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Everything posted by Trillium

  1. Agreeing with everyone else, it was a fantastic ending. But thanks to streaming services will live on forever. Nine-Nine! (If you’re looking for an awesome show to fill the void and haven’t seen Ted Lasso, do it. It’s more than worth paying $5 for that treasure of a show)
  2. Or general show discussion? Rounding up the Diamond Dogs
  3. Spoilers and Speculation: Spilling the Tea Pigeon Sweat Small Talk: Off the Pitch
  4. Media needs to somehow include Trent Crimm, The Independent Small Talk: Tea Hot Brown Water Talk
  5. I’m not sure if I want to live on the plane of existence where buying a restaurant as a lark and being invited to Sir Elton John’s on fucking Christmas Day only achieves “middle class” status. I’d be rendered a street urchin.
  6. Or Ted was lying or in denial about how his dad really was. And is it possible teen Ted was a bit of a Prince Prick of All Pricks himself before he started “believing”? Also, I still have not emotionally recovered from Roy hugging Jamie.
  7. I’ll keep an open mind for Rebecca and Sam, wherever it’s going. I don’t know how I feel about it and I’m not sure if I know what the show wants us to feel about it. This show gave us a Roy and Jamie hug that was a truly earned authentic moment, so I have faith this storyline will find its way, whatever it is. This all seems plotted by Jason specifically, so I’ll just sit back and enjoy this gem of a show.
  8. I had an out do town wedding so I was just able to watch the episode now. Not much else to add because I agree with everything else people have said. One objective for Season 2 must have been to make Issac fucking cool as hell in every scene. Dang.
  9. Fuck the community. If theses no wedding, it’s time to go full Jane, blowtorching it all to the ground.
  10. I thought Ted’s feelings about therapy were quite realistic. Obviously marriage counseling did not give him a positive experience and he’s never had to really face his issues. But Sharon wasn’t afraid to call him out on it and to his credit, he admitted he was wrong. I can’t wait for him to get into it. Nate…yeah we’re obviously not supposed to like him right now. I don’t think he’s irredeemable, he’ll find his way out of the woods. This is a show that made me feel bad for Jamie Fucking Tartt. If they can do that, there’s hope for Nate as well. Roy and Keely are the best. I found her watching SATC funny because that scene in particular is basically the opposite of their relationship. They are perfect, and I will burn this forum to the ground if we don’t get a wedding.
  11. Looks like WI changed their limit back in 2007. My former coworker took it around 2004/2005. I don’t know if she ever knew she could take it again or what. She’s still working at the car dealership we both worked at way back then. It’s like she failed the last time and didn’t ever bother to see how she could use her degree. It was over. Her family is very weird and enmeshed. She was the eldest of 4 siblings. Only one moved out, all the rest of them all live together with their parents. None of them married or appear to have a significant other. It’s very odd. I have a masters and can’t fathom spending money on law school and then never using it. I know that happens a lot but dang. Derick wasn’t some young straight from undergrad kid. He had been out in the world and had a family when he decided to do this. This was after his weird church program. My patience would be wearing thing if I were Jill if yet again he wanted to change direction.
  12. He could have realized he wasn’t prepared and put it off. I don’t know about Arkansas, but in WI you can only fail the bar I think 3 times and then you can’t ever take it again. Or that’s how it used to be. I had a former coworker that went to law school in MI but only wanted to practice in WI. She failed it 3 times and couldn’t take it again, she never practiced law. She’s in her mid 40’s now, still paying off law school and living with her parents. It was suggested to her after every failed test she take a review class and put it off until she felt confident. She wouldn’t even consider it. I used to feel bad for her but looking at her social media, she’s into Q bullshit, so I’m glad she has no law license. If Arkansas has a limit he could have realized he wasn’t prepared enough and decided to take it later. Or he failed. Doubt we’ll ever know. Hopefully it isn’t a wasted degree and he passes. Only for the kids and Jill’s sake. I don’t care about him so much because I still feel he’s an arrogant SOB
  13. I’m glad Ted was in Dr Sharon’s office because he went there on his own. No one dragged him there, or tricked him into it. Had she followed him after he left the field, it wouldn’t have been the same as him showing up on his own. I cannot wait for whatever is about to happen there. “I’m an ugly, ugly boy with bad hair” 😂😂
  14. That would be the worst possibility IMO, and I think least likely. Roy probably hopes bantr is successful for Keely’s sake, he probably personally thinks is “fucking stupid” and would never use it himself. Plus they already did a Roy/Keely/Jamie love triangle.
  15. Does this means the series finale includes hundreds of jubilant Ewoks?
  16. There’s going to be a showdown with Dr Sharon, and I am here for it.
  17. If this was a drama I would agree, but not with this. At the end of the day this is still a feel good comedy. There’s some darkness coming with Ted and Nate in particular, I trust even those will find it’s way out of the woods. But you never know I suppose, they could go full Grey’s Anatomy on us, but it’s not a concern of mine.
  18. I didn’t know this and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve heard in a long time. I loved it. I know they are building to something darker but damn it if I wasn’t grinning like an idiot for the entire “She’s a Rainbow” sequence. Mr Trillium is a lot like Roy, grumpy and closed off on the exterior, but very loyal and kind, so everything Roy makes me so happy. I’m in for wherever this is all going. As Ted hinted it might not be where we think it’s going or what we think we want but it’s what’s supposed to be.
  19. Trying to remember from the podcast (it’s been a bit since I listened to it) but I believe there was a falling out with Discgenics to the point where the only record of his involvement is his name on some patents. I don’t recall if it was said when that happened before his arrest or after. Jerry’s story is the worst to me, even sadder that even after all that he still considered Chris a friend, despite Chris never apologizing for it. I think that’s what leads me to believe he intended to cause harm. He didn’t even apologize to his friend. We definitely enjoyed the series, my husband has had two neck fusions so this hit him a bit close to home.
  20. I wonder if the Babes watch Ted Lasso…(which is an amazing A+ show, but definitely not fundy approved) just so Homey can point out all the inaccuracies on the pitch.
  21. Don’t know too many small business owners that can leave their business for a month. They’re getting a lot in the child tax credits so they’ll live off that?
  22. I think listening to the podcast first helps, so if you haven’t, maybe do that since it helps with the time jumping. They changed the parents names I noticed but not some others like Drs Henderson and Kirby. My husband doesn’t like podcasts so he hasn’t listened to it so it took him a bit to catch on. He’s had two neck fusions before he was 35 so this hits a bit close to home. We’re enjoying it. Christian Slater seems to be having a career rebirth of taking on TV adaptions of popular podcasts.
  23. Wow. Jill truly is a bitch. I hate using that word but not much else fits. This woman obviously didn’t have many options if she asked Jill. The vaccine has zero to do with any of this, but you know gotta throw the inexplainable anti-vaccine stance “conservatives” have adopted in there just in case anyone is thinking it’s ok to get their 5G microchip implant. Not sure what point she’s trying to make at all. She definitely is not the hero of this story.
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