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Everything posted by Rumsy4

  1. Young Henry. Adult Henry. Wish Henry. Let's not forget Mary Margaret. And maaaybe Zelena. So, five people?
  2. That was laughable. If they wanted to telegraph that as "heaven" instead of purgatory, maybe they should not have made "heaven" look like a small dark corner of the universe where the only things in existence were Belle, Rumple, and the well.
  3. They only see their characters as playthings. Except for Regina.
  4. Rumple sacrificed himself to save WHook, an archetype of his mortal enemy. That showed true growth, and it was earned this season. For once, I bought his redemption. An ending that would have fit Regina was for her to lead Snowing to the Great Hall and crown them as rulers of the Realms. That would've shown that Regina had finally learned humility and gained self-awareness. Regina's coronation had nothing to do with the rest of the season (or series). So, it wouldn't have mattered that Snowing weren't part of this season. I'm rooting for Elsa to freeze Regina out of the throne in the next election.
  5. If this happened at the end of last season, when you know, Emma actually made a sacrifice that saved all the Realms, it would have made sense for everyone to nominate her as the Queen. Which is not something Emma ever wanted or sought after. But it would have at least made sense. She is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, and she saved them all. There was zero in-story reason for all the people of all the realms to want Regina as their queen. In the actual episode, the one who sacrificed themselves to save everyone was Rumple. No one in their right mind would have wanted him to be their emperor. Neither would anyone have wanted Regina to be their queen. She doesn't "deserves" this as her Happy Ending just becasue she stopped raping and murdering people and casually harming people by her selfishness and thoughtlessness. This doesn't fit with the theme of Season 7 or the final episode. Roni's arc wasn't about being queen of the multiverse. This is plain tacked on bad fanfic.
  6. On what basis was Regina elected Queen of all the realms? What has she done to prove she is close to capable of being a "good" queen? Because she had this nonsense idea to unite all the realms? Why?
  7. I agree with all of this. That's why Rumple's sacrifice worked for me. It didn't come out of nowhere. We've seen him looking out for Tilly and Rogers in HH, even when they were unaware and confused. He may have started out wanting to trick Alice into being the Guardian. But he ended up sacrificing for someone besides Belle and Neal. That is a true sign of growth. And the afterlife Rumbelle reunion mostly worked for me. It took me back to "Skin Deep", when I actually shipped them. The only logical way to explain the ending is if Regina passed out on top of Rumple's body from post-adrenaline crash, and had a fever dream about her being crowned Queen of Literally Everything. That's my headcanon, and I'm sticking to it.
  8. Zorro was Lily’s father?? WTH?! Good to have you back for the finale! :-)
  9. Or 2017 Henry. What happened to Future!Zelena? What year is the coronation? If baby Hope is born, is that 2020? OUAT ended true to itself.
  10. I liked all the WHook-Alice-Rumple-Robyn scenes. The Rumbelle reunion was sweet, as a disconnected scene. But I couldn't help thinking of poor Milah. Or how odd it was that neither parent cared about Gideon. Oh, well. Typical. The ending part makes no sense. If all the realms are merged, what happens to the past twelve years worth of events that happened after Henry left on his adventures? Duh! If you skip the last ten minutes or so, you should be good. lol
  11. It worked for me. Way better than the leaked spoiler version.
  12. Golden Queen goodbye scene lasted longer than the Rumbelle reunion. I'm sure Rumbelle fans are overjoyed by the respect.
  13. Wish Henry hugging Regina. Exactly what I expected to see and did not want.
  14. Loved seeing Snowing. But they're saving Regina from facing justice for killing their alt!selves. Typical of this show.
  15. Storybrooke scenes were the bare minimum. Boo!
  16. Rumple is not the Dark One anymore. It was that easy, huh?
  17. Go Evil!Henry!! We're all rooting for you. One last time for A&E to disappoint us in that.
  18. Someone had the idea that this post was scheduled for US time after the episode aired, but since he is in Ireland right now, his Instagram went with that timezone and posted it.
  19. Colin spoiled Rumple's death on his instagram. What was he thinking??! lol I too am really going to miss the spoiler thread.
  20. Once Upon a Time bosses pen thank-you letter to fans ahead of finale (X).
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