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Everything posted by Rumsy4

  1. I'm wondering if we should rewatch the series in reverse chronological order. lol
  2. I was rewatching parts of Tallahassee and I got to the scene where Emma jumps back down from the Beanstalk. Snow scolds her for asking Mulan to cut down the beanstalk if she wasn't back by ten hours and tells her they will go back together and they hug and I just teared up. Why, Show? Why??!! I felt like Charlton Heston at the end of Planet of the Apes when he finally realizes that all hope is lost.
  3. It's a WTF ending completely disconnected from the rest of the series, let alone the season. According to Lana's own admission, nobody knew what Regina's Happy Ending would look like until the finale. That's because she wanted something different every season!! I don't get these writers. They adore Regina and want her to have all things. So why did they practically sideline her in Season 7? Once they'd decided to sideline her, they should have stuck with it, and not made her the freaking Queen of the Multiverse in the last ten minutes of the Show. Um...
  4. I’m sure we’ve made this exact joke at some point or the other.
  5. I would give myself a list of episodes to watch, with a warning to stick to the list, and throw in the names of my favorite fanfic writers as a bonus.
  6. Sounds like the makings of an interesting sequel (in the hands of competent show runners who haven’t sold their souls to the Dark One Dagger). The New Nevengers will discover along the way that Peter Pan had secretly a placed a spell on the original Nevengers, which turned them into doormats for Regina and Rumple. Breaking that spell would be a part of their quest. There’s always room for any number of takes on the same theme. :-)
  7. It is a completely different show. Not the fairy tale of the Evil Queen, at any rate. :-p
  8. I am watching some scenes from Season 1 for fanfic research, and am stunned at the difference in quality. I haven't seen those episodes in years. The rewatch is going to be fun.
  9. You've been watching too much Once Upon a Time if you're thinking of Mother Gothel when watching Wonder Woman @Camera One heheeh
  10. I saw in a gif that Gepetto and young Pinocchio are part of crowd in the coronation scene. Wish!Gepetto is dead. So, this has to be Storybrooke Gepetto. Did August get de-aged again??! Poor guy. He'd better never get into any romantic relationship.
  11. Don't forget to watch the post-credits scene where Wonder Woman apologizes to her.
  12. Wonder Woman is a such a good movie. It has an innocent feel even as it deals with heartbreaking realities of life and war. I love love love the ice cream scene. It's wonderful, indeed.
  13. That's a good point. She stopped posting selfies with Lana a while back, but I thought that was because of how badly she was being harassed by some of the rabid SQ fans. Who knows what all dramaaz happened behind the scenes.
  14. I know. But I would have taken that over what we got, tbh. Regina saying "I love a version of you" as an excuse that WHenry accepted was laughable. Oh, absolutely. A&E think they can make the audience buy into anything just because they say so. While they can get their charatcers to act like puppets, that's not always going to work with the audience (or ever with some portion of it). In the case of Wish Henry, Regina was never a part of his life. She never did anything good for him, and worse, deprived him of all family in one stroke. So, it's even worse when compared to Henry Prime. The leaked spoilers had some wrong information about this scene. The idea was that the merging of all Realms happened before WRumple was defeated. This causes a connection between the Prime and Wish versions of characters, and Wish Henry is able to feel Regina's love for Henry through his connection to Henry Prime. It sounded like absolute garbage at the time, but this actually may have worked as a half-assed explanation for Wish Henry's volte face. This connection would have also explained why Rumple transferring his heart to WHook killed WRumple.
  15. They've been co-workers for six years, but it's only in Season 7 that JMo has seemingly refused to work with Lana. So, I personally think it had more to do with contract negotiations. Abc probably did not want to pay JMo at the same rate as before, while Lana may have even been willing to take a paycut if she got other perks like top billing, directing an episode, Regina getting a love interest, Regina being crowned Queen of Everywhere, etc.. Usually salary scales are negotiated based on the top-billed actors. With Ginny definitely out, that only left Robert Carlyle and Jennifer Morrison. I don't know what kind of pay RC gets, but it is very likely that abc would have preferred to retain Lana over Jen in this specific instance, and may have negotiated with her using Lana as the counter-point.
  16. Ideally, Emma should have been the main pivot for Wish Henry's change of heart. She would apologize to him for abandoning him and talk him out of killing Regina. Then, Snowing would come over and give him a hug and he would feel that maybe he could regain a lost family in Storybrooke. Him accepting Regina has his mother was pure drivel.
  17. And would have cut down the time needed for Snow to give one last pointless hope speech.
  18. It was hilarious when Regina got anxious that Emma and Hook hadn't arrived for her coronation. Did she even mention Emma once in the past twelve years? But suddenly she wants her to witness her being crowned Queen of Everywhere. Typical. Lol. Can you image the people of enchanted Scotland (especially Merida) voting for Regina? Or someone with the personality of king Arthur? Or king George? The children of all the people Regina massacred? The black knights whose hearts were in her control, unless she still hasn't returned them? Why would people of Cruella's perpetually flapper realm want to be "ruled" by a queen? Realistically, within a few years there will be forty different warring factions squabbling to establish their own kingdom borders. It will devolve into an EF-like situation with a kingdom every two blocks. Are there multiple Wonderlands? Do the multiple versions of the fairy tale charatcers (who may or may not look alike, depending on whether or not they are wish versions), hang out to compare life stories? It somehow takes the magic and adventure out of things to have all the Realms in one place. Does Agrabah still have a desert climate or is it fated to have Maine weather now? Most of the native plant and animal life will find it hard to adapt to the new climate. Don't worry. There are plenty of people like you, especially on tumblr. I hope by "hater" you don't mean someone who blindly criticizes the show, because I don't think I am. I certainly don't wish to ruin anyone else's memories. :-)
  19. JMo didn't shoot her 7.02 scenes with Lana. That's why I was curious about the finale. It must have been awkward to shoot this one with stand-ins. This isn't shade. He's just as confused as the rest of us. lol
  20. All the Realms being together is such a boring idea to end the show with. So, nobody can get away from anybody? None of them wish to? Everyone is united and at peace all the time?
  21. That she's not. Her hands are the farthest from being the hands of a healer. :-p There was nothing about Regina gifting a piece of her own heart to cast his reverse Dark Curse. It was all about what she could get from other people. And I doubt Clone Queen would have given a piece of her heart for this venture. Didn't she say something like--I can't wait to see what's next for me....and everyone else.
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