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Everything posted by MuuMuuChainsmoker

  1. Is TPDTP "methadone"? "Fortune cookie"?
  2. Is the TPTDP some variant of "crazed gay impala"? Even if it isn't, I would buy the shit out of that T-shirt.
  3. Is it "Immortal Highlander"? "Clones"?
  4. Star Wars convention? Lando? Thanks, Google
  5. Speaking of our beloved pal Joe Reid, is there any chance of a triumphant EHG co-hosting return in our near future? Specifically, can you name the number and type of small animals I need to sacrifice to make that happen?
  6. I swear I was going to guess this before the above post, but was TPTDP "horse whinny"?
  7. As the suggester of TPTDP, I was getting anxious listening to the episode. "When are they going to say it? OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, SAY IT. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY IT!!!" (I recognize that this is my issue and not the problem of the fine EHG podcasters.)
  8. Oooooh, tricksey, tricksy, tricksy!
  9. See, now this is how you do a compelling surly teenager, *Homeland*.
  10. The "See Fee" pronunciation of SyFy?
  11. Is TPTDP "get a leg over"? "The sun never sets on the British Empire"? "Poochie"?
  12. Can I just say that I would Kickstart the everliving shit out of a Tim spin off? I love how he isn't shy about letting Raylan know that he's pretty dickish as a co-worker. Is TPTDP "Schindler: the Musical"?
  13. Is TPTDP "Prank Caller" and/or "Don't Sue"?
  14. Oh, thank the sweet baby Jesus and/or the satanic baby Damien. I've listened to the last 3 pods waaaaaaay too many times. I love y'all, but I was starting to have recurring dreams featuring the Brody children and Gordon Lightfoot.
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