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Everything posted by secnarf

  1. Well, we had an eventful Easter. Ginny has had a worsening upper resp infection - started likely viral, with clear nasal secretions, and a bit of open-mouth breathing (but not the emergency kind, just trying to breathe around her stuffed nose!). I called my vet and was told to call back in 2 weeks if it was not better. Well, we didn’t make it to two weeks - she progressively got worse and very snotty, lethargic, and having difficulty eating because she couldn’t breathe through her nose. She lost 10% of her body weight. I ended up taking her to the emergency vet on Easter Sunday after work (while I was also on call, which didn’t go very well). She now has some antibiotics and recovery food and is doing better, but still not 100%, and the antibiotics are causing a recurrence of her diarrhea issues. Poor girl can’t seem to catch a break. I’m sure me taking the cats to my parents’ place for the week ahead of Easter didn’t help much, either. Luna especially is scared every time she seems me getting ready to leave that I will be taking her somewhere, and the girls haven’t cuddled together since we have been back.
  2. Well I didn't know what the "bloody assizes" are, but the perjury piece led me to the 5th amendment. Can't say I am very familiar with the different amendments, though.
  3. Just a reminder that we have a thread to compare the original and current series (I think this one got a bit buried beneath all of the episode threads) and a separate thread for the original series itself. Some comparison and references in the episode threads is fine as it relates to the specific episode, as long as it doesn't overtake the discussion, but if you want to discuss in more detail, please move to the appropriate thread.
  4. 1/5* - Friday's clue saved me from another zero week!
  5. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/margo-martindale-chris-diamantopoulos-canadian-maple-syrup-heist-series-amazon-jamie-lee-curtis-1235530534/ Some casting information.
  6. The problem is, if they didn't tell anyone (which is the point of the code), they could all have codes but Ben still wouldn't know them. He is lucky Jenn had one in 2018, and was able to tell him from 2022 (or is the show now in 2023?). They could make a group code, I suppose, like what they tell parents to do with their children in case a stranger picks them up from school. Anyways I just spent far too long sitting here trying to come up with my own personal code. Not like I work for a government time travel operation. I did cringe a bit that Ben knew none of the answers though. He remembers Ian, why couldn't he at least remember that one thing? It felt too contrived that he wouldn't remember anything. And to Addison, "you have a goldfish?!" seriously? Unless she really didn't have a goldfish, and it didn't seem like that was the case based on her response, that was both dumb of Ben and hard to believe he wouldn't remember when he remembers so much more about Addison now.
  7. Was anyone else low-key stressed about the temporal prime directive throughout this episode? I have never considered myself a huge Star Trek fan but apparently that has permeated my consciousness because it was all I could think about for most of the episode. Ian did say something about it being hard to find someone for Ben to leap into - but I didn’t catch if they actually clarified who they found.
  8. Thank you! They have certainly come a long way from when I brought them home. Still skittish and sensitive, but we have made so much progress. Tomorrow I will be bringing them to my parents' place for four days while my ceiling is being repaired (water leak from the balcony of the condo above mine). We'll see how that goes, and hopefully it doesn't undo the progress we have made.
  9. This is Ginny sleeping: And both Ginny and Luna yawning in unison: They both love the waterproof cover I bought on Amazon to protect my bed from Ginny using it as a litterbox. It seems to have stopped the problem all on its own!
  10. Same here, 0/5. But I definitely should have got at least 2, and probably 3, of them. Alas, here we are.
  11. My excuse is I added 700 years and a bit and was then thinking of something that happened in the late 1950s. I didn't think "over 700 years" meant "over 720 years". But yes it was extremely obvious in retrospect.
  12. I started along the same mental path as you, got to sulfur and stopped there, because I for some reason thought they wanted an element. When ammonia was revealed, I was confused because that's not an element...but clearly I made up that part of the clue.
  13. 2/5 I was thinking of trying pumpkin chili this week, so I'll bring some of that.
  14. I was surprised two of them missed FJ - as others have said, only so many ways you can rotate a V (< > ^), and only one that fits the rest of the clue. It's not exactly an obscure symbol. Then I spent the rest of the think music wondering if "<" has a special name that I didn't know that made the question more challenging, and then wondering if it would be ok to just write down "<" in case "less than" isn't the official name.
  15. I am glad at least two other people had similar thought processes to me. I have no idea how my mind traveled along the path that it did to come up with Pink Panther or James Bond. I was really struggling to call to mind either theme to figure out if one had a staccato part (it's hard to think of another tune with the Jeopardy think music going!), so ultimately decided that James Bond was sexier than a cartoon Pink Panther and went with that.
  16. I do think this is a big part of it - at least for me. I feel like I pronounce wine and whine differently, for example, but if I ask somebody else, they don't think so. I think I only feel that way because I am picturing the word in my head. I have a coworker named Gillian, who often goes by Gill. Someone mentioned to me that "Gill" was coming back and I was like "who is Jill?! I have no idea who you are talking about??" and it was because in my head they are two totally different names, and I was picturing it with a J in my head.
  17. Me either, but I *didn't* recognize the girl at the bar. I did enjoy when she came back at the last minute to save Jesse, though, and they reminded the slower audience members (i.e. me) who she was!
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss @Yogisbooboo64, and that you couldn't be there. That's so hard.
  19. Well, I stupidly ignored all of the FJ clue except for the last three words, and selected the westernmost country in Africa - Senegal - after a short mental debate over whether Senegal or the Gambia was considered more "west".
  20. She looks so happy!! I am so glad she is settling in well. Always love to see a shelter animal find a good home.
  21. 2/5* - got Mongolia and Raiders of the Lost Ark - though that one might have been helped by having just read an article about Ke Huy Quan reuniting with Harrison Ford ahead of the Oscars. And, I learned that Kazakhstan is considered landlocked!
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