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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes to keeping track of asterisks. There will be prizes for that category. Start today!
  2. That's so shocking because she's such a brainiac about everything else. I know, right? If you are not allowed to sell your own placenta, then I'll give mine to you and you can give me yours. Then we'll sell them for $45,000 apiece and buy houses next door to each other. Not that that's creepy or anything.
  3. Blake's working that audition ... no one wants him, he's not a bad person, he's had his heart ripped out, blah blah blah. He just needs to work on actually shedding one or two tears to complete the ruse. I mean, audition.
  4. WHAT? Kristina's dumping Blake? Blake, that sweet, honest, clean-cut fellow who is only looking for his one true luv? How could she break his heart like that. The NERVE! Blake has the snuffling snot down, but he needs to work on producing at least one tear.
  5. Blake is going to give Kristina "all of him." I wonder what THAT means ...
  6. One dude was dancing by myself on the far left side of my screen. I wonder who that was. He was really starting to "get his groove on" when the camera broke away.
  7. Her mom should ground her and not let her go to prom with her fruit low hanging out like that.
  8. Plus body language during that hug was pretty telling ... both had legs crossed away from the other person. Neither one is into their relationship.
  9. Demi has sent me back to NBC and ANW. There is only so much BS I can handle and she's shoveled way more than my capacity. She's BS-ing her way out of a lesbian relationship. Not that she was "really" in one.
  10. Demi's so full of BS. So her girlfriend smiles and talks to some guy. So what. Lots of people smile and talk to other people. Plus if her girlfriend really is a lesbian, what does Demi care if she talks to a freaking MAN? And if Demi's so jealous in this stupid atmosphere, her girlfriend needs to take the next bus out of Paradise.
  11. Hoping for some fancy night-time Mexican-style bugs to fly in and get stuck. You know, to brighten this dreck of an episode a bit.
  12. "Let's do a cheers for closed captioning!" I do like me some cotton candy, leighdear!
  13. Prom? WTH. The poster who said this season is like high school has been proven corrrect.
  14. Welcome @PBnJay! I'm glad you will join the contest, it was great fun last season. At least I had fun since my meager scores were never posted ... until the very end anyway. I hope more new players will join in, along with all you OLD TIMERS in this thread! BTW, your avatar is too cute ... and pantsless, too! LOL! Well, not that it's funny. I hope your test came out negative. Crossing fingers. I won't go into my own TMI but I've had two of those, one as an asleep "regular" and one as an awake radiography. The regular one gave me an appreciation for propofol (which was a TS on Jeopardy!) and the x-ray one made me glad I went through all of those years of art school so I'm not shy.
  15. Thank you @DallasGypsy for an interesting and informative post. I did a search for prices at prison stores and discovered that list is difficult to come by, even for family members/spouses. I did find a 2014 one for the Federal Correctional Complex, Petersburg, Virginia. Candy bars (Twix, Snickers, Reese's, et. al.) were 80 cents. A pint of ice cream, $1.90. FCC Petersburg is for low- and medium-security inmates so, of course, quite different from Angola. Still, the price list is interesting if one imagines they are earning two cents per hour.
  16. I think maybe it gave him some insight into what it would be like to be contained in that cell for years, or life. When I toured Alcatraz, we were given the opportunity to step inside a cell with the door closed if we so chose, just for the experience of being locked in such a small space. We also were able to go inside a solitary cell, which had no windows or lights, then the door was closed so we were in total darkness. Pretty much everyone freaked out except me; it was exactly like my darkroom where I soup film in pitch black. So I would have done okay in solitary. Everyone else ... not so much. Lester sure was writing a lot in his journal. I wonder if he journals every day. I imagine it will make a great book some day.
  17. The Pantsless Avatar group is growing. No sunglasses either, PW, so good bye Too Cool For School Hugh Mongus. We hardly knew ye. Do you have a blog for your vaca PW? I enjoyed my vicarious trip with you on your other journeys. It's a fresh start on your way to winning Contest 36! GFY! (Me likee.) I guess it's just Driad and me in the Floating Head Avatar group.
  18. I did see some guys in the background, in the yard outside, doing push ups. So these guys exercise too. Unlike the fatties in other prisons. Ha ha!
  19. I was fine with Angola being a working farm, and if that's compared to slavery, then so are prisoners working in the laundry, making license plates (do they still do that?) or any other manual labor. The show made the point most of the inmates are black, hence the slavery thing. I guess if it's white guys picking carrots, then it's okay. Plus didn't one fellow say he got paid two cents per hour for his work? Slaves didn't get paid. You can laugh at two cents an hour, but maybe candy bars there cost five cents. Hey, I remember nickel candy bars and I've never been to jail. Lester sort of addressed this too when he said who can you trust is telling the truth and who is giving you a line of BS that they are reformed or repentant for what they did. That's the problem with humans ... you can't trust them. I expect if someone murdered my loved one, I would never want that person to go free. But maybe not, because one never knows how he/she would react until it happens to that person. Even me. The show did say this was a plus, being able to work outside and grow useful things. I don't know if the show talked about this much or was it just a quick mention, but inmates in different prisons now are training dogs for different disciplines such as therapy work, scent detection, handicapped assistance. There also are prisons, most in the west, where inmates gentle and train mustangs that are then sold in a yearly auction. That's a win-win, the inmates learn a skill, bond with their horse, then the horses are given a second chance on life instead of ending up in a dog-food can. All inmates in these programs say how working with a trusting animal, something they can trust back, is rewarding and healing. On the down side, Lester's next-cell neighbor gets out of his cell one hour per day, and hasn't been outside in, what, four years? So all is not bright and shiny there. As I posted above, this show left me with questions that have no answers. @cooksdelight, thank you for your insight into some workings of the court system. It is always informative.
  20. So much this. I needed my Kleenex for that part too. That segment brought back memories of the Lockerbie bomber who was released in 2009 after serving 8-1/2 years of a life sentence for his part in killing 270 passengers on Pan Am Flight 103. A Scottish judge let him go based on "compassionate reasons." Supposedly the killer had only a few weeks, maybe months, to live. As it turned out, he lived almost three years more in the luxury of his family's Libyan villa after being sent home on a private jet. All kinds of "stuff" hit the fan in Scotland (and the rest of the free world) after that. So bogus. But nothing could be done because some judge made it so. It angered me that Frank had to die in prison while that creep didn't have to. I'm guessing there are a lot of Franks out there.
  21. I watched and thought it was very good. It left me with no answers to anything, and raised a bunch of new questions in my mind. The hospice segment brought tears to my eyes. Like Lester said, if we can't have forgiveness, at least we can have compassion. I also paid much attention to the physique of the lifers and other prisoners. No one was much overweight if at all, and the breakfast Lester was served in his cell -- scrambled eggs, grits, biscuits -- looked pretty much the same as the $14.99 breakfast buffet at one of my local casinos. I got a laugh that Lester said he had to eat breakfast to the sound of flushing toilets, like that was so gross. He must not have a bunch of kids/teens at his house. It was interesting that his bunk was connected to the bunk in the next cell so when that guy rolled over, Lester knew it. My other big takeaway was that Lester has skinny legs.
  22. Except the title of the episode. Anyone remember Michael Scoffield? I completely forgot this was on last night. When I did remember well after the episode was over, my thought: "Oh well." Sounds like I missed some laughs though. Another one? Or didn't the free-style blood transfusion last week cure her? Is she going to die to ensure there is no season 2? Asking for a friend.
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