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Everything posted by LadyChaos

  1. I think Dany/Jon will pardon Sam for stealing books from the Citadel and abandoning the Nights Watch, and grant him his father's lands back. I also think Gendry will be legitimized and granted the Baratheon lands.
  2. "Your a Lady...oh and I've been pissing in front of you, and all that talk about cocks. I take it all back, I'm sorry M'Lady" "DON'T CALL ME M'LADY" "As my lady commands'
  3. The trick is, is to make sure you really brown the butter....
  4. Here's an unhappy truth for everyone: THEY HAVE ALL SUFFERED A GREAT DEAL! Arya: accidentally killed a boy when she was 11, spent days living on the streets, watched multiple people she cared about being murdered violentantly in front of her, held by several people 'for her own safety' until said person can find a family member to ransom her too, was made blind and was beaten while being left on the streets. Sansa: Was held captive at Kings Landing (though stayed in comfort) being constantly afraid for her life, being manipulated by LF and set up by him to look involved in Joffery's murder so she would be forced to leave with him if she hadn't already listened to him, watched her Aunt be murdered in front of her and being forced to lie about it for her own safety, being raped and beaten by Ramsey. Jon: Was treated like shit his whole childhood by Caitlyn and Sansa, for having the gall to exist. Working at the wall for the Night Watch is its own brand of torture. His own men turning on him, and killing him. Watched the woman he loved being murdered in front of his eyes. Coming back from the dead. Dany: was emotionally, physically, and mentally abused by her brother while being on the run her entire childhood, sold into marriage to a man 15+ years older than her, raped, and lost her unborn child. Bran: was pushed out of a window and was left paralyzed because he saw Jaime and Cersei going at it. Spent years on the run for fear for his life, and become a shell of a person to be a vessel for a higher diety (sort of) They all suffered. No one suffered more or less than another. Their suffrage was each unique to their own story.
  5. I love Dany. I do. Dany, Jon, Arya, and Tyrion are my most favorite characters. Im just not blindly in love with her. I see her as she is. One of the amazing things about GRRM books, is that he created amazingly real, wonderful flawed, beautiful characters. Dany is characteristic a Targaeryan. She is arrogant, and honestly a bit mad. Most Targs were in some degree. And unfortunately that will likely be her downfall, as it was with most Targs.
  6. A Liberator does not always make a good ruler, because they tend to focus solely on freedom and not at what needs to be done afterward. I think Maureen shows a good deal about what kind of ruler she would be, a bad one.
  7. A Couple things here: The North has traditionally NEVER played the game of politics. They are shown to be honorable people who stick to themselves, and avoid the South because the deceit and the games and the Starks are optimum of Northness. They are their own people. Thats why even Cersei told Joffery that they can't keep the North without the Starks. The North doesn't play games. Its why Ned died. It's why Ned's brother died. It why Ned's father and Uncle died. Jon has always been the one that mostly resembled Ned in in manor and personalty. That is not going to change. As far as Sam goes. It doesn't matter that Sam's father abused him, and treated him horribly. It was still Sam's father and brother; and he still loved them. Of course it is going to hurt to learn they burned alive. At least Dany had the decency to look remorseful over it, and was honest with him instead of lying like many others would have. Whether Sansa loves and trusts Jon is debatable. She has neither showed publicly or privately that she trusts his decisions. Just the opposite, she has gone out of the way to publicly treat him like crap. HOWEVER, I will say this. I give her a bit of a pass because to her, and most of the Northerners the AotD are abstract, they've never seen it; so its not quite real to them. The Long Night was 1000 years ago, so Im sure most of the North doubt that its real. Sansa definitely had no business being snotty to Dany. If for any reason that by Jon bending the knee to Dany, gave Dany the right punish her. Sansa had enough sense at 12 to not anger Joffery for fear of the consequences, and having learned to play the game one would think she would be smarter than to show open hostility to a woman capable of burning down the entire North.
  8. I think that in the past, we haven't cared about the people she killed because they were vile people, so we did sympathize with her. However, after my currant rewatch, I do notice that Dany's first response to most situations is 'BURN THEM ALL' she was even going to burn Maureen to the ground in s6 after the slavers tried to take it back, so they couldn't have it. Which was very Mad King-esque. But, again, we dismissed it, because....well they were slavers. They were bad people. She was always arrogant and thought she was deserving of the throne and respect because she was a Targaeryen. We just ignored it because her adversaries we pieces of shit. She really always was a bit mercenary, she had to be to advance as fast as she did, and she had to be brutal to free all her now followers; but we ignored it because, again her adversaries were pieces of shit. Her followers, and more or less her mobile nation, love and follow her blindly and treat as if to a god, because she set them free and her adversaries were their slavers. Now in s7, I don't think they changed her character at all. Its just that now she is facing other characters that we know, on a continent where the game, the rules, and the players are now familiar to us, and we know most of the characters are grey. However to Dany, meeting them the first time, the characters are just people we just met. So now, we are seeing her personality in new light. Now, we see her arrogance and brutality as an issue because the characters she is dealing with (outside of Cersei and Euron) are not bad people, or fully bad people at least. They are people we know and love. Why should Sansa like her the second she sees her? She is no one to Sansa except the person who is taking the North away from them again. Yes, Dany was there to save them, but when she saw the dead, she could have told Jon he didn't have to bend the Knee. She could have allowed the North to remain free in return for asking for their allegiance instead of demanding that he bend the knee. Sam was right, I don't think Dany would have bent the knee to Jon if the situation were reversed. Why should Jon have bent the knee in s7 in the first place? He was right, if she followed her instincts, she was no different than any other ruler that KL has had in the past 40 years. He also told her that she was no one to him, when they first met. So what right did she have to demand that a perfect stranger, who just fought to free his own people, to bend the knee to her? When he finally did bend the knee, it was in part because Tormund said that he shouldn't follow in Mance's footsteps to let pride stop him from saving his people, part because she risked her life for him, and part because she lost a dragon in the process. But before that.... really what motivation was there to back her claim to the throne? What had he seen her do, that showed her worthy of the throne? Why should the people of Westros trust her? Her father was a once beloved King who turned mad and burned people alive. Yes we know that she freed slaves, and that is great, but Westeros doesn't have slaves so they have no slaves to free, to revere her. So why would they submit to her rule? What else does she have to offer them? They look at her as see just another High born with an army that will kill them all as they get caught in the crossfire of the wars. She freed slaves, great. What about the Inn that gets burn to the ground and the Innkeeper that gets strung up because opposing soldier were inside? Thats what the common folk see. To them, she is just more the same. So they don't care who sits on the throne anymore. The Tarly's were honor bound to the throne, did she really need to burn them both? Would others have done the same, yeah (except we all know Jon wouldn't have done it); but isn't Dany's whole pitch is that she is trying to break the wheel, change the system....so maybe she should have thrown them in a cell and let them think like Tyrion suggested. Because that battle just showed everyone that she is more of the same, she isn't changing the wheel at all, she is reinventing it on her terms. Not to mention, for a woman who saves slaves and women being raped, half of her army consists of the Dothraki horde whose favorite activity is burning down villages, taking slaves, and raping women. So it's not that she has changes, its that the players around her have changed, and therefore we see her differently.
  9. During my rewatch, I remember catching on a lot sooner how she actually treated Jorrah like shit quite a bit. As soon as her brother died, she actually started getting pretty arrogant and thinking pretty high of herself fo someone that had no army, and small dragons.
  10. Not to mention, she told Jon she trusts him, but her actions dictate otherwise.
  11. This is why I think she is a conquerer, but not a ruler.
  12. 1) I really cant stand that they keep having everyone in the show tell us that we're suppose to think Sansa is super smart and clever instead of the rotten spoiler brat she appears. 2) How about if Sansa had shown an oz of that trust she claims to have for Jon, to the North, maybe the Glover's wouldn't have abandoned them. 3) Arya saying that Sansa is protecting her family.....I think it was valid that Jon pointed out that Jon is her family....bc Sansa likes to forget that. Other than that, I loved about everything in this show. There was a good deal about humor that indicates the calm before the storm. It does feel like like Sam choosing that moment to tell Jon the truth was on of bitterness and it makes me feel like that Sam will be the one to out Jon's heritage to everyone. I do think that as soon as everyone sees the army of the dead their tune towards Jon will change.
  13. Honestly, I think her first reaction will be that she will think that Jon knew all along, and it was a plan to take her army and stake his own claim to the throne. Than, after she has a minute to think and a few people talk her down, she'll realize that Jon isn't that kind of person and that he probably needs her support right now. If we got a 12-13 episode season I would be money that this would go on for about 2 episodes before she comes around. Sine we're only getting 6, I suspect she'll come full circle in the same ep. I think the arc that will carry over 2 eps will be that she won't care that they are Aunt and Uncle, but Jon will. He will push her away. Then it will come out that she is pregnant, so he will push aside his own disgust and offer to marry her because he won't want his child to be a bastard.
  14. Jon will likely fight being asked to take the throne, so he won't want Sam to spread the word likely. So what I mean, is that he might act against Jon's wishes. I would love to see them run together but I agree with you that one of them will likely die. I do think the word marriage will be throne about but I don't know if it will come to fruition.
  15. If Sam, is hardcore in the Jon being the King of the Seven Kingdoms, I can see him doing this.
  16. HAHAHHAHAHA .....ahahahaha....ahaha.....when those books come out...... at this point I think he means 'IF' also....in Peter Dinklage's remembrance video when he is talking about Tyrion, it doesn't sound like a man who is about to commit treason. You mean the Fairy Godmother's son, Prince Charming?
  17. Im actually hoping she ends up with Nick, I think he is far more suited for Sabrina. Im actually wondering if Harvey if Harvey might not be fully human though. The Witch Hunters we saw in this ep, were Angels. Harvey comes from a long line of Witch Hunters. I don't trust that if Harvey's dad found out that witches were real, that he would make Harvey choose. We can all see how well Harvey stands up to his father.
  18. I have to be honest, Im getting sick of Harvey. He constantly ridicules Sabrina, and blames her for everything. Then tells treats her like crap for staying away.
  19. I think it helps that they have the make up artist and hair stylist just on the other side of the camera, waiting for the director to call cut so they can step in and fix everything.
  20. Is that suppose to be LongClaw.....because Long Claw's eyes are red, not black....... so .... trick of the light maybe? Or something else?
  21. I love this! Though, I really hope he comes around to see that Ned knew it was the only way to protect him, so he doesn't feel totally isolated from his Stark heritage.
  22. Maybe they fly there in 802 to look at the drawings in the cave again? Maybe they take a short dragon flight away on a honeymoon? Maybe Dany found somethings there of Rhaegar's and decided that since he was Jon's father, he should have them? Maybe Jon tells Dany that since she is preggers, she needs to stay out of the battle so he talks her into camping out at DragonStone until its over? She agrees only because she thought she would never have another child, and is afraid she will lose this one too. Maybe.....I'm out of possible ideas.
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