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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This judge votes no dice. A taxidermist preserves dead animals by stuffing or mounting. Not a lot of smell. Seriously. A tanner on the other hand ... Pee-You. The skins are soaked in vats (that stink to high heaven) to turn them into hides that are used to make belts, shoes and so forth. Tanners don't care what animal, they are interested in the resulting leather, while a taxidermist does care and recreates the animal. Without any smell!
  2. Browncoat, from shows I've seen, you are in the worst seas, many do not make it through. But I trust Lindblad to get you back safely. Your penguin adventure is indeed surreal. No one will be able to top your stories at the next cocktail party you attend! Safe travels! (And good on you, being able to eat extra at upcoming meals ... given the attendance will be down.)
  3. Word to your post, Loandbehold. And thanks for reminding me of Red's speech to the UN assembly, which was a great time killer and, who knows, maybe was Spader's way of getting his personal opinions heard. Like I said, who knows. It was a great time pad in any case. All of a sudden FBI isn't able to "steal" prisoners from the local PD? Geesh, that happens all the time on tv. Now Cooper's task force can't? Okay then. And yeah, Red's been walking all over the world shooting people but has never been ID'd or caught on CC camera anywhere. Okay then x2. I thought Lizzie's reaction to the bomb MAYBE going off was to cover her face with her hands and leave them there for an extended period of time was hilarious if not incredibly stupid. If only she'd leave them there for the rest of the season. If Lizzie was going to bust Red, she could do it while sitting in Cooper's office with Mr. Cooper. I mean, "Call me Harold." WTH, she has to call NYPD? Please. Lizzie's new-found sister is all gangsta. So she doesn't want to be a waitress any more. What's her new occupation then, gang lord? If she hated her job so much, why didn't she take advantage of the guy who took care of her ... I've already forgotten his name, the one who killed Tom. That was all so long ago! Anyway, he should have set her up as a receptionist at a nail salon or SOMETHING. Or hey, maybe put her through college? So Red does one nice thing and Lizzie is all verklempt about what a great guy he is. Alrighty then. I have all kinds of ideas about how I'd like this season to end. I doubt any of them will play out though. OH: Best character this episode was the bomb maker. He was all kinds of cool, right up there with the DMV guy.
  4. Not to mention, who remembers anything from when they were 4 years old? Yeah, the fire was traumatic enough for that, but seriously? She remembers every detail? Right. I actually watched this again last night, the rerun. Lizzie and the sister go on a "road trip" to the empty lot, then Lizzie gets a call and she immediately shows up at the warehouse where the doctor was shot. I guess sis had to walk home. *hand wave* Hand wave this entire show, I guess.
  5. I'd be living in constant shame and embarrassment if I let people here say FJ was easy affect me. Just reply "IEIYKI." For instance, my only FJ guess was the Hudson River since maybe, just maybe, it flows through Spanish Harlem, if there really IS a Spanish Harlem. Sure, the Panama Canal is a no-brainer once the answer is revealed, but before then ... duh. We were never taught the word for "isthmus" in my Spanish class. If FJ is ever about directions to a Spanish library or "pass the butter," I'm golden. I saw "Arsenic and Old Lace" decades ago, when old movies used to be shown on tv. I just remember the two elderly women making "tea" for their gentleman callers, and the fellow digging the Panama Canal in the basement. Kudos to those who got FJ based on that film! BTW, the "Roosevelt" is ambiguous ... no one knows for sure if it's Teddy or Franklin. It's one of them, or could be both. I vote both. I don't check the tracker, but I look at TheJeopardyFan every day to get FJ for the contest, and I always look to see who won because I hate stress. Knowing the outcome of the game lessens that considerably. JMHO of course!
  6. Man, these weeks are FLYING by. WEEK 17 — ONE asterisk 81. 21st Century Oscars. Before she was 25, she became the youngest performer to receive a second Best Actress nomination. * 82. U.S. Navy Ships. “Peace Through Strength” is the motto of the U.S. aircraft carrier named for this man who professed the same policy. * 83. British Memoirs. Before his death in 1996, this famous son wrote the memoirs “The Enchanted Places” & “The Hollow on the Hill.” 84. 1940s History. Air Force pilot Gail Halvorsen earned the nickname “Candy Bomber” for his actions during this 1948-49 event. 85. Transportation. Carretera Transistmica, aka the Boyd-Roosevelt Highway, runs parallel to this waterway.
  7. The only thing that could save this show for me is if Mr. Kaplan comes back (we never saw her actually DIE) and she and Dembe move to Panama and live on the beach with Michael Scoffield and Linc.
  8. I've read this sentence over and over so many times, yet I still cannot wrap my head around it. Pee-Wee!
  9. No kidding. What a bunch of dumbasses, although that lines up with coming to rob a bank dressed as a SWAT team. I wish one of them had just freaking shot Red as he went into his sililoquy. But then I always think that since Red gives speeches everywhere and with everyone and in every situation. Like his words create some force field around him or something. Super creepy: Cooper telling Lizzie they've known each other long enough, call me by my first name. This from the guy who let multi-murderer international criminal Lizzie back into the FBI task force. Yeah, I'd call that creepy. Next step: Dating? Lizzie was 4 years old when he father disappeared, yet she knows what kind of a man he was and what he looked like? Alrighty then. Especially since no man, father or not, looks the same at 60 as when he was 30. Even Red/Not Red. So much BS that the writers actually wrote that. And yeah, for sure that is still a vacant lot where the house burned down, 30 years later. Someone is paying taxes on an empty lot? I don't think so. The house would either be rebuilt or there'd be a strip mall there now. Although with this show's writers, I wouldn't be surprised if Lizzie would find her father's wallet there, plus other souvenirs if she had only looked. Then the landlord is right there, hanging out at the empty lot for 30 years. And Lizzie tells him she needs a list of hospitals nearby. Lizzie, there is such a thing as Google maps now, you can do that yourself. IF any of the hospitals are still in business 30 years later. And good luck getting a court order to see patient records if they are still there. The sisters thing is so beyond stupid. I'm with posters above: WTH show. Every season your rules change and we're suppose to forget what happened last season because it doesn't fit with this season. And yeah, so many shows that were actually good were cancelled yet this get renewed. The power of Spader's paycheck I guess. I also know it takes weeks if not months to recover from plastic surgery. One doesn't just jump up from the table wearing a brand-new face. Geesh. This show is the definition of hate watch. But based on the amount of posts here, I don't even think it's that any more. One last word: Agnes.
  10. I liked that he called himself a ginger, being a ginger myself. That was such a big part of the books, Harry being chosen as Seeker as a first-year student, and Fred and George Weasley playing as well (as Beaters). Reading here, I got all the TSs. The Hills Brothers coffee TS was a no-brainer since I have two cans of Hills staring at me right now. Yes, cans CAN stare. How about the Berlin Air Lift? (Sorry, could not resist.) Reading all the posts here will help you with your Jeopardy studies.
  11. Very cool, @Moose135. Thanks! I read that the candy bars were dropped from the plane, each wearing a little hand-made parachute.
  12. I said Berlin Air Drop since they were dropping things, not lifting them. So I'm glad that was ruled correct. But again Trebek was with the "You're too young" thing. Geesh. Most people have had WWII history studies and have at least heard of the Berlin Wall. Smart ass. Ha ha! Now we have a three-day champ. I hope you posters who were complaining about all the One And Dones like him.
  13. Oh, I forgot about Bridget. "Single White Female." (!) Thanks!
  14. Out of curiosity, is there another Fonda besides Jane, Peter and Henry? Because I can't think of one doesn't mean there is not.
  15. I thought they were asking for from what town was The Stone stolen, so I was surprised when Trebek said Stone of Scone. And yes, it was a FJ answer this season. One (of the few) I've gotten correct! This is from yesterday's TheJeopardyFan.com about the FJ answer: "Christopher Robin Milne is the son of A. A. Milne, famous for having written the Winnie-the-Pooh series of books. “The Enchanted Places” and “The Hollow on the Hill” are the first and third parts of his autobiography. At times, Christopher Robin loathed his father for making him famous (through the Christopher Robin character in the books), but writing the autobiography enabled Christopher Robin “to come to terms with what his father had done to him”, according to a 1996 obituary in The Independent. I can't figure out why son hated dad so much for using his name in books. He didn't HAVE to go to school as Christopher Robin, he could have just been Chris Milne. Or even Topher Milne. So I don't see the big deal. But I'm also not a big hater, so there's that. I guess the son was going to despise dad for something anyway so it might as well have been his name. Although I'm guessing dad left a nice estate and $$ to the ungrateful son. Just guessing though. TheJeopardyFan.com does have a link to the obit in The Independent.
  16. Be careful what you say on this thread. Huzzah for our two-day champ. Did you get FJ @lb60? It made me think of you.
  17. No problem, plus you are not late. People (some people!) have real lives so late and even later reports are recorded. It's all the same to me as long as totals are reported so people stay in the contest. So, no worries @Good Queen Jane. It's my feeling is that if someone feels inclined to cheat at this goofy little contest, then let them. Karma will bite them in the butt later on. (Karma literally killed one person I knew personally as a liar and cheat.) Nice total on your Jeopardy board, @opus. That's an excellent amount going into FJ. And I know you didn't cheat to achieve it!
  18. I said "Stretch Armstrong" aloud to my tv. It amused me when I said it. I've read there is some controversy about Tom Cruise playing Reacher since Cruise isn't all that tall. Didn't anyone get the TS of trachea?
  19. I wonder how it's known Joey fell over the wire. That's pretty wild speculation unless someone saw it happen. Or his foot was in the wire where he fell and was killed. Not that it matters I guess. But this show always puts in/leaves out details that are never cleared up. I still want to know where that diamond ring is.
  20. That was so irritating. Like those players were "too young" to know anything about Ronald Reagan yet FJ players could answer a FJ about the First Punic War four games ago. I have no idea why I knew FJ so easily except I have an interest in naval ships. PBS's "Carrier" is my favorite series, I've seen it four times. But back to FJ: It was between George H.W. Bush and Reagan. Both have carriers named after them. But I had to pick Reagan based on “Peace Through Strength.” Still, Bush was a strong second guess. "A thousand points of light" and all. I'm obviously living in a Seinfeld Bizarro World since last week was a fail for me and the week had no asterisks, while today was easy peasy for me, and it was an asterisk day. Go figure.
  21. When she hosted SNL, her entire monologue was how to pronounce her name, complete with songs. Of course. I knew Laurel and Hardy immediately, but had to stop and think which one always said that. So, I picked "the other one." I liked the clue about the Canada geese. People always call them Canadian geese, which is wrong, they really are Canada geese. I'm on a flyway and see wedges of them all the time, they always honk as they fly. One went over this morning as I was feeding horses ... going south, unfortunately for me, good for them. In spring they lay over in the water near me and I can hear them honking into the night. I've been told it's legal to shoot one if they fly over your property but I've never put that to the test. I listen more than watch, so will have to pay attention today. Beto is "my guy" for 2020. This is why I only half listen to the interviews on days when I'm already cranky and Trebek can send me OTT with his smart assery "It's All About Me" business. I did hear that though, and it forced me to imagine Trebek in a skin-tight wet suit. Yesterday was not a stellar day. I saw Winters Bone but it's difficult for me to associate JL with it, she was so young then. Even now she's not on my radar for a great actress. I don't remember what name I came up with, just know it was incorrect. I hope everyone had a good NYE and ya'll are enjoying a day off. Remember to eat your black-eyed peas today for good luck throughout 2019!
  22. Was it Friday when a woman player said she couldn't watch Jeopardy in the summer when the trees were in leaf, it would only come in during winter when leaves fell. And Trebek told her to get an antenna and she said that's what she had? Finally, someone who understands my life. I'm still hoping to be able to get PBS again, it left in spring, as did the two Fox channels. And pretty much all the channels leave when the wind blows. Which it never does on the tundra in winter ... /sarcasm/
  23. Mine should be read more Shakespeare, listen to opera and study The Bible For Dummies. But I won't. I'd like to say my resolution is to see Hamilton, but I can't afford it. *sigh* So I guess my 2019 resolution is to Try Not To Be Hopeless.
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