I'm sorry to say, it does.
Men still rule most of the Earth. Do you know how many men - otherwise very honest, nice, intelligent mean - complain that they're tired of women getting the benefit of the doubt and are DISBELIEVED AUTOMATICALLY because they, as males, are tired of being targetted?
And until we have true equality in the world - politics, business, sports, men will continue to hold women down and are using - on occasion- accusations true or not - as an excuse.
Back in the 80s a young woman accused a man of rape because she didnt want her mother to know she was having sex, and that man lost his job, his family, his very freedom until DNA proved him innocent more than 10 years later. Eventually when confronted she came clean. This was a nationally reported case. Just one case.
Do you know how many commentators, pundits etc then started victim blaming?
Ditto with the Virgina Tech Lacrosse case. The backlash after the girl came clean- again years later, was horrendous against real victims and prevented how many not to come forward for fear of being ridiculed shamed and having their backgrounds & life put on display.