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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I could use a gimlet about now.
  2. I had to think a minute ... soft g, like "gem." Or: Jib-lets. Again, my mom was raised in Arkansas if that makes a different. Before they were cooked, she kept the giblets in the ice box.
  3. LOL. Yes to dresser. Although that does mean something different to the royals.
  4. You guys are from a foreign land. Chesterfield = cigarettes.
  5. LOL Mondianyone. I just ate breakfast/lunch/dinner while watching Friday's Jeopardy! It was fun to see after reading comments here. So here goes mine: First, when Trebek opened the game, he said "today is get-away day." What is that? Is it Canada speak for Friday? I thought too bad all three players were men, but they recently had three women so it was okay. Then Trebek calls Lynn "she." The heck. I've worn ties and vests before so her outfit didn't bother me, but gosh, she fooled me. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The clue about some place was closed to help stop the place from subsiding ... answer, Leaning Tower of Pisa. I've never heard of a building "subsiding." But I guess if coffee grounds can subside (settle) to the bottom, so can a tower. TREBEK CHEESE ALERT! AT read the clue for the sage cheese and said DERBY. Pronounced the American way. I know, it surprised me too. After the answer of "dressing" was given, Trebek said it was "good stuff." LOL at that. Only saying it was "good stuffing" would have been better. Smudging: The clue was for cleansing a new house, so I took that as getting rid of the bad spirits before moving in. So it doesn't literally "clean" the house, it just gets rid of evil juju and bad karma. Captain Kidd in the FJ clue made that answer easy for me. Finally. I've been missing FJ all week until a pirate clue helps me. I felt badly for Lynn. One dollar. That'll take a while to get over.
  6. I've been to some oyster bars in NO but couldn't tell you the names. I can barely remember my own name. BBQ oysters sound wonderful. I can tell I haven't eaten anything yet today. Off to make something so I'll stop posting about food.
  7. "That's what he said." I say speak American, not Trebekish-stan. Dur-bee cheese. I cook the giblets (heart, liver, gizzard), chop and add to my stuffing. Bread cubes, onions, celery plus all the right spices (including Poultry Seasoning, it comes in a can!), moisten, mix, stuff. I think mushrooms might be a good addition, and I think Clanstarling's dried cranberries would be tasty in there as well. I've heard about sausage in stuffing and would be happy to try that. I'd also be all about some oyster (seafood!) stuffing from NOLA. It all sounds good to me, I like trying new and different things.
  8. That cheese would go well with your cornbread dressing/stuffing Forumfish. It's very pretty!
  9. Who gifts anyone with a fountain pen these days? in 1980, yeah, classy. But 2018? No way. We'll see that pen again me thinks.
  10. DrSpaceman said the game of (The Game Of!) Life dates back to the 19th century but has evolved. I just wonder what game pieces the original Life had. Anyone? Bueller? I've heard discussions of dressing vs. stuffing and I think the conclusion was, the terms are regional. My mom was born/raised in Arkansas so we had stuffing, even when it wasn't stuffed in anything but our mouths. I didn't hear the term "dressing" until I went to some northern Yankee Thanksgivings. Now I'll say dressing just so people don't look all slack jawed at me if I call it stuffing. (Which it really is.)
  11. I'm sorry, but this made me laugh. So thanks for that. So did I. It was sort of a no brainer, perfect for me, who has no brain lately. Plus back then you would have put those pink and blue pegs in a ... what? Not a car. And at my house, it was just "Who wants to play Life?" I can picture the box but not the name, other than L I F E. The players obviously don't read here or they would have caught our lengthy discussion of Lebanon's flag. Oops. Never mind, this has already been addressed. I just can't remove the quote box. Roaster, if I ever get on this show, I'm going to ask you for FJ bidding lessons. I fully support your right to like or dislike anyone you wish, for whatever reason or non reason, here and elsewhere. I mean, why should you be different than every single person who ever lived? This cracked me up because a straight woman dated you for months. That sounds like a Seinfeld episode. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I missed today's game, so ya'll are now deprived of my witty comments on today's ... well, on today's everything. I'll be back next week. *knockwood*
  12. I didn't tune in until second half of the first round, so missed the interviews, thank goodness, because my mom raised me with manners. Which means if I didn't like a play, I would either sit there and not clap or, if I could do so unobtrusively, just leave. Booing someone, anyone, especially a performer, is the worst behavior. If I hated Man in the Moon, I would have just let this do my talking for me (from Forumfish's link): Newsday critic Allan Wallack said "Man on the Moon is the kind of show that ought to be reviewed on the obit page." That's one big OUCH! of a sentence. I'm glad the second-chance player got the win.
  13. Precocious children (*coughLisacough*) can do whatever they want, and Lisa made clear with her stories that she is/was one and did as she pleased. She didn't say who PAID for the party (cough*parents*cough). Of course, she could have kept her friend's slight alive in her memory bank for 20 years and did the party then. You know, after everyone grew up and moved away from their pre-school location. Neither scenario makes me like her. Thank the Jeopardy gods that she's gone. I wish I could HEART your post one thousand times Mondrianyone. You look good in that hat.
  14. Yeah, it was garbled but because two days in a row Lisa talked about letters she wrote as a child, my money is on this party happening when she was around seven years old. I'm not cutting her any slack on that since she obviously still dwells in her childhood.
  15. I know, right? I barely remember being in kindergarten yet she tells a story about it on national tv. Of course, I've done a few things since then besides writing letters to Sesame Street characters. I'll see your sarcasm and raise you five snarks. I didn't know who Herrmann is/was, but all I could hear was that frightening shower-scene music so yeah, instaget. Although Rope did quickly move through my brain first.
  16. Here's hoping you make it Teebax. I've-done-everything-better-than-you Trebek has always bugged me. But since he gets to pick the interview topics, good luck with that. If Lisa's interview tomorrow is about another letter she wrote when she was a kid ... gah. I was rooting for John. Oh well. The people I voted for in today's primary aren't winning either. I'm a jinx.
  17. I think Regis said Frida Kahla. The wind is blowing here, making my tv reception go in and out, so I missed a lot. But I did see one DD and was all set to freak out about "Sea of Cortez" being easier than a Kid Tournament $200 clue, then the guy said The Magellan Sea. WTH, I don't even know where that is, I'm agonna hafta look ata map. Heh. I guess I miss questions that others think are easy though, so I cut him some slack. But still ... San Diego, Tijuana, Baja ... It's not like it's in Moldova or something. This made me laugh. Teebax wins my Today's Internet emmy.
  18. Any place with armed guards and surrounded by electric fence says "prison" to me. The Federal Correctional Institution at Sandstone, the low-security federal prison in Northern Minnesota is still a PRISON. The guy can't leave ... he's a prisoner. Or, change my sentence to: "Who knew it was so easy to get someone out of North Korea?" Yeah, that's even better.
  19. The clue was something like: "This show (or was it the ship on this show?) was named after one of the Wright brothers." Answer: The Orville. My post referred to not remembering that Seth McFarlane's character (or any other character) on that show explaining why the ship they were on was named The Orville. I just took for granted that was its name without thinking about any Wright brother. (Mr. Ed, on the other hand, was flying on The WILLLL-bur.)
  20. Hey, thanks for the pineapple link, illdoc. This info from that page is bound to show up as a future Jeopardy! clue: "Pineapples are roughly divided into four categories: Smooth Cayenne, Queen, Abacaxi and Red Spanish." Pineapple is my favorite fruit. Now I wish I could try some of those varieties that are delicious but don't ship well. (insert my sad face here) Thanks biak. That makes sense since I know the leaves do have points or pricks (ha ha) on their edges. I used to grow pineapple plants back when I was in college and obsessed with raising all kinds of foliage. The plants never produced pineapples, of course, but they make cool plants for your window.
  21. Who knew it was so easy to get someone out of a North Korean prison? I still like all the actors, including the Kilroy character, so that's something. The actor who played the physicist was also quite good. I'm not sure in real life that family would all live happily ever after, however. But it's teevee so okay. Next week looks good, it's Jennifer-Beal-centric!
  22. Right away I thought Roman's scotch was poisoned too, and wondered why Hank's scotch was already poured. I wanted Roman to do a "Hey! Look over there!" and switch the glasses. That would have been fun. So Avery's dad ... how did he get Jane pregnant anyway? Is he an old boyfriend or what? I was hoping the dad would be Tree Guy or someone cool. Plus how does everyone know that's Avery's dad? And Jane is Avery's mom? Did I miss the DNA Ancestry.com test? I do like Weller and Jane getting along. He's not such a dick this season. But still, I'd be all for an All Roman All The Time series. I'm not a fan of him getting all attached to the Blake woman though. She looks like every woman who has ever been on The Bachelor. Just ... no, Roman.
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