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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. Your comments were not for naught, Awesome.  


    I appreciate them.  For me,t's tricky because I do live alone and I've found that calling my family now doesn't really give me comfort because it turns into competitive grieving and that just sucks.


    But I do appreciate the kind words, everyone.


    Wish I had seen this sooner, catrox! I know exactly what you mean about "competitive grieving", and it does suck, mainly because no one is really listening to you. I think that's the worst part of it. But, you're a strong woman, and have one hell of a support system here!


    We're a lucky bunch to have each other. No shit.

  2. Off topic, I know, but Mick and I saw something really cool last night!


    Sunday, we had our Fantasy Football draft at our place. Twelve guys came, (the same twelve that had been playing for 28 years!) and they stayed to play poker until about 2 am. When they left, Mick and I went down to the gate to lock up. We were leaning on the gate, talking about nothing really, when this HUGE bird flew down the street! I'm talking about a 5' wing span! It was snow white and didn't make a sound. We'd never seen anything like it before, but Mick thought it was an owl. The smoke from the Oregon/Washington fires have driven a lot of animals here, and he thought that might have driven the owl down the mountains.


    Silly thing, I know, but guys, you should have seen it! It was so awesome!

    • Love 5
  3. You and I had the same thought about the same time. I may not have posted due to someone saying it first. I don't always post if you guys have already put it out there as it gets too redundant. But this last post said "the camp" so that infers that more of us think this. :)

    I wasnt directing my comment at you. I was teasing Mick Lady because she harasses me about my theories. That's all. It was just some good natured ribbing.


    Not harassment, self preservation! You've started more discussions/arguments at my house than anyone I can ever remember. Not even the "Breaking Bad" threads caused this much conversation. One of Mick's friends was over today, and the first thing he said to me was; "Did you see what catrox said about Death and Metatron?" No shit, he honestly wanted to talk about it. He was referring to the post you made yesterday. I love the fact he refers to you like he knows you! I have to get him to post!


    But he loves Rowena...

    • Love 2
  4. I'm in the camp that Death wasn't Death but Metatron pretending to be Death.  Even at the last second Dean realizes it and kills death instead.


    I mean all the interesting ideas could lead to some truly new directions...but because I thought of it, It won't happen.

    Time will tell.


    Some spoilers they don't really try to hide. 


    I love this, and  I never would have thought of this twist!


    Now I'm off to drive Mick insane. You all do this with alarming regularity!

  5. Here are the raw numbers (all characters recurring):



    • 41 characters created (24 male, 17 female)
    • 22 characters killed (11 male, 11 female)



    • 35 characters used  (22 male, 13 female)
    • 17 characters created (11 male, 6 female)
    • 15 characters killed (11 male, 4 female)



    • 31 characters used (18 male, 13 female)
    • 15 characters created (8 male, 7 female)
    • 12 characters killed (8 male, 4 female)


    I could break that down further, if anyone is interested (friends and foes, for instance).  In any case, make of those numbers what you will.  The only big thing I notice is that, yes, Carver has definitely shrunk the universe.  Maybe he's too concerned with cost-cutting measures.


    Once again, I understand why you're "Demented", and thank you, you just lit a fire under  catrox . I so wanted a peaceful weekend!

  6. Yeah, well, I don't think Death is really dead. I mean, Death is Cosmic. His death should mean all sorts of universal signs of catastrophe--not just turning into charcoal and quietly crumbling away, with one or two claps of thunder. My head canon is that either it was an illusion, that Metadouche was pretending to be Death, or that Death skipped out at the last nanosecond when he realized Dean was being an absolute total idio and actually going to go through with it.

    I mean, face it: Death's death would be absolutely totally catastrophic. It turns the laws of physics on their heads. No entropy--one of the great three fundamental laws of the universe. No stars dying, no evolution, no...no...ack!



    Good stuff Omegamom, but in truth you just lit a fire under catrox!


    I so wanted to have a peaceful weekend.



    I'm in the camp that Death wasn't Death but Metatron pretending to be Death.  Even at the last second Dean realizes it and kills death instead.


    I mean all the interesting ideas could lead to some truly new directions...but because I thought of it, It won't happen.

    Time will tell.


    Some spoilers they don't really try to hide. 


    This, I really like! Never considered Metatron! Now I'm going to bring this up with Mick. It will keep him up all night!

  7. Thanks everyone, for your help with the yellow jackets! Sorry I didn't check in last night, but we had company and it got too late to post, I crashed!


    Mick and a buddy of his formed a few plans of action, involving everything from gas to black powder. Thank God C4 was never mentioned! While they argued about the best plan of attack, I called the local Extension Service. They were wonderfully helpful and told me (as AwesomO4000 did) how helpful yellow jackets were for the control of other insects.  But when I told them how fascinated the Pups were with the nest, they agreed the nest had to be eliminated. Seems these things are very aggressive, and we were even warned not to mow until the nest was taken care of. They recommended wasp spray, applied late at night or very early in the morning, (whenever it was coldest) for several days., echoing AwesomO4000 again!  We started early this morning, and I've already seen a lot less of the bastards! I just so wanted to use Omegamom's suggestion and watch skunks eat the nest, I'm vengeful like that!


    7kstar, I was just trying to be funny, I value your friendship, and hope I didn't hurt your feelings. I'd never forgive myself! The internet sucks sometimes!


    Thank you again you guys!

  8. Oh gods you guys. I seriously can't stop watching that vine with Dean and Cas. I cry laugh every time. Take it away from me. 


    Like any of us would dare do that!


    We all like our limbs! And I myself would like to live a few more years...

    • Love 2
  9. Okay I know someone that did fire to kill the insects and they lived.  And he got hurt, so maybe something else.  Totally get wanting to protect your pets.  Dogs aren't always the smart ones when it comes to certain things.  lol


    You're my friend, ain't ya?! ::dripping sarcasm:: Just trying to make me feel good, right?


    Now I'm going to hide the gas can!


    I knew this was going to turn into one of Mick's "experiments", made worse by the fact he was an explosive expert in the army.

    • Love 2
  10. AwesomO4000 and Omegamom, thank you! I love all the info I get from you guys.


    I'm kind of on 7kstar's side though. I hate to kill anything, and in fact today I "re-located" a spider just for Awesom! Our problem is our dogs. We fenced about a third of an acre around the house so the dogs (English Mastiff, Airedale, Lab) could hang in the yard when we couldn't keep an eye on them. This nest is smack in the center of the dogs' yard, and they have become fascinated with this thing. I'm terrified they'll get stung or step in the hole and break something. We haven't done anything so far, just keeping the dogs in the house as much as possible. Mick is going to deal with it tomorrow, he's just not sure how. He's going to go to our local feed store to pick their collective brains.


    Can't wait to hear the old-timers advice, I'm sure it will involve fire,(they'd never suggest anything simple, like, oh I don't know, wasp spray?) and I'll have to rein Mick in! Otherwise, he'll want to make it a party, invite his Bros over and end up burning the place down!

    • Love 1
  11. Brown recluse spiders do bite, but generally only if squashed against the skin by accident, and their bite isn't generally as bad as their reputation would suggest.


    I wish I could tell you something about the Hobo spider, but we don't have those here in Georgia, so I don't know enough about them.


    As for how I became a spider lady: I wanted to be an Entomologist since I was about 12 years old, so I just followed through with that. My other choice was a marine biologist... so instead snorkeling is one of my favorite hobbies.


    And Phidippus spp. are cute because they have big eyes and fuzzy little "eyebrows." Here are two examples* I found on flickr (via googling): cute and cute and pretty, but you don't have to look - and if you do, I accept no responsibility if you are scared, disgusted, etc.


    * It was hard to choose.


    I'm not looking!


    Quick question. We have something in our yard that look like yellow jackets, but they dug a hole in the lawn! There are millions of them constantly flying in and out of the hole, and I swear they dug this thing overnight. Do you have any idea what we're dealing with?

  12. Hey catrox, I'm so glad you're finding some joy in music. I know your life has sucked recently, and it's good to see you still knowing how to fight it.


    You have a lot of friends here. You know that.


    Most are afraid of you, (because face it, you're barking mad), but no reason to bring that up now....

  13. Nice. Love all of those.

    Prince is in my top 5 fave artists ever so add funk and disco to my list. Back up haters. I loved to dance. Still do. Need to do more of it.

    Anyhoo, per our discussion I decided to gander at CD/itunes collection. My vinyl is at my brothers house in Colorado because it had been at my mom's and I couldn't bring it all back with me after her funeral and selling the house. Hopefully I can get all of it soon.

    I haven't bought a CD in like 5 years but the most recent is a compilation called Bella Luna I got at Starbucks when I was with my mom, which has various older songs from various artists. I gave one to my mom and she had it in her car and listened to it often and always with me. So I'm having some trouble listening to that right now. But it is just delightful and happy.

    It features.

    1 A Shot In The Dark - Henry Mancini

    2 Guaglione - Marino Marini

    3 La Bambola - Patty Pravo

    4 Buona Sera - Louis Prima

    5 Come On-A My House - Rosemary Clooney

    6 The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Hugo Montenegro And His Orchestra

    7 Sotto Le Stelle Del Jazz - Paolo Conte

    8 Return To Me (Ritorna-Me) - Dean Martin

    9 Mack The Knife - Bobby Darin

    10 O Sole Mio - Mario Lanza

    11 Tu Vuo Fa' L'Americano - Renato Carosone And His Sextet

    12 Lazy Mary (Luna Mezzo Mare) - Lou Monte

    A sampling of my vinyl in no particular order:

    Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life and Scret life of Plants

    Elton John -

    The Commodores

    Earth wind and fire




    Bee Gees (love the Bee Gees) like 4 of their albums

    Dan Fogelberg

    Bob Seger

    Jackson Browne

    The Beatles:  White Album and Sgt Pepper

    Andy Williams (my favorite male vocalist ever)

    Beach Boys

    The Eagles

    REO Speedwagon

    My CD sampling :

    The Smiths

    Spilt Ends


    Garth Brooks

    George strait

    Alanis Morrisette


    Dave Matthews

    The Police/Sting

    Linkin Park


    George Winston

    Mannheim Steamroller



    Pink Floyd



    10000 maniacs



    Gladiator soundtrack

    Matrix Soundtrack

    Lots if classical compilations


    My iTunes gets even stranger with more soundtracks from Doctor Who, Torchwood and soon Supernatural

    It's all pretty random but I can listen to all most of all of those in their entirety for the most part without skipping songs.


    catrox, I love your taste! So much to comment on.


    Dan Fogelberg. When Mick and I got married, and merged our LP collection, (Yes, that long ago! Wanna make something of it?) we each had one Dan Fogelberg album. I had Captured Angel, he had Netherlands. We listen to both a lot.


    Mick didn't know The Smiths, so played him Girlfriend In A Coma and he went nuts! If you like The Smiths, check out Fountains Of Wayne. I think you'd like them.


    Bobby Darin! Beyond the Sea is one I couldn't live without. Andy Williams is in a class all by himself , Try To Remember has a special meaning to me because of my Dad.


    Mick wanted me to tell you that although Prince isn't to his taste, he respects Prince because he is one hell of a musician. So there's that.

  14. Catrox...if I go to hell, they'll be playing the Bee Gees on constant loop.  The falsetto puts my teeth on edge!


    PLEASE SueB, don't tall Crowley this! It would be the "musac" he used in his endless line!


    I can't...I just can't!

    • Love 1
  15. Heh, it's my job. Some people call me the spider lady. One thing I'm known for is identifying spiders. I am a secondary author on a scientific paper about brown recluse spiders in Georgia (it debunks some myths about them).


    Hee, so no wiping spiders off the face of the earth... I'd lose half my job ; ). But seriously I do find them fascinating. And some can even be cute. (genus Phippidus for example... the "puppy" of the spider world.) I will not provide a link so that most of you here can keep your sanity.


    ::Looking frantically for thumbs down icon::


    How the hell did you end up being "Spider Lady"?


    Puppy of the spider world?! There is no such thing as a cute spider. No wonder you write such great fanfic, you're warped!


    We have Brown Recluse spiders in Idaho, and they do bite, don't they? I've heard all sorts of stuff about them, but you're the expert. I'm going to kill myself for asking, but what about Hobo Spiders?

  16. I'm the same way.  I'm not really a fan of bands. I'm a fan of songs.  I have learned, over the years, that even bands I couldn't stand might eventually have one tolerable song. 


    I like to buy cds.  I like something I can hold and I read all the liner notes. I'm often surprised at who the artists collaborated with on songs.  Years after listening to same song over and over, I find out who was singing background.  I only found out a few years ago that Mick Jagger sang backup on "You're So Vain".  A song I liked in the early days, but can't stand now.  I think part of the reason I loved Peter Tosh's "Don't Look Back" was because Mick's background vocals are very distinguishable.  I also learned that Linda Ronstadt sang back up for the Nitty Gritty Dirt band on "An American Dream" and Toni Tennille sang backup on Pink Floyd's The Wall. All years after this stuff was released. 


    I started a thread on another message board, years ago, called gems.  This was before internet downloads.  I would hear one song I really liked and I would go out and buy the cd. While listening to the cd, I would find a better song - you know - like a gem.  A song that never got played on the radio.  I don't remember what song I bought The Gin Blossoms 'New Miserable Experience' over, but the real gem was "Pieces Of The Night".


    "But it's lacking something big this time

    What the hell did you expect to find

    Aphrodite on a bar stool by your side"


    That is such a great line. Probably my all time favorite lyric.


    I enjoy the whole album.  That was one of my better buys.  I bought The Verve Pipe for The Freshmen and Butthole Surfers  for Pepper and found nothing else worth listening to on either of their cds. 


    I adore New Miserable Experience ! Excellent taste!


    I had a Warren Zevon night. Shocking how relevant his song The Envoy is. Nothing ever changes, eh? I've always wanted Supernatural to use Zevon's Excitable Boy or Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner, but I'm weird like that...

  17. I love Carry on way before Supernatural...but I do love Kansas.


    Me too! In fact when CD players first came out, "Point Of No Return" was one of the first albums I replaced with a disk.

    • Love 1
  18. I'm attending.  I'll give you every rumor, innuendo, hint, actual statements, etc.... that I catch.  I'm also wearing a hamster costume.  Because. 


    I want a picture of you as a hamster! In fact, I will pay good money to see it!!

    • Love 2
  19. AwesomO4000, you know way too much about spiders! Usually I say I dislike something, and rarely say hate. Spiders? I hats, hate, hate them! If I could wipe them off the face of the earth, I would!


    The Benders is a wonderful episode, "mans inhumanity to man" and all that, but I love Sam's question to his fellow prisoner. Something to the effect of "What do they look like? What are they?"  Shows you can never let your guard down, there are still some truly evil people in this world and they're not all actual demons.

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