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Everything posted by Phishbulb

  1. At one point Glover said that in making Atlanta he wanted to try to make "Twin Peaks with rappers", and in this episode I could definitely sense a David Lynch influence. Charlie Kaufman-esque at times too with how surreal it was. Like Lynch's and Kaufman's movies, it had that weird dreamlike quality where things that clearly don't make sense are presented with a straight face and you accept everything as normal as if you were having a dream. Like Justin Bieber being depicted as a black kid, or just the whole plotline with Jane Adams in general. That was kind of a nightmare scenario, being stuck in this situation with someone who insists that they know you when it should be clear you're not the person they know. It reminded me a lot of Lynch's movies like "Mulholland Drive" and "Lost Highway" (I haven't seen much of Twin Peaks, but I assume it was like that too). The whole episode just had an uncomfortable, nightmare-like feel. Very odd but enjoyable episode.
  2. Haha! The older daughter's acting style is very Disney Channel show-ish. Looking at her IMDB page, I guess she's never done any kid's shows, but it seems like she should have.
  3. Was I mishearing things, or did Gloria say the bride was 19 and this was her third wedding? I seriously hope I misheard that or else that was a joke in pretty horrible taste :)
  4. The middle daughter is obnoxious in the typical teenage girl eye-rolly "Moooooooom!" type way, but at least she appears to care about school and has interests like going to soccer practice. The oldest daughter just seems like a delinquent. She smokes pot, hangs out with a bunch of deadbeats without her mom's permission, and trashes their house throwing a party when her mom leaves town. It's going to be really hard for them to ever make her a likeable character in my eyes.
  5. I patted myself on the back for coming up with what I thought was a clever answer for the Superman question...he used his X-ray vision to check out Wonder Woman's Wonderbra :) Too clever, perhaps? I also evidently have a dirty mind because "beaver" was the first thing I thought of for the Sarah Palin question, I don't know if there are actually beavers in Alaska but it was the funniest answer I could think of. AND I'm apparently a horrible person too because I said "Japanese people" for the Godzilla question. Haha, sorry, but that IS where those movies were made. I wasn't being racist, I was trying to be accurate :)
  6. Yes, it will be two seasons of 9 episodes apiece and that's it. McBride said the show is divided into the two halves of the school year, so that's why the first season ends with Christmas and then the second season will pick back up when the school year resumes.
  7. Evidently no one on the panel has ever seen Dora the Explorer, because "backpack" was a pretty perfect answer for that question.
  8. The whole show has kind of had nods here and there to the teen comedies of the '80s, but I have to say the whole "Ferris Bueller"-ish sequence of Russell and the kids trying to get back to Principal Brown's office in time before she got there was awesome. I just had a smile on my face through the whole thing.
  9. "A pair of puppies" WAS pretty adorable though :)
  10. Jody Hill and McBride wrote the script together as a movie script originally (I think a while ago), and then decided to expand it so that it would stretch over 9 episodes.
  11. Yeah, for the Trump question I would have said "pumpkin" because I was trying to think of something orange. I didn't think of the most obvious thing that's orange which is.....an orange, heh.
  12. Lol, I thought Alicia Keys too. I don't know why that's the first thing that popped into my mind. I also was really surprised that no one said "needle" for that question. I guess "IV" was the closest that someone came, but when I think of "nurse" I think of shots immediately.
  13. I instantly thought "poke" for the Internet question, which is a dated reference (Facebook) but funny in the context of the question. "Swipe" is probably a more current reference. I agree there were a lot of dud questions in this episode. I couldn't think of anything for the Baldwin brothers one, "The Middle Aged and The ______" I guess I would have gone with "tired" just for lack of anything else; young is to middle aged as restless is to tired I suppose (Taking the SAT pays off!) And then there were several questions where the answer was obvious and the panel were a bunch of dummies. The girl scout one was clearly "pot" and the ventriloquist one was obviously "vagina" since they made a point of making the ventriloquist a woman in the question.
  14. Comedy Central has been advertising a "3-part season finale". As far as I can tell, those 3 episodes are episodes 9, 10, and 11. (Yes, for some reason the show has an 11-episode season this year instead of 10). Episode 10 airs next Wednesday the 17th, but as far as I can tell there's no episode airing on the 24th. Anyone have any idea when the final 11th episode will air? Edit: Actually, looking at CC's online schedule I guess the 11th episode will air on the 24th. It's just not showing on my DVR listings for some reason. Incidentally, don't look at the episode title for this episode if you want to avoid spoilers.
  15. Right??? Seriously, this seems to me to be the definitive joke answer to this question. Is it that it's too dirty for TV? What would be funny about Batman polishing his Batmobile?
  16. The Simpsons joke was pretty funny.
  17. I thought of "Speedo" for that, the joke being that this person is so dumb they're going on the show "Shark Tank" thinking they're entering an actual shark tank, so they would bring their bathing suit (and Speedo is just a funny word). "Tank top" was pretty clever, though.
  18. I was trying to think of something involving the word "briefs" for the Judge Judy question, like "Hand over your briefs", haha. That might have been overthinking it a bit much, but that question seemed to lend itself to bad puns.
  19. When I heard about this plotline initially, I thought that burning Brown's house down was going to be an accident, like an electrical fire that caught the curtains on fire and started the fire or something. I didn't know Russell was going to intentionally start a fire. I agree, that combined with spitting in the mother-in-law's tea does make him seem kind of borderline sociopathic/psychotic. The end of this episode was so ridiculous; surely even Gamby wouldn't be stupid enough to not realize that giving that guy from the stable the brooch is essentially giving him a piece of evidence that can link him directly to the crime. Why wouldn't he have tried to sell the brooch first (in another town far away or something, where he is not known/could wear a disguise) and then just given the stable guy the money?
  20. It's always kind of weird when the characters curse on this show and they have to drop the audio out during the curse word. It's like they want to be making a show for HBO or Showtime but they're not; they obviously know they're going to be on FX. Why put the curse words into the script (and make the actors say them) if they know they're going to be blanked (never bleeped) out? Are there uncensored versions of the episodes that are made for DVD? (I don't have the 1st season DVD) Edit: OK, I see this was actually addressed in the thread already, never mind
  21. I'm enjoying these "historical episodes" that they're doing this season. Like Harriet Tubman in the season premiere and now the Roosevelts in this episode. I think there's an episode later in the season where Cedric the Entertainer plays Scott Joplin. Natasha and Riki talked about that when they were on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast.
  22. A big yes to Rachel Bloom. You would figure what she does would be a natural fit for SNL, since she's already well-versed in making funny music videos and she would probably fit in very well with the other female cast members on the show. Plus she just won a Golden Globe for Best Comedic Actress. By the same logic, Jon Hamm should host again sometime next season, especially since he will have a movie to promote in October ("Keeping Up with the Joneses" with Zach Galifianakis).
  23. Horatio Sanz's joke was funny but it was actually pretty similar to a joke that Colin Jost did on Weekend Update last season. The episode aired around Easter; if I recall correctly it was something like "To all our Christian viewers out there, we'd like to wish you a happy Easter, and to all our Jewish viewers, nice try" - or words to that effect anyway.
  24. Actually besides being in "Angry Birds", Bill is in "Popstar" too and he also does a voice in "Finding Dory". It seems like this entire last week he was in LA though, because he was on Ellen Degeneres one day and then the James Corden show the next. And he was just on Conan last night. Maybe he didn't feel like making the trip to NY to do a cameo if he knew he was going to be doing all that other press. If he had been there, I expect they probably would have done a "Californians" sketch (and maybe the kissing family too, although they probably would have needed Wiig there too as the wife for that to work as well).
  25. Yeah, it was weird seeing a living Maude Flanders in an episode that was supposed to be taking place "two years ago", since the episode where she died actually aired 16 years ago at this point. But yeah, in order to keep Bart perpetually 10 and Lisa perpetually 8 these kind of things have to happen I guess.
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