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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. Norma and Caleb singing "Tonight You Belong To Me" was a major creepy moment.! Damn, no one can send out a mixed message like our girl Norma!


    I'm in TV heaven! Mad Men, Vikings, and Bates!  Helps me get over BB being done and "Better Call Saul" being over for the year!


    Supernatural is even hitting a second wind!

    • Love 2
  2. OT- but Green is right. HD destroys black and white movies! If you haven't seen "Psycho" make a point to do so. Get it on Netflix and turn off your HD. But would it be considered a spoiler?


    "All About Eve" is my favorite movie EVER!


    If they don't give Vera Farmiga an Emmy, I'm gonna cause a riot!


    peacheslatour, I'm with you! You start a thread on B&W movies. I'll talk all day long!

    • Love 2
  3. Thank you Awesom,catrox, and SueB! I miss TWoP, but this place has filled the void!


    Mick and I have watched Supernatural since day one, it's our "guilty pleasure"


    Question, has it been renewed for season 11? I can't lose Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and Supernatural all in one year!

  4. Okay, new to the site guys, but long time Supernatural fan.


    My take on the pics, isn't pizza Death's favorite food?


    You guys are all crazy! And I'm happy to find like-minded people! Thank you!

    • Love 2
  5. A search engine would have provided all of the history of what happened.


    Oh I know, Stratego, but this darn show plays so fast and loose with historical fact, it's not even close. Drives me NUTS! Fun to speculate though!

  6. Oh Avaleigh! You just went somewhere I was DREADING! Damn you! (In the nicest possible way) The only thing worse would be Dylan. Both men have stories yet to tell.

  7. Count me in Granny58! Subtitles all the way!


    May I please pat myself on the back with calling the plague? I so rarely get to do so, and from the looks of all the Paris dead this is just what's going to happen!


    If I'm wrong, I'll just go back in my corner (with the Seer) and bow to the rest of you.


    As an aside, this place should carry a warning. Something along the line of "Addicting! And filled with the cleverest and most likeable people on the internet!" No shit people, you all rock! I can't tell you how many times I've woken up Mick laughing!

    • Love 1
  8. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but are the fox head dude, and Rollo, and the other Vikings who go into battle bare chested, known as the Berserkers? Most of the Vikings go into battle with some sort of armor and/or a shield, but Rollo is always a minimalist, with just his big axe. And these 'berserkers' always seem to be the most aggressive fighters, I seem to remember some battle scenes with them jumping over/out of the shield wall to attack. Am I confusing this with fantasy literature I've read, or are these Vikings indeed being portrayed as berserkers?



    I did my own research and they are indeed Berserkers. The fox head is actually a wolf head. They also wore bear head and or pelts. This is a direct reference to Odin. And they did indeed eschew armor in combat. They were also fond of using hallucinogenic mushrooms before going into battle. So it seems our beloved Rollo is a Berserker.

    Beat me to it! And yes it was a wolfs head. My husband is a Norseman and dedicated to the lore. (His Fantasy Football team is the "Daneland Berserkers" 11 times to the Super Bowl, seven wins. Had to say that, 'cause he's, you know, a guy...)


    The Berserkers often went into battle heavily drugged, and wore no armor.

    What amazes me, is how much of this lore I know, just listing to Mick's stories. He even looks like a Viking, 6'1'. 200 pounds, long blond hair and a beard. He takes this all very seriously.


    edited because I still can't spell!

    • Love 1
  9. First,,Timetoread,thanks for your post. I'm the opposite of you, but I like to hear others take on a character, and applaud you for your honesty!

    Count me in on the side of those thinking Ted, (Bob damn it, BOB) isn't done with Norma yet. That went waaaay to easy and I'm surprised Romero let her pull that scam.


    But I agree with Garnett7, Romero is fascinated by Norma.


    But really... a fence? To be safe? Pure gold!

  10. A couple of "Conquer" dialog excerpts to help resolve some previous topics of discussion: *



    21 minutes into the episode - conversation between Daryl and Aaron:


    Daryl: You’ve sent people away?

    Aaron: Yeah.

    Daryl: What happened?

    Aaron: It was early on.  It was three people.  Two men and a woman. Davidson was their leader.  Smart as hell, strong.  I though they’d work out.  They didn’t. I brought them in, and I had to see them out.  So me, Aiden, and Nicholas, we drove them out, far, gave them a day’s worth of food and water and left them.

    Daryl: They just went?

    Aaron: We had their guns.  We had all the guns.  I can’t make that kind of mistake again.



    1 hour 22 minutes into the episode - last fight between Glenn and Nicholas:


    Glenn: Noah died because of you.  And I tried to tell you how it is, how it has to be - and you try to kill me!?!?

    Nicholas: <whimpers as Glenn puts pistol to Nicholas’ forehead> I was scared. I was scared.  I don’t belong out here.

    Glenn: Shut up.

    Nicholas: I was scared. I was just scared. 

    Glenn: Shut up.

    Nicholas: I don’t - I don’t belong…

    Glenn: SHUT UP!

    Nicholas: I don’t belong out here.  i don’t.

    Glenn: Shut up.

    Nicholas: <sobs hysterically, pees himself, shits pants, screams like a virgin on prom night, etc., etc.> **

    Glenn: <removes gun from Nicholas’ forehead>



    * Thank god for closed captioning.


    ** Ok, maybe not entirely accurate. Nicholas does not scream like a virgin on prom night.  He screams worse.


    This is late, but I've been busy. Thank you Nashville ! 


    • Love 3
  11. Wow!  You and I view Norma in completely opposite ways!  In fact your take on every scenario you wrote is the polar opposite of how i look at it.  I'm not saying this to quibble, I just find it fascinating that two people watching the same thing come to utterly different conclusions.  That's cool though, I'm in to see how it all works out.


    THIS Timetoread! (Love your screen name) This, is exactly why I love this site! Everyone may have different view point of what's going on, but is never rude to anyone who holds a wildly different opinion. My problem is, I can't decide who's right! Both arguments are defended perfectly.


    I was a math major. This stuff is out of my pay grade. Thank you all, for making me think.


    Edited because, I also can't spell....

    • Love 3
  12. I LOVED the "Sunshine", but it always makes a line from "One Night in Bangkok" run through my mind: "I get my kicks ABOVE the waistline, Sunshine!" Actually, that's pretty apt for this show.


    Welcome to the craziness, Mick Lady. This is the best forum around.


    Thank you AnglesHunter! I agree!


    I believe the Wolves are going to try and take Alexandria. After all, they have a Zombie army!

    • Love 3
  13. bosawks wrote...

    I'm a little disappointed that Rick and Jessie didn't knock boots.


    I had a "She Schtupps to Conquer" joke ready and raring to go.....


    Oh God!! Is it wrong I'm now officially in love with you?

    • Love 3
  14. I agree with you. Carol is my current favorite on the show and I generally am loving the direction they've taken her. But some of the actual dialogue they've given her lately has been really stupid. Now, some of it has been awesome ("these people are children and children like stories") but sometimes it feels really really cheesy, and unnatural. 


    I do like it when they give them less to SAY, and more to SHOW. I need to rewatch Danai's final scene, because I was so confused as to what was going on I wasn't giving it my full attention. I thought they were showing an older episode or something. Then I thought it was going to be some big, cliffhanging teaser - I thought she saw something/someone in the reflection of her katana. LOL! But yea, Dania is capable of expressing so much with her face alone, she can totally kill a short scene like that. 





    Exactly. I WANTED FPP and Nicholas to die, but I can understand keeping them alive so Glenn and Maggie don't lose a part of who they are. And they at least have a chance of being "fixed". Those Unfair Wolves? They've gone off the deep end. Aint no saving them. So just kill them and do the world a favor. 





    I appreciated that as well. And I wonder if Jessie harbors a lot of resentment towards Deanna for turning a blind eye towards Pete. 





    My husband said the same thing! He thinks Glenn was bit - 100%. Last time he said that was about Bob, so.....


    First time on this board...


    Hubby and I agree ghoulina! We believe Glenn was bit. Didn't he say to Nicholas-"I'm gonna die because of you!" or did we hear that wrong?

    • Love 2
  15. Posting for the first time here on the GG thread! My UO is that I love Jason, and I'm glad to see the others share my passion!


    But I came her to share this- have any of you seen the show It's Like, You Know? If not, check it out on YouTube. It stars Chris Eigeman, but if you watch the episode The Client., you'll see Scott Patterson in a guest role, and he has long hair!


    This show is the reason I love Jason so. His character is a lot like Jason, and started my addiction for this actor!

    • Love 2
  16. Thanks Green! April in Paris-heaven!


    I'm having a blast looking around this site. Reminds me s much of TWoP. I saw it talked about  when TWoP closed, but didn't follow up on it, but needed a place to talk about the shows I love. Supernatural, Breaking Bad, Better Call Sal, and Mad Men. Oh and  Vikings! My husband is a Norseman and is well versed in the lore.


    Thanks everyone for being so accepting of a new-comer!

    • Love 2
  17. Wanted to stop by and say "Hi" I'm an old MBTV, TWoP reader and I'm thrilled to find this place! My DH and I love this show, along with "Breaking Bad" and (don't judge me) "Supernatural". I hope I can contribute something to this site, and don't make too much of a fool of myself!




  18. I'm new here too guys, but an old MBTV TWoP reader. You're all awesome to follow, (Sorry, inner Dean coming out!) and I have a question. When the Seer said that the living wouldn't defeat Paris, but the dead would, could he have meant the plague?


    Back to my corner, but glad I broke the ice!

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