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  1. I'm really interested in Hannah/Agnes' mindset right now. We can see she's not totally brainwashed by Gilead and I would love to know how much she has been putting on a show for the McKenzies.
  2. This is the truth. I grew up very sheltered in a religious cult. When I left, all my childhood friends no longer spoke to me/shunned me and learning to live in a society that I had been told was evil and wanted use and abuse me left me socially and emotionally behind my peers. It was really hard to feel like I fit in and I could see why someone like Hannah/Agnes would prefer Gilead to freedom with her true parents in Canada.
  3. Was Mackenzie saying that he's the reason that June has had all this plot armor all along? He didn't want anything bad to happen to Agnes/Hannah's mother or for her to hear anything bad about her?
  4. In The Testaments, Hannah/Agnes is treated like any other commander's child and therefore would follow the commander's wife path. Gilead is still relatively young, so I don't think it's possible for them to have a caste system that differentiates between children taken away from women that were adulterers/whatever and children that were born to handmaids (of which Hannah is kind of both). Esther seems to know a lot about plants/poisoning. Is it possible she's using penny royal as a birth control method because she didn't want to get pregnant by one of her rapists?
  5. I am so sad that Tony from Prada is not the same character! IMDb has this character named Zed. I wish they had just had Prada Tony show up again like some people do. He wasn't right for Charlotte, but he could be right for Seema. He certainly knows how to sweet talk her. For once Brady's selfishness works out because Miranda was left the odd one out with the painting. That scene with Steve saving Big's wedding ring is why Steve is a keeper. Even when he's going through his own shit, he has the time to help others. I hope that if we have to sit through a second season, we see less of Miranda and more Steve. More Seema and less Carrie. Less Charlotte and more Anthony. More of the jewelry designer neighbor and less Carrie. Let's gravitate to new people's experiences. Does it seem like Lily had that tampon in for far too long? Overnight and into the next day, right? Charlotte didn't talk to her about TSS?
  6. How is Carrie's date ready to burn $1000? He's a teacher at a private, correct? I hope he's in a reverse Carrie and Big situation because he's not making big bucks, but he's willing to spend them.
  7. The dumbest thing, which I am now sure would happen, is making Aidan available again for Carrie to date because there was such a hubbub about Aidan vs Big. I would hope Aidan has more dignity than that, but who knows?
  8. It would be interesting if Seema ended up going on a date with/dating Aidan.
  9. June has another child in Gilead. Why wouldn't she make sure that Hannah got out too? I feel it's more heroic to stay until everyone is out. Is June just supposed to leave Hannah behind?
  10. I cringed when she hit June with the cattle prod, but I laughed a bit when Commander Lawrence wondered what the voltage on those things was. I'd love to know what his life was like before Gilead and what his relationship was like with his wife.
  11. I just can't with Nick. Sure June has made some bad choices, but to tell someone who is DROWNING in that living situation situation that she is never getting out and will die there is a jerk move. Why not give June some hope? Even if it is a lie, sometimes people need to cling to that just to get through.
  12. I thought Hank was working with the Russians when he showed up at the hospital. I figured that he'd get Roller thrown out of the hospital by security and then Uncle Daddy would be left unprotected. I'm a little let down he's just a crazy stalker.
  13. Despite Vanilla Bryce being an ass for the past few episodes, I am genuinely fond of his character. I hope he doesn't die. I wanted him and Jenn to reconcile.
  14. I hope it means Mateo and Jeff break up. That was a weasley thing for Jeff to do! I suppose if they got the emails back from Jeff, someone could release them to the public. Then Myrtle might get her job back, but I'd prefer that she win a big settlement so that she never has to worry about money in her old age. Kudos to Jonah for not making an issue of having pregnant sex with Amy. He just wanted to get it in. Yes, they should still worry about a condom. I'm sad we didn't even see Tate at the Town Hall. I know that using the character sparingly is what makes him so funny, but he's so funny. I missed seeing him.
  15. June wanted a second child with Luke, not Nick. She's with Nick because of circumstances, not because she's in love. I would shoot Nick because he's an Eye. I would not trust him at all.
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