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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. 1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

    It's getting there. 100% better than it was but not 100% yet.  Thank you for asking!

    Aw, I think about you often catrox! You remind me of what we used to call "The last of the big-shouldered broads", and trust me, hat is an extreme compliment! Very few deserve it!

  2. 1 hour ago, 7kstar said:

    One Act is over.  We didn't place but three students got individual awards.  My principal has agreed to take the reprimand out of my HR file and leave it just at the campus.  This is what I wanted, so that part is better.  The kid that caused the issue in both situations has been removed from my class.

    Now I just have to get my energy back which is kind of missing.  Now I just have to get ready for my New York Trip.  The only thing I'm concerned about is how cold will it get and how much pain will I be in from doing a lot of walking.  But determined not to let it stop me.  Looking forward to spring break...I need some time away from the students!

    Omegamom we miss ya and hope you'll come back soon.  :)

    Good going 7katar! You'll love your trip to NYC! It will energize you, I promise!

  3. If they give us a cliffhanger of "Is He or is He not alive?" regarding Cas, I swear I'll have a heart attack. I've loved him and his interaction with Dean from the start.

    It would devastate Dean, and I don't want to watch that, even if it would be considered "daring" by some. TFW should be together to the end!

    • Love 2
  4. On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 8:37 PM, 7kstar said:

    Thanks guys for the laughs.  I'm clueless right now!  So the drama keeps happening you know in the drama after school rehearsals.  This time it's horseplay and I'll be blamed for not supervising students when it happened, just wait for it.  Of course one of the kids that got hurt is the one from the last time with the parent from Hell.  sigh

    My advice - what ever you do DON'T become a TEACHER...RUN the other way and do not pass Go!

    It must be true, if you Say "Macbeth" in the auditorium bad things do happen....CAN someone BREAK this CURSE please, pretty please.

    Why do you think I'm stressed out?????

    Hey 7kstar, how did it go? How are you holding up?

    I feel so guilty now for not checking in more when I had cancer. I truly worry about you guys!

    While I'm at it, where the hell is Omegamom? Anyone know?

    • Love 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Bec said:

    He's not kidding about her always living in his heart. Also... playmate? I can just imagine Norman reading that to the tombstone engraver, he would spit out the word "wife" as if it's poison. And then towards the end he would start talking way too fast.

    Oh Bec! When I found out what it said, I never thought of him reading it to the engraver! Thanks for a good laugh!

    • Love 3
  6. On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 10:33 AM, Diane said:

    I don't watch anything live, absolute nothing.  I hate commercials so I delay.  DVR is best invention yet.  I even do it with award shows.

    So do I! But the only exception is Supernatural, I  just can't wait, and like to chat with my friends here.

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, SueB said:

    Did anyone else start singing Gilligan's Island?  Just me then... 'a three six hour tour... a six hour tour....'

    I did! Before I read your post! Great minds Sue, great minds!

    • Love 2
  8. 44 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    So, I was rewatching 12.12 and I took note of Sam making a big deal about getting all the MoL archives up onto a new cloud.

    I mean why have Sam make any kind of remark about that if it's not going to come up again later. 

    Mary and Cas are the only people at that table besides the boys and Wally, who is now dead, who know that Sam uploaded the files.

    So I wonder, does that portend someone hacking Sam's new archive since he used free wi-fi at the restaurant

    OR that the bunker is going to be lost. Maybe Dean and Sam decide to blow it up to keep it out of the hands of the BMoL and Dean uses the grenade launcher to do it.

    Wow catrox, that never occurred to me! Dean would hate to lose the Bunker! (It's memory foam, it remembers me!) I hope you're not right. The Boys need a home!

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, SueB said:

    But... straying into debate... so this thread is about accepting everyone's opinions without debate.  Black and White to some is that damn Blue/Black or White/Gold dress to others..... (ask me if you don't remember the three day social phenomenon of "the dress").

    I'm quoting this again because I want to add that this is a perfect analogy! Brings me back to my college days and the arguments we had about  James Joyce. Everyone read him differently!

    Dressgate! Hee!

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, SueB said:

    But... straying into debate... so this thread is about accepting everyone's opinions without debate.  Black and White to some is that damn Blue/Black or White/Gold dress to others..... (ask me if you don't remember the three day social phenomenon of "the dress").

    I'll help you jump her cartrox!

    Honestly Sue, did you have to do that??!!

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, mmecorday said:

    Watching this episode, two things occurred to me: 1.) How heavy was that jar of pickles? Because Eugene held them for a long time and the jar looked heavy. He must be very strong. 2.) My cousin wears a pair of boots just like Negan's and they're both mouthy jerks.

    Oh, wait! There was a third thing! They Might Be Giants should totally record a version of "Easy Street."

    I didn't think anyone remembered this band! Freehand! Great album. Bless you!!!


    Ah shit! I meant Gentle Giants. Fuck me.

    • Love 2
  12. 40 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    If you want me to ask around to see if I can get you a coupon for a free week, just let me know. Seems like everyone and their brother was giving out those coupons for a minute. I think everyone at work has at least tried out Blue Apron now, and my ex was doing it and trying to push coupons off on people too!

    Oh, I'd love that! Always like to try something new! Thank you!

  13. 36 minutes ago, SueB said:

    Speaking of acting... with the Academy Awards tonight, I wanted to offer up some thoughts on Viola Davis' performance in Fences.

    Spoilers for Fences:

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    Her performance ripped my feelings RIGHT OUT OF MY SOUL.  Her character eeked out her identity after a personal loss so staggering (the betrayal of her husband) that I could feel what it was like to be gut shot by the words of another.  When her larger-than-life husband, who was the center of her life, decided she was 'not enough' and still saw the other woman, I just could barely breath -- the pain was so real.  And then when she made her decision to raise the little girl and reject the man -- I was so VERY proud of her.  Yes, he still lived there but he had lost her.  Because he was never repentant about his selfishness.  He decided his needs were more important than hers.  And I could never forgive Denzel's character after that choice.  The original mistake, I could forgive, and so could have the wife.  But it was his decision during those 5-6 months when she was suffering so greatly, that he never begged forgiveness for.  Too proud. And through it all, Viola's character showed a strength that was inspirational. 

    So... 7kstar... you keep up that acting class.  Because if you have a nascent Viola Davis in there, who is going to bring me to my virtual knees.... well, it's worth your time.   

    I'm rooting for "Hidden Figures" When I was at M.I.T., I had a poster of Katherine Johnson on my wall. I'm a geek like that...

    • Love 3
  14. On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 8:37 PM, 7kstar said:

    Thanks guys for the laughs.  I'm clueless right now!  So the drama keeps happening you know in the drama after school rehearsals.  This time it's horseplay and I'll be blamed for not supervising students when it happened, just wait for it.  Of course one of the kids that got hurt is the one from the last time with the parent from Hell.  sigh

    My advice - what ever you do DON'T become a TEACHER...RUN the other way and do not pass Go!

    It must be true, if you Say "Macbeth" in the auditorium bad things do happen....CAN someone BREAK this CURSE please, pretty please.

    Why do you think I'm stressed out?????

    I've always heard from my theater friends that Macbeth was the unlucky play. I don't have a single friend that has done this play without "unintended consequences" So I guess it's true?

    7kstar, if you can, take a year off and write. I taught for 28 years (Grad School), and it really wore me out. I cannot, under any circumstances, imagine teaching middle school! You're a blessing to those kids! You sure as hell have a ton of respect from me, and as Mick would say, "I ain't hardly joking"

    2 hours ago, rue721 said:

    Any of you guys ever used a meal service? My friend gave me a free week of Blue Apron and tonight was my first meal. Hm. It's interesting.

    Let us know how it worked out. I thought of trying one, but we love to cook, and being retired, have the time to shop and prepare.

    • Love 1
  15. 56 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

    And now I really will bow out of the discussion. I just wanted to be clear that I was never trying to argue the intolerant "Deans bi, Jensens an idiot and anyone who see it differently to me is wrong". 

    Ah Wayward, don't feel bad! I'm just super sensitive because of my sister and her wife, along with todays climate. All's good here!!

    • Love 2
  16. 33 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    On a (very?) personal note: I've never understood this.  I am a heterosexual female.  I've always been heterosexual.  Never even wondered about kissing another woman.  And yet, I can objectively acknowledge that another woman is beautiful and sexy.  It does not take away from my femininity (or lack thereof?) whatsoever.  So I don't understand why men can't/don't have the same luxury.  

    I agree. On the same note, Mick is a big old biker, (my avatar is actually him) and when he meets his "Bros" they hug like crazy. My sister is gay, and she and her wife are the two most feminine women I know. I find my sister's wife sexy as hell. What's the big deal? I'm kind of disturbed this is even an issue.

    • Love 3
  17. 6 hours ago, rue721 said:

    That's true. She had her parents to help her out before. You'd think being around them would have taught her good research methods, but maybe she's just lazy or uninterested.

    Rue, this leads me to something that's always bugged me, "The Hunters Network" If John knew nothing of hunting before Mary died, how did he know about this aspect? When John first started hunting he knew enough to leave the boys with Father John or Bobby when needed. We see Bobby as the "go to guy" for hunters for everything from info on killing to having multiple phones marked F.B.I. ("He's one of our best agents") C.D.C. etc.. We even hear him give advice to Garth before the character is introduced. Yet this network is only used as a plot device. Do other hunters even know about the Bunker? Wouldn't the info in the Bunker be priceless to other hunters? And now that Garth is dead, who's manning the phones?

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