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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    They got that sound by stabbing a melon. Also in the movie that scene took six days to shoot with seventy seven different camera angles and 50 cuts.Talk about editing genius.

    Really!? That's just awesome! I didn't know that, and you're right, that is genius.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    That's fantastic! I LOOOOOOOVE Vancouver. 

    Being in Idaho, we're close to Vancouver. I started talking about wanting to attend. and because we haven't had a real vacation in years, Mick got on-line and booked it. He actually sprung for the Gold Package, said it was a gift to me for surviving cancer. I do love that man!

    I'm going to get rid of my flip phone, (yes, I have a flip phone!), and get a good one and take a ton of pics! Mick of course, will bring his Nikon!

    We're lucky, Mick has a riding buddy who lives in Vancouver, so no hotel for us, which saves a ton! I'm kind of in shock at this point, it's been a dream of mine to go to one of these things, but never thought it would happen! I'm not even sure I've processed this yet

    • Love 8
  3. Talked to my sister today and told her we were going to go to the Supernatural Convention in Vancouver. She asked me if all my friends here were just as nuts.

    I just e-mailed her Awsomo's picture, and SueB's rant about cows on the All Episode thread. Can't wait for her reply! Hee!

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  4. 14 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    That would be great, @Mick Lady. Just be aware that hotel rooms can go quickly, so if you have any designs on going this year, you might have to decide soon. I'd say you could share with us, but our room is already full (there will be at least 3 if not 4 of us). Unfortunately some of the hotels take a deposit - non refundable in some cases - so just be aware of that. The information is all on the website.

    I thought I'd posted it before - but maybe it was just on the South Park board? - but for fun, here's me as AwesomO...


    My friend says that I have the AwesomO voice down pretty well, but I need to work on my movie ideas. I generally forget what I thought of when it comes up - and people always ask - so I need to do better on that front. I'm better with the "Are you by chance a pleasure model?" because my "Lame!"s are pretty good by now.

    I found my black can opener again - my Mom snitched it and then told me she didn't have it, but I found it while she's in Florida - so I can be more authentic again next time. I used to have bigger batteries also, but they don't stay in place as well.

    My other costume is Jayne Cobb (I'm a lady Jayne) with Jayne hat. Though I cheat and wear a "Wash" shirt. I would post that photo too, but my photobucket account is being a pain right now and giving me error messages...  maybe I'll try again later.

    I feel like an idiot. I never put you screen name together with South Park, and we're huge fans! I love your costume, it's just like Cartman's!

    Mick calls me Butters, because he says I'm a lot like him. Not sure if it's a compliment or not, but sometimes I just randomly break out singing "Ooooooh baby please don't go!" just to annoy him!

  5. On ‎3‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 8:50 AM, rue721 said:

    Ugh I had stress dreams all night last night about my FORMER job. I haven't even worked there in something like 9 months.

    I feel like something about being waitstaff brings on the stress dreams. I've never heard of anybody having them as frequently or as bad as bartenders and waiters do. And even after going through a very stressful week at my current job (in an office, doing accounting), I am still having waitstaff stress dreams. It's bizarre.

    The weirdest waiting tables stress dream I ever had was one time when I was trying to waitress in this fantastical restaurant that was a maze of connected rooms, and all the customers were (literal) trolls. The weirdest part about it was that I wasn't even worried about them being trolls or anything, what was so stressful was that I was trying to keep everyone's drinks refilled and there were just so many empty glasses. I'd go into yet another tiny room crammed with trolls and ALL their water glasses would be at least half empty. There was no way I could get my water pitcher to everyone in time.

    Maybe part of the reason for all the waiting tables/bartending stress dreams is that people lower on the totem pole get them more in general. The only person at my current job who I know gets them is the lone administrative assistant (who is actually quitting this week, natch). But is it that people who get them are more likely to be lower on the totem pole, or is it being lower on the totem pole that brings them on? Or maybe higher ups just don't want to talk about it as freely.


    I have to say, I laughed at this! But it was with complete sympathy! Everyone had then! I taught theoretical mathematics at grad school, and would have dreams of going to work and being expected to teach Japanese! This was a recurring dream and I woke up in a panic every time! 

    But I love the fact the trolls didn't faze you.

    • Love 1
  6. 2 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    I've never been to Comic-Con - so hoprfully someone else can give direct information on that - but I am a regular at Dragon*Con. Dragon*Con is a big mess, but entirely worth it... except weirdly enough for me recently, the Supernatural panels. They used to be great when they were in the X-Track, but they moved Supernatural over to the Urban Fantasy track, and the panel over there is more annoying for me than not. However the multi-show NC-17 fanfiction discussion (which includes Supernatural) is still a ton of fun... and definitely not for the shrinking violet. But at Dragon*Con the panels run the gambit from straight science, to writing advice, to gaming, to cosplay, to sci-fi, comic books, fantasy, and everything in between. And then there are the free concerts and the battlebot battles.

    Dragon Con is also very costume friendly - you don't have to feel at all uncomfortable about dressing in costume. I bring two - my easy and my more "difficult"  - to wear at different times. And the costumes run the gambit. I don't know if Comic-Con is more specific in terms of costume and focus.

    And Dragon*Con is also best experienced as a multi-fandom experience. There are a few traks where you can just immerse in that verse only - Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings, for example - but most Traks aren't like that.

    I could say more, but best not to get me started and you probably aren't considering Dragon*Con anyway. (Dragon*Con itself is pretty cheap - like $115 for all 4 days - the lodging not so much).

    Why am I not surprised by this entire post? I had to Google "Dragon Con", but it sounds pretty cool! I'm looking into it now, so be aware Awesomo, Mick may be contacting you! I've wanted to hit Comic-Con for along time, and now being retired, have the time. Being in Idaho, we're close to some of the larger ones, and have the time to travel. Never thought I'd do this, but we're both kind of into it!

    • Love 1
  7. I see what you did there!

    I'm a little bit concerned about how early Marion is checking into Bate's Motel. There are five episodes left, right? That's a lot of time to lead up to Psycho, if they end the series with the start of the movie. Could they be retelling the first half of Psycho, or all of it? 

    Wrong thread probably, but I'd like to know what you think Peach.

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  8. On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 5:18 PM, Stringey said:

    I don't know about the book thing but I could see one thing. If Norman is indeed found out about I could see some really quick shot of chick now in a suit selling one of Norman's taxidermy animals at some comic book convention or something like that. "Ok now this here was made by the killer in Oregon you all know as the "Mother Killer" Norman Bates".  

    Thanks Stringey! I won't even use LOL, because I literally did laugh out load!

    Yeah, I messed that up, but damn it, thanks for the belly laugh!

  9. 2 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Yes, there's a movie called Serenity that was made a couple years after the show was cancelled.

    The show was very short lived, the last three episodes didn't even air, as I recall. It's a shame, but the ratings were low, the show was very expensive to make and FOX never seemed to be all that fond of the show, but wanted a Joss Whedon show. It was a recipe for disaster from the onset. That being said, I still love the few episodes we got and TBH, I'm not sure there was a long lifespan in the show to begin with. I think my favorite episode might be Jaynestown. The folk song alone was too funny.

    Mick and I know all the words to Jayne and sing along with the guy in the bar! Firefly rocks! If you get the DVD's they include the unaired episodes.

    Bonus for us is that Crowley (Mark Sheppard) is on the show!

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

    Lol. You and I certainly have an eye for fashion!

    Heh! I don't have half your talent! I have to thank you again for Heart of Haute! It's my favorite shopping site, and I love everything I've bought from them.

    What to be my personal shopper! Please?

    But seriously, I enjoy the fashion in this show as much as I do when watching old movies. Love the retro feminine look. Vera Farmiga pulls the look off perfectly!

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  11. 8 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    In fairness, Detective Chambers met Norman after his mother had just died. And if one believed the theory that Norma was the mastermind behind what happened, then she was meeting an already damaged boy (since he'd been in a mental institution), right after his mother killed herself and tried to take him with her. Frankly, under those circumstances, Norman seemed surprisingly normal in my opinion, when Detective Chambers questioned him. That's always the fun and fascinating thing about shows like these and storylines like these. To us the audience, so much of this seems obvious but to others, not really.

    I think Detective Chambers might have suspected Norman was the one who came up with the plan since again, he'd recently been institutionalized, which means he was clearly mentally unstable in some way. However, remember they questioned the guy who installed the new furnace who said he only spoke to Norma about it (because he didn't see Norman listening when he was telling Norma about throwing out the old furnace) and there was Norma's goodbye letter to Romero, which she did write.

    So again, while it seems obvious to us because we have all the details, I can see how it wasn't to others. Not to mention that suspecting something is all well and good but meaningless if you can't prove it.

    Many good points here truthaboutlove. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that we've seen much more than other characters. Detective Chambers is new, and doesn't yet know all of what's been happening in White Pines Bay. She knows about Romero, obviously, but does she know about the first "disappearance" at Bate's Motel? (The first owner) or Norman's teacher, or even Bradley? Whatever she knows, she senses something is amiss, and I don't think things will go well for her if she gets too close!

  12. On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 5:29 PM, AwesomO4000 said:

    I pretty much agree with you ... though Carver taught me that good - even great - episode writers don't necessarily make good show runners. Quite a few of Carver's season 3 and season 5 episodes are in my top 20 - 25 of the series - and "Mystery Spot" is easily in my top 3, if not my favorite episode of all - but that did not translate for me at all when he became showrunner, and I consider his return episode "We Need to Talk About Kevin" to be one of the worst of the series.

    So while I enjoy many Ben Edlund episodes, I would've had to wait to see what would've happened if he had become show-runner. Based on Carver's previous episodes, if you had told me that Carver taking over the show would result in Sam not looking for Dean, blowing off Kevin, and shacking up with a bitchy woman while Dean became friends with a vampire and Castiel decided he'd rather stay in purgatory (because that wouldn't make Dean feel crappy at all *sarcasm*) and it would usher in the era of the petty little jerks (TM triple D), I wouldn't have believed you. I wouldn't have guessed that was where the show was going to go in a hundred guesses.

    So I have decided that good episode writing and good show running aren't necessarily the same skill set.

    Oh my God, this whole post, so much! Your second paragraph has been the source of endless discussion between Mick and me. Sam not looking for Dean is the one thing that just...just infuriates me! Talk about destroying a major theme! And than Kevin. I can't even go there. I loved Mystery Spot, but I still can't forgive Carver for what he's done. Now I'm pissed off all over again...

    • Love 2
  13. On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 8:07 PM, Ailianna said:

    I also didn't get the idea it was a specifically gay bar, just an open-minded bar.  White Pine Bay doesn't seem like a place with a big gay scene, but this was the kind of place where people of all shapes, sizes and orientations can mix and mingle without anyone causing problems.  And Norma is well liked there.

    We have a bar like this in town. Gays frequent there, but pretty much everyone goes there. Mostly because it's a super friendly place and the best local bands play there. We're far to small to have an exclusive gay bar, but the locals are very open minded. We're in the pacific northwest.

    On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 1:51 PM, Rear Window said:

    And will Dylan find out his dad is dead, too. I'm sure there's nothing left of the body, though. Poor Dylan!

    How could I have not thought of that?!

    Had to add Rear window, LOVE your screen name!

    • Love 1
  14. 19 hours ago, rue721 said:

    OK sorry back now, just had to run and get a paper bag to hyperventilate into for a minute.

    How come you haven't watched Buffy or Angel?

    I never watched Buffy until I for some reason caught "Hush." That hooked me! I've seen them all now. Well worth it!

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