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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. Evangelist Fundamentalist Rule #2392: "The side hug is strictly enforced when it involves two people of the opposite sex. (no penis pressure). Adult women who have reached the age of child bearing (14) that are closely related (mother/daughter) can front hug and allow their breasts to brush together lightly. But neither hug, the side or full frontal, can be of a duration more than 3.2 seconds and no kissing is allowed with the hug (this pertains to married couples as well). A cheek-to-cheek press is fine as long as it doesn't last longer than the 3.2 second full frontal or side hug."
  2. That sort of makes more sense that Caitlyn wants to complete her transitioning with complete surgical sex reassignment and doesn't want to 'date' a man until she's ready sexually. It's hard to sift through the hidden meanings. But as someone said, it's natural for people to question what happens 'below the belt' to someone who is establishing a totally different sex and identity. And as (I think it was) Kate Bornstein said, it's natural for people to wonder about this. I just wish that Caitlyn Jenner could be more candid and put this question to rest once and for all and just come out with it and say that she wants surgically created female sex parts and have sexual relationships with men. I think that for Caitlyn, this would appear to be a proclamation of being 'gay' his entire life. It's not quite as simple as that because Bruce Jenner wasn't gay.
  3. Jennifer Boylan: "The reason that I didn't tell my wife before we got married was because I wanted to protect the people that I loved, I didn't want to cause harm to the people I loved, I didn't want to be a source of trouble, I wanted to protect them and I wanted to stand between them and the trouble of the world." Caitlyn agrees "And that's exactly where I was" Each of these women have basically chosen to hide their need to transgender in order to achieve the things in life that 'normal' people are expected to achieve. 'Normalcy' in the way they're perceived, marriage and children, etc. Caitlyn's version in the 80's with Kris clearly led her to believe that he took steroids to enhance his athleticism, and it's understandable that's how Kris took it. If Caitlyn had been totally transparent and told her in plain words that can't be misconstrued, "I feel like I've been born with the wrong gender because inside of myself I feel like a woman, not a man. I took hormones to transition my body into something feminine". There's no way to misunderstand when it's put that directly. Kris should have been allowed to make her own decision at that point as to whether she would stay married to Bruce and have children and a life with him, or to walk away from the marriage and try to be a friend only. Jenny Boylan hit the nail on the head when it comes to Caitlyn being forthcoming when she paraphrased Caitlyn, "For most of them, the decision to hide isn't really to protect others, it's to protect themselves". It would be a selfless act to come forward with the truth before going through the motions of marriage, children, etc. But that's not what they wanted, they wanted all of it even if it meant deception to the very people they love.That statement is in direct conflict with what Jenny Boylan had said earlier. What she said about trying to protect those she loved was proven to be nothing more than pomposity and totally false, she and Caitlyn both were protecting themselves and in the process hurting those they love the most. "I wouldn't date a guy with ****" Kris says 'really? you can go out for a drink you don't have to have sex'. Caitlyn is saying that she would date a guy but that guy has to have transitioned into a female also. Caitlyn is lesbian but only with another transgender lesbian.
  4. All that and more because she's STILL cashing in on her old persona. Aside from her general grotesque appearance, it's more bothersome to me the way Caitlyn pronounces the word 'she's'. Because of her Botox and fillers, she's not able to pronounce certain words and she'll say 'sheesh' instead of 'she's'. While talking about surgical sex transformation, Caitlyn made the statement; "Gender confirmation surgery is something I think anybody in my position or the girls position of course, we did look into. For me, I have NO idea what the future holds." Isn't that statement really saying that she wants the sexual transformation surgery but doesn't want to announce it? I might have a little higher opinion of her if she could have been totally honest and definitive about her thoughts regarding her own sexual reassignment or whether it's even what she wants to do or not. But it doesn't seem likely that she'll come out in public and in front of cameras and admit it if she did. She only mentioned the fact that she and the girls have "looked into it". Even in that one sentence she just couldn't bring herself to say "I have looked into it" but instead she had to have the girls as an umbrella over her head protecting her from criticism. Wouldn't people in the transgender community have just a little more respect for her if she did? Caitlyn is still trying to be what she thinks the public wants just to avoid being judged by some, avoided by others, and shunned by more. She still wants to be 'the popular kid in school' and knows that the revelation that she's considering sex transformation might bring about changes in how she's accepted. I also have a problem that Caitlyn felt that it wasn't necessary to consult with the group before inviting Kris to join them for an evening in New Orleans. It's obvious from the reactions of Chandi and Candys that they weren't thrilled about that. Caitlyn is inviting an outsider to join them and is subjecting all of them to something one, or all, might possibly have a problem with. But again, Caitlyn feels she can just do whatever she wants to do. Even if the whole damn bus trip is on Caitlyn's dime, there's still a fundamental principle involved here that a person shouldn't just do something that involves an entire group without consulting with them ahead of time.
  5. It's a shame that Caitlyn couldn't be honest with Kris. It's okay that she made a choice to live a double life for herself, but it certainly wasn't fair to Kris or her kids to hide the fact that she felt she was the wrong gender and wanted to be female. She chose the cowards way through life because there was just too much money at stake in addition to her immense ego and pride. *edited several times because of the wrong damned pronouns
  6. I just feel so old by not understanding what the term 'rim job' meant. This is what came to mind the first time I heard the expression.
  7. See Me What do you see, nurses, what do you see? Are you thinking, when you look at me – A crabby old woman, not very wise, Uncertain of habit, with far-away eyes, Who dribbles her food and makes no reply, When you say in a loud voice — “I do wish you’d try.” Who seems not to notice the things that you do, And forever is losing a stocking or shoe, Who unresistant or not, lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill. Is that what you’re thinking, is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurse, you’re looking at ME… I’ll tell you who I am, as I sit here so still; As I rise at your bidding, as I eat at your will. I’m a small child of ten with a father and mother, Brothers and sisters, who love one another, A young girl of sixteen with wings on her feet. Dreaming that soon now a lover she’ll meet; A bride soon at twenty — my heart gives a leap, Remembering the vows that I promised to keep; At twenty-five now I have young of my own, Who need me to build a secure, happy home; A woman of thirty, my young now grow fast, Bound to each other with ties that should last; At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone, But my man’s beside me to see I don’t mourn; At fifty once more babies play ’round my knee, Again we know children, my loved one and me. Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead, I look at the future, I shudder with dread, For my young are all rearing young of their own, And I think of the years and the love that I’ve known; I’m an old woman now and nature is cruel – ‘Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool. The body is crumbled, grace and vigor depart, There is now a stone where once I had a heart, But inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells, And now and again my battered heart swells. I remember the joys, I remember the pain, And I’m loving and living life over again, I think of the years, all too few — gone too fast, And accept the stark fact that nothing can last – So I open your eyes, nurses, open and see, Not a crabby old woman, look closer, nurses — see ME! This poem was found among the possessions of an elderly lady who died in the geriatric ward of a hospital. No information is available concerning her — who she was or when she died.
  8. Another mental midget James, Sarah Palin doesn't live in Canada that's why she was running for Vice President of the United States, because she lives in Alaska, United States.
  9. I never giggled so much during one of the Vanderpump Rules episodes. Sheana saying how she just doesn't understand alcoholism as she chugs down a couple of bottles of red wine with a straw. And when did Sheana turn into an alien? Is it possible that the Schlock Mercenary of the Fleetmind Artificial Intelligence agency transported her through some mysterious way to Planet Zoltar in the Triangulam Galaxy? The crystal session with Kristen and James, what a stupid thing that is. How gullible can two people be? Jax and his lack of knowledge about geography or euphemisms didn't surprise me just as his fetish for putting dirty stinky feet in his mouth (and wherever else). Jax should cut back on the steroids, I think it made his brain matter develop dumb muscles. Speaking of lack of gray matter, the 'two-Toms' might have enough brains to function in normal society if they were somehow able to meld their two brains together to make one complete cohesive brain. They're all so idiotic and immature. I really don't want to believe that they're the future of our country. That thought makes me so depressed that I can barely stand it. As soon as I finish watching one of these episodes I immediately switch the channel to C-Span or CNN. I just want to reassure myself that I can still comprehend grown up words and process thoughts. Lisa Vanderpump, about the animals.....stop, just stop already. Are you and Ken expecting another 'great flood' sent by some deity? It appears that way from the gathering and hoarding of several species of livestock. What will you acquire next?
  10. If in one year, her show will be similar in our memories to one of the original 17 Republican candidates that were in the race for President 2016. 'Kocktails With Khloe' might be compared to candidate Lincoln Chafee. "Who?" you ask? That's my point.
  11. This may come off sounding weird or that I'm a freak or something but I'll just put it out there. People are all different. Some can't stand the sight of blood, some men faint getting a needle for a blood test, some people throw up even thinking about broken bones, and some just can't bear the pain of watching someone die in tiny little increments. One of the most difficult thing to watch is a parent forgetting where they are and who you are. It's sad, it just is. But I've always tried very hard (and it's not easy sometime) to face these life difficulties in a way that I would want someone else to face them when it's me that's on the other end of the situation. The day will come when I become sick, lose my memory or eyesight, and be dealing with something so horrible that people's won't even want to think about it, much less deal with it. I hope and pray that someone will be there for me when that time comes. Personally, it's taken a lot of practice, willpower and stamina to do this and I could never blame anyone for not being able to find those coping mechanisms. One thing that I vowed during my years in medicine is that I would never allow one of my patients to die alone. Same with a close relative. I was with my grandmother as she died in her own bed, I was with her son, my father, in his last days and told him that I loved him as he took a final breath. I was with my sister for 2 months day and night in her home where she wanted to be as cancer ate away at her. When she finally died, we cried yet we were relieved for her, she weighed 52 pounds the day she died. For me, all these things were a privilege and a distinct honor to be there. A baby is celebrated on the day of their birth and I think they should also be celebrated at the moment of death. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's okay if you're the person that feels too much pain being there with someone that doesn't even know you're there. It's something that's difficult beyond comprehension, totally understandable and nobody will judge you for it. And, if someone does make that judgement then they probably don't know what it's like to walk in your shoes and never will, so screw them. The message here is that 'it's okay', it just is.
  12. I completely understand not wanting to listen to Brandi, Kim or Yolanda. We've all formed camps regarding how we feel about Yolanda and the emphasis she chose to place on her illnesses, whatever they are. We haven't really seen a lot of Yolanda this season and that could be because of her saying she's ill and it could also be because her marriage was crumbling. It didn't matter that we didn't see her much because not many people like her, and actually sound like they hate her. Despite all the tiresome beating the "I'm so sick" drum which everyone is very tired of hearing, she really hasn't spoken at all about her marriage, the necessity of giving up the house she loves, or the fact that she was also ordered to move out of David's expensive apartment and find her own place to live. Truthfully, that's a whole lot of 'stuff' for any person to go through in a few short years. But...and this is a huge one, but who else besides Brandi who asked her 'how is it going with David?' has asked Yolanda or shown the slightest bit of interest or concern about the fact that every aspect of her life, physical, emotional and material has been vaporized? To make matters worse, she's hated on social networks, she's shunned by the other housewives other that Erika, and she's been made to feel like a leper essentially. She felt she was 'dropped on the side of the road' by many people and she'll stick with Kim and Brandi because everyone else has done exactly that to them also. I have never liked Yolanda in the past. I felt she was a gold digger that got her claws into one of the wealthiest, most prestigious celebrities known in the music industry. But illness was a great leveler and a reality check for Yolanda. She realized that she's not the trophy wife that any rich guy wants, she knew she was going to be shunned and avoided by 'friends', she knew the invitations to events wouldn't be coming and basically she lost the prestige she once had. Other than living vicariously through her children, particularly Gigi, Yolanda is pretty much a non-entity in their world. I think Yolanda unsuspectingly learned a life lesson the hard way, 'there but for the grace of God go I'. I also think that she's probably one of the lucky rich housewives in many way because her days of living in a fantasy rich world has ended while the others will continue to exist within their own little shallow, narcissistic, selfish, self absorbed little worlds.
  13. Before anyone decides to move to Dubai it might be a good idea to check out these articles. If you like 120 degree temperatures with 100% humidity, slavery, prostitutes, no internet and imprisonment if you get into debt then be my guest and make the move to Dubai. Granted, this first article is from 2009 just after the world bank collapse. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/johann-hari/the-dark-side-of-dubai-1664368.html This second article is a more recent first-hand account of what it's like to live in a place like Dubai. http://www.escapeartist.com/blog/20-reasons-not-to-move-to-dubai/
  14. Lisa Rinna leaving? I doubt it but if that's true, I have one thing to say
  15. Of course it's 'super depressing' to visit anyone in a nursing home but.....your own mother? How do mothers deal with the depressing circumstances of having a child born with a mental or physical disability? That's pretty depressing too, but they do it because they're the mother and mothers are supposed to do that. She might have other children that are perfectly normal and grow up, marry and have kids of their own. Is it morally right to abandon that mother? But what about when that same mother getting old, has a stroke and loses the ability to recognize her own children? Sure, she may not know if they're even there or not but doesn't she deserve to have that love and dedication returned after all she had sacrificed raising children? Avoiding visiting a parent because they're incompetent or unable to understand that their child is there with them (and how can we be certain they don't) is just something that I can't comprehend. Everyone is different and has their own opinion about this, but personally if one of my parents were blind, deaf, dumb and brain dead, you'd better believe that I'd go hold their hand for an hour at least once a week. Here's an article, quite funny too, from 2014 when Lisa took her daughters to visit her elderly parents who were heading off to the old people farm. I think this was the last time Lisa went to visit them. I especially enjoyed the name 'Yoyawnda'. http://blog.chron.com/tubular/2015/01/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-barbeqhuat/
  16. Like Kathryn said, they each have their own opinion and memory of what Lisa V said. According to Lisa Rinna, she said "Bring Kyle into it" but what LisaV claims to have said is "did you bring Kyle into it?" Then LisaV goes to Kyle and asks "why did she bring you into it?" Kyle knew very well that Lisa Vanderpump tried throwing her under the bus, but she said she didn’t care because she liked that they were in a good place, and she didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Kyle values LisaV's friendship for motives only known to her and she certainly doesn't want to go back to that dark place that they were after LisaV lied about telling Brandi to bring the gossip magazine to Puerto Rico. Remember, Lisa Vanderpump is the reigning sovereign Queen of the Beverly Hills gang. She can do no wrong as far as Bravo is concerned. She's got the walk and talk and money that Bravo knows people want to see every week. Lisa knows she's untouchable. She can get away with just about any shennanigans she chooses to pull, even claiming the exclusive rights to wearing the color pink.
  17. There's so much about Lyme Disease that's still unknown, even though the first cases were diagnosed back in the 1980's. When Lyme isn’t detected in the early stages, it becomes Chronic Lyme, a condition which the CDC and IDSA both deny even exists. They will continue to deny it, because if there’s one thing insurance companies hate, it’s chronic disorders they have to spend time and money treating. Lucky for Yolanda she had the resources available to her because she's wealthy. Pinpointing this type of infection is not an exact science, and symptoms are not always crystal clear and that's why many people infected go a very long time misdiagnosed or not diagnosed then it's too late and it becomes a chronic illness. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease back in 2001. Just two days ago I had an appointment with my Gastroenterologist (time for colonoscopy, ew) and while I was there I mentioned to him that I had been diagnosed with Lyme back in 2001 and he said immediately "okay so you have brain fog and joint pain'" Bingo doc, you get it. Lucky for me my treatment seemed to have caught the disease before it became neurological. So yeah, I am one of the very few people, perhaps in the world, that can relate to what Yolanda says. So sue me. :) And about pulling out the pills to take during a meal, there's many medications that need the person to take them with food. I have several like that and sometimes it's a chore just to grab a yogurt or some crackers to take with them but that's the mechanism that makes those particular drugs work in the intestines and not in the stomach.
  18. I don't think that Mohamed Hadid is married to Shiva Safai yet. But, there's 2 ex-misses Hadid's already and five Hadid children by those two wives. 'Hadid' is sort of a common Jordanian surname, sort of like Smith or Jones in the U.S. Yolanda could run into a number of Mrs. Hadid's in the supermarket any day of the week. The relationship of the Vanderpumps and Mohamed Hadid no doubt began with real estate dealings. Mohamed could buy and sell the Vanderpumps a hundred times over, he's that wealthy. I'm sure the Vanderpumps want to keep stroking that relationship for their own future bankrolls. She's really right about this statement. People in general have a short tolerance for people that are sick, so you'd better either get well fast or die, then they can put an end to their professions of empathy. People just don't like to be around sick people for an extended period of time, it sucks their energy like a vacuum to be around someone that's ill. I know that because I'm a nurse and have had my energy sucked out thousands of times.
  19. I like Eileen too. I think she's more down to earth than the others. Who else would admit to getting 'sweaty feet' when nervous? HA!
  20. Several small things that weren't important to the whole story line here, but what is really? First the fact that the women are on the yacht with full cleavage and bare shoulders out but concerned that the bartender guy might notify the Muslim decency police and slap iron bracelets on them and cast them all into a prison cell for saying 'bollocks' or 'balls'. It would be a different story if stupid people were prohibited in Dubai. They would all be cast into prison and spend their trip in the hotel 'Dubai Slammer' instead of the Dubai Atlantis. (stoning might work too) Second small thing. I couldn't help wondering if I sounded as awful as LisaV did when she used the 'true dat' expression. Her British accent, plus the fact that she's wearing probably a half million $ in diamonds, just didn't come off as ghetto enough for the expression. (mine does:) Third small thing. Did anyone else catch Lisa Vanderpump checking her teeth in her knife after eating dinner on the yacht? Fourth yacht thing, Lisa Rinna tearing up when Kathryn was crying because her mother called her to wish her a happy birthday. Lisa's father just died this past January, but he was 93 years old and I think was fortunate to have such a long life. Both Lisa and Eileen have a mother that lives a couple of hours away in either an assisted living or skilled nursing facility. Both of them feel guilty that they aren't able to visit their mother more often, even admitting to those visits being as infrequent as once a year. ........hello? Once a YEAR? Eileen left her mother's care in a nursing home to the supervision of her sister and Lisa left the supervision of her mother's care to her half-sister (including selling her home). This is what I hear in my head. These women try to extract sympathy from others over the fact they both have a mother who needs care and attention, BUT both mothers are suffering memory loss, so what the heck, she won't know if they're there or not, so why go out of the way to see them? They're able to find the time to traipse off for an ultra-luxurious five days in Dubai because let's face it, who wouldn't want to be treated like a queen for five days? But to take the time and effort and possibly one full day to go see a mother that has very little memory anymore is just not on their list of 'things to do today'. To me, that's very sad. Last small thing of no importance on my list of stupid things about this episode, Kim and Brandi. Why are they there and who wants them there? Kim looked like she's medicated to her earlobes and Brandi's fake laugh with lips that don't contract or retract. Nobody wants to see them but Yolanda has nobody left that's willing to share the camera time with her without a quarrel other than those two. Brandi and Kim, just go away. shoo-shoo
  21. The real truth about Lisa Vanderpump's feelings towards Yolanda finally came out in this episode. She admitted to holding a grudge against Yolanda for that fight with Ken last year during the rooftop party. Yolanda told Ken not to touch her, and he said 'you're so stupid' which infuriated Yolanda and she gave him hell for that. I even mentioned this fact in a comment I made about last week's episode. Lisa definitely wanted to involve Kyle in the Munchhausen debacle. Lisa V wanted to impart that label onto Yolanda but didn't want to involve herself, she felt that by both Lisa R and Kyle pulling the Munchhausen card together it would be more credible. Last weeks comment..... "Personally I think that Lisa Vanderpump is a lying liar that lies. She lied to Kyle in Puerto Rico about telling Brandi to put that magazine article in her suitcase regarding Mauricio cheating. Then she and Ken left under the cover of dark under the pretense that she was insulted that Kyle didn't believe her. She did the deed but she deflected the blame.She denied that she told LisaR to get Kyle in on the Munchausen thing. She carries a deep grudge against Yolanda because Ken said 'you're so stupid' to Yolanda."
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