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Everything posted by glitterpussy

  1. Same! I was like hmmmmm....want to make this point, yet don't want to defend these dolts....what a quandry.... Wow those posts show what giant assholes they both really are.
  2. Well absolutely, yes--maybe he's just a drunk, slutty, broke brawler who lives in his mom's basement, and all his family and friends think he's nuts for wanting to marry this frumpy american with two kids, but are too polite to say so on TV. Either way, Rachel isn't making great decisions for her children. Like you said, its all about the fantasy for her.
  3. I've though of TBI perhaps (from football and/or fighting), or maybe some kind of mental illness? Causing impulse control issues (sexual acting out, violence, drinking to self medicate)? SOMETHING is making his friends/family freak out. Usually, when you have a generic playboy type guy that finally settles down, the family is HAPPY. If it's an injury or illness they may well love him in spite of something he can't control, but still be worried for a dumb American girl and her tiny baby....
  4. You guys, my issues with Rachel just grow bigger every week. Maybe I'm a horrible, suspicious person, but there is something SO OFF about those two. Jon is supposedly this huge horndog who just couldn't keep it in his pants, multiple fuckbuddies, etc...yet I don't see an ounce of chemistry between him and Rachel. Yeah they say the words, but she just frumps around and yaks about her fairy tale and he holds on to Lucy constantly. There's NOTHING in his background that would indicate "family man" to me. His friends are concerned, his family is concerned...for RACHEL. They know something and it isn't good. I'm just climbing the walls with anxiety about that adorable baby. Seriously, what kind of a mother lets a strange man hold, bathe and change their baby girl?? A convicted criminal, no less. WHY is he so into her (Lucy)? Rachel is so dim and stupid that I don't trust her to protect that baby. Yet, they have all these "fans" on social media. Sigh.
  5. She does have a seriously bad case of Georgia Ass-Face! LMAO!
  6. Signing on to this! Dafuq was that comment?! I am in my forties and very much love my husband (my second! married at 36! Gasp!) and continue to have a very lively and romantic relationship, and most of my friends (married and single) remain quite interested in romantic relationships despite their advanced age....lmao.
  7. Oh my god, I wanted to die when I saw him "cooking" that steak in a goddamn dollar store nonstick frying pan.
  8. LOL I kept thinking, like--a salad? For a "tutor," he's not terribly bright.
  9. So true. My husband turned to me when Pastor Cal said that and was all. "Is...is that TRUE??" LMAO. No babe, he's freaking manipulating them into staying married. All the experts disgust me, because they are out there in the guise of "helping" when they're really just driving the show and in many cases, actively harming the participants. Telling Tristan to wipe the slate clean and unconditionally trust that psychopath Mia...NO YOU DON"T TELL PEOPLE THAT. They KNOW she's goddamn lying 24/7! Of course Tristan is a big dumdum but still, it ain't right.
  10. OMG, OMG, it just gets worse every week! God forgive us all for watching this mess. Darcy is getting a filter this season. That's why she looks better. She's just blurrier. Her behavior, sadly, is as embarrassing as ever. Her daughters are beautiful. Jesse is horrible. I'm over them now. Jon thinks Rachel is fat. I mean, she just had a baby and everything, but she's no model. Did he ever date models, though? Come on now. It's very creepy how interested in Lucy he is; he couldn't wait to jump out of bed with "the love of his life" to give her a bottle. And why the hell is Rachel so hostile to his mother? She was perfectly nice and Rachel's all like, I'm gonna fight if I have to?! Huh? I don't want to see Micheal be sexually assaulted anymore. God that was awful. I felt so, so sorry for Hazel. She's being honest. I hope it works out for her and she gets her son back. Tarik isn't very bright, but he might be an OK husband. Ricky is that Match.com guy who thinks your date went sooooo great while you're telling all your friends what a loser he was. His poor daughter, this must be so humiliating for her at school, etc.
  11. I'm dead. I just died. this is hysterical and true.
  12. I have a bunch of questions on this episode: 1. Cowboy hats cost HOW MUCH? 2. No developer would ever do a no-lawyers deal. EVER. So is Jenkins a big fake? 3. What straight dude is writing the dialogue for the lesbians, and how do the actresses deliver their lines with straight faces? 4. Jamie's not gay? 5. Why is Kevin Costner hot to me now?
  13. Haha I thought the same! I told my husband that was the easiest-to-find bear ever. So much of this show is improbable, but I still love it.
  14. Ugh, who knew Dave would turn out to be the creepiest? We know now why he's still single. Rigid, no fun, judgmental, uptight, WAY too into his friends. I think he must have a truly awful family. That's why he has all these relationship issues and why he clings to his friend group so tightly. Although Amber and her "I'm a jealous person so I hope no other girls have lived here" bullshit is no better...girl, what? YOU have been around the block, so you have no standing to say anything. Go try on some of your cheap ugly shoes you're hoarding. I predict Danielle and Bobby crash and burn. They're way too happy. Tristan and Mia-- fake again, snore, ffw.
  15. Ok a few things: 1. Everyone should watch the Vikings!! John totally looks like Rollo. One of the best shows ever. 2. I have both my kids' cords in the shape of a heart--my midwife did it. Yeah it's sorta gross BUT I also encapsulated my placentas and ingested them, so I have a high tolerance for such things. The difference is, I didn't give them to an internet stranger. I kept them in their baby books, to embarrass them with later in life. You know, as one does :)
  16. So much of THIS. Ricky's daughter was being far more polite than her stupid father deserves. She's knows EXACTLY what's gonna happen. The poor girl just lost her stepmom/sister and four months later her dad is trying to marry some fake internet woman he hasn't EVEN MET. I just can't. Lucy, the cutest baby in world, is also smarter than her mom. She's like Boss Baby with her expressions...when she widened her eyes when John was talking to her via Skype, you could tell she was thinking "OMG, send help, I can't believe this is my life...." Her mother seems kinda normal, but she's loca. Sending the umbilical cord? Having dude on Skype while you're delivering? If you can't just focus on your own child WHEN SHE IS LITERALLY COMING OUT OF YOUR VAGINA then there is no hope for you, I'm afraid. The rest of them, ugh. I don't want any more Darcy and Jesse. They are just for the cameras at this point, they despise each other. Same with Paul and Karina. Hillbilly Grandma is super super sad and pathetic. Geez all it takes is some internet scammer to say you look nice and you're all in? Tragic. Delusional.
  17. Our CC says "Bloop. Clap." at the intro...lol! That's the most interesting thing I have to say this week. What a snooze these couples are. Even Tristan and Mia bore me, her lies and his fake concern are SO obvious.
  18. I didn't think of this as a big deal either. I'm estranged from most of my family, because they are terrible. It can be awkward to explain, because some people have NO concept of this. "But they're your FAMILY...derp derp derp...blood is thicker than water something something..." Yeah, well, you don't know my life. He said he's closer to his friends and I totally get that. I have a big "friend family" as well, and they know me much better than my real family. Dave could be sparing you some heartache, Amber. I had one ex that INSISTED on meeting my father. I kept trying to warn him, but he would not be dissuaded, so I set it up. The guy was shell-shocked for DAYS after. I don't even have any good comments for the rest of the show, it was so boring. I read the spoilers so i already knew about Mia. Hope it picks up.
  19. My stone cold heart was touched twice in this episode: Once in Pedro's talking head where he was visibly tearing up. I think he really loves dumb old giraffe-lashed Chantal. Too bad for him he'll never tear her away from her disgusting, appalling family. I'm 100% team Pedro. He may not always react perfectly, but Family Chantal planned this and caused this from the moment they met the guy. Then when Olivia was attempting to speak with her mother from her heart, and fucking Molly was acting like the idiot woman-child that she is. She doesn't deserve those kids. Poor Olivia saying it felt so good to be responsible for herself ( and not you, Mother!). I grew up the same way with an extremely immature mother and I totally relate to Olivia. To this day I feel like the parent when speaking to her, and I'm super old now. And Molly's just like yeah yeah yeah sorry if you felt hurt but when are you coming home so you can babysit......
  20. Lordy, here we go again! I am ashamed to say I've missed this show. Impressions from the Glitterpussy household: Tristan/Mia: Tristan seems nice but I do not find him attractive. When he took off his shirt-yikes. Am I the only one who got a ping on the gaydar? Like a pray away the gay type? Get me a wife so I can PROVE I'm NOT GAY?? Maybe just me...Mia's cute, but she's got walls up so we'll see how that goes. I like her best of all the girls, although the whole G_O_D on the wall was a bit much. I'm surprised so many super religious people go on this show, really. Bobby/Danielle: Bobby gives me a mama's boy vibe in a Psycho (the movie) way. My first comment when I saw him was, he looks like a guy who hits. Hope I'm wrong, it was a gut reaction. Then he said he had "failed miserably at every relationship." RED FLAG. Danielle seems sweet but man, her eyes are close together. She seems like another one looking for a "fairy tale" and a "southern gentlemen" but has no clue how to really have a relationship. I felt bad for her about her family--they were really shitty to her. Her wedding hair was amazing. Dave/Amber: Amber, girl, stop with the bleach. Your hair is fried! I actually think she'd look better as a brunette. She's got the baby fever. Like others said above, just get a sperm donor already. Dave is not cute to me, but not hideous. I find it odd that he has this big friend group but can't meet anyone. I bet they are extremely hard on Amber. Otherwise, he seems fairly boring and blah. Amber seems super sexual and slutty (not saying that's bad) and she's throwing up in a bucket ( that's bad) so I feel like she may be too much for him. What do they have in common--they both work out?
  21. Random comments: 1. The hair on this episode! I cannot! The PI's hair, the lawyer's hair, Russ, Pao....wtf do these people not have mirrors? Did they honestly look at themselves before shooting and say, hmmm, yeah, I look good??! 2. Azan's expressions when Nicole arrived--priceless! Looking frantically for an exit! Nicole feeling "heartbroken" over Azan's drunk dials, LMAO. As my husband said, "YOU fucked somebody!! Shut up!" 3. Anfisa, honey, get your green card and run. We all know you were a sex worker of some kind, don't let Jorge hold that over your head. It's fine. 4. Family Chantal are so gullible. That PI played them like a fiddle. What a weird creepy cult those people are. And Chantal with her giraffe eyelashes...FFS she struggles to blink with the weight of those things! 5. Molly is too stupid to live, certainly too stupid to be allowed to be a parent. Who could IMAGINE this scenario would go badly? NOT HER!! She was scared shitless when the police were called--that's why she bailed. Not for her child's sake, she doesn't give a crap about her.
  22. STAWP! It took me a whole day to realize who he was... I love him in Vikings and I love him here, much like I love his brother Alex in everything. LOL. So excited for the season and the new mysteries. Maeve and Lee = some much-needed lighthearted moments! I had the impression that the "valley" was where the lake was, at the end--filled with hosts. So maybe Delores was being merciful, in her way...
  23. I must be in the minority, but I think Jackie's got Ryan's number by now and is just letting him show his ass as much as possible until decision day. Her expressions when he's talking say it all. Not that she isn't sad, mad etc. but I think she knows what's up.
  24. This. Molly is a classic narcissist, right down to the explosive anger/deflection when called on her BS. She did it every time Jon even mildly criticized her or tried to discuss anything--see the bedroom fight about the threesome. It's all about protecting the perfect image she tries to present, because she feels broken and worthless inside. Luckily for the world, she's not super smart so its fairly easy to see through her lies. Further evidence is the fact that she doesn't appear to have any friends outside her family. I think maybe she was drunk during the videotaping? So she perhaps didn't remember clearly what went down...that would explain her surprise, and Jon was smart enough not to tell her and save it for the ambush! Yeah! Ryan and Jackie were secondary this week, but my husband and I have taken to making a "Jackie sadface" whenever we hear something we don't like...you guys know what I mean. She's really good at pouting. Not that she doesn't have every reason--Ryan is appalling--but it's something to see. No one has yet asked the most important question of the episode--WHAT KIND OF DOG IS KEKE AND WHERE DO I GET ONE?????!!!
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