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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. I just heard a Zepplin song being used for the Destiny game in an ad during Fear the Walking Dead. (talk about a terrible show) They must be paying a fuckton for it. Not sure if SPN can do that. Maybe for series finale.


    Oh catrox14, don't get me started! Mick loves both Fear and  Walking Dead. Spent years hating Lori and then Andrea. I'd almost rather watch Donald Trump.


    Side note; my Giants lost to Dallas tonight, which depresses me to no end. But we took out Dez Bryant, so there's that....


    * (Hubby also listens to classical, so his musical tastes are even more diverse than mine.)


     Now that, AwesomO4000 makes me love your husband! Both Mick and I love classical music, (I adore Bach, he's so mathematical) and I've turned Mick onto opera. No, shit. He's in kind, turned me onto the Blues. Mick thinks Robert Johnson is  a god! 


    My very favorite book, ever, by the way, is Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter. Don't hate me, I'm a mathematics professor.



  3. 1) Led Zepplin, Boxed Set (or I'd have to list multiple) - If I have to limit it to two it would be IV and II

    2) Guns N Roses, Appetite for Destruction

    3) Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon

    4) Metallica, Metallica

    5) Deep Purple, Machine Head


    also possible:

    6) Queen, A Night at the Opera

    7) AC/DC, Back in Black

    8) Van Halen, Van Halen


    Deep Purple is one of my favorite bands, but I like Purple Passages better. catrox14  is right, Guns and Roses may have put on one of the best live shows I've ever seen, but they're too contemporary (relatively) for Dean I think 


    Yay! Mick Lady is back!


    What? No, I'm not really here at all. I'm  actually writing away... yup that's me.


    *Sneaks out*


    Edited to add: Poor Sam.


    I wasn't going to say anything. Not a word, not a single word.


    Why can't Supernatural get the rights to some Zepplin songs? I've heard them on commercials, so it's not as if they don't want to sell out.

  4. I haven't been around much because between the Labor Day "run" and The NFL, I just haven't had the time. Now I come back to find these last couple posts. Damn, you guys ::glares at Demented:: make me feel old! Both Mick and I remember 25 cents a gallon for gas. And Kansas? Hell rue, I've seen them live about 7 times. No shit, I grew up and lived in Conn. (Screw the new 2 letter abbreviations) and NYC most of my life. Kansas was huge when I was growing up! My friends and I hit some concert almost every weekend.


    I'd get along great with John Winchester.


    Which brings me to this question- Dean in Yellow Fever said: "I play the same five albums over and over..."


    What do you think these albums are?

  5. Alpha Vamp


    Oh catrox, you've read my mind! That is one smooth, sexy man!!


    Yeah, I'm shallow.


    Adam has had me so frustrated it drives me nuts. Almost as much as Jessie.

    • Love 1
  6. I was talking about the show in comparison with the Darkness .


    Geez, I'm very sorry.  Wow.  Wasn't trying to upset anyone. I'll be much better in the future.


    No worries, I got it right away and now I'm off to drive Mick crazy.


    Oh and Awesom? These visions bug me too. I'm not a Samgirl, but come on guys!



    "And I just know those potential dreams or "visions" or whatever Sam might be having are going to be some evil thing pretending to be good and Sam will be duped (again) while Dean is skeptical and right, but no one will listen to him... and that my only hope is that those spoilers are wrong. *Le sigh*"



    Oh I so agree with this sister!

  7. Welcome pawneerangers! Trust me, any site that would welcome me is one of the friendliest place on the net!


    7kstar, Dot and Awesom04000 are some of the sweetest of them all. But be warned, Omegamom's stories will cause you to lose sleep!


    But if you ever lose faith in the show, look for SueB, she'll talk you back from the ledge.


    catrox14, on the other hand, is completely unhinged! I think we broke her of the fear biting thing though...so we have that going for us!

    • Love 1
  8. Oh Shit! That last one is killing me Demented Daisy! (Have I mentioned lately how well your screen name fits you? Because someone should!)


    SueB, I'm not set up to post pictures (luddite here, and proud!), but Hayward is,(He posted Micks pic for me earlier) and when he comes over this weekend I'll have him post a few for you. The sun does look rather nice on my preserves!

  9. Thanks Dot! I am never planting a 20'x30' garden again! Now Mick's going nuts pickling stuff and making salsa. My kitchen will never be the same again!


    AwesomO4000, I should have known! That was a head slapper! I think if it doesn't relate to canning at this point my brain is frozen. Now the fuckin' fruit trees are ripening!


    Now I'm heading out to get more jars...

  10. 7kstar, DON'T DO IT!  Seriously. 


    Wait at least 6 months for the 1st service pack update. Also Windows 10 has been a real problem for people going from 7 to 10. 8 to 10 love it. I'm still on Vista and was waiting for 10 but I'm waiting for the service pack. And it's got some bizarre privacy issues that are being worked out. So my advice is wait if you don't have to upgrade.


    Also, MickLady. That's hilarious.  As long as Baby and TFW are on it.....That's funny! 


    Okay, I'm committed to this T-shirt thing! (What's TFW?) I just need some design ideas, and I have a guy that makes all the shirts for the local clubs. Trust me, he's done stranger things!


    Then I'll get size, style and color from catrox.  Nice to have something to do besides canning all these damn vegetables and fruit! All day today, again!

  11. Okay, everything you all said above soars over me head! Luck for us, Mick's bass player Hayward is a total computer geek! He's saved my life countless of times.


    I do think we should all pitch in though, and get catrox a Supernatural based T-shirt that say's "Helping people and saving customers"


    She deserves it.

    • Love 3
  12. WARNING: ranting and profanity...

    Grrr. My daughter's laptop died the death; I spent many many many hours on it before getting to a message about "disk errors", then getting back to the round-robin of update errors it was getting before. So we bought her a new laptop (needed for homework etc.). And then ONE DAY AFTER WE BUY IT, it gets into a different update loop where it just freezes on an error about how it couldn't complete the updates so it was rolling back. Bahahaha! Oh, no, it turns out that fifty kazillion people who PURCHASED BRAND NEW COMPUTERS had the same DAMNED problem. And you have to fiddle around until you learn that getting into safe mode is no longer hitting F8 while the computer reboots, but is now F9--and I'm like, Jeez Louise, Microsoft, why the fuck did you go and change that?!? And now I've spent another FOUR HOURS on this shit and it looks like I'll need to spend another four hours, because I'm installing the bloody updates one at a time to avoid the DAMNED computer going into LaLa Land again.

    All I can say is the DAMNED family better be damned glad they've got a fucking person who spent years in second tier computer support at home, because otherwise they'd be up shit creek.

    And I want to go bomb Microsoft or something.

    Grumble groan bitch moan complain complain complain.


    I'm exhausted! Short story-canning. But bombing Micrsoft? I'm right with ya sister!


    Mick's an explosive expert. Just sayin'.

  13. I think he did give a portion of truth and in a way that Dean could hear it.  Someone can believe they are totally bad and incapable of winning.  Your list shows all the ways that Dean lost, all the ways he made the wrong choice and even though he tries to do a course correction he still fails.


    But this is why Dean is a hero.  He has every reason to quit.  Every reason to believe what Famine says but picks himself off one more time to try again.  He felt at the time it was the truth, IMO, because he was the only one Famine couldn't touch.  He just couldn't see how it could be a good thing and without someone else pointing it out, why should he?


    It shows that Dean believes this, and that is what broke my heart.  What he missed was even with that, he still picks himself off one more time and tries again.  It's why he is my favorite, it's why I love him even when the writers screw him up.  :)


    That's exactly how I saw it. What Famine said was no big revelation to Dean, just reinforcement of what he already believed about himself. To Dean, it must have been devastating.


    And you're right, he just keeps on going. That's the most impressive part of all this. Jensen's acting pulled this off, and I don't believe a lesser actor could do it as well. We see his self doubt constantly, and how it tears him up, but he never gives in to it!

  14. Now I'm going to have to find your Buffy fanfic!


    One of the reasons I like your writing, is because it flows so well. I like longer fanfic, that has more complicated and involved storylines. Plus your ideas are original, and not just a re-hash of the show.


    I understand that work comes first, (even spiders ::shudder::), but I'm so into this story, I lose perspective sometimes. I mean you have to work right? But I'm happy the last workshop is tomorrow!

  15. If I might weigh in. I don't think Dean suffers a lack of self-esteem or lacks ego. I think he has a pretty healthy ego about his looks, his capabilities as a hunter, etc. But I'm not sure he loves himself. He beats himself up all the time because deep down he's never forgiven himself for things he believes he should have been able to change even if he really couldn't change them.


    For example:



    -- Couldn't save his Mommy at the age of 4 (in his messed up brain at 4). Intellectually I think he understands that was not a failing on his part, but emotionally I think he's a bit messed up from that still.  I mean he watched his mother burn in a fire.

    -- Was held in contempt by John for leaving Sam alone when Dean as 9 or 10 in Something Wicked (setting a path that he let down the two people he never meant to let down.

    -- Thought he should have stayed dead in Faith

    -- failed John and Sammy because he could neither Save Sammy nor Kill Sammy in s2

    -- In his desperation to save Sam he sold his soul ending up with him jump starting the Apocalypse.

    -- I think he might desperately need to hear John tell him that he understands and that he wasn't a failure. Maybe that would help.

    -- Even in s10 he said he just wants to do something right because he's tired of doing the wrong thing. 


    I'm okay with him being messed up from all that, but I hope he can really find a way to really love himself as much as he loves other people. And it's not that Dean doesn't value himself and he keeps going but I don't think he's ever forgiven himself for what he believes he's failed at.  And IMO that's a pretty normal human foible. We can forgive others more easily than we can forgive ourselves.


    I agree. As Famine said to Dean, "Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. You're not hungry, Dean, because inside, you're already...dead."


    It broke my heart.

  16. I can never tell how unpopular this is, but I LOVE Crowley. Granted, he's gotten a bit played out by now, but throughout the middle seasons of the series he was literally one of my very favorite things about the show. During times when Dean's previously infectious energy and boyish zest for life were all but drowned beyond recognition in alcohol and nonstop angst and Sam was perpetually petulant and joyless, Crowley added some desperately needed humor and fun.


    Actually, for a while now some of our villains have been a lot more enjoyable for me to spend time with than our never-not-depressed-and-depressing and increasingly morally deficient "heroes"...which I realize is a very UO :) I want to love Dean and Sam, but the writers have made it increasingly difficult for me. And I love flawed characters---but it's the number, severity and type of their flaws and the fact that by now they have sadly few strengths that makes the characters and show harder to love for me.   


    I'm right there with you amensisterfriend! My favorite T-shirt is the one that says, "You're Good, But I'm Crowley!"

    • Love 1
  17. Thanks for all your "thumbs up" on my owl post guys! I know it seems like such a small thing, but I felt so, I don't know, the only word I can think of is "privileged" to see this bird. Nature gets me like that, especially out here. I know many of you "get it".

  18. We all already knew you had a dirty mind.


    Your questions were spot on ,and probably some of the best in the whole Con. I just wish that everyone that attended these things had as much insight! Some of the questions were just plain...well, you know.

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