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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That never occurred to me, I was looking for a trophy. But it does look like a humidor. That's something about your grandparents still being in that house. One day an ex boyfriend was in my barn doing some chores and came in the house all shaken, said all of a sudden he could smell his (deceased) grandfather's pipe tobacco, strong. Another ex boyfriend lived in a rural house. Many nights, his dog would stand on the end of his bed and growl, fur up. Sometimes when he woke up and looked, he would see a man standing there, wearing a plaid flannel shirt. Then the man would disappear. Furniture would be moved around when he came home from being gone, and once when he came home he heard the tv on from outside, then it wasn't on when he went inside. A roommate he eventually got also saw the flannel-shirted apparition, it would walk by in the evening, seen from the corner of eyes. When he told the person he rented from that some strange things were happening, she just said, oh, so you've seen (the man's name) too? So she had encountered him when she was living there. Turns out, an elderly couple lived there, and the man died at the house. The elderly wife was taken to a care home in town. When my ex found that out, next time the apparition appeared, he called it by name and said your wife (name) has gone to live X place. And that was the end of seeing the flannel-shirt ghost. (A photo he found of the man and wife, the man was wearing a plaid flannel shirt.) Long story long.
  2. It's time, it's time, it's time to present the Winner of Week 23*. This week the VSH (Very Special Honor) goes to a MCP (Most Consistent Player) who checks in every week and goes by the name of ... @DXD526! DXD526 earned this VSH by reporting the same score every week for the past three weeks. I do like me a steady player who can be counted on to go a steady pace toward the goal of ... well, completing this season's contest. So I do hereby award this week's VSH to our MCP DXD526. Tra-la-la La-la and please accept this trophy as proof of your consistent brilliance this week. *Thanks @zoey1996 for keeping track!
  3. Happy One Day Late Birthday to your daughter @JenE4. 13 ... wow. Lucky you! I'm glad shows like The Bach didn't exist when I was 13.
  4. I wasn't going to watch last night's ep, but flipped over and saw Apolo Ono, someone I really like. So I stayed and watched. Man, talk about a painful episode in so many ways. I'm really sorry I didn't flip back to ... whatever was on the other channel. I did learn Apolo now has a real not imagined girlfriend, the only positive takeaway I got. I also liked he was wearing tennis shoes. But man, the rest was ultra depressing. I guess The Wall has joined all the other contest shows that are doing charity giveaways now. I guess celebrities don't get COVID-19.
  5. Plus insisting a toboggan is a freaking hat. Looks like I'll be skipping next week. I'm not up for the WTA crap fest since this entire season has been a crap fest with women yelling at each other for no reason other than they are suppose to. The credits clip reinforces my feeling that Matt is a dick and a jerky creep. Why am I even watching this. I hope @JenE4 is okay. I missed her tonight!
  6. That would have been hilarious if Heather picked him up in her white mini van. This show is missing so many golden moments.
  7. I know, right? So much THIS!
  8. Matt's TH: Be sure to insert snot-sucking noises Sound Person. Sound Person: Done!
  9. LOL at Rejected Matt who can't even come up with anything to say other than "I don't know, it sucks to hear that." Then he repeats it. Articulate he ain't. Serena, you made the right decision. Get away from that doofus loser now. Then SHE walks HIM out? WTH.
  10. So Matt just pushes Serena's hotel-room door open. That would have been the best if she was on the couch making out with some other dude. Learn to knock, Matt, then WAIT to be invited in. Boy, Serena sure went to all happy and giddy with her Canadian food to all dark and glum and glower now. Looks like another one is leaving before FS night. You go girl!
  11. Say ... WHAAAA? Could it be Mindthinkr is a ... Pisces?
  12. Serena's sister's cleavage for the win. Even Serena keeps checking it out.
  13. Oh, Matt's duded up to impress Serena's family with his best mock turtleneck. She must be the front runner.
  14. I knew they were going to have poutine. At least there are no turtlenecks this episode. Because there are no moose in Pennsylvania. Serena = best date of the four.
  15. True this, because if they don't, they are "putting up walls" and not "opening up" so the Bach has to let them go. Whichever one doesn't let her walls down enough won't get the rose and will miss her chance at the FS. Which this season, is the best reason yet to keep my walls up. Oh man, you are right! That was GOLD, Jerry, gold I tell you. Dean ... yeah, that was a pretty cool season. Namaste!
  16. LOL that Matt thinks all of the HTs "went well." Dude, you crack me up.
  17. These HTs are so boring. It's the same old same-o, blah blah blah. If there is no tatted up brother slamming on the Bach, or no mom swilling wine right from the bottle, or no road-killed animals in the basement freezer, HTs = snoozefest.
  18. Wow, it was a huge deal that my sister and I are 16 years apart. I guess Bri beat that by a decade or so.
  19. Earlier this season Matt was all about spinning that ATV in the mud and dumping it over with his date on the back, but he's all verklempt and whiney about going over some bumps riding in a Land Rover? What a baby.
  20. And I wonder if they weren't all from central casting.
  21. Now Matt says "Me and your dad." Geesh.
  22. Matt to Rachel's dad: "Rachel and I's relationship." Part deaux. Thought: What are the hometowns going to be like on the Senior Bachelor season? It boggles the mind!
  23. My take is Rachel and her instructor had already landed, then were hoisted up on a crane so they could redo the landing for some fake drah-mah. A professional dive instructor wouldn't have let them go all cattywompuss at the very end after a stellar and perfect dive.
  24. The star of this date is that car. Does anyone know what it is? Now the next star is the hot dive instructor. Baby! Come fly with me.
  25. LOL that Michelle is getting ready to tell Matt she's "falling in love with him" and, close up of his face, he looks like he's going to vomit. Then his reply is to fish kiss her. *SMACK SUCK FACE*
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