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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Trivia time! A while back I emailed a friend a story about when I was in Nashville for business and went to a special performance of The Grand Old Opry at the Ryman, this well after the Opry had moved to its new location. The only performer I remember was Little Jimmy Dickens, but what I remembered most were the singing commercials for Goo Goo Clusters, one of my favorite candy bars. LOVE them. They have always been a regular sponsor of the Opry. I found out today that Goo Goo Clusters, made in Nashville, are named for the G-rand O-ld O-pry. Heh, I never made the connection. --TM Mr. Obvious And now you (and I both) know! Hey, you'll thank me when it's a J clue some day.
  2. That was the combo of your brain and body telling you to stop polluting your body with that trash*. *I include the poison called Diet Coke in with that "T" word. ETA: Not that I'm telling anyone else how to live. Apologies if my views were taken that way. I'm just a granola and Earth Shoes kinda guy.
  3. I never gave a thought to "a fifth" being a measurement. I thought it was just a generic term for a bottle of whiskey. So I did some online shopping; whiskey and scotch is sold by ML, with 750ML being "a fifth." Who knew. I guess I do now. Letting kids taste beer and hard liquor was a good idea in my case. Nasty stuff. Decades later, I still am a teetotaler. I wouldn't date any guy who drank, or smoked or did drugs for that matter. Then or now.
  4. Yeah, since David has a brother and three sisters who might identify as a "he/his." Kevin might have meant Paul or Lisa Sedaris. Clue: In 2017 this "Me Talk Pretty One Day" humorist opened HIS diaries for "Theft By Finding"
  5. Hope the electrical charge from that shock didn't ruin your hairdo. I got a big laugh out of FedEx. If Ken had been hosting, he would have had a laugh too. I know Milton Glaser is Push Pin Studio -- I'll bet you guys didn't know that -- but I had no idea that I heart New York was a paid logo. But Glaser's work has never been what I call groundbreakingly clever. I guess none of the three players wear jeans. Funny they knew ass-less chaps but not Wrangler jeans. Bryce was one of my favorite players for so many reasons. Sorry to see him go. At least he got some nice cash out of a good run.
  6. Not that you know anyone who does that, right? Ha ha ha!
  7. There's the Dickeyville Grotto which is a fun stop for non-reverent people. Oh, and religious folk too. But it's more fun if you're not.
  8. Absolutely not. Dogs used for grooming competitions love being washed, fluffed, puffed, and getting hours of full-time attention. Just as some people love spa pampering, so do these dogs. Dogs will jump onto the grooming table by themselves and stand perfectly to be fawned over and be the center of attention. Dogs that don't like it will pout, sulk, head and tail down, won't walk on a lead ... and therefore will not be used in any competitions. It's the same as dogs that don't like to show just don't become show dogs, they stay home on the couch. My old best-in-show dog loved the spotlight so much, he would literally turn his back on me if I took another dog to the ring instead of him. I've loaned some of my retired show dogs to competition groomers and the dogs LOVED being back in the spotlight and center of attention instead of just another dog hanging around home being bored. All of the dogs on Pooch Perfect are experienced grooming competition dogs, and they love their jobs. Creative grooms are a division of every grooming competition, it was not developed for tv. Prize money at competitions is substantial so I was not surprised at the $100,000 end prize. I know people who make their living doing this. A big key to success is keeping the dog happy. An "abused" dog is not a happy dog. I would def let any of my dogs be on this show.
  9. Don't feel sorry for the dogs. Dogs used for grooming competitions love being washed and fluffed and brushed and getting all that non-stop attention. The dogs last night were all experienced competition dogs. These dogs will jump up onto the grooming table by themselves and wait to get their "spa treatment." I've loaned some of my retired show dogs for grooming competitions and they loved it. If the dog doesn't like it, that will be reflected in its demeanor -- head and tail down, sulking, refusing to walk -- and it won't be part of a competition ever, just like a dog that doesn't like to show stays home while the ones that love the spotlight will get mad if they AREN'T loaded in the van to go to a show. My old best-in-show dog would literally turn his back on me if I took another dog to the ring and left him behind.
  10. Since "Willie" was accepted for Wee Willie Winkie, then I guess "Kim" would have been acceptable for Kim Kardashian. I've not heard any of the guest hosts say BMS.
  11. Found it, been there, already posted! Thanks!
  12. Hi @zoey1996, thanks for starting this thread. I hope more dog lovers and groomers come to post. I watched, wondered if I would know any of the contestants. I know several competition groomers but none who specialize in the creative cuts, that's a separate competition at grooming shows. So I didn't know anyone, although a couple of the teams aren't far from me. I felt badly for the person whose heart dog was a Boxer, not much hair there. Although I thought the groomer could have made it look more like her dog, with the white blaze and other markings. I didn't agree with the Schnauzer winning that segment. That was a Say What, Really? moment for me. For the elimination segment, I loved the skunk, but my favorite was the badger. So adorable. I thought the fire ant lady should have made that dog a lobster instead. I couldn't really go with the flamingo either. I thought that one was weaker than the ant dog. The elephant was funny, and a nice statement. And no, judge, the "other end" was still groomed too. I did do a big WHAAAA? at the Afghan guy saying he's the top Afghan handler in the United States, then he embellished it to say he's the best in the world. Honey, I don't think so. But the guy who did the goldfish is def a dog handler, he knew how to present that Bichon. I basically tuned out when Rebel was talking and ignored all the dog costumed gallery so missed most of the stupid, thank goodness. I thought Lisa's dog sorely needed a grooming, like STAT. It was pretty ragged looking.
  13. I have to say, this gave me one good hearty laugh. I expect it did as well for some of you other old timers. Carousel lovers, are you familiar with the largest carousel in the world? It's in Spring Green, Wisconsin, not far from me. I haven't been there for many years, though, and they keep expanding and adding things. My favorite was always the self-playing instruments, we would put in our quarters and dance in the hallways where the machines were. Other tourists would give us a wide berth, but it was lots of fun. House on the Rock
  14. I watched, wondered if I would know any of the contestants. I know several competition groomers but done who specialize in the creative cuts, that's a separate competition at grooming shows. So I didn't know anyone, although a couple of the teams aren't far from me. I felt badly for the person whose heart dog was a Boxer. Didn't agree with the Schnauzer winning that segment. I loved the skunk, but my favorite was the badger. So adorable. I thought the fire ant lady should have made that dog a lobster instead. I did do a big WHAAAA? at the Afghan guy saying he's the top Afghan handler in the United States, then he embellished it to say he's the best in the world. Honey, I don't think so. But the guy who did the goldfish is def a dog handler, he knew how to present that Bichon. I guess I should look for a thread about that show. Ha ha!
  15. It's Toot Toot Time to Tell Tuesday's Triumphant Two Trivia Toppers of FJ's Week 28. Yes, TWO! Topping the list is Long Time Player, First Time Winner @biakbiak, It took biakbiak 23 weeks to duplicate a certain score, an amazing feat of sticktoitiveness worthy of recognition. The Second Tuesday Triumphant Trivia Topper of FJ's Week 28 is @Good Queen Jane, who takes home the honor of Co-Winner of Week 28 because she deserves it. And what better reason is there than that? Congratulations to you both for having special weeks. As a token of appreciation to you both for being loyal FJ Contest players, here is a medal for each of you to prove your brilliance. Wear them in good health. And wear them often! Even after this week.
  16. Trying not to take that personally. Although I am at the T42 this week, where I am strangely uncomfortable.
  17. I really want to use "You ungrateful little millennial shits" (-TM @possibilities) in a sentence to someone some day.
  18. The Awkwafina repeat had me LOL, even though it wasn't all that old and I had seen it first run. Great set up for last night's new Maya episode. Then THAT came on and it was liking getting a bucket of cold water dumped on me. Did all the writers from Awkwafina's episode die or get fired or something?
  19. That bolded part made me laugh more than the entire episode, except for a couple of WU lines. What a dreck way to spend 90 minutes this show was. Thanks for nothing, show.
  20. Two night ago my dogs told me there was a critter on the roof where they had "treed" it. My solar lamp wouldn't cast its light far enough, but I figured a raccoon based on the time of day (night) and the big raccoon tracks I found in my front yard after the snow melt. Last night I kept hearing thunking on the roof, so I went out and some critter was ripping and digging in a tarp I have up there. Again, solar light too weak to shine far, and I wasn't going up there in the dark. I gave it my best I'm-A-Killer-Monster-GIT-OUT shout and the thunking and ripping stopped. I've been pondering whether to climb up today and pitchfork the thing if it's there, asleep for the day. I'm not sure trying to shoot a rifle while standing on a roof with a huge raccoon coming at me is a wise option. I also could live trap it I guess. I have a live trap in the barn, but it has a skunk in it. So many decisions for a Sunday.
  21. I've heard that IKEA has samples and sells Swedish meatballs. True? It would be worth suffering Atlanta traffic for some of those, me being Swedish and all. Those meatballs are THE BEST and I haven't had any for many years. Oh, they sell furniture too? Who knew! @Mindthinkr, great photo, and thanks for that before I have my oatmeal breakfast. I have been staring at it for a while now, and will continue to do so, me with my bowl of oatmeal ...
  22. There was no way I would ever get the IKEA FJ. I've never been to an IKEA store nor have I ever even seen one, or seen anything from there. I looked up where they are ... the closest is a three-hour drive east. There is another a five-hour drive south. I'd have to go all the way to Utah to find one to the west. And since I've been building my own furniture and cabinets since forever, IKEA is just not part of my world. And the Shakespeare clue? I was out as soon as I saw the category! LOL. I didn't even think of the math, another one of my not-so-strong suits.
  23. Talk to me when you have cred as a professional dog person who has bred and handled more than 200 AKC champions and put groups and BISs on dogs in all seven groups. Any dog not of pure parentage is a mongrel/mutt. These "designer" dogs are nothing more than mongrels and the bane of veterinarians who have to attend to their multiple genetic problems and diseases. Showing that photo and having that clue on a so-called "respectable" quiz show was a disgrace.
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