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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I ignored the mollusk part of the clue and went with the "Jason and the ..." to get my answer. I would think the females would eventually find their way while the males would stumble around and finally think, the heck with it, and lie down to take a nap wherever they were. Well, if mice are anything like humans that is. If James is reading here, he must think it hilarious that he looks like so many people. I personally think he's a twin for that dude from Naperville who is winning buckets of money on Jeopardy.
  2. I agree with your assessment. Any bet more than $2,000 is considered "bold" now, but IMO very few players know how to use the DD to their benefit. James does. I wish others did, it would make for more exciting play. Most can't see the big picture and, therefore, are too conservative. Then they go home.
  3. That is one I easily got, due to an old saying my mom taught me years ago: "Never use a preposition to end a sentence with." I told that to my editor once and he replied, "Yes, you can," without even catching the joke. *sigh* This one I would have gotten as well, although my first thought was "Lake Michigan." Oops. A lake is not a state. Another one I would have gotten, except I did the day-before test. My brain-dead moment was being able to picture Henry Kissinger and hear his voice, but I could not come up with his name for the life of me. I missed all of the opera clues for sure. I haven't looked at the answers since I know I tanked so badly I'm not even close to getting "the call." I get dumber every year. I know how hard it is to get on this show, even with the country-wide testing. I do like trying my hand (brain) at it though. I admire everyone who makes it on to play for real. Those questions are EIYKI*. (Easy if you know it.) The show puts in one if not more clues to the answer, I guess so viewers will feel smart and be more inclined to play along. I remember decades ago being in LA with a friend who took the test. That was when one had to travel to the studio to apply to be on. She came out of the building shocked by how hard the questions were, she was expecting the test to be like the show. She did not pass.
  4. LOL, yes, the key is knowing what day today is when you click on a home page link. Today's category/clue/answer is posted way early, before the results of the game are given to Andy. If I look before 10 a.m. central, I don't know who won but I do know FJ and the answer. After 10 a.m., complete results for that day are on the site for that day's game, even though the episode won't air until hours later. I always look because I like being spoiled. I'm that low-stress person. It's also like being a little omnipotent, if even for one-half hour.
  5. Not paying attention can be a big problem on that site! The category is listed at the very top, in with the players' names. Scroll down a bit and the clue is a few inches below, in red. The answer is down way further, below the photos of the players. So you might know the category/clue, but you don't know the answer if you didn't scroll further. Complete game coverage, winners and win $, etc., is posted sometime after 10 a.m. central along with who got what on DDs and what clue categories were left on the board, plus Andy's comments on the game which are always interesting. Just a primer so people don't get accidentally spoiled! That's short for Triple Stumper, which means none of the three players could answer it. We take some pride here in being able to answer what Jeopardy brainiacs cannot!
  6. Thanks @opus. I don't get Millionaire, it's on a network my rural antenna won't bring in. Great find.
  7. It's pretty easy to be judgemental when you have the answer on that card in your hand.
  8. Yes, of course a man would remember Jane's videos and the leotards. As to remembering what exercises Jane was doing, or what exercises anyone watching was doing (in her leotard), not so much. Imaginations run strong though. Best not to ask about that. Yes, he def said "working it." That was Jane's catch phrase. She said it enough that it became a joke.
  9. Or young women at home start practicing to speak like that because it's so rad and "cool." Then they apply for and get on Jeopardy. And the cycle continues. That took me right to SNL's Point Counterpoint with Dan Akyroyd.
  10. What? Your snark will start again on @teebax's debut? ACK!
  11. I would never trust a GPS. Friends were using theirs to get to a dog show in the Chicago loop. I was following, and couldn't believe they turned right when the dog-show building was just to the left. I followed them for five blocks before I could get them to stop and turn around. People with GPS don't use brains. I've read too many stories about people lost in Death Valley after GPS sent them on some road that doesn't exist, or down a closed road in the mountains in winter, where they are get stuck for days if not weeks. People will drive around a "Road Closed" if the GPS tells them to. Dumbasses. You are lucky you made it through that lane, @Sharpie66, and came out alive on the other end. I've always wanted to go to Maine, @Prevailing Wind. I planned that would be my honeymoon trip, camping in New England with final destination Maine. I'm still waiting. (Note: Ain't never gonna happen.) So have fun and eat a lobster roll (or two) for me.
  12. That virus clue/answer was almost identical to a clue/answer on last night's online J test. The Experts, the monkey drawing, was a funny yet easy TS. I go to TheJeopardyFan.com every morning to get the day's FJ clue, then answer. Today I was pumped, the category "Celebrities" was right up my alley. Then I got distracted reading about game percentages and who is rated where on the Jeopardy standings, and next thing I knew I had scrolled down and read "Jane Fonda." I had totally forgotten to read the clue and now I had seen the answer. I was bummed beyond words. I have a bunch of her VHS tapes, that was THE era of leg warmers and tights/leotard. But now I don't know if I would have answered correctly or not. So I can't give myself a FJ credit for the contest. Even though I cannot compete, it's the principal of the thing. Turned my day crummy right from the start.
  13. @Prevailing Wind, check out eBay or Amazon for maps. I bought the Indian Country map on eBay from "The Map Guy," based on a discussion here about Tony Hillerman. It only cost a few dollars, free shipping, and the map is wonderful, it has everything plus more than everything on it. I did a Tour of National Monuments on my own a few years ago, leaving from Las Vegas and driving through Utah and down to Four Corners and going back to Vegas via Hoover Dam. I stopped at all the national monument sites in Nevada, Utah and Arizona (including Route 66 in Arizona, anyone who is interested!), but looking at this map, I missed a zillion things I could have seen if only I had this map then. Now I want to go back and do it right. Or better I guess. Anyway, long story long, try eBay. My map was put out by AAA of Southern California for $6.95 originally. I paid less than that. I don't see a year on it, but I didn't look all that hard. I do know Arkansas fairly well, having spent every summer from a little kid through college on my aunt and uncle's farm in the Ouachitas. Lots of fond memories there. I have paper maps of the states around Illinois in my car in case I get misdirected somehow. I've had them since high school and they have often come in handy. The good old days were when one could pick up a free map at the local gas station.
  14. Am I the only one here who thinks James resembles no one but himself? Alrighty then. I've never heard of The Chase, but I see it was on Game Show Network. All you rich people who have cable ... I did watch 500 Questions during its short tenure. I guess Millionaire is on network, but a channel my rural antenna won't pick up. And yes, I still have a corded land line. What did the Canada guy do yesterday during his intro that made so many dislike him? I was doing other things so was listening, not watching. ETA: I'm good at geography. I love maps, love to look at them. I've traveled extensively and would never use a GPS, I use maps and my brain. Yes, what's left of it still works to get me wherever I'm going.
  15. I can take this is in so many ways, none of them family friendly. Plus it did make me laugh.
  16. Yes! Praline was another Throw Back to previous clues/answers, we had quite an extended discussion here about the correct pronunciation of "praline." I voted for saying it like so: "Delicious." Meanwhile, lucky you @Grundoon59 for having Aunt Sally's Pralines left to eat. Mine didn't survive my trip home from NOLA. Who am I kidding, mine didn't survive my stay in NOLA.
  17. "You're a bettor man than I am, Gunga Din."
  18. LOL. Those are the shows I was thinking up but didn't name. Jobs like "sorority recruiter," "healer" and "social media participant" are some of the tamer jobs represented. Today Trebek did ask James about being a sports gambler though, and he gave a good answer. Based on his Jeopardy play, I can see him being pretty good at pretty much everything he does.
  19. I started reading at the top of this page and about had a heart attack when I saw you passed the test and were being invited to interview! WTHeck! I read on TheJeopardyFan that one person has her son video the test as she takes it so she can check for sure how many she got correct. I think that's a great idea. I would have gotten more correct tonight if I had the ability to put the photo in my brain as an answer, like Henry Kissinger. I could see him, just could not bring up his name in 5 seconds. I can barely remember a fraction of the questions, although they will be posted on TJF.com tomorrow. I don't ever have to worry about being on this show though, each year I score worse. My brain is on a serious downhill slide. Maybe the show gave me a harder test than everyone else based on my serial-killer-like photo I submitted. Yeah ... that's the ticket.
  20. Neither are the ears or freckles.
  21. Yeah, I can see that. *Raises hand*
  22. Tonight I kept track of certain words on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ship in a Bottle, Season 6, Episode 12. Times this word is said: Transporter/Transport: 2,354 Teleporter/Teleport: 0
  23. I just took the online test. Ya'll are lucky you won't be seeing me on tv any time soon. Or any time not soon. At least not on Jeopardy! There's still the local and national news ... This made me laugh.
  24. Remind me to drive if we are ever going somewhere together. You: "But I turned left at the light! Or was it right? Which way DID I turn? Anyone? Bueller?" We need to tape a GPS to your wrist.
  25. I don't like to rank on players, but Laura's nasal-whine voice and turning the last syllable of a word into two (or three) upspeak syllables made me glad she went home. That was lucky James didn't have more than $1,000 to bet on that first DD. There but for the grace of god ... and ... *knock wood* I did not appreciate Trebek telling Jeff he "trails badly" after the Jeopardy round. Geezy pete, Trebek, the guy knows that. So go ahead and make him feel more like crap. It's not that hard to say something positive, but I guess for Trebek it is. I said nacre for mother of pearl. Turns out they are the same thing. I got the TS of Argonauts but I thought the clue was confusing and poorly written. That's happening a lot lately. I also got Bull Run. So woo hoo for me I guess. For FJ I came up with Tsar Nicholas and Anastasia but couldn't muster the last name. So no FJ point for me today.
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