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Thanks. I thought so, too. It’s just weird because of the RL ages of the actors, like there’s almost 20 years between JB Smoove and Melissa Fumero. And about 10 between Randall Park and Smoove. Until their time in HS was referenced, I definitely did not think Timmy and Percy were peers. Let alone Eliza and Percy.
Are Timmy, Eliza, and Percy all supposed to be around the same age?
I thought that Elliot’s observation that he gets an asexual vibe from Rue hit something for me. You can be an asexual lesbian, because I definitely get the feeling that she’s romantically attracted to Jules, she definitely wants to date her, but I really have never caught any sexual chemistry between the two. From Jules side, some, but she’s a more sexual character, has always worn that freely.
I think the affair with Jonathan both made Sylvia feel very guilty in her friendship with Grace AND made her very aware of Jonathan’s duplicitous nature. I think she knows he’s more than just a cheater, that she saw enough to make her wary of Jonathan and protective of Grace. I think Jonathan will wield that little nugget of information at just the right time against both Grace and Sylvia. Dude is a flat out sociopath, imo.
The show keeps telling us this and how he’s a dick but not a murderous one and the more they show how he charms and manipulates and that talk show dramatic emotional pause that Jonathan really tried to sell, the more I think this is all going to be a bunch of red herrings that will end in, “Yep, Jonathan was the murderer after all! Isn’t he just such a scoundrel?” Because the story is Grace’s, her “undoing”, learning the truth from her father, her best friend(oh yeah, she totally slept with Jonathan), her husband, and, ultimately, herself, the wise therapist who helped others but never learned to help herself until she was forced to.
This was the most genuine reaction I’ve seen from Mark during this series and I didn’t mind Catherine’s presence only because she brought out the reaction. They’re all working as a team to bring NXIVM down, but Catherine is an outsider, traumatized indirectly, and able to say she was never seduced by these teachings or these people. And she showed that off in her talk with Bonnie, joking about her “dog bed”. And it was obviously not intended to be cruel, but Catherine didn’t recognize that this was painful and this wasn’t just a silly memory. Mark and Sarah have both told these stories over and over and, imo, that’s why some of their emotions have come off as acting, rather than genuine. There’s a distance as they recount, because there’d have to be. But Mark’s response to seeing Bonnie have to laugh off her trauma, at remembering this awful detail from their relationship that they have not fully dealt with, at remembering how “stupid” they had to be to believe this stuff, and to have it sparked by an outsider, all felt more genuine than other times Mark has tried to be emotional. Not as rehearsed and both Catherine and Bonnie’s responses seemed more genuine to the moment as well.
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It’s obvious from contextual clues in the dialogue that she was aware it was a sex anniversary, but disagree away lol.
S05.E12: There's No Place Like Home
VagueDisclaimer replied to OnceSane's topic in Below Deck Mediterranean
My father gets his Valium just fine with an electronic script. -
That still means she knew it was the first time he and Carol had sex, which is still very weird. ROSS: Oh my God, oh- is today the twentieth, October twentieth? MONICA: Oh, I was hoping you wouldn't remember. ROSS: Ohhh. JOEY: What's wrong with the twentieth? CHANDLER: Eleven days before Hallowe'en.. all the good costumes are gone? ROSS: Today's the day Carol and I first.. consummated our physical relationship. (JOEY IS PUZZLED) Sex I mean, raise your hand if you know the exact date of when your sibling first had sex with their significant other?
It was worth it just for the “dilated-a-mundo”. Watching TOW George Stephanopoulos and I’m still confused by Monica's awareness of it being the anniversary of Ross and Carol’s first time having sex, to the point that she knew the exact date. Was this an anniversary the two celebrated with others? Were there parties and Hallmark cards? Did college Ross call up his little sister to inform her he’d just lost his virginity and so she marked it down in her diary so she could...celebrate it with him? It makes perfect sense for Ross to remember this, for him and Carol to have made this a special date, and to have Ross confessing it to the guys as to why it’s such a special day. It’s just very weird to me that Monica is that aware of this anniversary. Then again, the writers showed off often how strangely they perceive brother/sister relationships.
You know this is a forum in which to share these reactions, right?
I agree wholeheartedly about the orchestration and I’m curious how detailed it all was and how many were in the know. I definitely think the triumvirate of Sandy, Bugsy, and Malia was set and was part of selling them on this season, with the added incentive of them all teaming up against Hannah. Maybe not in getting her fired, but definitely in at least demoting her. Just any way to gang up and humiliate her. I do wonder if Hannah was in on it at all. Obviously not the reveal of the meds, I think that was just a lucky find on Malia’s part and maybe she’ll get a bonus for lining up the kill shot. But overall I do wonder if Hannah was given some idea, though i’m assuming she caught on right quick when Bugsy reappeared. My biggest question is how did Bravo think this was going to sell. Did they think that the Hannah hate was enough to balance out Sandy/Malia/Bugsy behaving horribly and stupidly and so very unlikeable? Did the women know how much they’d be villainized, because the way they’re all doubling down, I get the impression they think they should each be crowned and Hannah stoned? Overall, I’m just curious if this is all playing out how they each expected. The show is certainly not gaining viewers, Hannah is likely the happiest she’s been in a long time, where’s the win here?
Watching the rerun of TOW the Tiny T-shirt, and it’s the first episode with Joey’s play and meeting Kate. What’s confusing to me is all that talk sand all the rehearsals that imply this dramatic play, especially with how Kate waxes poetic about the playwright. But then we see that bizarre part of the play with the spaceship ending and I’m not sure why. I mean, yes, they made it into a joke, but it wasn’t a funny joke and...Meh.
OT, but I looove your avatar 🙂