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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. 1 hour ago, Katy M said:

    If nephilism is always fatal to the mother, shouldn't angels know that?  Shouldn't they have realized Lily Sunder's kid couldn't have been a Nephilim if Lily was still alive? 

    Now Katy, you should know better by now than to expect writers to follow canon!

    • Love 9
  2. On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 3:03 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Also Crossing Jordan. I loved Crossing Jordan.

    I did too!

    I'm with Anela, why were they dragging the lake? In the middle of the night?

    • Love 2
  3. I wonder what was going through Dylan's mind as he watched Norman and "Norma" fight on the kitchen table?

    The doctor being dead? Didn't see it coming. That really got us! Did Norman sit at the café and talk to himself? Imagine the whole thing?

    I'm thinking maybe Norman's crazy! ; )

    • Love 18
  4. On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:43 AM, 7kstar said:

    I had the school nurse ask me point blank, why are you so fat?

    Okay, I'm really drunk right now, but 7kstar? I would have punched her in the face. Honestly, I don't know you personally, but you come across as one in a million. Screw 'em if they can't see that. Their loss!

    No, I changed my mind. They don't deserve to be your friend. But I am, and proud of it!

    • Love 4
  5. 9 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Have you read The Gift Of Fear?

    I have. I carry. I know many find that to be horrible, but I spend time in the wilderness in Idaho. Read the "Missing 411" books by David Paulides, and you'll understand why.

    And yes, I'm extremely well trained.

    • Love 2
  6. On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 5:16 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Second to Psycho that is my favorite Hitchcock movie. It's not actually one long shot but almost. From Wikipedia:


    I don't know why I formatted it like that. D'oh!

    Is that the one where;


    The body is in the trunk throughout the movie?

    • Love 2
  7. 4 hours ago, 7kstar said:

    So I got into my short shorts.  My goal is to get into a cute swimsuit.  I know my legs look great, it's not my problem spot.  :)  I know I won't care if my bust-line gets much much smaller but the middle well it's got a way to go before I'll be happy.  So I'm trying to retrain my mind but I do get frustrated because I will see some young girls that really aren't that over weight and I think man are they fat.  The healthy part of me knows I need to think differently, but it is a battle to fix.

    I know I've shared way too much, but if it can help someone not to travel this road, well it's worth it.  I'll shut up now.

    Weight issues suck 7kstar! I know what you're going through, I've struggled with it all my life. Cancer took care of it, but I don't recommend that route! I hate how other people judge us on how we look. There's so much more to a person, but it's all appearance, appearance, and that is so wrong!

    I've have some issues, having only one breast, and reconstruction is not a road I want to go down. Thankfully, Mick still thinks I'm sexy as hell, and he's the only one I care about! But I wouldn't get into a swimsuit for all the money in the world! The prosthesis looks just like that, a  prosthesis, no matter what you wear. 

    What really bums me out for some reason, is my hair. I had long, straight, auburn hair, and after chemo it's growing our curly, and gray! The other women at the cancer center warned me, but I still didn't expect it. Plus, it's not long enough for me to do anything with it!

    But we have each other, and I've found wonderful comfort and support here. You guys have helped me more than you'll ever know!

    • Love 2
  8. 9 hours ago, trxr4kids said:

    Am I the only one who still gets happy that I can bills online now? I remember what a PITA it was when you had to actually spend a whole day running around paying bills and waiting in line. It's the little things in life, you know? : )

    Oh Chuck yes! I have everything on auto-pay, arranged level pay for gas and electric and water. Even our property taxes are on auto-pay! I hate paying bills! To me, this is no little thing!

    7 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Retraining the brain is HARD!

    Let us know if you ever accomplish it catrox!

    Kidding, you know I love you!

    • Love 2
  9. On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 2:05 PM, Diane said:

    After tonight's episode I am going to take a little break from most of these threads.  I will finish out the game we are playing and will try to check in on this thread every once in a while. It has just gotten too negative lately on almost all of the threads, even the spoiler thread.  So I can continue to enjoy the show, it will be better to rest from this for a while.

    It makes we want to post:

    JOHN (pleading)
    Can we not fight? You know, half the time we're fighting, I don't know what we're fighting about. We're just butting heads.

    Aw Diane! You're one of my favorites here! Don't give up on us, we'll miss you!

    • Love 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    I'm thinking more in terms of the themes of the season, not so much using Mary to recruit Claire.

    They just keep coming out with yet more long-lost mothers, surrogate mothers, mothers-to-be, etc, and I wonder where all this is going.

    IMO it was interesting that they had Mary come back and not actually be able to reprise her role as Sam and Dean's mother. It seemed like it was too late for them to have a mother, they lost their shot when Mary died. And meanwhile, even though Rowena might literally be the worst mother in history, and she and Crowley are hundreds of years old, their bond apparently can't QUITE break. I mean, they can hate each other, but they can't unmake that bond (if bond is the right word for that. Trap? lol). They're stuck with what they've got, too. They also don't get a second chance.

    But now it turns out that Claire actually was able to create a new family, and even adopt a new mother *as an adult.* (She's young, but she IS grown. Sam and Dean were treating her as a (young) adult, too, by respecting her autonomy). She does get a second chance. How does that change Sam and Dean's story (or their story's possibilities) wrt Mary?

    Maybe it doesn't change anything, but to me, it doesn't seem coincidental that these were the emotional beats the show wanted to hit

    Great post Rue! Mick and I were talking about the whole "Mother" theme during the whole episode. We're both interested where this leads the show.

    • Love 2
  11. I'm a bit worried that Sam and Dean mentioned Garth in front of Mick. I can see him going back to the BMoL and telling them about Garth's pack, and end up hunting them. I love Garth!  #BovinesUnite!

    • Love 7
  12. 5 hours ago, SueB said:

    I'm hoping this is ONE time when the BMoL have an "old recipe" that the Winchesters don't know about yet. Or at least some lore to help. 

    I found this in Super-wiki, (I live there now)

    "Sam interrogates Madison and figures out that Madison was infected when she was bitten during what she thought was a mugging a month previously. Sam finds lore in John's Journal that suggests that if the "sire" of someone who is a werewolf is killed, they will be released from the curse."

    This is from the episode Heart season 2 ep. 17

    To be honest, I just watched it this morning.

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, auntvi said:

    In my dream I've confused the time of a law school final (usually 100% of your grade for the semester). I walk into the classroom, and everyone's already busy writing in their blue books. I've missed the first 1/2 hr. I get the exam and it's several complicated questions, requiring lots of thought and writing. When I realize I'll only be able to finish a couple of the questions and will flunk the class, I wake up in a cold sweat. It's been a while since I've had that dream, maybe before the last layoff.

    Now I'm a part-time contractor and leave everything at work at the end of my day, no 12 hr days, no schlepping the laptop home every night. But... I no longer define myself by my career and I sometimes miss that.

    Law School?! God Lord I had students that went to Law School (required class before grad school) and they were a wreak!  They came back to sob in my office! Congratulations on making it through!

    • Love 1
  14. 10 hours ago, Diane said:

    Alright that was just mean, now I have to go and find the rant about the cows. Afternoon blown.

    I made a mistake, it's in All Episodes. I hope I have Sue's permission:

    "So... after dragging you through all this.... I think it's a low probability that he connected "deals" to "babies".  His YED data (the two data points we saw) was sketchy and didn't have 'deals' as part of it.  So no 10 year clock.  Plus, his other research seemed to be based on demon sign.  (Note; And why do the poor COWS get mutilated as part of demonic activity??? Huh?  What did they ever do to demons that they are the ones who are slaughtered?  Do the demons go after them or they just spontaneously rip apart?  I'm thinking that's unfair to the cow.). "

    I laughed like crazy when I first read this, I never forget it! Actually, the whole post is a riot, but to end it with COWS!!

    Thanks SueB!

    • Love 3
  15. On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:43 AM, DittyDotDot said:

    No, but I'm a photographer and since storyboards are basically visual notes on how to frame shots, it just seemed to make sense. TBH, it was the "3/4" that jumped out to me and made me think of it since the first drawing was a 3/4-frame shot. And, since the next shot was a close up, but not a full close up, "medium" was the only word I could think of that fit, hence MCU.

    So, there you have it, a glimpse into the rationale of a irrational mind. I also could be totally wrong. ;)

    Thanks TripleD! I love this stuff. I once drove halfway across the country with a friend so she could photograph a button collection for an assignment from a button magazine. I learned so much!

    • Love 1
  16. 22 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

    I had a class in Hitchcock film when I was in college, and one of our textbooks was "Hitchcock/Truffaut", a series of very candid interviews François Truffaut conducted with Hitch.  It's the best insight into his methods and motives that I've read, and it's one of the few textbooks I didn't sell at the end of the semester!  I checked and it's available on Amazon.  (There is a recent documentary featuring these same interviews, but it also features contemporary directors waxing poetic about how Hitchcock influenced their work.  I didn't like the movie, but I highly recommend the book.)

    Poor Austin Nichols...so pretty, but he 

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    keeps playing rat bastards who get stabbed!

    I thought it was interesting that Norman encouraged Marion to take the money and start a new life.  In the movie, Norman unwittingly convinced Marion to step out of her private trap and go back to Phoenix and return the money.

    Thank you Snaporaz! I am really enjoying getting into the deeper meanings of films from the directors prospective. I know nothing about this and I'm finding it fascinating! I'm going to order that book!

    You and Peach are costing me a lot of money, but it's well worth it!

    • Love 2
  17. Thanks! I'll check it out. Hope it ends well.

    My problem is that Supernatural is what Mick and I call "our show" A few years ago someone on TWoP gave me a link to Super-wiki (yes there is such a thing!) and I went down a rabbit hole like you wouldn't believe! Just the other day I was waiting for our new washer and dryer to be delivered, and killed six hours surfing it!

    I'm not proud.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 1
  18. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    They got that sound by stabbing a melon. Also in the movie that scene took six days to shoot with seventy seven different camera angles and 50 cuts.Talk about editing genius.

    Do you remember where you read this? I never can remember where I pick up stuff like this, but if you do, let me know!

    I get into this kind of stuff with Supernatural, but I've read so much, (in 12 years!), I can never site where I've found the nuances I've read.

    Hitchcock is of course, a much more complex director than the Supernatural team, but I have my addictions! Being a math major, I missed out on the arts, and I'm trying to catch up now. I now wish I had taken a film class in college!

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