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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. 2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Very steeped in the Angel verse (my 3rd favorite show in the history of ever). I would agree that Angel is definitely an anti-hero because he was a vampire that sought to do good after murdering countless humans over 200 years

    Although...he did get cursed with a soul...so is he really an anti-hero or  is he more of a Reluctant hero?

    I gotta ask! What are the first two?

    I can guess one...

  2. 14 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

    I wonder if that will ever come back to bite them. It seems that they've moved on the the consequences of them killing Billie and forfeiting their deal when killing Death should have been more of a worry.

    I agree. I don't think we know yet the consequence of killing Death, or Billie. I can see both killings coming back to bite them in the ass.

    Personally, I'd worry about Death more. But I don't believe he's truly dead.

    • Love 1
  3. 4 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    I think they are Big Damn Heroes with a side of anti-hero.

    I agree. They're human, and complicated. If they were just straight up heroes, they'd be boring. In my opinion, the show is much more interesting because nothing is black and white. The guys make hard choices, and they're not always right, but they always have compelling reasons for their choices.

    • Love 5
  4. 20 hours ago, companionenvy said:

    How do they not say "Look, I get you have high-tech ways of killing monsters, and to that extent, maybe we should collaborate. But I'm not going to sign off on indiscriminately killing every supernatural being, even if the end result is a net positive. We've met "good monsters", we've worked with good monsters, and we're not in the business of torturing even the bad ones. And by the way, how far does your definition of "monster" extend? 

    Oh thanks companionenvy! Now you have me thinking the BMoL will try to kill Crowley! I don't need that!

    *goes into corner to sulk*

    • Love 2
  5. 42 minutes ago, SueB said:

    - Second order effect: They kicked over the hornet's nest which was Metatron, who decided HE would pull a big lever, banished Angels to earth (who killed THOUSANDs of vessels), lost all the Angel's their wings, but also ended up in the surviving Angels getting back on mission. A lot of damage here but with some positives too.

    I wish they had addressed this.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, SueB said:

    Pictures PLEASE! We could use it every time a character lies.

    When Hayward comes over Sat. I'll have him take a couple of pictures of it. He can post from his phone, I can't. But it came out really good!

    I'll put it in Small Talk. I'm rather proud of it! Mick thought I was nuts, it took me about four different experiments to get it right. It looks exactly like him!

    49 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    Wait I'm the scary one?

    Heh! I have a secret life.... 

    • Love 3
  7. 7 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

     Could they turn on them and Mary at the same time and attempt a family extermination? After all a woman who has returned from the dead after thirty odd years is hardly what I'd call normal haha 

    I was wondering the same thing. They tortured Sam to get the names of the other hunters. Why?

  8. 2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I'm getting tired of this false equivalency they are trying to draw between hunters and BMoL. They are not the same and they do things differently. Mary you are not hunting with BMoL. You are learning how to exterminate. I mean yes it's expedient but it's not hunting. 

    Oh wow catrox! Never thought of it that way. Really fine analysis!

    • Love 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    Sorry. Been a rough couple of days for me. :(

    Aw hell catrox, it's been a rough year for you! I sincerely hope thing start to improve, soon

    Wish tonight was a Dean centric episode, that would cheer you up!

  10. I agree with Georgiegirl, I too think the brothers are the heart of this show. Carver's decision to have Sam not try to save Dean from Purgatory was so unbelievable! What show was he writing for?

    If Dean goes along with the BMoL, I hope it's only to protect Mary. I just can't see him joining them, he's always been very sharp when it comes to seeing through people. He knows this group is corrupt!

    I'm still not convinced that Mary is hunting with them to protect her sons. I think there's another motive that hasn't been revealed yet. I have no idea what, but there has to be another reason. Ridding the world of all evil is just not possible. Crowley anyone?

    One more thing, if they kill the Alpha Vamp I will be all sorts of pissed off! And if they have to give us some endless dialog tonight, it better be from him. Love that voice!!

    • Love 2
  11. Just watched this episode this morning with Mick. As many times as we've seen it, for some reason we've always missed Crowley's line: "We were wondering if you hit another dog" Good Chuck, we were on the floor! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    Sam turning over the phone when Dean walked in - means he's already been in contact with Mary, despite the 'frozen her out for days' line.  Maybe already even agreed to meet up with her to talk - or go on that hunt.  So the secrets and lies that @AwesomO4000 and others (including me) didn't want to see?  Too late.  Sorry about our luck.

    I fear you are right Rulerofallsurvey. I would think that after all this time the Boys would stop keeping secrets from each other. Just another reason I'm starting to dislike Mary. Rather than helping her "boys", she's going to drive them apart.

    She knows about the BMoL, but still trusts them over her own sons. I just don't get it. But then again she has no relationship with them, as others have said. Sam is so desperate to have a relationship with her, I genuinely feel for him, but does he have to be so blind?

    Makes me miss Crowley!

    • Love 2
  13. 56 minutes ago, 7kstar said:

    This is an age old issue.  Guys aren't supposed to be emotional and girls are.  Some writers want to write gay characters and others will write straight with deep relationships.  I think for me it is the problem of those that write get stuck in a mindset and don't see other possibilities.  I've also seen women write very girly for guys and not realize that they've done so.  I know when I write at times I have to check to see if the lines sound like something a guy would say or oops me bad it's sounds like a girl. 

    Jensen is protective and unless a director can justify the direction, I think he will fight a direction he doesn't believe in.

    You're a director and writer, so thanks for the insight!

    I've always been impressed by how well Larry McMurtry writes women.

    • Love 2
  14. On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 2:18 PM, DittyDotDot said:

    Yeah, I've been calling the Carver years the "Era of the Petty Little Jerks." TBH, I've not been paying the best attention to some things this time around. It's been playing in the background more than anything. I did actually watch Hunter Heroci this morning though. I rather like that episode.

    "Era of the Pretty Little Jerks" sums it up perfectly!

    Don't know what I hate more, this episode, or Carver.

    • Love 3
  15. 2 hours ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

    Thanks. Sorry I am new. I still need to get to know everyone.

    Well welcome Geordiegirl!

    1 hour ago, SueB said:

    Hi, I'm SueB. I'm the resident optimist.

    The understatement of the year!

    • Love 3
  16. 17 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    Interview with Samantha Smith

    No a fan of this. Too much "Mary is so great and wonderful and so brave doing what she does." It doesn`t hurt if an actor acknowledges their character is less than perfect. Jensen does it too much IMO but others don`t do it enough.

    Also not buying what she is selling re: Mary does it all and sacrifices so much, ultimately for love of her children. They - the writers and she as an actor - didn`t manage to sell me on her FEELING that great love for them. So, sorry, but her potentially ruining relationships with her sons doesn`t feel like such a big sacrifice when she never made even the slightest effort to build said relationships in the first place.

    Maybe if she did, if she tried to at least get to know them, I could see this "I want to make the world perfect for them," And pulling the "that`s the job of a parent" card? Please. A parent would also probably have some interest in their kids.    

    Spot on Aeryn13! Mary makes no effort to get to know her sons, and they're NOT BOYS! They're grown men, and can take care of themselves. Now she'd going to drive a wedge between them.

    • Love 2
  17. 4 minutes ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

    Yes he did push to drop the line. In fact he wasn't happy with that whole scene. I think his actual reason was that he thought it sounded too overwrought and 'girly' (I seem to remember he got some stick for using that term - anyone else recall?). Jensen is not a Destiel fan at all (he said at a recent con that 'Destiel doesn't exist') and he will argue where he feels they are playing on that too much. Good for him. He knows Dean better than any of the writers.

    I get Jensen for feeling this way, I honestly do. I've said it before, Mick's a biker, a 1% but he never patched. When one of his best Bros died, he buried him with a guitar of Mick's he loved. Mick's friendships are very deep, and I don't understand why some people can't get that straight guys can love their friends very deeply.

    • Love 2
  18. 15 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

    Dean’s lack of forgiveness made the trench coat scene difficult for the actors. “I believe that Misha said something along the lines of ‘This is the most un-manly scene this show has ever filmed,'” Ackles says. “Well, he said ‘gay,’ I’m just trying to be a little PC. There was a certain line that we couldn’t get past, it was so out of character and horrible.”

    I'm sorry, this just sucks! Mick is the most "manly" man I have ever known, and he's also the most sentimental. This whole thing pisses me off to no end! I've always seen Dean with a lot more depth than this.

    Bitterness thread, watch out!

    • Love 1
  19. 10 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    He kept himself in that alcoholic haze most of the time.  He was drinking whiskey for breaksfast.  He kept the trenchcoat.  You can see it folded in the car during The Mentalists.   Unfortunately, the line was cut, but in the promo for The Born-Again Identity there was a line where Dean says 'Part of me never stopped hoping you'd come back."  (I still don't forgive them for cutting that. 

    It's on the DVD, and I'll never forgive them for cutting it. For me, it was an important line.

    Looks like Dean is heading down the same road. In the clip goldy provided, (Thanks goldy!) Sam says to Dean; "Good morning to you too" at the end of the conversation Dean says; "I need a drink, several" Not good.

    16 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    The show has a perfect opening here to actually address Dean's abandonment issues here. 

    I would love this! But you know they won't. Fortunately, we will! Another reason I love you guys!


    3 hours ago, ahrtee said:

    You're still new to the forum, and I know there was some confusion with some of your earlier posts, so maybe you're concerned about the way people react to your comments.  We (well, speaking for myself, *I*) love to hear others' takes, not only on what we see on the show, but what we'd *like* to see, so all comments are interesting, even if some don't agree with you.  That's the kickoff point for discussion, as long as all sides accept that there are different POVs.

    TBH, I think I might annoy people because I tend to want to clarify things and often point out things that I think a poster might have missed or forgotten, like Dean's reaction in s.7.  That's my librarian "fact-checking" mode and unfortunately I can't turn it off, though I can sometimes sit on my hands and not post if I feel it's unnecessary.  It doesn't mean I disagree with someone, and isn't meant as a criticism.  You should never have to apologize for your opinions here. 

    This so much! We may disagree, but I myself love hearing different takes on this show, and it's the best thing about the people here. You all make me think and see so many different points of view. It's fun!

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