21 -
165 Excellent-
@carrps, exactly. I can't stand him. My husband doesn't like him, either. I wanted Dan to be the second gone after that awful David was booted. Right off the bat, he rubbed me the wrong way with his demeanor vis a vis the name dropping and "I'm from here-ing" about EVERYTHING those first episodes. Yeah, dude, we get it. You're from Wisconsin. Now STFU. And be the third out. And take Danny with you. I'm hoping for a Savannah v Laura finale!
Thank all gods everywhere that horrid woman is GONE. Bye, Ayanna, you terrible, mentally unbalanced, TOXIC person. I have rarely disliked anyone on this show as much as her. I love me some drama, but she was just....no. Also, before anyone screeches about the gif, it's clearly hyperbole and clearly wishes no actual ill upon Ayanna. 🤪
It could be that, or, let's face it, this is a TV show with a budget. She could be freezing it and the producers are FedExing it to the United States weekly for her kid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
S02.E11: The Last Supper Part Two: Entree [Season Finale]
LiterateDog replied to T Summer's topic in And Just Like That
Oh, no, T Summer, I completely agree that Lily is a big part of Carrie's life. I just don't think she counts a part of the 'friend group" and therefore doesn't fill the assigned role that Jackie does. If it's not that, I find it completely inexplicable that Jackie's existence as a character continues. ;) -
S02.E11: The Last Supper Part Two: Entree [Season Finale]
LiterateDog replied to T Summer's topic in And Just Like That
I'm just gonna have to set y'all straight (and that ain't easy, given that I'm a very gay man, but, anyway...) For everyone asking why is Che still around and why is Jackie there at the party, etc., you all know why. MPK rightfully took aaaaaalllll of the not-diverse-enough-original-show criticism to heart. But, did he think long and hard about how he could avoid vulgar tokenism and work to organically create real, deep, heartfelt diversity with quality characters that make sense? No he did not! He made himself a little checklist and by god and the Easter Bunny he's gonna fill it! He has several Black characters. Seema fills the South Asian spot, and of course the not-straight spots are filled by Che as non-binary, Rose/Rock as trans, Anthony as gay and Miranda as a lesbian (Miranda could also fill the "questioning" spot, were it needed). Che even does double duty, as Che also fills the Latinx roll. And Jackie is the East Asian. I suppose Lily could fill that spot, but she's not really a friend of Carrie per se, so I don't think MPK would accept that. You don't like any of those characters I just listed? Tough! 'Cause they're not going aaaaanywhere. So, buckle up, buttercups, they're here for the long haul. -
I could happily have another character-based series, BUT, I *love* this idea, Millennium. I'd eat that show up with a spoon!
I blame Chuck because he did his best to reinforce the flaws. Jimmy is like a drug addict. Chuck basically said, "You are a drug addict. That's all you are. That's all you'll ever be. You have no chance of ever getting better no matter how hard you try or what you do." He is scamming to get a client to make money to survive on partly because Chuck not only refused to help him but he also thrown as many obstacles in his way as possible. Since childhood, Jimmy was on a knife edge between breaking good and breaking bad. He wanted to break good but the pull to break bad was strong. Then his brother told him that no matter how hard he tries he can't break good. And his wife had the same problem he had and was the worse possible choice for him. He had a chance to break good but his own nature and everyone around him he cared about pushed him to break bad. Exactly that, scenario. Jimmy wants to be good, he certainly tries, but fails. He can *be* good, but he has to have something pushing (or pulling) him in that direction. But over the course of the show, the message to him has always been: you'll never be more than the worst of what you are. He got that from Chuck, he got that from the other lawyers he worked with, he got that from the people on the foundation committee who wouldn't even consider that girl who had stolen but had turned herself around. It all just tells him, "What's the point in even trying?" Now, HE is responsible for HIS decisions and he has become a terrible person who has done terrible things. But the tragedy is, it didn't have to be that way. If he'd been pulled the other way, it'd all be different. And we'd not have a marvelous show to watch, but that's neither here nor there. Because nobody's watching "Breaking Good" or "Better Call Jimmy". ;)
DIEBARTDIE, I *never* cry at shows, but I just had the waterworks FLOWING during that scene. I was even getting tear-y when I was telling my husband about it the next day.
ANTFTW, it's actually even more than that when you look at what people were making as wages at that time. Those calculators usually way undercalculate how things have inflated. During the time of the show, $50 could easily be 1 - 3 months of wages, depending on what one was doing. And for a cook or other house servant, a significant part of their wages was in their room and board. This article is very interesting: https://careertrend.com/salaries-in-the-1880s-13655312.html
S01.E08: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
LiterateDog replied to Aulty's topic in And Just Like That
OMG Someone posted this on Reddit about this epi of AJLT and I've been cackling with remembered glee thinking about the original episode. Wouldn't it be great if this is the response Miranda got from Che? I know its not going to happen, but one can always dream. 😂 -
To people saying the fact that Che is non-binary means that Miranda isn't following Cynthia Nixon's journey down the lesbian brick road, I don't agree with you at all. Che's truth may be that they are non-binary, but as seen on the show, they present the image to the world of a butch lesbian. That isn't insulting. It's just, to me, a fact. Miranda's fascination is with a butch lesbian, just as Cynthia Nixon's wife is definitely not on the lipstick part of the lesbian spectrum. And that brings us to the point that has so many people upset about this. They're destroying a beloved character so CN can transform said character into her "new" self. Sorry, lady, it's called acting. Her character doesn't have to be her. Her insistence on doing this, and doing it the way that it has been done, has been a big fuck you to the fans and many of us are giving it right back to her. I wish she wasn't in "The Gilded Age", because good lord I will be hate-watching any scene with her in it. :P
See, YEAH NO, that's the thing. I don't believe the tiny yet vocal minority to whom they're trying to appeal will believe any of this is OTT or insulting. They're eating this shitshow up and snapping their fingers in woke ecstasy. Comedians, real ones that people actually think are funny, have stated over and over again that wokism is the death of comedy. We're seeing that come to life on this show. It's the death of quality entertainment, frankly. If this is where things keep going, be prepared to not like most of what we're offered. To this crew the only thing you should care about is how "on message" what you're doing is. That's why Che's "comedy" is supposedly presented as such. To these people and their ilk, that IS comedy. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Your post just helped me crystalize some of my thoughts. :)
Sigh. What is with these revivals trying to ruin our wonderful memories of tv magic? The most infamous for me so far has been Amy Sherman-Palladino having her hateful revenge for being ousted from Gilmore Girls by giving us that execrable Netflix revival. I recovered from that steaming pile of merde by pretending it doesn't exist. I fear I'm going to have to do the same with this show, too. I was so happy to see my ladies back (well, 3 of 4, anyway). Now I'm not. I have a sad. Also, if what Che does is what passes for stand-up comedy today, the end truly is nigh. There was nothing funny about that. On point messaging? You go, girl. But definitely not even remotely funny.
None of you were pronouncing baklava the wrong way. The English seem to delight in mispronouncing some words. I remember that wretched Toby Young on Top Chef years ago insisting on pronouncing paella as "pah-ella". The ever-delightful Michelle Bernstein put him in his place over that one. But in general, live and let live. They can pronounce it however they like, but don't any of you think you were wrong in how you were saying it.
OMG yes! I've listened to it enough now that is doesn't have the same power over me that it did at the start, but it LITERALLY made me cry the first several times I listened to it. So beautiful and sad.