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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. sliding in late….what kind of manufactured drama is this with the bunny boiler???
  2. Let's all do an experiment and use the phrase "I've been so lenient with you" in that condescending dismissive tone, with our significant other and report back on the response....
  3. I don't think this is how guys talk. just sayin
  4. Syngin can do better. Find himself a chick who will bite into her own apples. Cray
  5. All I listen to is rap music. That wasn't it friends. FYI
  6. production didn't do a very good job of piecing together enough footage so that the editors could construct a story that we would feel heartwrenching. all i'm getting is a bunch of unbeeelievable slurping and moaning and the occasional tapping from the translator app. not shedding a tear here. so much annoyed
  7. this mursel slurping is too gross. i'm trying to eat here.
  8. it's hard to resist a head boop though. for my dog it's a nose bonk.
  9. I'm buying some sufganiyah tomorrow!!! Mmmmm jelly. Why isn't Jazmin living with her sister? Loren is very high maintenance.
  10. Mmmmmm stuffed donuts. I thought this was a jewish thing?
  11. When I was away I didn't find it a burden at all to text or call. And I worked from 9am to 3am with no formal breaks. I wanted to connect with my guy. Oh wait.....I'm sane.....sanity has no place here.....carry on.....LOL
  12. ME ME ME ME ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i'm so special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so WOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Tania "we are in a monogamous relationship...." Good to know. She's an ass
  14. Syngin deserves better. Tania is in Costa Rica and she has the nerve to demand he sound thrilled she's going out "with the girls" So sensitive and thoughtful
  15. That was the most boring strip club scene. What is happening this season???? It must be the contestants LOL Lotta dead faces this season.
  16. Uncle Buck is looking like better company by the hour....and the beer....
  17. Mike has a camera crew with him crazy ass chick....he's fine.
  18. It's hard to eat with fillers. Lot of open mouth chewing.
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