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Everything posted by LadyChaos

  1. Because she had a right to know, and from him.....so he thought he best tell her before they died, which was a real possibility. I think Arya was sad and worried. She finally got to see all the people she cared about again, and they were all heading into battle and would likely die. She doesn't want to lose them. I, for one, am more disturbed that Gendry is able to sleep since no one else seemed to be able to.
  2. I'm kind of wondering if Dany and Jon will agree to a split. Jon, King in the North and Danerys Queen of the 6 Kingdoms.
  3. Agreed! I think Jon will try to hide it, he won't want anyone to know. 1) because he doesn't want to be King and 2)because he would want to jeporadize Dany's claim to the throne. I absolutely think that Sam, being hardcore camp Aegon, will out Jon's parentage in front of everyone so he can show them there is another option. I think Sam will bank on another case of the Lord Commander election, and being named KitN.....he won't want it, but if they want him, then he will do it. I do think, that despite everything that Dany has done for the North, they will back Jon if it comes out. The North suffered much the past 40 years from the King/Queen on the throne, they will want someone sympathetic to the North on the throne that may allow them their independence again. I don't see any reason yet as to why they would listen to Jon over Dany......but I do find it interesting that they are showing a growing connection with Jon and Rhaegal. I want them to do justice to this fight. It cannot be as simple as Jon backing down and Dany taking the throne. That is a cop out in my opinion. I want to see Dany decide whether she truly wants the throne or if she was taking the throne back simply because she thought she was the last Targaryren. I want to see Jon decide if this is something worth fighting for. I want to see them address it, instead of just 'Oh here Dany, you can have it, I don't want it.'
  4. So your saying .....they wanted us to not see anything...cool...cool..... maybe they thought we would be so happy to see whats happening in the future, we wouldn't complain.
  5. Im not saying it would justified.....Im just saying Im surprised.
  6. Or Dany made sure to bring food enough to take care of her own people, at the very least enough for them while they were in transit....... we will never know....Not to mention that they were there for like....2 weeks before the battle...so likely anything Sansa did or didn't do to prepare for them, wouldn't have mattered enough for them to get sick
  7. Im honestly surprised that outside of the Little Bear (may she rest in peace) no one has brought into question where Sansa's loyalties lie. I mean all those people stressing about Danerys and Tyrion....no one mentions that Sansa used to be married to Tyrion, and then married a usurper in the North, Bolton.....
  8. No, Im saying that Stannis had more men than the 50 people from Bear island, the 2000 wildlings, and what was left of Winterfell people. As she said 'How am I supposed to feed Dothraki, unsullied, and 2 dragons?' One would assume that she did not prepare for them even though she knew it was possible they would come when Jon left to meet Danerys. Since its a 2 month journey (according to show) from KL to Winterfell, I likely took him about that time to get to dragonstone, then the weeks he was there before traveling back to Eastwatch to get a WW, then bend the knee, then travel to KL, then back to Winterfell. One could say she had at least 6 months to prepare for them......and yet didn't.
  9. Why? She didn't say anything useful. He even told her that if she had useful advice he would hear it. She responded with 'I don't know, just don't do what he wants.' That's not helpful. Thats the opposite of help. Team building 101: Don't bring up a problem, if you don't have a viable solution.
  10. Thats alot of assumptions from one scene of her asking how much food they had and if the armor was made right. Stannis's army was not made for fighting in the North, and they were unfamiliar with the terrainne, which Ramsey pointed out as why it was so easy to get 20 who were used to the cold and the land, into their camp. Sansa also only had a fraction of the amount of people to care of, and most of whom, like the Wildlings, or great houses either brought food with them or were fending for themselves. The Wildlings were used to fairing in far worse conditions in tents.
  11. Why? I wouldn't listen to her; and I, unlike Jon or Dany, am very well aware of what she went through. Little Finger was always dubious and creepy, but he flattered her, so she trusted him. Not only that, but she was unsure if she should go with him, so to make sure she did, he framed her as an accomplice to Joffery's murder and made sure she knew it so she had to go with him.... BUT TRUSTED HIM ANYWAY. She watched him murder her Aunt in front of her after telling Lysa he only ever loved Caitlyn, and still trusted him and covered for him because ...what saved her, or protected him because she was scared for herself? Honestly, I will say one thing, out of all people in LF life, he was likely most himself with Sansa in hopes to use his honestly to manipulate her into playing the game with him. Because of that, she knew exactly what kind of person LF was, and still trusted him. He also gave her a choice to not marry Ramsey, and she walked into that willingly, she wasn't sold. She just didn't know what a psychopath Ramsey was. And I don't think she for one second, believed that Littlefinger didn't know what kind of man Ramsey was, but after the BotB, she let LF stick around and get back into her head. KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT HE WAS! I wouldn't listen to any advice Sansa has about anyone. When she does try to give advice, she usually does it in a snide way, without actually offering a solution. So I sincerely hope she stays North, and out of the way, and let people who actually are helpful and have experience with the real Cersei and know her, honestly, alot better and longer, and have more experience playing than game than Sansa. Like Varys.
  12. yes but i the preview its the bigger dragon with the hole in the wings. Drogon is bigger.
  13. one of the dragons is injured, I think Drogon is the one with the hole in his wing. So Im sure Dany is on the other one, making Jon ride the horse. My guess is thats why we see Dany trying to bond with Rhaegal. She has always ridden Drogon, and always favored Drogon over Rhaegal and Viserion. So may try riding Rhaegel for the first time. I honestly don't see Tyrion and Sansa falling in love. I think they were just trying to reconnect as friends. Tyrion never made any indication that he had feelings for her. Just the oppposide he considered her a child, and mostly just tried to protect her from his family's cruelty; then towards the end they sort of became friends.
  14. What I don't understand is what Jon should have don? When the fog came they were literally bumping into each other not sure if they were each other or the NK. When Jon finally made it out of the fog and landed, and he realized Dany was still in there, it would have been stupid to go back in to find her when he wouldn't know if it was her he found, then to stay there and and wait for the NK, which was their original plan. When she came to his rescue, and she landed she was still on Drogon. Jon left her, in pursuit of the NK while she was still on Drogon. He had no reason to believe that she couldn't protect herself. If she has taken back to the air, instead of sitting there, she would have been fine. jon is definitely not a person to put anything about himself over the people. Even though he loved Ygritte, there was no love lost between him and most of the Wildlings especially after they attacked Castle Black, but he still set aside his personal feelings and made peace with them for 'the greater good' of Westeros. Even though he loves Dany, if his people didn't like the idea of him marrying her, I think he would set her aside.
  15. Sometimes, I think that writers do this too. Because the writers and tptb intended Sansa to completely be under Littlefingers thumb in s7, and then realized what it would look like so they cut her going to Bran.....and then told everyone about it so we all knew she had fallen under Little Finger's thumb again and was considering turning on her family. Now they had proof that Sansa and Tyrion were going to fight for the people, and cut it, so they looked like giant turds.
  16. Clearly we were seeing to different shows, because I saw her and Tyrion trying to get away without being seen while leaving everyone to slaughter.
  17. trying to shake off his pesky ice mosquitos
  18. Honestly, after thinking on it for a bit, I think killing the NK off in 803 made sense. When writing a story, a writer will use a narrative arc. For this story, the narrative arc spans over 8 seasons, thought tbh 7-8 are really one season. The buildup to the climax of a novel should start at about the 75% point of the story. One could argue that was s7. I consider 803 the climax so now they are starting to comedown. Everything here on out, Cersei and the throne, while important, is just about cleaning up loose ends and bringing closure to the story.
  19. Because she is a horrible character (not evil, but not a good person), and I honestly do not get how so many people love her. I honestly laugh every time we are told she is so smart, and good. She even admitted to Jon that before, she was a horrible person to him, well she was worse with him, but she treated everyone like crap and was a spoiled rotten brat. Now she is older, but she still excepts no blame for her actions, sees no fault in what she does, still treats Jon like he is a piece of crap, belittles everyone she thinks is beneath her, especially those who are legitimately trying to help her. I can list on one hand, how many scenes where I genuinely thought she did the right thing and usually shortly after she ruins it by acting like herself again. TBF, I think that the problem with Sansa's character is twofold. 1) we're constantly being told how great she is, while never actually seeing her do something smart...aside from executing Littlefinger. 2)I think once tptb ran out of book material to go with, they did a piss poor job trying to do with her what I think was meant to berher trajectory of being LittleFinger 2.0....... It would have worked too, if they had actually shown she had a stronger aptitude for it, because mostly she just comes across as second rate. She also forgot one of Littlefingers key features, was to openly never be hostile to anyone who might question his allegiance. Because right now, the only thing I can say about her, is that she has a neck for getting others to help her survive, and not in a manipulative way either, but bc they are trying to manipulate and use her. She and Tyrion could have literally done anything other than what they did, but what they did by sitting there making snide remarks, hiding, and letting everyone die. I mean, see didn't actually see the dead when the Dothraki, she just knew the stakes were higher. So when she went to the crypts, for her there really wasn't any difference than in the battle of Blackwater when she sat with the Queen. She sat and waited, and listened. She was scared then, but at least Sansa tried to keep everyone calm. This time she just ignored everyone but Tyrion like they didn't even matter. And TBH, I think to her, they didn't. In the battle of blackwater, she knew she needed to set an example because she would be their Queen. Now, she didn't care, because she wasn't their ruler, and even if Dany let the North remain independent, the crown would go back to Jon, not her. They lost alot of people in the crypts, but plenty still survived, and they will let everyone know that she ignored them all. You think Gilly and Missandei won't be eager to tell everyone that Sansa sat there and hid while her people died? All of this too! I didn't really expect her start going all Captain Marvel on people's butt, but when she saw HER people were in danger....she and Tyrion could have put their brains together, AS THEY ARE SO SMART AND ALL.....and used them to try something.....anything other then hide and listen to them get slaughtered...
  20. We'll......the Tyrell's no longer need it.......
  21. Some things that Im hoping for next week: Gendry and Arya talk about what happened. Dany and Jon have a convo about him being a Targ Jon actually giving Ghost some much needed love and attention so it actually appears he gives a shit about him still.
  22. Which would shift to Jon, for the throne, because he is from the North, and they would want a Northerner on the throne....with the hope that they would get their freedom back.
  23. Honestly, I think their battle tactic was to draw them in, then light the trenches, thinking the fire would keep them at bay. I dont think they considered the the NK would have them fall on the fire so others could cross.
  24. One would think that seeing an 10-11 yr old girl show more badassery than you, might give you some motivation.....but alas..... This was my line of thinking too.....If Jon killed the NK, killed Cersei, *possibly killed Dany, and took the throne......I mean come on.....Harry Potter only destroyed one of the 7 horcruxes, and Aragon didn't fight and win every battle......its a bit much.... I think they knew they needed to let someone else take some wins. To me, it means that Jon is more likely to be the one to take other wins.
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