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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. if lisa never uses the words "blowing up your phone" again it will be too soon....
  2. did they superimpose lisa's talking heads on some kind of weird screen?
  3. It looks like they had sex on that suitcase a few times. EW
  4. He didn't notice her figure either. He's lack of attention to detail is alarming.
  5. Feels like Cape Fear. She needs to not worry about the comb....
  6. Does Varya think "Goody" is the name of his ex? I'll see myself out
  7. Darcey needs to work on her negative internal dialogue. Times a thousand.
  8. That kinda shit bothers me too. What's wrong with people? We have not evolved.
  9. Last time I went to the spa I didn't wear a suit and stilettos
  10. I'm wearing an off the shoulder top. Is it the new cold shoulder top? LOL
  11. It's a good thing. At least we manufacture the TP here.....if it's out it's temporary. As to "why" people stockpile it? Illusion of control?
  12. The next forum name I have to create I'm going with "Williams"
  13. Especially since he's been doing this for 7 years. That's a commitment to delusion.
  14. what's the term for when you throw more money after bad money in hopes that it turns good on the investment?
  15. unicycles. of course his toupee is making him off balance on it
  16. YES. The closer you get to this fucker the easier it is to see all of the crazy flaws. His words already seem cheap and insincere and he's had 2 minutes of screen time.
  17. THIS. He was hotter when he was just a flashing picture or vid clip on the screen. Now that I've seen him interact with her he's skeevy AF
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