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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Still, that means that The Surgeon was hanging around committing murders with a 20-year-old dude, and let that guy take his son camping. Not that Malcolm had great parents, but that's all kinds of wrong. Not that there's anything right about this show!
  2. The Algonquin Round Table is another popular subject for Jeopardy! writers. This is from TheJeopardyFancom: The group has long been a favourite of the show’s writers, with J! Archive being littered with references to Parker, Robert Benchley, and Franklin P. Adams in clues about the group. Not that that helped me come up with the answer. I will become increasingly dumber, if that's possible, by not being able to watch episodes. I do need to look up on J!Archive to see the clue for Rin Tin Tin. I never missed an episode of the adventures of Rusty and Rinny.
  3. Maybe he tried to stab her to death after floor sex.
  4. Just use fon-net-ticks and the judges will accept.
  5. My first "What?" was the one cop saying he was missing his wife's Kringle. Is he from Racine, Wisconsin or what? Yeah, there are recipes out there to make Kringles, but the only ones I know about you buy in Wisconsin. Specifically, Racine. End of Kringle story. My second "What?" was Jessica putting out a call to find the girl in the box. Wouldn't she be sort of decomposed by now, like into dust, after 20 years? I couldn't figure the ages of these people. If blind grandma is 60, her son would be 40 and grandson 20, and grandson was serial killing 20 years ago? Things just don't add up. Maybe this is a hand wave thing. I didn't have a clue why blind grandma served up dinner for her two visitors, but I got a kick out of the one guy chowing down. Hey, take it where you can get it. I also very much appreciated her correcting Malcolm's "Can I use your bathroom." I just hate bad grammar, and it's everywhere on tv shows these days. So, that was a big plus one for grams. Malcolm's pal gets his throat cut and Malcolm doesn't bother to call 911? Instead, he takes off outside to look for the perp? Some friend. Finally, a big LOL at that FBI woman being named Swanson, for a reason that only I can appreciate.
  6. What birds? I love to watch birds and get a kick out of seeing different ones. In the winter here, big sport is photographing the bald eagles that fish in the open water off the roller dams in the Mississippi. They all go back north once the ice melts. Once when I had some puppies out in the back yard, when I checked on them, there was a bald eagle circling over the yard, and rather low. I brought the pups inside. How weird is it that it's raining in southern California. Mother Nature timed the annual rain to coincide with your trip. Too bad it didn't happened earlier (fires). Pictures!
  7. Based on comments in the Season 36 thread, you getting to see this episode means your luck has tanked and gone south. Your window to buy a lucky Lotto ticket has closed. Photos tomorrow, please, from the ship!
  8. Your luck is back, @Browncoat. May the Force (continue to) be with you on your journey! Did you look out the plane's window at all the snow you are missing as you flew over my house? I waved, but the clouds obscured me I am sure. Maybe you'll find a new avatar on your trip. Have fun with that time difference, and don't be an old fogey by going to bed on eastern time. Party up!
  9. Time to buy a lottery ticket, the Good Luck Gods are smiling at you. Unbelievable that your day is going easily and smoothly. May that trend continue for the rest of your trip. Check in when you can so we can travel vicariously along with you. Inquiring minds want to know every detail!
  10. Inquiring minds want to know if your friend copied your paper. LOL!
  11. I'm getting an existentialist headache! Interesting discussion though. So if I become a Portuguese citizen, then move to Italy to live, and write a novel about my Italian life that I publish in Scotland, what country will claim me when I become a best-selling author/millionaire?
  12. So if I move to Portugal and live there for a while, and write/publish a novel while there, is it a Portuguese novel?
  13. Thanks. It's FL now for me as well. This site is so whack lately. Some days the ads on the right are gone and text extends so far to the right, I have to scroll to read a sentence, and I'm on a 20-inch monitor. The rest of the time, I open a thread to continue reading where I left off, and the page starts auto-scrolling up until I stop it and manually scroll back down again. Just more of life's little inconveniences.
  14. I get the FJ clue in the morning on TheJeopardyFan.com. There was a discussion there as to whether Trebek would use one of his accents to read the clue. He did that last season on a FJ I did not get by reading, but would have gotten easily if read with the give-away accent, as all three players did. So I'm glad he refrained. Is anyone else seeing all post text centered instead of flush left?
  15. The city that's pronounced Sh-CAAAW-go.
  16. It is my privilege to extend a laurel and hearty handshake to you for your half-baked answer.
  17. I wondered if that would come up, so had this ready. It's from Andy, who runs TJF.com: "I have a feeling that I’m going to get commenters in here disputing the word “monosyllabic” in the clue. Here are a couple of things: 1) Merriam-Webster gives the pronunciation as “dēl”, which as you can see by the lack of syllable breaks, makes it a monosyllabic word; 2) the clue is a direct quote from speechwriter Samuel Rosenman, and the clue was transcribed correctly from the quote." One poster made this comment on Andy's site: "And finally, I have to agree with Andy that “deal” is a monosyllabic word. Nobody says “DE-AL”. Well, maybe in the deepest south where “do” has 5 syllables……just kidding, no offense to the south. In Boston they pronounce the city as “Baastn”, not to mention the varieties you hear where N.O. is concerned."
  18. I was thinking the novel title had to be the character's name, but you are correct, the clue asked for the novel's title: "The title character of this novel ..." I've learned that the answer wanted is always what follows "this" in the clue. It's a cowinkeydence that Dracula was also the title. So Jean Val Jean could have been correct if he were not a French porno star! Yes, I declare him a hottie. ETA: Now I'm wondering if the phrase "title character" in the clue does mean the character is the title of the book. Someone help me!
  19. WEEK 12 — Nov. 28 — THREE asterisk * 56. Business 2019. The New York Stock Exchange allowed jeans on the trading floor for the initial public offering of the stock with this 4-letter symbol. * 57. Political Phrases. Speechwriter Samuel Rosenman said FDR “attached no importance to” this phrase, “two monosyllables” in a 1932 speech. * * 58. Movie Quotes. The 2 single-word quotes on AFI’s list of the top 100 movie quotes; 1 is from 1941, the other from 1967. * 59. Word Origins. From a Sanskrit word for “descent”, it’s the form a god takes on descending to Earth. * 60. Classic British Novels. The title character of this novel says of his home, “The wind breathes cold through the broken battlements and casements.” *
  20. Well, Mr. Niven was QUITE the heartthrob back in the day. Why, I'm not sure. Pickens were Slim back then I guess.
  21. I call BS on this entire episode since, as others have posted, anyone can go anywhere to get a legal abortion, and they have been since 1973's Roe vs. Wade. End of that story. Meanwhile, the men who birthed their babies looked pretty happy about it. Mother/fatherhood suits them. So I don't see the evil plot of making them be pregnant as a downside. And the NY doctor who would be doing a perfectly legal abortion wouldn't be grilling the gov over his procedure. That was some totally faked up scene that was suppose to make viewers feel ... how? This entire episode was blowing smoke. I did like Red's new undercover vehicle, a bigass camper that no one would notice following them. But it suits Dembe. I want his next needlepoint to be Home Sweet Home.
  22. Same here. I was thinking some Dickensian waif like Oliver Twist or Nicholas Nickleby. I even thought of Jean Valjean, although Hugo was French. Interesting side note: There is a porn actor named Jean Val Jean. Safe travels, @Browncoat.
  23. Could it be that Kate is overweight and staying that way because she hates herself as much (or more!) than some viewers dislike her. Blaming her food addiction on having a baby, then topping that with the baby is special needs is a weak excuse. When Toby was fat, he was part of her "team." Now he obviously hates her too, in Kate's mind I mean, so she'll just eat more to make up for her husband bailing on her and getting fit. Bottom line, she's hate-eating herself to death. And killing her marriage along the way, which is part of the self-hate thing. If they divorce, it will be "Toby's fault." Of course it will be, nothing is ever Kate's fault.
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