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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. I personally liked the Leviathan story line. I thought it was hilarious, and the writers had a lot of fun not taking themselves too seriously. At the same time, they were a kind of sneaky, creepy-in-a-different-way set of villains. Frank was one of my favorite off-the-wall characters...the perfect distillation of the oodles of conspiracy theorists you find wandering around the Internet. And we got Kevin! And Charlie! And the Tablets! And Hallucifer! And that lovely little bit where Emanuel remembers he's Cas! And that hilarious scene of Dick Roman and Crowley negotiating the contract! And Dick Roman was so smarmy and toothy and over the top!

    Though they dumped Cas-as-God too quickly for me. And they killed off Bobby.

    But, all in all, I liked S07. In overview, it was actually pretty thematically tight, I think.

    I didn't like the first half of S06, but liked Cas being led to hell by a path paved with good intentions.


    Omegamom, I am so with you! Frank was a great character! And I will always laugh like hell at "The Rise Of Dick"


    I'm twelve.

    • Love 3
  2. Shit OK WILL KEEP LOOKING. I know there's got to be a band -- or at least a song! -- that everyone here likes :)


    What music do you like, catrox?


    Can we agree on "Carry On My Wayward Son"?


    I pretty much like anything.It really depends on the song or piece itself. Seriously. Classical, country(depending on the artist), hip hop, rap, indie, new wave, alternative, rock, 90s era alternative, jazz (although I don't like hard core jazz). My iTunes is pretty eclectic.

    U2 is my favorite band if that tells you anything.


    "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" is one of my favorite songs.


    Creedence Clearwater Revival is okay, but I don't like the voice.  So not my fav.


    Paint it Black isn't my fav, but I don't hate it.  I'm afraid I may be the black sheep of this group.  :(


    Just wondered if everyone likes this song?  I really loved it in Heart and Souls which may be why I like it so much.  It is BB King



    Awesome000 I'm use to loving only one or two songs on an album and have very few artists that I love all of their songs.  Which is why I like Itunes, I can buy just the song.  Although sometimes I find one I really like but it isn't sold on Itunes...that of course sucks.


    B.B. King is a God.

    • Love 1
  3. So Mick Lady has tomatoes like some people have zucchinis. We used to joke about sneaking onto the neighbors' porches at night to drop off baskets of zucchini. The "squash fairy" making her annual appearance. Someone on tumblr said that her church had advised parishioners to lock their cars during service, because people were breaking into cars to leave baskets of zucchinis. ;-)


     Oh I completely believe this! Here it's potatoes. Yeah, it's Idaho, I get that, but hell, total strangers will leave you potatoes! We grow zucchinis too, but Mick loves them. The problem is they grow so damn big!

  4. Hey rue721 , thanks for the links! We're going to check them all out!


    Omegamom, don't even mention tomatoes to me!!!! We have a bumper crop this year, and so do our neighbors, unfortunately. I can't give them away, short of dumping a bag, ringing the doorbell and running away! I've been canning like a fiend. I swear if I had everyone's address here, I'd be mailing you tomatoes.


    Never had a black cherry, but next year I'll try them. Thanks for the heads up!

  5. I've always hated country music, then I developed a strange affection for Trisha Yearwood. Go figure. Most of the time, I'm stuck in the 70's (NO DISCO!!!!) and 80's. I love rock, and am  a huge fan of The Clash and The Ramons. Spent a lot of time in my youth at CBGB's checking out new bands. Saw Blondie at her very first appearance.(Dreamin" is one of my favorite songs ever! God her drummer in unbelievable!) My family moved to the Jersey shore every summer when I was growing up, and my friends and I would hitch hike to the Stone Pony. Saw Springsteen there before he made it big.  But if you held a gun to my head and asked me to name my favorite song, I would say "The Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin. But don't hold me to it. Dean would be proud!


    Mick loves the Blues. We have a portrait of Robert Johnson in our living room He also introduced me to Eric Johnson, the best guitarist ever!. Check out his "Cliffs Of Dover"




    Please give this a listen Guys! I'd love to know what you think!

    • Love 1
  6. I'm the one playing across from you Demented Daisy!


    I actually liked season 10, more so on binge watch, but I've found that to be true of most seasons. Most shows to be honest with you. Mick and I do a lot of binge watching late into the night. Being retired has benefits!


    I'm not sure how I feel about this whole "Darkness" bit. The "Bad Guy" of the season is getting old for me There's a bunch of material already presented they could revisit, Jesse only being one example. I am looking forward to Crowley's story in season 11, I've always loved him, an unpopular opinion I know.


    supposebly, don't leave! We're a family here, and you're an important member!

    I was thinking about how s11 could be different. I'll take it to the spec thread.


    Don't! Stay away from the spec thread! I've just stopped babbling as a result of reading your last contribution there! 

  7. Hey AwesomO4000, I get your fear of horses. Oddly enough, I'm terrified of heights, yet my horse is a 17 hand Hanoverian named Amsterdam (Danny for short) and I think nothing of taking him over five foot fences. Mick thinks I'm inane, and it drives him crazy, but it's all what you're comfortable with.


    I, on the other hand, am very frightened every time Mick heads out on his Harley. He has no fear, and that scares me to death! I'm much happier when I'm in the "bitch seat", because he's much more careful.


    Omegamom, save Breaking Bad for when the kids are older and don't want to be seen with you, much less hang at home with you! I have a feeling you'll really like it! 

  8. Wow Dot, you really have this down! Thanks for taking the time to write this out!


    I think the writers are terribly overlooked, not just here but in general. That's just not right. Many of you here write, and even if it's "just" fanfic, you understand how hard it is! Let's give some credit where credit due.


    It's funny, but Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester and It's a Terrible Life are among our favorites too! Now we know why.


    7kstar, I know what you mean about Cas, he needs better writing. I feel like he's an after-thought in most episodes, and I hate that. I don't want to have to work at it to get it all to make sense, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm pounding salt, as in my hope for Jesse's return.


    But I am keeping my enthusiasm for this show, and I'm counting on SueB and the rest of you to support me in this. I enjoy a lot of shows, but this feels like a first love to me, and I don't want to lose it.

  9. MickLady, I had a dream about you. You had posted a picture of your neighbor's front yard, and I recognized it as being in some neighborhood in Albuquerque, and I spent an age walking the neighborhood trying to locate that yard and then figure out where you lived from how you took the photo. I never did find it, though.

    Aren't you glad to know my stalker tendencies are limited to my dreams? ::bwahahaha!::

    Then the dream wandered off into surreal land, where I heard that heavy, grainy chocolate syrup made the Very Best hair conditioner, and tried it out...



    Hey, I once used mayonnaise as a cream rinse, because some magazine suggested it! Don't do it, trust me!! It took me days to get it out of my hair!!


    We're actually in very rural Idaho, after years in NYC. We love it, except for the republicans.( Sorry if I insulted anyone there.) Our neighbor (whom I adore!) is about a quarter of a mile away.


    It's strange you mentioned Albuquerque though. Mick and I started watching (again) Breaking Bad tonight, so this is down-right spooky!!

  10. Dot, I would love those dissertations! As I have said, Mick and I just started paying attention to writers and directors, and while SueB wrote a quick run down on them all, we'd love something more comprehensive!


    I  said I before and I'll say it again. This place has multiplied our enjoyment of this show. We watch Vikings, Bates Motel, Justified, and of course Breaking Bad (I miss that show!), and BCS, but nothing beats the fandom here!


    You all belong in an Institution. A very secure one. With barbed wire. And maybe dogs. Big ones.

    • Love 3
  11. We currently have two dawgs, two cats, two bullfrogs, a box turtle who we've had for 20+ years, a slider, and a bunny in the basement. We had three cats, but I had to have our 20+ year old Siamese-mutt cat Piggy put down last winter...she was tiny and dainty and had the most horrible crawking meow. She had gotten to the point where she couldn't even eat moist cat food. ::sigh:: I miss her.


    Hey! We have a Desert Tortoise! His name is Gunnar and Mick found him hunting one day. His front foot was cut in half, so Mick brought him home. The local zoo wouldn't take him because they said (I swear to God) "The other tortoises would make fun of him." He's a protected species, so Fish and Game actually comes around once and a while to check up on him.


    They just end up drinking beer with Mick and telling lies about their fishing prowess.


    I hate losing any pet! It takes us weeks to recover.

    • Love 3
  12. Why did I know you would know this?


    So there's hope? Dabb is still involved, and what I gather from this thread is getting some attention.


    We've started paying attention to directors and writers because of this thread. It adds a whole new dimension to the series. Mick's in love with Ben Edlund.

  13. I am NOT a Hamsterist!

    Though we have had them, and we loved them. They are frighteningly short-lived, though, especially the really fluffy ones. It's sad to have them start going bald and getting tumors. :-(

     Hee! Me thinks she doth protest too much!


    No, but seriously, all through graduate school I worked at a pet shop. I fell in love with hamsters and guanine pigs! We've never had any ourselves, (Dogs and horses are enough! Darth alone checks in at 160lbs.!) but I have such fond memories of these little guys! They'd "chirp" when we came in in the morning!

  14. Oh I would love that, Mick Lady. I really did like Jesse...


    And they wouldn't even have to make him a deux ex machina necessarily. A small explanation that he's not as powerful as he once was because Lucifer is back in the cage, and they could give him some power, but not be able to solve the problem entirely outright. Or they could keep him all powerful, but have to go find him with others looking, too.


    But sadly, I think the writers may have forgotten all about Jesse.


    I didn't "like" your post, because I so hope you're wrong! Of all the dropped storylines and plot points, this one has the most possibilities, and takes in the mytharc so perfectly.


    I don't remember, and I refuse to go back and check (we've watched like, 20 hrs. of Supernatural this weekend) Who wrote the Jesse episode?

  15. Only be afraid of my terrible writing.  And my further speculation that I'm mulling about s11.


    I was afraid of this. I knew you'd come out with something on season 11! Just please, leave the Hamster alone! It could cause major problems for certain people on this board.


    SueB, I'm going to need all your optimism on this!

  16. Oh don't you worry Mick Lady.  When I get my shit together be afraid....be very afraid.  I've been working on quite a little idea....


    /rubs hands together...


    Sweet dreams, everyone!


    Hey Guys? Should I report this post? I'm....I'm kinda scared....

    • Love 2
  17. I get it AwesomO4000, I spent the last five years of my "professional" life on oral boards and sponsoring PhD. candidates, so I get the stress!


    But meanwhile, we have a bigger problem. Omegamom  has a thing for hamsters! It's getting out of hand, and I thought catrox was the one we had to worry about!


    You guys are nuts! But you've given more fun than I've had for a long time. Thanks to everyone of you!

    • Love 1
  18. This is how she's getting her vengeance on us for making her obsess over theories in the spoiler thread


    Damn right!


    I admit, when Snakebite showed me this site, I thought of you all immediately! I need my sanity and the spoiler thread  is driving me crazy!


    Believe me, you haven't lived until you've sat around with a bunch of the "*81" and argued about Supernatural! I put up the spoiler thread and it started a discussion that lasted for hours! More than one Biker told me, "You tell anyone about this, you're dead!"


    They bookmarked site though. Never saw so many guys whip out their phones so fast! I told them, "I have the coolest friends ever!"

    • Love 4
  19. Psst...I believe they have used Deep Purple. End of a S6 episode where Dean uncovers Baby and gets back out on the road...didn't they use Smoke on the Water there? And, for some reason I'm thinking they used Mountain in a S1 episode, but I'm blanking on the episode or even the scene right now. There was quite a bit of music being played in the background of some of the bar scenes in S1; I have a hard time keeping them all straight anymore.


    My God Dot, you're right! Thanks!

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