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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Did Joe dance to some song whose lyrics were “let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero.” All I could think about was the judges scoring him a big...zero.
  2. Welcome back. The roni is still warm on the stove....sit right down and grab yourself a scoop with some wine....
  3. Eric is such a sad sack. And I'm irritated that he brought his youngest daughter on the show with his "so what are YOU thinking" crap. Leave her out of this fool.
  4. This pragmatic dude is hilarious. She's going to test his patience. She sees the big pile of gold. I find her exhausting and not the least bit charming. Plus he left his pointer arrow in the middle of the screen so......Fail. Nerd.
  5. Who knew these geographical boundaries were a moral vagina or penis shield. Fascinating.
  6. Any football fans here? All I hear is Brock Oswailu LOL
  7. Father of the Year. Thanks for telling me what to feel "dad." Eye roll
  8. Jonathan sucks. That beer selection at the bar sucks. His hushed talking head voice sucks. I can't wait for his 19 year old to take her boobs and cheat on him.
  9. Colt "In my heart, and my mind (and my penis) I believe everything she says."
  10. This chick is wearing camera ready makeup with awkward hair crap.....I'm annoyed.
  11. Gross. I feel terrible for him. And she doesn't seem bright so this is tragic.
  12. Right? Even more on the video when he talks....weird mannerisms...facial expressions....smile.....very Shump!
  13. MONEY. He is pretty photogenic. However he doesn't seem to be telegenic.
  14. So cheating in Jamaica is ok.....cheating on US soil.....not OK. Got it.
  15. LOL I know but vacation dick is vacation dick IMO
  16. Man Jamaica is the place to BE. Someone needs to show her the clips from Molly LOL
  17. I don’t think it was bad that Jordan was the third dancer, other than handicapping Jenna. The only reason Joe is there’s is because of the Bachelor. He and Jordan became friends. Jordan was very popular and brought the personality (albeit fake) so he’s a good energy addition to Joes journey. Not to mention he had a pretty epic breakup as well so capitalized on that extended 15 MOF. And well it helped that Jordan was actually worse than Joe in the dancing department. His foot work was worse and never got that shirt off. Jordan you had one job.
  18. There was a lady comedian? LOL My short term memory is shot. I agree this is just representative of the Dwts voting base. If I cared who actually stayed I would vote. Part of the fun for me is being left to watch whatever the voting block decides to do. It can be painful at times but that’s the nature of this show.
  19. So now we have Jesse and his Fodder....and Pole with the reverent Father....this all sounds so...Darth Vader ish. Im still trying to figure out why Rachel and Jon got married? They have no money. And even if they do scrape it up he has a serious criminal record. She just tied herself down to a pen pal. So they are supposed to be celibate? Is Skype sex enough? I mean epic ew. Its nice that what Jon has to offer is a change in his sleep cycle that is fueled by his lack of employment....is this what a true marriage is based on by their definition? That’s amazing. And if it’s so expensive to do the visa stuff where is Ang getting all of this money?
  20. I can answer that Joe wasn’t really shown on the Bachlorette because he was eliminated. People liked his face, job and aw shucks attitude for the 42 seconds he was on screen and there were grassroots twitter efforts to revive him. That was almost literal because they gave him a slot on BIP and he was so dull he needed reviving. in that sense I completely agree with you. He’s just an ordinary guy with no obvious angle or interests....what he is doing on reality TV is a mystery. I did throw a little side eye when he copped to not having a serious relationship for more than a few months. At his age that seems odd but at least he’s aware of it. I wonder if this is more Kendall driven? Kendall is definitely a famewhore trying to get spotted. The second Joe is done with his 15 minutes of fame she’s gonna dump him. I was unaware of Bobby’s whining since I don’t follow him on social media. I’ve enjoyed his zest for the show and the effort. If he’s whiny and begging then it’s a turn off. He definitely didn’t do a lot of cha cha tonight.
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