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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I wanted Jet to win so bad!!!!! He’s so cool and a bad ass but humble….his exit interview was so heartfelt. What an amazing human being which is more important than being the winner. His pheasant was over cooked though and it was a game of millimeters. Both of their foods looked spectacular. this season was so top notch.
  2. I LOVE the blind judging on TOC. And TOC this season is rivaling TC for drama and food yums. If you are a fan of cooking competitions but generally dismiss food network offerings I highly suggest this season! That being said the TC disclaimer at the end of each episode basically says this competition isn’t all about the food but the producers (Tom and Padma and whomever else) can/need to consider….watchability of the cast for lack of a better description because the audience can’t taste the food. Especially since these aren’t well known chefs. Gabri is giving good drama because he’s just an emotional heart driven chef…he gives us something to watch. Begonia was very stoic for most of the episodes. At the end of the day they are keeping emotional Gabri or fiery Tom or jovial Amar because they give the editors some storyline to edit each week. Unless they make the most egregious error of the week it’s better to be slightly memorable as well. This is American TV LOL
  3. In the first 3 minutes I thought the obvious boot was Victoire since she was making the phone call home and she’s gotten so much airtime. Turns out she is the most interesting person in a room full of interesting people. I would love for her to stop using nuts though…I mean you still have a bruise from an epi in your leg….victoire my love…please stop with the nuts! I am begging you.
  4. If you can get past the bravado of Adam sobel he picked up on game play extremely quickly. He got a ton of points for randomizer use and seemed to have an idea on parsing what the judges would want. I’m going to give him credit for cooking Asian food as well. In this format I would do the same thing. I’ve been joking with people that I’m making pad Thai for 3 rounds lol. venison? Venison pad Thai. duck legs? Duck legs pad thai He s good TV and he’s got the cred to back up the attitude and it feels authentic to who he is and how he got to the stature that he is. Loved the back story with jet and them showing how much the battle meant to both of them.
  5. Agreed. Although my go to option is to always make a parm frico and then crumble it up on top because it adds crunch and umami and salt. Kind of like that toasted rice powder they put in larb and whatnot. I’m just saying she could come up with something Thai couldn’t she?? Maybe it’s because I love Thai food and could eat it all day….and bowls of Vietnamese pho too.
  6. Is there any reason that May didn’t take a protein that she didn’t particularly love and decide to make….THAI food with it? Thai flavors are so fresh and addicting and it covers up a multitude of weird ingredients. I’m befuddled. If I don’t see another espuma in this competition it will be too soon. I get it sounds more exotic than “foam” which was exotic in 2004 which before we started foaming things foam was just something understiffened that you wiped off the plate. Or off your nose LOL
  7. She really looked exhausted and jet lagged the entire run. And it seemed like she used cherry tomatoes in every dish. Go ahead and say it….this isn’t Top Tomato!
  8. Victoire’s story was touching and her English is amazing all things considered. When her voice was starting to rasp in between sneezes and she started pawing at her swollen face I seriously was wondering why she wasn’t yanked immediately. That was some crazy stuff. Would love to know the actual time lapse of chopped walnut dust to medical whisking her away to jam her with the epi pen!! And then when she found out the team had won she wanted to run back in and the medic was like “um. Yeah NO”. Thought she was going to say NOOOOOOOOO and Sit ya ASS down in 8 different languages! And Potato Chef is so nurturing…she has a lovely spirit to her. Feisty, funny, competitive but still caring.
  9. Carolyn is teetering on the edge for me…on one hand she’s the only interesting character given much airtime so far….on the other hand her personality and facial expressions make me feel like I’m watching someone do one armed cartwheels on the edge of a cliff. (Enter your own bugged out Carolyn facial expression here along with a high pitched scream) I’m torn.
  10. Tom had me seriously stressed for Buddha in the second cook just passing off dessert decisions and his “crumble? What crumble?” Although I just wondered if that was going to be Tom’s ticket out after just deciding to not do the biscuit challenge and not caring. He and the French guy who got eliminated first don’t seem to quite get the American version of this show. It’s a game show of challenges….you don’t get a choice to purely cook the food you know how to cook LOL.
  11. That was a great episode. And with so many rounds it really did leave me wondering the winners. Love the tension! Glad I wasn’t the only person telling Michelle to pick up the damn sandos and eat them as constructed. Items can be fatty, salty, crunchy or sloppy in a bite and be totally balanced and a fun experience. Parse it with a fork and it’s just not the same IMO. Such inventive shortcuts in this episode….using shrimp moisture to seal the wonton skin, putting boiled fish with kewpie mayo and ginger juice to make a spread….shota uses ginger juice/brine like I use pickle juice/brine. Not sure why my little brain didn’t tell me to do with the ginger jar!!! Hello?? are cheftestants allowed to bring a few personal item or shortcuts? I’ve noticed a few spices and now shotas own teriyaki sauce. This really has turned into Top Chefs on TOC LOL.
  12. Shirley’s prowess has always been an admirable quality and I love her focus. This season she seems to be getting the stubborn cutthroaty edit. That first round I recall the GGG lady was throwing eye daggers at her at the end….ok I get it…different level of chef competing so Shirley can be confident and display the “yeah I’m gonna trounce you because you aren’t at my level” vibe…you know, in a good way. But last episode she seemed defensive and lacking humility. I felt something yuck about it. Seemed unlike her….such editing monkeys but editing can’t make you say things you didn’t say. She’s such an amazing chef. I guess we are witnessing the true hyper competitive spirit of some of these chefs. it oozes ego and posturing but maybe that’s what it takes to survive at the highest level in kitchens? The guy wasn’t much better. I will say regardless it’s fun to watch chefs come out and put their reputations on the line in a blind tasting. I would make Indian or Thai food for 2 rounds. Make the judges think I’m either Maneet or Jet lol. I think that’s how aarthi sampath got by last season.
  13. I’d like to see a survivor reboot going back to the first few seasons of basic challenges, gross eating contests and how well do you know your tribemate challenges LOL. I can’t keep track of all of these hidden immunity fake idols and without editing can’t keep track of the stashes. And now everything ends in some kind of block puzzle…sigh.
  14. Well now I have to watch LCK and see how Tom gets her back in. Feels like a 2 chance LCK where we get 2 redemptions but who knows. She pushed so hard to get the scotch egg, she should have fought for the deconstruction. I need to go back and rewatch the episode! The malt fries looked fire. I love malt vinegar but they make the fries so soggy so fast. Great idea. Ali looked beside himself in the bottom 4. Weird how they tested the batter and both agreed it was crunchy but the final product was cakey. Yuck.
  15. It’s a lesson to Stop. Collaborate and listen.
  16. Maybe I’ve seen too many magic and hypnosis shows lately but the 3 box choice seemed extremely suspect. The box closest to him seemed like it was bigger and was pushed towards him…like I knew he was going to pick that box and I picked that box yet I felt like I was being forced to pick the box, if that makes sense. I see you Peachy LOL worst plot twist ever, please remove
  17. When Ash is in his comfort memorized script he's fine. The second he has to actually explain anything he turns into his true self.....shallow, bumbling fraud. He's going to be unemployed anyway after this airs unless it doesn't air in his country. She's lucky to get away now.
  18. Jesus Rose expressed herself well for someone who English is not her first language!
  19. blazing in....why do I feel like I've not missed anything yet?! hey y'all...cover your mouths because i'm kissing each and every one of you. I'm the anti-Steph
  20. Sasha doing the prison workout....same as Jorge LOL. Is Sasha always this smug? I did 1300 pushups on Saturday slacker. Baby Sasha is adorbs. I like his striped jammies. Here's hoping isolation will help Sasha bond to his toddler.
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