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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. 2 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

    "Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a Franchise QB outta my hat!"

    "But that trick never works!"
    "This time for sure! Nothin' up my sleeve....[Pulls out Osweiler] No doubt about it, I gotta get another hat."

    There's a Browns fan they show on T.V. every game that holds up a poster with grave markers of all their quarterbacks!

    He's gonna need a bigger board.

  2. Romo is an injury machine! I swear either Romo or Luck will be the first quarterbacks to die on the field. But Eli needs an O-Line too.

    I think Huston is gunning for Romo.

    Adam Schefter's Twitter feed is insane right now!

  3. On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 0:15 PM, AwesomO4000 said:

    ** I've also thought that it would've been awesome for Dean to have to face Dick Roman multiple times in purgatory - winning, losing, whatever - but again feeding into that loop of black and white, no messy decisions, just easy answers and the intense but fleeting payoff of revenge thing. Of course if Dean lost sometimes, there would have had to be some excuse of why Dean stayed in purgatory, but I would've handwaved it to see Dean and Dick interact some more.

    I was waiting for this! God what fun it would have been!!

    • Love 2
  4. 37 minutes ago, 7kstar said:

    It started as movies and this series was created by the same ones that did Leverage.  Christian Kane was in both.  It's now season 3 but the season is very very short.  Some I stories are better than others.  Flynn is showing up off and on but the others only show up a few times and won't spoil ya on what will happen.  It's stupid funny but I like it.

    Should be finished packing but of course I'm not.  I've got purple covered.  I keep getting that New York is having a major cold spell when we go, 30 to 40's, it's the walking outside but once I get everything figured out, I will get excited.  Right now, freaking as I should have gotten more done....

    Do you plan to see any plays? You can get cheap tickets "Day of" and when I lived there, there was a "Day of" booth right on Broadway. Don't forget Off-Broadway, the designation refers to seat numbers, not location.

    I hope you have a blast! Post while you're there if you can, but don't waste the time if you can't. Fill us in when you get back! I'm so excited for you! You certainly deserve this!

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, 7kstar said:

    Not taking anything work related because grades will be done tomorrow if everything works out.  Struggling with what layers to bring since I live where it doesn't stay cold long.  I think I've worn my so called jacket 3 or 4 times.  But since I'll be walking in the cold, that different than just walking to go indoors.

    Goofy shows,  oh I have those too, Hogan's Heroes had two reasons.  I met one of the actors that my mom went to school with.  He taught a few classes before he passed away at the Theatre Convention I attended.  I also love Leverage.  And dare I say it...I use to watch General Hospital...I still watch it off and on.  But back in the day it got really stupid.  :)

    Just make sure you wear something purple!

    1 hour ago, Diane said:

    If we are talking daytime Days of Our Lives and General Hospital with Rick Springfield and John Stamos.

    Have a good trip, hope you have fun!

    Loved that Tim Conway lived to make Harvey Corman crack and he did every time!

    Hey Diane, do you remember "The Dentist" episode?! I know it by heart but it still makes me laugh crazy everytime! Even those two couldn't keep it together!

  6. 2 minutes ago, SueB said:

    I couldn't BEGIN to put down my favorite TV shows -- especially in rank order.  Seriously.  Here's a randomly order listing of shows that I would stop what I was doing and watch:

    SciFi/Fantasy: Supernatural, Buffy, Angel, Star Trek TOS, Star Trek, TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voy, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (the original... I'm still waiting to binge watch the reboot... don't judge me), Merlin, Legend of the Seeker, Dark Angel, iZombie, Smallville, Twilight Zone, Wonder Woman, The Time Machine, .... and I'm sure there's more

    Drama/Action: Mad, Men, The West Wing, This is Us, 24, Prison Break, Sherlock, M*A*S*H, Poldark (the one from the '80's, haven't seen the new one), The Waltons, Game of Thrones

    Comedy: Psych, Galavant, Friends, The Andy Griffith Show, Gomer Pyle USMC, The Carol Burnett Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show

    Wow.... I gotta get a life....

    I will never, ever forget when Carol (as Scarlet) came down the stairs with the curtain rods on her shoulders!!

    Delighted someone else watched The Waltons! I've been afraid to admit it. But I got Mick into Murder She Wrote, and The Gilmore Girls!

    • Love 2
  7. 1 minute ago, rue721 said:

    Ok, but Perfect Strangers was kind of great.

    Oooooh another show I forgot to mention, though -- Strangers with Candy. That show still cracks me up just thinking about it.

    I want to watch it...eventually will...but every time I go to finish last season and start the new one, I'm like, "but what can the show even be like

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    without Norma?!" I can't wrap my head around it.

    I always kind of hated Norman (he's always been such a spaz), and Dylan has somehow found a way to become even more boring than Emma, but I know I'll watch if only to see Romero. And to see Norma's shriveled corpse or whatever they're going to do to her now that she's just "Mother" and not Norma anymore, poor thing.

    Just watch the first episode of this season.....heh!

  8. On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 3:05 PM, SueB said:


    I'm impressed.  I'll give up red wine or chocolate before I'd give up SPN.  Unless, of course, you're joking... 

    But if you are not, see ya on the flip side.  

    Red Wine?! NEVER!!

    • Love 1
  9. 9 hours ago, cuppasun said:

    Thought about this a lot myself, so went to do some googling: there are a lot of possible variables with a shotgun, but if that was birdshot, depending on how much (if any) was caught by Alex's leather jacket, specifics of the gun, exactly the distance between them, etc., he might well survive with relatively minor injuries, though he would likely need some medical attention and would probably need to be concerned about infection. I'm having a hard time imagining they would kill Romero like this--seems awfully pointless to have spent the time on his continuing story if so.

    From what I understand (perpetual caveat: I could be wrong, correction welcome!), buckshot is the significantly more dangerous possibility (much bigger, designed to bring down deer); it's birdshot that would result in patch-upable minor injuries. But yeah, pretty much my first thought too. (With the addition of, mama tries very hard to comfort him in a very...personal way. Because it's Nestor Carbonell!)


    Shot spreads about an inch a yard. Alex was about six feet away. Maybe in leather he would survive bird shot, but not buck.  Double 00 buck would be an ounce of lead in his belly.

    • Love 2
  10. Best line (paraphrase) "He killed his mother, than froze her! Who does that?"

    No one Chick, just Norman.

    Romero's a dead man, if that's a 30-30. I wanted a better end for him!

    • Love 4
  11. On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:25 AM, Wayward Son said:

    Despite what Mary seems to thinks, Dean was never asking her to be the stereotypical mum who makes PB&J sandwiches and spends her days tending to their needs. What he wants, no what he needs, was some sign from her that she was interested in forming a familial relationship. At the moment she’s been treating them as allies more than anything i.e. people to be contacted when she needs help with something. I can understand that Mary may be experiencing feelings of confusion, and she is still reeling from the trauma of finding herself in this strange new world. However, she has failed to display any true empathy for the plight of her sons, as she is too consumed by her own thoughts and feelings. Therefore, Dean’s anger at learning that she had aligned herself with a cause he considers contrary to his own is hardly surprising.

    Wayward Son, lots of times I start reading and don't really pay attention to who is posting until I have that "Wow" moment. This whole post got me! Thanks!

    20 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    Reading the books definitely would've helped in terms of locating the Colt, but they still found out about that not too long into season 4 from Becky.

    Ah hell Awesomo! I forgot Becky told them about the Colt!

  12. 23 hours ago, mertensia said:

    There's an awkward conversation. "Hey mom, just read these. They were written by God when he was pretending to be a Prophet. It's our lives after I went to Stanford to borrow Sammy to help me find dad. Ignore the graphic sex scenes."


    As for the Colt killing Meg's brother, it did but he wasn't the Alpha Vamp, either. 

    Okay, this made me think. Did Sam and Dean read all of Chuck's book? I would have, and that brings up a lot of awkward situations, including Yellow eyes. That was cannon from before Cas, so they're in the books, right?

  13. I've never seen any of the "sequel" movies. Now thanks to you guys, I have to! Amazon thanks you too!

    On ‎3‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 4:46 PM, peacheslatour said:

    I really like 3. It was directed by Anthony Perkins and he really seems to get how important the house itself is to the overall story. I've always thought of the house as one of the main characters.

    Peacheslatour, you cost me money everytime I read your posts!

    • Love 1
  14. We have similar tastes! You and Mick however, would get on like a house on fire!!

    I love Bate's Motel, he can take it or leave it. I'd hate to be in the same room while you two discuss Sleepy Hollow!


    Back to our regular programing...

    4 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    I like this. 

    I remember reading tweets from a con goer that Julian teased at a con that death might be back (no I don't remember which one).  But I also don't know if he giving hinting or it was just a typical, "It's supernatural, anyone can come back' response TPTB like to give.

    I would love to have Death back! How the hell can anyone "Kill" Death? I don't care what weapon they use, some things have to be absolute, even in this show!

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