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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. Ah, good. I wasn't imagining this. I mentioned it in my babbling earlier, but couldn't quite remember exactly when Dean said this or the exact quote, but I was pretty sure it had something to do with Dean being angry about Sam having to jump into the pit to fix the apocalypse mess that God's angels had started / made, and the end of season 5 definitely fits the bill for that. Sam was pretty much fed up with God at about the same time (stated for sure in his conversation with Paul in "99 Problems.").


    At the end of Swan Song, Dean talks with Cas:


    CASTIEL: I don't know what God wants. I don't know if he'll even return. It just... seems like the right thing to do.

    DEAN: Well, if you do see him, you tell him I'm coming for him next.

    CASTIEL: You're angry.

    DEAN: That's an understatement.

    • Love 1
  2. So this episode with Sam's imaginary friend coming to life.....I wonder if that's actually foreshadowing that this whole part of the season is Sam's or Dean's or someone else's imagination come to life. I fully acknowledge the likelihood I am experiencing confirmation bias of my own theorizing but maybe not.



    Was carefully reading this thread tonight, and saw this! Freaked me out. Wasn't there a show awhile back about a hospital, and in the end of the series the whole thing was an autistic boys dream? I can't for the life of me remember the name of that show...

  3. Never watched the Gilmore Girls, watched a few minutes on Youtube to see who on earth was Miss Kathy?  The drama teacher.  God I hope I don't sound like that!  :)  If I did, I think my kids would shoot me. 


    Once I was told don't ever talk like that Drama teacher or I will hurt you.  It was during a contest.  I'm pretty laid-back unless they are goofing off...Then all hands on deck.


    Anyway...I don't think I will ever want to watch the whole show. I can remember flipping through channels and well I never stopped.  Just not my cup of tea.


    I'm not a football fan, but I can't hope for the cowboys to loose.  It was the team I grew up with.  I of course, went into another room to watch something else while the game played, but it meant something at one time.  I don't have a team I like or even keep up with...lol


    I had fun playing games, eating at two parties, so although a little late, Happy Thanksgiving and for those it isn't a Holiday.  Well, hope you had something good to eat.  I ate too much, now I need to stop eating for a few days...won't happen, but maybe I can cut back.  lol


    I also enjoy coming here even if lately I haven't had much time to stop by.  Hope you have an awesome weekend!  :)


    7kstar, I didn't mean to insult you! Sorry if you took it like that! I love Miss. Patty, for her independence and fun nature, and that's what I meant to say.


    I hate the Cowboys because they're in my division (Go Giants!), but I didn't want Romo hurt! I also hate them because they signed Greg Hardy. If you don't know about him, you're lucky. Most disgusting man in the league. Google him, I won't repeat it!

  4. Today. 7:47 pm


    ::waves back to Omegamom::


    It's my last night here in part 1 of our trip. It's been a sort of bittersweet Thanksgiving this year. Hubby and I spent most of it on the road, with Thanksgiving dinner at Cracker Barrel and then Black Friday with mom. Seeing my sister has been nice, but it's tough to see my Grampa and especially my Nana. It's been about a year since she's really spoken and more than a year since she's known who I am. I've come to terms with it as best as I can, but it's tough to see the toll it takes on my Grampa to see her this way. Alzheimer's is an awful, ugly disease.


    Tomorrow I'll be at my sister's for a night before we head home. I'll try to unwind a bit more then.


    Be careful and good luck to any of you who must travel tomorrow. It's an awful day to travel (which is why we delayed everything a day), so hopefully everyone will get home with minimal fuss.




    Aw Awesom04000! I'm so sorry to hear about your Nana! My Mom died of Alzheimer's several years ago. I took care of her and it just about destroyed me, my heart was broken. I loved her so much, and she didn't even know who I was. Thank God for Mick! That man kept me sane and put up with a ton of shit. I'll never be able to thank him enough.


    Omegamom, glad you're having such a good time! That's how holidays should be!

    • Love 2
  5. That's the best way to play catrox! On Auction Kings my biggest bet is two bucks, I'm a big time gambler!


    We play there for the fun of it. Our regular league is fun, but we both wanted to try out another way to play.


    You should read Matthew Berry's "Fantasy Life" book. He talks about all sports, but mostly baseball and the NFL. I read a lot, but this is without a doubt one of the funniest books I have ever read!

  6. Speaking of football, my FF team is undefeated. I'm 10-0 YAY!!


    Congratulations! Mick's been in the same league for 28 years, and has won their "Super Bowl" eleven times! I have Aaron Rogers this year, and Randall Cobb, but they're letting me down big time this year! But I also play on Auction Kings, and I'm doing pretty well there, at least I'm breaking even. This week I played Eddie Lacy as my flex, and he got me 25.9 points. I'm playing Carson Palmer and Larry Fitzgerald as my wideout on my team weekend. Wish me luck!


    I know, I have a problem, but I love football!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving guys!


    Having a blast! Football and Turkey and good friends. What could be better? I'm also thankful for you guys. I feel lucky to be part of this place. Thanks to all of you for giving me such fun this year!


    Still, it would be nice if the Cowboys lost!!

    • Love 6
  8. Okay Mick Lady and Omegamom, here you go:


    Chapter 9


    I know, I know: it took me long enough, but at least it's an extra long chapter. And also during Thanksgiving break, I should have some writing time to get working on the next chapter... mostly so you won't want to kill me, because of where I left this one. : /


    Just got here, been busy all day, plus it's snowing like crazy here! Did a lot of last minute running around,(in ice and snow) and baking. I'm exhausted! But this will be my treat to myself tomorrow, before starting the turkey! But I swear to God Awesom, if you leave me hanging too long again...I'll, I'll kill a spider! 

  9. Okay, so this is not helping to change my mind about horses... Big animals that can step on you: that's my definition of a horse. No, no, no... a big fat no.


    You're still one up on me Awesom! Spiders send me screaming from the room. Give me my 1,500lbs. Hanoverians any day!

  10. I think Carver would find it amusing for Crowley to actually be the last character alive on the show.  I'm quite serious about that.



    God catrox! I've been thinking the same thing! I didn't want to voice it, but you started it. But not this year. I think Rowena is going, and at Lucifer's hand.


    I'm still working on how, but I have a week to figure it out, and I don't care what Mick thinks! He believes Cas is the one, but I can't get behind that.


    Besides, if Cas dies, he'll be back in a week or two....

  11. Anyway he told a story that he'd been having drinks with a previous VFX guy from the show and I guess out of some inebriated boredom whilst waiting for a cab, he thought it was a good idea to try and jump up on a planter that was on the sidewalk.  Apparently, he miscalculated the height and his foot went out from under him and slammed his chin on the planter. He said he had to call an ambulance because it wouldn't stop bleeding. He had to work the next day so they had to CGI out the damage. He said it was all swollen etc..but again, I have no idea of the timeline.



    *Snort* He should totally post this in "Small Talk, the Impala" in our stupid moves convo! Wish he posted here!

  12. I agree with SueB a few posts back. I think Sam and Crowley are banding together to get to the cage. Crowley is The King Of Hell right? And where is the cage? In Hell. Crowley must be it's guard.


    I'm back to my original theory that Lucifer is the answer to The Darkness. The whole "Bearer of light" thing is just too telling. I just hope they don't have to release him! Dean and Cas of course will try to stop them, and we're back to the whole "it's too dangerous" argument between The Boys. I have no idea how Rowena ties in, maybe with a spell to help them bind Lucifer? Everyone wants The Darkness gone, don't they?


    At any rate, someone is going to die.

    • Love 1
  13. I was never happier for a dream sequence EVER than I was for that. Seriously. It was stupid but brilliant and saved the show IMO. Can't have JR without Bobby really.  IMO .  Sidebar: I really liked the Dallas reboot and hated that the new showrunner jacked it all up by making it about the Ramos' instead of the Ewing!


    Off topic, But I agree! I loved Dallas!


    My younger brother gave me a T-shirt he had made for me that said "I shot JR" I wore it to Six Flags that summer when JR was shot, and everyone in the park stopped me to comment on it!


    They can't do this on Supernatural! They're too original for this!

  14. Good Lord! By the time I finished  rue's post, I was curling my fingers under!  But it will grow back, I promise! But I agree with Awesom, you have guts!


    But I also lost a nail entirely on my big toe - I dropped an encyclopedia on it, and the nail bruised and fell off later - and it grew back perfectly normally.


    Sorry Awesom, but I'm still laughing at this line! Can't wait to read this to Mick!


    Daisy, I've done the same thing! It hurt like hell.!


    catrox, I...I have no words!


    I wonder what SueB looks like now! Curled fingers and toes, holding on to her...Well just picture it!

  15. *mini rant* (No big deal)


    A few weeks ago, I got out of bed in the middle of the night to pee, and slammed my toe against a chair next to our bed. My big toe swelled to twice it's size, no shit. It hurt like hell! I didn't do anything about it, every one of my toes has been broken at least twice due to horses stepping on them, so I let it heel and let it go. So guess what? Three days ago I did the exact same fucking thing, to the same toe! This chair has been in the same place for years! I don't know what's wrong with me!! This time, I was going in to have my annual checkup anyway, and showed my doctor my toe. Paul said I have "Turf Toe", just like a football player. He taped the toe to the one next to it, and gave me some pain meds.


    My point is, I will never again make fun of a NFLer taking weeks off because of Turf Toe! This sucker hurts like hell!


    And yes, we moved the chair. It's just lucky I didn't burn it!

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