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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. Oh man catrox, I'm sick and tired if telling you how original I think you are! Even Mick, (who is about as jaded as you can get about the writing of this show) finds this brilliant! How I wish this was true. It would keep us watching for another ten years!

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  2. I wish I could say that it made me lose respect for the writing staff, but it more made me go back to my status quo from the beginning of season 8. After they made the, in my opinion, bone-headed move of having Sam not only not look for Dean but also not look for Kevin,* this dumb move with Charlie made me more say "of course that's what they did." I guess my dumb meter is just too jaded by now. (And not by just this show - I have quite a few dumb-move gripes from other shows as well.)


    * That for me was the dumbest move they made, because who thought it was a good idea to have one of your supposed leads do something so unheroic as abandoning Kevin with almost no explanation for his actions. I agree having Charlie die so stupidly was bad, but Sam was one of their freakin' leads... what the hell writers? And then instead of exploring his reasoning and motivations, they gave us the Amelia "story" instead - that was for me the second dumbest thing they did, because it was a huge waste of almost everyone's time, imo.


    Really, did you have to bring up Kevin again! I loved him, always have, but especially after seeing the "Hillywood" parody.


    Charlie was always a favorite, UO as it may be. I hope she comes back. After all, no one dies on Supernatural, right?

  3. Sorry Mick Lady... it's actually work that's got me behind. Who would've thunk late September / early October would've been so buggy (I think it's all the rain) and full of talks, and classes, etc. Have you already finished my Buffy fanfic? Cuz that thing was kinda long... I'm 3/4 of the way through the next chapter of "Rewriting History" so I'll get it out to you and Omegamom soon (this chapter's gonna be yours, Omegamom).


    Alright, I'll wait! But I'm NOT happy.


    Read most of your Buffy stuff, only one to go. I didn't comment because I wasn't sure you still checked it. I so miss that show!


    But I'm thrilled for Omegamom! She writes some frightening stuff! The two of you should get together. Seriously.

    OH, and Awesome, if you're like working on something like, a new way to kill spiders, carry on! Don't bother writing anything!

  4. That baby was not in a car seat.  Grrr.


    Shut up, I'm a mom.


    Now, at the age of...50+, our dogs have seat belts!


    No, really. We take a lot of long road trips. Around town, they're on their own.




    So I've been thinking about this for a bit now...and this is some total wildass spec that I don't actually believe is true...


    But what if "Sam and Dean" are actually not our Sam and Dean or they have been changed in some way by the Darkness.


    Others mentioned that Dean saying "untenable" was notable; that he wouldn't use that word. I think he would but I can understand why others think he wouldn't. But I do think Dean seemed off here too for the most part.


    Sam has seemed off to me too. He said to Dean when he first found him in the field of flowers 'You remember NONE of this", which I thought was odd phrasing and Jared seemed odd saying the line. It was peculiar to me like "untenable" was peculiar to others. Sam was sort of hiding and I don't think Sam would hide without playing it that he wasn't scared


    I dunno, it's weird.  Something is rotten in Denmark, but I can't figure out what.


    The season change gets me. I think everybody is right about the flowers, it was winter when Bob first appeared. But after Sam finds Dean, (and it's spring) neither of them say a word about it. It's driving me nuts!

  5. Does it actually go against canon, though? What I mean is, canon has stated that Lucifer created the first demon--Lilith--by twisting and corrupting her soul. Whispering to her in the dark and tempting her to do evil deeds that slowly tarnished her soul and eventually turning it to black smoke. Was that not what The Darkness---seriously, I'm calling it Bob for here on. I just can't keep typing that nonsense for the next nine months--was doing to Lucifer? But, Lucifer isn't human, nor does he have a soul, so he can't become a demon. 


    Now, I'm not saying I'm happy with what Carver has done, I'm just not sure it doesn't actually work within the established canon. 


    And, I'd say the only reason Bob could work his machinations on Lucifer was due to Lucifer's own arrogance and jealousies, so I'd say he holds some culpability in it, too. Just because one is being manipulated doesn't mean they aren't also making choices they knew were the wrong choices. So, Bob may have given Lucifer the idea, but it was Lucifer who actually turned that idea into action. Bob had no power to force Lucifer to do anything; Bob could only suggest.



    The image this statement incited...Nope. Never mind. Not going there...;)



    Correct me if I'm wrong, mertensia, but I think the robber is Lucifer, mertensia would be Bob, in this scenario.

    Nicely said!  


    Re-reading this post reminded me of Thee Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis



  6. Hi Partly! Welcome! (Everyone here is insane, just sayin')


    Maybe the reason Death was so set on making sure that Darkness didn't return is because she had a hand in the demise of the prior Death (or Deaths).



    I thought there was only one Death. He did tell Dean that he and God didn't remember which one of them was older.

  7. I know how this sounds; stupid.


    Would you guys send good thoughts for "my" Giants tomorrow? We're playing the 49ers' and need the win.


    Thanks everyone!!!

    • Love 1
  8. Rewatch.


    Cas doesn't seem to know removing the MOC released "The Darkness", he said "Why would I talk about The Darkness?"


    Cas also seemed to know any help from Heaven would result in him not seeing Sam and Dean for not some time. Before that, he had called upon his "brothers" Did "The Darkness" being released change his mind?

  9. OHHH! That's a really interesting idea about "this Death".  I never thought about that. I like that a lot and it would make sense. Hmmm....


    I just think by "this Death", she meant to mean the word itself was foreign to her. She had no idea what "Death" implied.


    I still think Death himself is still alive. If he's not, how did the people in the hospital die? The guy trying to break down the door that Sam was watching seemed to just die suddenly.


    I'll have to rewatch this episode. I think I'll do so now....

    • Love 1
  10. Soothing thoughts for Mick Lady *use Bob Singer's voice, like on the self-healing tape*:

    - It's the Freakin' Winchesters, they WILL succeed

    - Sam just was overcompensating on the "saving people", he'll be cured.  Maybe once the Baby is no longer in his vicinity, he won't die. OR maybe an angel will show up (I mean, this IS kind of an apocalyptic mess... they should pay attention). Or maybe he figures out a cure. He's a smart cookie.  He's going to be FINE.

    - Not gonna lie, I'm worried about Dean. OTOH, Dean has EXCELLENT instincts.  It's like the greatest gift he has.  As Sam has said before, 'when push shoves' (which is, I presume, a shortened form of 'when push comes to shove'), Dean does the right thing. Yes he can be impulsive (hello, Mark of Cain!) but when he's been working on a thorny issue in his mind, his instincts are spot on.  He'll overcome the potential influence the Darkness may exert.  Hell, he overcame the Mark of Cain for a year and he was WEARING it. 

    - Cas baby will be fine.  It's gonna hurt for a while, but he'll get better. And at this point... His DEAN IS OKAY.  Really, Cas is mentally in a good spot.


    Finally, this is going to get some resolution in the next episode or two.  We'll be on sure-er footing for the rest of the season. I'm 100% confident of this because that's how the show rolls.


    Have I told you lately that I love you?

    • Love 1
  11. I think it was you catrox, that posted a site that was a tribute to the cinematography of this show. It was so awesome!


    When I taught at NYU, I had the privilege to hear Gordon Willis, the cinematographer for "The Godfather" movies speak. I never looked at any movie the same way again!

  12. I like the shirt, but not "monster hunters". Mick's friend wrote a book titled "Monster Hunters International"


    Don't bother, it sucks! Even I could tell it was horribly written, and I'm a math professor!


    Got published though. Even has some movie interest. Go figure.

  13. Sam and Dean's brother Adam is still in the cage. His return was foreshadowed in Fan Fiction.


    Yeah, I know several of you have mentioned him, but the title has to be a reference.

  14. ...a friend gives you a recommendation for a local artist to do your 20th wedding anniversary tattoo.  Which you automatically reject without seeing any of his work.  Why?  His name is... wait for it...


    Demon Dean.


    Hey! Congratulations on 20 years! Mick and I had out 26th last March. I love to hear about relationships that work!


    I don't know about Demon Dean though. I'd be tempted...

    • Love 2
  15. Plush?  I take it that's the episode with the guy in a rabbit (?) suit?


    Actual conversation after Mick read this;


    Mick: "Demented really is demented, isn't she?"


    Me: "You should hear about her family"

    • Love 1
  16. You guys are driving me crazy. catrox, SueB (you used to soothe me!) Awesom and the aptly named Demented, I have nothing to add. I'm making a spread sheet of all these theories.


    No, I not kidding! I do shit like that.


    Now Mick's talking to himself, so there's that.

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