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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. I just thought they sensed that Sam was already infected, so it would be like killing one of their own. It would be cool if they sensed that Sam was Lucifer's vessel, but since Sam was already infected, I think they just thought "One of us. One of us." and let him continue on with his change.


    This is how it is with "The Walking Dead" (which I gave up on, but Mick loves), but I can't see Sam changing. At least, I hope not!

  2. Mick and I were thinking that the "Zombies" backing off had something to do with Sam still being Lucifer's "True Vessel". It was mentioned that Michael and Lucifer were aware of what was going on above, and disturbed by it.

    • Love 1
  3. I'll have to think on this AwesomO4000, but you have some good insights. Carver's take on Sam is especially intriguing!


    Whoa.....wait a minute .  Robert Singer isn't listed as an Executive Producer anymore....He's an Executive Consultant like Kripke. That's a pretty big deal.



    This is interesting catrox. Let us know if you get anything further!

    I wasn't yelling at you.  Sorry if it came out that way.  I was yelling at the show for degrading Dean's intellect to the point that even long time viewers are surprised when he shows his intellect. I hope it's not a one time thing.


    Yeah, I'm not gonna be happy at all if they make that Dean's child.


    I'd much prefer it if it's the vessel for the Darkness that was born of someone else and they are connected solely because he had the Mark which was automagical in nature and not because of Dean sexytimes.


    Oh I know you weren't catrox. You just brought up something I should have considered. I hate selling Dean short!


    I just can't get by those shoulders and chest!

    • Love 1
  4. It's about fucking time the show remembers that Dean is not stupid or inarticulate. He's read complex lore books for 20 years. I would imagine he's seen and used the world "untenable" at some point in his life. 


    My bad. You have a good point there, and I love Dean! Not as much as Mick does, but I do love him!


    It's this kind of thing that makes me question everything we are seeing here.



    Okay, I keep waffling about Baby Amara being Dean's spawn.   Jensen talked in one of his m&g at a con about Dean being a parent to Sam. I thought that was kind of peculiar thing for him to discuss when he hasn't really talked about it before even back when he let an angel possess Sam. 


    So I wonder if he was trying to drop some hints that actual fatherhood is going to be a thing again for Dean in s11.


    Mick and I saw it the same way. Of course, there are a million ways to walk this back, but we're going with it for now.

    • Love 1
  5. Financial compensation for a billion years of unlawful imprisonment and the original, unaltered Star Wars Trilogy released on Bluray. Also possibly a donut to go with it. 


    This made me bust a gut! Thanks Aeryn13!

    I forgot to mention the title of the article made me let out a bit of an evil cackle:


    'Supernatural' Cast, Showrunners on Season 11 Big Bad The Darkness: "We're Working Without a Playbook"


    Yeah, we noticed.


    Oh, ain't that the truth!

    • Love 2
  6. I'd be right there with him, if it were Jim Beam!


    We play a drinking game, a shot every time Dean does. Some episodes have gotten us, well, in the mood!

    By that I mean, for the show! In the spirit if you will.

    • Love 1
  7. See, I knew this! You're all posting from an asylum. And middle school counts! 


    I'm just surprised catrox14 hasn't chewed off the ankle bracelet yet.


    I'm looking forward to finding out how right all your crazy ideas are. I'm more excited for tomorrow night than I was for the first NFL game! That's sayin' a lot!


    If that is what Carver and Singer believe then they are bigger dopes than I thought. What I could see is dopey network interference that is always concerned about new viewers who aren't as up on the mythology so they pressure the show to make it more accessible for casual viewer, which I personally think is a HUGE mistake but maybe that's a caveat to keeping it on the air. Why it's more obviously formulaic now than before. Or it's just lazy writing. I dunno.  Just some speculation on my part.



    This is what drives me nuts. I get that anyone casually checking out the show would be lost, and why the network wants it more accesible, that just makes sense. But what about us, the fans who have watched it from the pilot, or took the time to watch all 10 seasons? Half of the fun for us all is the mythology and following the canon. We all know the hundreds of characters and their stories, and we're invested! Damn it, what about us!?

    • Love 5
  8. That's pretty typical Dean. Coping/compartmentalizing via alcohol, food and porn until he can find a way to deal with it. That's why it clicked for me. Plus we had the flashes when he was looking at himself in the mirror. Also, Dean putting the focus on Sam gives him a way to avoid thinking or talking about what happened. Not in a martyr way but because he just can't handle it.  I can buy that more than Dean not remembering anything. I thought it played really well.


    This, I agree with completely. You just said it better than I ever could.


    I don't love Monster at the End of the Book. I totally get why many people do, but it just doesn't quite do it for me. Maybe I'm weary of the show's overly self-conscious meta stuff by now, or maybe it's that it's one of those episodes where the second half feels so tonally different from the first that it's jarring and gives the episode a disjointed feel.


    I really like Yellow Fever a lot. Lord help me ;)



    amensisterfriend, I too adore Yellow fever! But TMATEOTB is one of my favorites. Chuck is just too much fun!


    Plus, "You should have seen Luke." is hands down, one of the best lines in the whole show!

    • Love 2
  9. Okay, I'm back. (The NFL owns my ass!)


    Glad I got here before season 11 (Season 11! Good Lord!) I'm catching up on fan fiction (Hey Awesom0400 and Omegamom!) and "Spoilers with Speculation". You all scare the hell out of Mick, but I feel like I'm coming home.


    I see catrox14 is still off her meds. Some things never change, Thank God!


    Dot, Sue, Demented and 7kstar, it's good to see you're all still here! I can't wait until Wed.!!                                                                                                    

    • Love 1
  10. OMG did you guys seriously just speculate about assholes and dicks? No wonder poor Micklady and friends think we're all batshit crazy!


    Jesus trxr4kids, you have no idea!


    I'm just catching up, the NFL has distracted me of late. I read a few posts from here to Mick, and his comment?


    "Why haven't any of these people been committed?"


    He was serious.

    • Love 1
  11. I actually grew up with a lot of stiff-upper-lip New England-y types who saw being sorry for yourself (even when it could be justified) as self-absorbed and immature. Life sucks, you suffer, everyone suffers, you're no big whoop, quitcherbitchin'.



    Omegamom, I grew up in such a family! And to be frank, it has served me well. I remember my sister and I were talking once, and at some point we looked at each other in horror and said: "Shit, are we feeling sorry for ourselves?" I actually loved that I grew up with such strength. I think Missouri (and Bobby) were trying the same with Dean. But to be honest, I never dissected this show until I came here, so I'm still learning. 


    I can't comment on Charlie. I liked her, an UO I know, and I'm still pissed. But everybody can come back on Supernatural, right? I loved Pamela, but mainly because she reminds me of my best friend. Same attitude.


    I do know I'm sick of the whole "guilt" bit. Sam has carried it since episode one, and I'm beginning to believe Dean was born with it. If you take it back far enough, you could blame anything on anybody. It's getting old, as is this shitty writing.


    But yet, here I am, excited as hell for watching season 11 with all of you. Go figure.


    Quick aside. Superwiki has completely grabbed me! I don't know if I love or hate you guys for steering me there.

  12. I only knew about the rocket launcher, which I thought was the grenade launcher. Well, technically it is, it launches tank penetrating missiles/grenades...

    Which I also know because of my previous googling foray.

    And, no, SueB, you're not helping your case at all, at all. ;-)



    Omegamom, I'll ask Mick when he gets home. He'll know exactly what it is and if it's legal etc. I swear he knows everything about guns!


    I hate it when a perfectly good rant is ruined by the lack of noticing a THE.


    /head desk head desk head desk



    Completely understandable. Hot pictures of Dean tend to do that.

    • Love 2
  13. Aw, 7kstar! That sucks!


    The family most likely has lots of issues and will play "But he didn't mean it" card or "my boy wouldn't do that."



    Actually, it's "He was just turning his life around!


     No, I shouldn't make fun of this, so I take that back. Assault on teachers is becoming all to common these days, and that's unacceptable. I congratulate you for hanging in there. I hope your students appreciate that.


    If I've learned anything, it's that knowing your limitations can be a strength, and I don't try to fake it when there are plenty of people who know what I don't and generally love to help.



    That right there, is true wisdom. My respect for you just grows.


    Generally, I just love my job and the freedom they give me to do what I do in my own strange way.



    "Strange ways?" Understatement of the year!


    So, you them dinner? Not, ah, chocolate covered ants or anything, right? Right?!


    Demented, you consistently live up to your name!

  14. Despite hating Missouri with the burning of a thousand suns - I guess this is an UO too but I just hate that trope of "sassy black woman" and I think the actress performed it just in an annoying one-note shtick - I thought the twist in "Home" with the "fire ghost" turning out to be Mary was pretty well done.



    I loved Missouri Aeryn13! But I think primarily because I adore the actress.


    We're all like different characters and seasons, which is why I like it here . Especially since I love Garth so much! He's great in ZNation!

  15. AwesomO4000, sorry I didn't ask sooner, but how are the workshops going? Are you the worlds foremost authority on spiders yet?


    catrox, Terriers was one of our favorites! Now I'm pissed all over again.


    Hee. He once played a magician boyfriend of Nina Van Horn in Just Shoot Me. "I'm not gay. I'm British!"



    I'm not sure why, but this show really grabbed me. I loved it! I remember that episode!

    • Love 1
  16. I always thought that Sam thinking the trials were purifying him was because he felt tainted by his misdeeds or sins(in his own mind) not because of the demon blood. How else could his blood cure a demon if he himself had demon blood. I do agree that it was unclear, that was just my take, mmv and all. I think many of the story arcs leave deliberate room for interpretation so that it causes controversy or debate among the fandom,which leads to interest, it seems to be working considering they keep increasing viewership.


    Excellent point trxr4kids!


    Now I'm going to go fight with Mick on perception vs reality.

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