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Everything posted by girlplease

  1. Yes! I really, really like all of these women and am rooting for all of them. That NEVER happens on reality tv! I wish Tennesha could unclench just a little bit more. She'll get there, I think. She's going to be a great partner when she does. I don't get the impression that La is really into her boyfriend all that much. I think she likes him and enjoys spending time with him, but there's no love there. Monet is so charming and funny. I want to be friends with her!
  2. Fantastic article on Season 2 here. Spoilers ahoy. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/01/04/inside-out-on-television-emily-nussbaum
  3. Neil is kind of basic in his own way, though; his look is hipster 101. Still, you're right - it's probably too specific for this kind of show, which generally casts the blandly attractive. I don't see any point in "ranking" them for that reason (among others). Someone upthread mentioned Neil seething - I totally agree! But I don't think he's passive - he's easygoing and softspoken, but his answers are direct. When Sam suggested that he might feel more comfortable if they switched outfits (she is the actual worst) you can hear him respond "No, that's a terrible idea." He's awfully diplomatic with her. It's such a weird dynamic to observe. I felt terrible for Ashley with the reveal that she was in a 9-year relationship that ended only a year ago. I can only imagine that the dating world was terrifying for her - she hasn't had to put herself out there, like, ever, in her adult life. As others mentioned, maybe this show seemed like a shortcut back to the safety of a relationship. In any case, it makes sense that those skills are rusty. That said, David is approaching her exactly the wrong way and I think it's telling that he doesn't realize it at all. He's peppering her with banal questions just trying to get a reaction, any reaction - can't blame him, I'm sure he's getting desperate for any sign of life. He'd have better luck asking one thoughtful question, giving her time and space to answer and actually reveal herself a bit - than a thousand bits of small talk that reveal nothing (what's your favorite color? Dude...) Don't be so scared of the silences, David!
  4. Let's not forget Doug's "standup" (woof) and Jason's pro wrestling. Most of the folks on this show want to be famous - or at the very least, have something to promote.
  5. Heh. Few things could live up to the original UK show, so I was happy enough with this show as background noise for wrapping presents and baking cookies. I was rooting for Tim, but well done, Lauren!
  6. I think what I really like about this show is that these are grown ass successful ladies who just haven't quite got the relationship stuff figured out yet. Yes, they have their quirks, but none of them seem like a mess - like the people you'd usually see on a dating show. They're very relatable - the type of people you meet and think "wow, why are they single?" Even Jae is starting to grow on me - yes, she's got lots to learn, but in this episode she seemed a little more mature for her age. And my goodness, yes, they are great dressers! I'm coveting all of their accessories, too - isn't that what Monet does, something in the fashion world involving accessories? Thought I read that somewhere...
  7. Man, I thought you were kidding but Google bears it out! Before the Tinder era, the authorities blamed Craigslist for the same thing. Can we blame an app for people not taking precautions? Heh.
  8. That was its reputation but it's really up to the user on how you want to use it.
  9. Could be...but wouldn't everyone's cream have gone wonky then? Mysteries of the baking tent!
  10. Did he heat the cream to infuse it with the rosemary? That's the only reason I can think of that it might have behaved differently. Otherwise...turning cream into butter really takes some doing. Hmm.
  11. We've established that these aren't the most talented bakers, but was anyone else shocked that Tim somehow messed up whipped cream...three times??
  12. I think women are kind of conditioned to let guys "grow on them". We're used to being cajoled to look past the surface, looking for whatever good qualities the men might have, as if initial attraction isn't important at all. If men aren't attracted, they're not attracted and no one questions them about it or begs them to give a girl a second chance because she has a great job or is really funny. /generalizations ;)
  13. I'm actually not too mad at Ashley. She seems quiet, and frankly kind of boring. I would never have matched her with bro-y "fun guy" David. I don't think she's necessarily a princess, it's just a poor match and she knows it - their introvert/extrovert personalities are going to be in constant conflict. I can't really fault either of them. I'd have put her with a pretty boy with a serious career. Vanessa and Tres were too cute. I think they both could stand to grow up just a bit more and really figure out their issues before settling down, but who knows - maybe they will work it out. There's certainly some chemistry between them. Hoo boy, Sam. That was incredibly childish. To Neil's credit, he played it off pretty well, but at points he looked like a drowning man. I don't mind Neil, though I think he tries a little too hard. His resting face is kind of blank stare/flat affect, but he looks kind of charming when he's smiling and cracking a corny joke. Damn this show for roping me in yet again! *shakes fist*
  14. There definitely seemed to be some manufactured drama (especially when they were badgering the youngest one about dating older men), but it's refreshing enough to see professional 30something black women on my TV, so I'll stick with it for a while and see where it goes.
  15. Me too! I always thought she got a bad rap. I didn't catch the whole episode, but it looks...kind of promising?
  16. Oh, I would LOVE Amy Sedaris to host! That's a stroke of genius. This filled the void well enough until the next season of GBBO. I find the familiar scenery and music so comforting!
  17. I want a real estate agent who maybe lives in his own house.
  18. I'd like to see more input from family and friends as part of the evaluation process. Maybe even coworkers. They'll know if the applicants are sincere. Also, no one is allowed to use the word "journey".
  19. I thought it was Jaclyn who was obsessed with The Notebook? I hate myself for knowing that :/
  20. What ATM spits out $100 bills? Did anyone else catch that? Ryan D is so full of it.
  21. You wouldn't go after the experts though, you'd go after the network. Deeper pockets.
  22. Yeah, I really liked that bit of the story. The selection of pictures was interesting too - including her ex husband and even prom date, she was showing him she had nothing left to hide. As someone who's closer to 40 than 26, I'm not really bothered by the characterizations of either demographic on this show. I like that the twentysomethings can be smart, driven, and savvy - but also woefully naive at times. That's true to life. And I like that the fortysomethings have a wealth of knowledge and experience, but might not be as immersed in social media (for example) as someone who never knew a time before cell phones. There's advantages and disadvantages to both ages, and just when I think the show is really going to offend me, they show the other side of the coin.
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