future.
  4. This thread is for archived spoilers only - Commentary on Spoilers should go in the Spoiler Discussion thread.
  5. Either way, I don't want be in the same room with you and risk ending up as "collateral damage".
  6. Also, I would like advance notice the next time @Drogo decides to throw shade at the Khaleesi, so I can make sure to run well out of Dracarys range.
  7. Oinky, since you started as Insomniac, did you find out that you were a wolf, or did you just find out you had been switched? If it was the former, you might have tried to convince Drogo that you were originally the Minion once it had been revealed that you 2 were switched. The real minion wouldn't have contradicted you and Drogo might have decided not to chance outing you. You'd still have to reveal "the wolves" but you might be able to convince enough people to lynch an innocent townie of your choosing. All of the above is probably a long shot though. As Silver said, I think you were just kinda stuck with a bad luck situation.
  8. It could be that Oinky was the Insomniac, then learned she was a Wolf (from SVNBob) and has been playing dumb since then. Though then I don't know why she'd confirm to Drogo that he is definitely Village.
  9. FWIW, I think that's suspicious, although I suppose bland could also be Drunk.
  10. I'm voting for Mark because I'm the Bodyguard. Whoever I vote for doesn't get lynched. So I picked someone I thought was least likely to be a villain.
  11. Consolidating: 1 to DL MarkHB (MMCS) 2 to DL Oinky (Drogo, SS) 1 to DL a1 (Oinky)
  12. The unclaimed roles (excluding Vanilla Villager which a1 says was unused) are: Werewolf Werewolf Dreamwolf Minion Seer Drunk Insomniac Hunter So assuming that the people who have overtly claimed roles are telling the truth we have the remaining players who could be one of the approximately 4 bad guys: SilverStormm Slept All Night - Hunter, Dreamwolf saoirse Pretty Bland Oinky "Villager" Hanged Man [Was Mason, now Hunter?] Drogo Lisin So the two villagers in that list need to step up and help the team with some info!
  13. OK, if I am still bodyguard, I need to vote for someone I am reasonably confident is NOT a villain. So I'm going to go with: 1 to DL @MarkHB (6 to DL the person with the second highest votes). @The Crazed Spruce, please let me know if there is any reason to change that.
  14. If it makes you feel any better, philosophers and college freshmen have wrestled with this question throughout the ages.
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