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Everything posted by Nagevs

  1. Nagevs

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    Maggie and Glenn, Rick and Michonne....I see a pattern here.
  2. The next episode I'm interested in watching live is the one where Negan dies. I find his character to be a complete abomination.
  3. That is why I said I do not understand their business model, unless Arrow has now become a vanity project for DC/CW...
  4. I wish I had your confidence in the people that call the shots, but the way things are going on with Arrow right now, I don't.
  5. This is what I've been thinking too, isn't one of the main reason EBR became a regular was because of her chemistry with SA? I definitely think plans are in place to introduce a new Canary/love interest for Oliver. IMO the producers do only want to appeal to people that read comics. I don't get that business model at all.
  6. I'd actually like Donna to walk Felicity down the aisle and Digg to be Oliver's best man.
  7. This is how I see it too. They agreed to let KC go now because it was financially in their best interests to do so. I'm now wondering if the CW will cast her in a new show...
  8. This. Does he not know how social media works? He should be talking about how great the character/actor is if he likes her so much.
  9. That is the only way that blind would make sense to me, if it is about KC. Still not buying she would get a series though, a pilot maybe.
  10. I thought he recognised Alex too, Thea was the one to 'react' simply because he was looking in her general direction. I think Alex is definitely targeting the Queen family for some as yet unknown reason, he made the first move with Thea even though it was inappropriate , was against the bay area clean up and organised the tree lighting ceremony...
  11. This is what I've been thinking. Felicity is going to find out, Oliver is not going to tell her. Are we going to see him visiting and bonding with his child (and BM) in CC while Felicity is possibly recovering/working hard at her day job and for TA back in SC and all the while funding his campaign because she thinks they're creating a life together? If it does play out something like this, this lie by omission will likely turn off a lot of fans of this couple. No matter how tptb 'decide' to eventually resolve their differences.
  12. This is where I'm at right now. Two things that the show is hinting at heavily, is that in the near future Felicity and Oliver will be breaking up, and that Felicity is a strong contender to be in the grave soon after. At this point I just have no faith in these writers, have they forgotten the show needs to be exciting and entertaining? There's far too much contrived melodrama going on. I dropped this show after episode 9 last year as I was not interested in the Ray/Felicity romance or the Black Canary trilogy. I only came back because of the episode 20 spoilers. It would take something really significant and unpredictable happening to get me believing in this show again.
  13. I definitely feel that they haven't told the actor yet. Depending on who it is (KC) it would certainly affect their performance, PB probably not so much.
  14. This is how I feel, and I too have seen SA clean shaven and with longer hair. I actually think EBR would look stunning as a brunette which I think is her natural hair colour? For me John Barrowman is the really good looking guy on Arrow.
  15. I’m with you in that minority, the EP’s are comic book fanboys at heart after all. I've always felt that killing Sara the way they did was a foretelling of Felicity’s eventual ‘fate’ on the show (although that may be off the table now given the reaction to Sara’s ‘death’). It’s one of the reasons that I quit watching the show after episode nine and only returned from episode 20 onwards after seeing spoilers. I do plan on watching the start of next season, but I'm not as invested as I was this time last year, and I'll never watch it live again, such is my disdain for these showrunners. So if it does look like it’s once again moving towards Oliver and Laurel I won't be witness to any end of episode ‘lunges’. For me the EP’s going back to Laurel and Oliver now would only be because of a ‘because comics’ reason as their romantic history on the show and the actors’ chemistry definitely does not support it. As a result of that I wouldn't be interested in any of their future tv projects.
  16. I feel pretty sure she'll be getting a love interest, it's been a while...
  17. I've felt this since the first part of this season. They've made Laurel Black Canary, and had Felicity fall for someone else, any guesses as to whom Oliver starts to reconnect with come season four?
  18. For that reason alone I believe they would do it, who cares if it's rushed and makes no sense?
  19. I really think this wedding could be them. I definitely think MG would go there. I've always believed that Ray could propose, so why not marry them off as well? I know he has said Felicity is not leaving the show (not sure if I fully believe him), but then he's also spoken about long distance relationships. I'm sure MG thinks it'll be great tv watching Felicity Skype Ray, it's just the shippers who'll have a problem with it.
  20. Even with MG's 'writing' I would've overlooked a lot if Ray was played by Luke Mitchell.
  21. I think that if the season ended with Felicity engaged to Ray it would lead to some viewers becoming less invested and questioning whether to bother watching season four over the summer.
  22. I guess that would depend on what MG’s real intentions are in regards to Oliver and Felicity ever having a romantic relationship on the show. If what he’s done with them so far this season is any indication my guess would be he’d have no problem ending the season with them on a cliffhanger that would require you having to buy the 3.5 comics for any sort of resolution.
  23. I so agree with this. Episode 19 is supposedly Ray heavy if I remember correctly, so to me this 'someone dies leak' is just one of their stealth tactics to get people to watch.
  24. He probably thinks that huge volume of Black Canary and ATOM fans will sellout the DVDs and the 3.5 comics, that's who he wrote this season for after all.
  25. I'm not sure about that, I think MG said on Tumblr that Felicity loves Oliver. I do think however that Ray will declare his love for Felicity and ask her to leave town with him and or propose. I guess it all depends how much they're still writing for plot at the end of the season.
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