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Everything posted by junienmomo

  1. Hey, folks, there’s enough horribleness to go around! We don’t have to exclude anyone here. Just because Lorelai is horrible doesn’t mean the GIlmores aren’t. I like TwirlyGirly’s characterization of Lorelai’s lying being pathological, although I can’t assess it from a medical diagnosis perspective. Her lying is one of those things that make her horrible. But the Gilmores were horrible people, from the inside out, over generations, starting with Trix’s letter to Richard. Richard was callous with respect to people’s feelings, and as described by others, his business tactics were harsh and uncaring. His treament of Lorelai was only occasionally tolerant. Mostly she was only a pain in his butt, but he actively interfered in her love life, insisting on marriage, and deliberately humiliating Luke on a morning’s golf outing. Later he explicitly told Emily how his actions were intended to be cruel, with only a small concession to being able to put lipstick on the diner man “pig” so Lorelai would come back to the club. Emily is textbook horrible, with the exception of a few moments in season one. I’m a big fan of getting what I paid for, and properly sized lettuce is indeed a mistake I would not expect from a superior world-class restaurant, although I wouldn’t raise a stink about it while my friends and family were trying to have a nice dinner. Emily’s walnuts salad story is similar. Other elements of her horribleness have been described already, but I believe her insistence on calling baby Rory by a name Emily chose was the symbol of horribleness during the early years. She wanted to control every aspect of Rory’s life. What makes Emily’s horribleness stand out above the others’ is her insistence on behavior and actions from Lorelai that she hypocritically never followed herself. This primarily revolved around telling Lorelai how to behave then exhibiting the outmoded behavior herself. To make things worse, her standard of behavior was worse than the worst of the 20th century mores. On the phone, in person, in front of strangers, Emily was consistently trying to make Lorelai behave in ways a thirty year old should not have to endure. The prima facie evidence of Emily’s horribleness is her treatment of Lorelai in front of Rory, and her treatment of Rory in front of Lorelai. Lorelai was not mistaken in the thought that Emily wanted a do-over with Rory, but I as a mother would rather have put Rory back into Stars Hollow High than endure more than one semester of that treatment at FND. But I differ from Lorelai in that because I am aware that a successful career does not require an Ivy League education at any cost.
  2. Compare Jess to Rory: She stole, starting with corn starch. She was regularly coached by her mother (let’s compare Liz to Lorelai again one day) to take advantage of others, like testing cakes she never intended to buy for her wedding, since Sookie was making it. She and Lane were well-versed in lying to adults, especially to Mrs. Kim and lies of omission to Eemily. Then came the cheating. Jess baited both Dean and Rory, but Rory was the one who kissed Jess while still with Dean. Dean and Rory cheating was bigger than any relationship flaw Jess had. It was worse because Rory only turned to Dean because of nostalgia when it turned out that college was not Utopia and Rory-land. Finally, stealing a yacht outclassed anything Jess stole, and was unfortunately an indicator that she was not maturing while we later discovered that Jess had off-screen mended his youthful errors and was maturing reasonably. I think that all of their teenage actions were within the realm of “bad boy” or “Gilmore entitlement” except for the cheating and the yacht.
  3. This was heavy-handed. It supports the theory that ASP saw herself as Rory: blameless, always right, deserves to be everybody’s darling no matter how bad she behaves. See also my reply in the Jess Mariano thread - she’s more like him than Lorelai wants to admit.
  4. I skipped this story the first time I saw it, simply because it was almost a drabble. Then I went back and read it and I am laughing with every chapter. A Mrs. Kim story from klutzbag https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12866445/1/The-Mrs-Kim-Mysteries-1-The-Curious-Case-of-the-Stolen-Kimchi
  5. Emily had shown herself willing to freely spend money on nursing and care staff, but she didn’t do it in this particular case. While the details aren’t clear, I believe it’s reasonable to presume that Emily was an important part of the cause for the staff to leave, and that this incident was only one night because another person could be called in on an emergency basis, or they could have gone to the hospital. It’s horrible for any parent to experience it, but it was eminently manageable for the Gilmores. Where I hate both sides of the Lorelai and her parents relationship is in the adult phase. Lorelai remained immature, and her parents treated her like an angry teenager. Either side could have stopped it simply by choosing to not “go there” when the other party was promulgating the bad teenager situation, but they didn’t. Emily’s ridiculous demand for Lorelai’s manners, often drawn from decades earlier, and hypocritically executed, should have been given up twenty years earlier. Lorelai should have insisted on being treated as an adult. Instead, every time, both parties always gave into immature parent/child behaviors. That’s one of the reasons I grew to hate Lorelai over the seasons. Rory got so many passes from Emily on manners. Not always, but pretty often.
  6. The “paint” (non-)date. When Lorelai was caught after she finished painting the diner, she said the bread man let her in. The sun was up, and Luke hadn’t been in the diner that night for long enough for her to paint it. Luke’s early deliveries were on the order of 5 a.m. or later. The diner opened early, at 6 a.m. maybe. How could one person move all the furniture, remove the massive amounts of tchotchkes on the shelves, paint in three colors and be completely done by the time Luke came in. I fanwank that Luke was so ticked off or heartbroken that he went to Sniffy’s and spent the night. But how could she do that work in such a short time? The miracle of Stars Hollow time, kinda like Brigadoon? And don’t even get me started about how she could stir all that paint and do a professional looking job, when a later season she couldn’t stir at all.
  7. My first fic in a while. It marinated over a year. Java Junkie of course. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12843312/1/Ducks-Mate-for-Life
  8. Nicely said. In light of recent analysis or conjecture that ASP is more like Rory than Lorelai, what does that say about ASP? It would surely explain the scorched earth self-pity party that was season six. Steal a yacht? Peanuts compared to disappointing and baffling millions of fans.
  9. Was browsing Netflix and clicked on Episode 3 just where Emily introduced Jack to Lorelai. I watched to the end of the episode, and what struck me was how much 3 reminded me of season 6. Emily was hateful without reason, Lorelai was unrecognizable, Rory didn't like the way Lorelai was treating her, Luke was doing everything her way. In fact, Lorelai kept getting her way - the Dragonfly was in a constant state of turmoil because the owner was not taking business-like action to save it because her business partner let her down. So here we have Lorelai with complete control over her life, and she hates what she's created or allowed, and the fact that neither Emily nor Rory behave the way Lorelai wants. I hate this episode, but until now I hadn't seen that I hate it for the same reasons I hate season 6 - Lorelai is not Lorelai, and her inaction leaves scorched earth behind her. One real moment I enjoyed was the interaction between Rory and Jess? He was in great form - far beyond what Rory had achieved. He even offered her money.
  10. Oh, man, so bummed I was too late to add my favorite. "It was a great kiss." If one of us had been a frog... Lorelai finds the chewed up shoe.
  11. The gaps in backstory that ASP left were big, and it's not just about Luke and Lorelai. Lorelai was reputedly a successful businesswoman but we saw little of that before she started her own Inn. Hopefully she was a better manager of her business finances than she was of her personal. Rory and Lorelai had a famously close relationship, but there really didn't seem to be that much sharing at least on Lorelai's part. Without listing more examples, I've come to accept that there was a lot of time for chatting and getting to know each other in the lull times and the evenings at Luke's. The fact that she neither knew about Luke's romantic past nor seemed to care enough to ask was more about their unspoken agreement to not ask about each other's love lives, with possibly a little Lorelai self-involvement added to it. There was also a strong "I don't know you that well" vibe in season one. Luke did have friends when the plot called for it. People to give tickets to, and to give him a place to go several times a week. He spent a lot more time with Buddy and Maisy than was ever used on-screen. Luke was definitely not a socializer, though.
  12. Yes! i was just reading the fanfic Lost Boys (AU, definitely interesting), Jess told Luke that Rory kissed him, then went to Washington and never contacted him at all. Thats when it clicked for me that AYITL Rory was not out of character. She was pretty much amoral when it came to relationships except for her shock at the bridesmaids business. That was probably simply hypocritical.
  13. Lorelai Gilmore vs Bridget Jones: compare and contrast. Any topic. How about career, relationships, neuroses, ...?
  14. Much later it struck me that Lorelai was quite serious when, in her Doose's "take me back" plea, she claimed she could be a good girlfriend. I believe that she recognized that she'd been a bad girlfriend, and ASP intended this. There were so many episodes in early S5 that had me thinking "That is not the way an adult who wants to be in a relationship would behave."
  15. I grew up in a bedroom that my parents had to walk through to go to their bedroom and had a house where the bathroom was an afterthought and it, including the only toilet, was attached to the back of the house on the ground floor, so weird stuff abounds in homes made without zoning laws. As we all know, before Taylor Stars Hollow was like the Wild West, LOL. If it wasn't in fanfiction, there might have been a original series allusion to a sewing room upstairs. The room off the kitchen could easily have once been a pantry or laundry room. For me it's reasonable that the space upstairs was too small for the books, so the pantry was a reasonable alternative.
  16. This is all true. Personally i fell in love with the show because i generally have a willingness to gloss over cracks in a story when something has caught my imagination. This was the LL relationship for me. I so bought into the promise of season one that I was ridiculously accepting of the way the writers hacked the relationship to bits. It wasn't until season 6 and the long lost kid storyline that i gave up. However, LL still exists in my mind and fanfic gives me hours of entertainment.
  17. Yes! Most people don't have pimps anymore, but we still need to know.
  18. On the up side of the mixed-reception that the revival received, it has spawned so many Rogan or literati fics that the oddly-high number of Troy fics has receded. savvyliterate just posted a fun one shot about bald eagles. Already Standing on the Ground. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12563843/1/
  19. Totally agree with the squee. It plays for me differently. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." By the time I experienced seasons six and seven, I realized that I'd let myself be fooled the first five seasons. Always hoping Lorelai would mature. Trusting that she and Luke would communicate as deeply as they did in season one. Hope that Rory's fairly inconsiderate treatment of her boyfriends would change, and that her early resourcefulness would return and she'd make a career she really wanted. Fool me five times. Sigh. My daughter called me up as she finished season five and asked, does it get less stupid in the rest of the seasons? I told her no. Thank goodness for fanfic.
  20. They are both still active, so there's plenty to hope for. In the meantime, savvyliterate is overwhelming me with every story she posts. Fabulous emotions and characterizations.
  21. There are way too many good fics on FanFiction.Net that aren't marked complete, even though they are, or that don't have named characters. Here's one of those, an LL fic. Oops, Did We Get Married by Renegade Ace A great, sweet story. One of my favorites. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10014906/1/Oops-Did-We-Get-Married
  22. I imagined scenarios like they met at the gym, then hooked up often enough that he would bring his gym bag in to her house. Combine a guy's lack of attention to his own socks, combine it with a Nicole who didn't keep her bedroom particularly tidy, and a pair of used socks could easily end up in a pile of clothes and ultimately her laundry basket, with plenty of socks in his gym bag. Now, how a guy could go into someone's house where there are presumably photos of the happy couple is a little harder to understand. Of course the guy could simply have been a dick and left them on purpose, and Nicole didn't pay enough attention to Luke's clothes to know the difference.
  23. I liked how she acknowledged that Lorelai never grew up. yes on the fake ending, but it was apparently not filmed, just scripted.
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