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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. Welllll, things that make you go hmmm

    Gilmore Girls is getting a revival with new episodes via Netflix. I wonder if Jared will partake. It makes no mention of him in the article but he did attend the Gilmore Girls reunion.



    Is that reunion on line anywhere?


    Edit to add: I give everything to find out what those "Four final words" are!!

  2. Here. Just for you, Mick Lady:

    In the Mist

    It all starts when Sam sees eyes in the fog.



    ETA: damn. It really helps when one actually posts the darn thing, rather than leaving it as a draft.


    This story is amazing! I don't want to say too much about it, just read it.


    But not when you're alone. Or in the dark. I made both mistakes and almost want to go wake Mick up! Instead I just turned on all the lights...

    • Love 1
  3. AwesomO4000, I'm with you, I love to food shop! Since I retired, I've been getting into cooking, and Mick helps all the time. We go to cheese stores, Chinese stores, Greek stores, you name it! We love trying out new recipes and different ethnic meals. We cook together and have a blast!

    • Love 1
  4. As a Michigan grad... I would like to spend the next 12 hours in a drunken stupor.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, google "Michigan vs Michigan State Final Play".


    "Just because it kills your liver doesn't mean it ain't medicine." -- Bobby Singer


     Oh man Sue! I'm a huge football fan, so I know your pain! Wish I could come by with some good whiskey! 27/23 will kill you!


    I consider myself fortunate, never went to a football school. Vassar, Columbia and MIT don't exactly scream football. But if it's any help, I'm a Giants fan.


    I might die Monday night....

    • Love 1
  5. Oh definitely they are dealing with something new. But they've dealt with bigger and IMO scarier things  throughout the show. And in those cases I didn't find them particularly different except for demon! Dean, Lucifer and or Meg!Sam which were clearly meant to be different. Soulless!Sam was off in subtle ways that took us a few episodes to discover that he was other-ish. 


    To me at the end of Brothers Keeper when Dean no longer had the Mark, right away Dean seemed like regular_ish!dean with a side of WTF is happening.  Sam too. I thought okay Sam is trying to make sure Dean is okay. I felt their connectedness in spite of their disagreement.


    Dean felt like Dean to me when he was with the Darkness. Then when Sam found him in the flower fields it felt off from that point forward. That's just my perception. I'm not trying to convince anyone to see it my way.


    Eh, who knows.  I'm probably hanging on to the hope that is not as it seems because I was feeling disappointment at how it was progressing. That what seems to be another round of character /canon/continuity destruction isn't actually that. Of course that's what I said during 9.1. Heh. Look how that turned out. Oy!

    For those that thought Dean saying untenable was weird and he would never do that, I'm curious why do you think they put that word in his mouth?


    "Untenable" just seemed weird to me.  When Sam corrected Dean with "conjoined twins" as opposed to "Siamese twins" Dean said "That's why you never get laid"


    But as you said before, maybe I'm selling Dean short. I just wish I know why the boys seem so "off" to me.

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  6. I agree catrox. Who said that Chuck's books would become "The Gospels Of Winchester"? Cas maybe? At at any rate, that's not a description of the second coming.

    You may be right on that. I seem to remember the story saying something like that, too, now that you mention it. Maybe there are different classes of Knights of Hell? I just remember that both Abaddon and Cain could only be killed by the Blade wielded by someone carrying the mark. And Dean himself couldn't be killed entirely by Metatron with the power of the word of God on his side and an angel blade. So I'm guessing that Amara seems like a high powered mark wielder, and so maybe that if the show decided to go in that direction, I can see an argument that even not at full strength, she could only be killed by the Blade being wielded by someone with the mark of Cain, and theoretically the only person who either has a mark or could "create" another mark would be Lucifer.


    In the same vein, if Lucifer still has the mark, could releasing him from the cage mean that another key to locking the Darkness up will exist again? Then the question becomes: which is worse Lucifer or the Darkness? But also, conveniently (or maybe inconveniently,) the only archangel we have left is also in the cage, so with either scenario -  the Darkness being defeated by archangel or the Darkness being defeated by a mark of Cain bearer and the blade - with what we currently know, in my opinion, the answer seems to be in the cage in hell.


    I'm going to a quiet corner to think about this one! I can't wait for Mick to get back from the studio. This will keep him up all night!

    • Love 1
  7. I'm suspecting it's not Bob who infected those guys. It seemed they wanted Amara, and not in a good way. So, I'm thinking it's either that Amara isn't Bob but some other force that was released when Bob was freed or the zombies are some other counter-point to Bob. It could go either way at this point. It would make how Amara carries the Mark--the thing God used to lock up Bob--make sense if she wasn't Bob herself. But, it is Supernatural, which usually means, if it walks like a duck...




    Yep, and that's why his minions got all scared when there was some kerfuffle in the cage when Bob was set free. Crowley's smart to stay away from the cage though and instead try to befriend Bob--I imagine Mike and Lucy are still a bit pissed at Crowley. Well, "smart" probably isn't the right word, but I'm thinking he learned sufficiently from his trying to control Demon Dean, though. 


    I was thinking about this first point, and this is why I'm starting to hate you Dot


    If Amara is Bob, than Bob must be just random evil, some of which want to kill her. But why? Why kill the thing that brought them all back to earth?  Why did you have to point this out Dot? You're driving us nuts!

    Cas hid it.


    Okay, so can Dean still use it, or will Amara want it now?

  8. Quick question. Why didn't Bob turn Jenna? Was it because she was in a car, like Sam? Did you have to be outside like the road workers to initially be turned?


    And another thing. If you're infected you die, so what's Bob's point?


    One more thing, and I'll shut up.


    Crowley is the King of Hell. Does he watch over the cage?


    I'm going to bed. This show has over taken the NFL in my life. That's scary!

  9. *Sigh. Goes to sit at her lonely "I want to see Crowley covered in spiders" table*


    Awesom04000, remind me to never, ever piss you off!


    You really do talk to spiders and everything....


  10. Another thing that's weird.  Dean questioned "How is it possible for Amara to not have a soul".  Ummmmm Dean you know EXACTLY how it's possible for her not to have a soul!"


    This drove me crazy! Sam ran around for most of season six without a soul., remember Dean?


    I did love the "Fairy" episode though.


    Dean: Our reality's collapsing around us, and you're trying to pick up our waitress? Sam: Yeah. Okay. Look. Brings up a question. So, say you got a soul and you're on a case, and your brother gets abducted by aliens— Dean: Yeah, then you do everything you can to get him back. Sam: Right! You do, but, what about when there are no more leads for the night? Are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there's nothing that can be done at that moment? Dean: YES! Sam: What? Dean: Yes, you sit in the dark and feel the loss. Sam: Absolutely! But couldn't I just do all that and have sex with the hippie chick? Dean: No! Sam: It'd be in the dark. Dean: No you couldn't because you would be suffering, and you can't just turn that off for the night.

    • Love 4
  11. Doh. Okay. *slinks away to the slow table*


    Aww.. don't Sue! The fact you didn't get it right away fits my image of you perfectly! And I mean that in the BEST possible way! You're my go-to person when I'm feeling down on this show!


    Speaking of which, get over to the episode thread. I'm the only one so far who liked this episode.


    Awesom0400 did crack  an awesome (sorry!) joke though.....

    • Love 2
  12. I'm all alone here, because I liked this episode! Maybe I've just lowered my expectations, maybe because it's Supernatural, but at any rate, I had fun.


    I love Crowley, no matter what he does. As for the rest, well I'm in for the ride. We've invested far to much in this show to give up now.


    Having sais that, AwesomO4000, your post made me laugh like hell! I just hope I can find a way to use the "she read the internet... I mean The Bible" line soon!!

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